单词 | 龈齶音 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 龈腭音—alveo-palatal sound (linguistics)See also:龈音—alveolar sound (linguistics)
应该选择使用哪一种美白方式,取决於您想要美白效果的速度、牙龈和牙齿的敏感度及您打算爲此支付的费用。 colgate.com.tw | Choosing which whitening system to use depends on how quickly you want results, how [...] sensitiveyour gums andteeth are, [...]and how much you want to pay. colgate.ca |
若牙齿产生锐利的边缘,以石蜡(蜡)覆盖,避免割伤牙龈或脸颊, 然後立即就医。 colgate.com.tw | If the tooth has created a sharp edge, cover with paraffin (wax) to prevent [...] lacerationsto the gumsor cheek. colgate.ca |
任何自行漂白方式都有可能引起暂时性牙齿过敏或牙龈发炎。 colgate.com.tw | With any at-home bleaching method you run the risk of temporary tooth [...] sensitivity or gumirritation. colgate.ca |
4个月左右开始,宝宝可开始学习手握牙刷的训练 ,两种刷头可帮助按摩宝宝幼嫩的牙龈,刺激牙齿生长。 combi.com.hk | Baby can start to learn how to grip tooth brush from 4 months old. combi.com.hk |
口臭的罪魁祸首通常是积聚在牙齿及牙龈上的牙菌膜、牙石及其他有害的细菌。 hksh.com | The accumulation of plaque, tartar and other harmful bacteria [...] on teeth and gums areusually the [...]culprits. hksh.com |
由於树脂材质具有柔韧的特性,与牙龈间有良好的服贴性,因此能有效地提高患者使用时的舒适感。 ord.feg.com.tw | After the gingival protector is cured, its resin becomes soft and flexible; therefore, it will not make patients feel uncomfortable. ord.feg.com.tw |
在维也纳,和平利用外层空间委员 [...] 会正在制订提供会议记录的替代办法,将包括电子音频文档,并在可能的情况下 配之以上传的参考资料,例如书面发言和(或)会议英文记录誊本。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Vienna, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was developing an alternative delivery [...] method for its meeting records, which would [...] consist of digital soundfilessupplemented, [...]where available, with uploaded reference [...]materials such as written statements and/or an English transcript of the meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
固齿训练器上的凸部分可刺激嘴唇和牙龈,中孔把手可让幼儿稳固把持。 combi.com.hk | Projected parts [...] stimulate the lips andthegum. combi.com.hk |
不可以直接将阿斯匹灵放在牙龈上,否则会造成灼烧。 colgate.com.tw | Do not place directly on gum tissueas this [...] may result in a burn. colgate.ca |
口疮或口腔溃疡 - 口疮 是口腔内的脸颊、牙龈或舌头上的白色小型伤口。 colgate.com.tw | Canker or mouth sore - canker sores are small white wounds inside the [...] mouth on thecheek, gumsor tongue. colgate.ca |
儿童接触大 量金属水银会出现中毒症状﹕牙龈红肿、唾液增多、体重下降、腹泻及/或胃痛,四肢痉挛。 hcphes.org | Kids exposed to high levels of [...] metallic mercury can exhibit symptoms of [...] poisoning: swollen red gums, increased saliva, [...]weight loss, diarrhea and/or stomach pain, [...]cramping in both legs and arms. hcphes.org |
应 用 於 胃 肠 自 家 中 毒 之 荨 麻 疹 , 及热 病 便 秘 而 谵 语 者 , 或 咽 喉 肿 痛 , 口 舌 生 疮 [...] , 其 人 因 便 秘 而 冲 逆 ,齿龈肿痛, 口 臭, 目 赤 , 头 痛 等 症 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | It can be applied to urticaria induced by cyclic vomiting syndrome, delirium and constipation presenting in febrile diseases, swelling of the throat, sore throat, mouth or tongue sores, and symptoms related to surging [...] counterflow of Qi due to constipation such as [...] painfuland swollen gums, foul breath, conjunctival [...]congestion and headache. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
其他原因包括胃部问题、窦感染或严重的牙龈疾病。 colgate.com.tw | Other causes include gastric problems, sinus [...] infections orsevere gumdisease,”says [...]Mark Wolff, DDS, Ph. colgate.com |
软件的其中一个标准功能: 除 了扫瞄模型外, 还可以扫瞄咬 合纪录, 牙龈和腊型 amanngirrbach.com | Another standard quality is the functional range of the background software: Apart from scanning the model, it is also capable of scanning the bite registrations, gingiva and wax-ups. amanngirrbach.com |
不良的饮食会导致牙龈疾病与龋齿,高碳水化合物、糖分与淀粉的食物,会大幅增加侵袭牙齿珐琅质的牙菌斑酸性物质产量,最後这些酸性物质就会造成珐琅质崩解,形成蛀牙。 colgate.com.tw | A poor diet canlead to gum disease and tooth [...] decay. Foods high in carbohydrates, sugars and starches greatly contribute [...]to the production of plaque acids that attack tooth enamel. colgate.com |
当牙龈发炎, 会导致牙龈炎,牙龈组织中称为细胞因子 (cytokine) 的发炎介质,可渗入唾液并被吸入肺部。 colgate.com.tw | When the gum tissuebecomes inflamed causing gingivitis to occur, inflammatory mediators called cytokines that are in the gum tissue can [...] enter your saliva and [...]can also become aspirated into the lungs. colgate.com |
亚东创新研发团队所开发的牙龈保护树脂(图一)藉由专业的配方设计,不仅具有良好的生物相容性,且当此牙龈保护树脂涂布适当厚度於牙龈表面後,以光固化灯照射约15-20秒,即可快速地在牙龈表面形成一体成型之树脂保护层,待牙齿处理程序完成後,可轻易的将整块固化後的树脂取下,不留下任何残留物。 ord.feg.com.tw | The gingival protector will be cured in 15 to 20 seconds by dental curing light and form a soft thin layer on gingival area; as a result, it is a nice product for preventing gingival to be touched by chemicals. ord.feg.com.tw |
主 治 阳 明 气 分 热 盛 、 壮 热 面 赤 、 烦 渴 欲 饮 、 汗 出 恶 热 、 脉 洪 大 有 力 而 浮 滑 、 胃 火 旺 头 痛 [...] 、 齿 痛 、 鼻 衄 、牙龈出血、 日 射 病 及 原 [...]因 不 明 的 高 热 等 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Excessive heat in the Qi stage of Yang-ming meridian, marked by high fever with flushed face, irritable thirst with desire for drinking, profuse sweating, aversion to heat, strong large but floating and slippery pulse; [...] exuberant stomach fire resulting in headache, toothache, [...] epistaxis and gum bleeding, sunstroke [...]and fever with unknown causes. balancemedicalsupplies.com |