单词 | 滋味 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 滋味noun—tastenless common: flavorAEn feelingn 滋味noun, plural—flavoursplSee also:滋n—tasten juicen 滋—nourish grow suscite 味n—tasten flavorAEn 味—smell
产品的色泽、滋味、气味、组织状态及冲调性应符合相应产品的质量要求,不应有正常视力可 见的外来异物。 bjchinesetranslation.com | The color, taste, smell, structural state and [...] solubility of the product should accord with the quality requirement of corresponding product. bjchinesetranslation.com |
中低 收入国家都有共同的经历,领教过非传染性疾病浪潮 不断上升的滋味,过 去三十年来尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a common experience across low- and middle-income countries of a rising tide of NCDs, particularly over the past three decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
印度面饼本身松脆可口,再加入您所喜爱的肉类馅料和浓郁咖喱汁,食出异国风情真 滋味。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The crispy Indian naan bread, filled with your favourite meat and curry, [...] delivers the exoticflavours of Indian cuisine. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
若想体验扛背包的滋味,那就用背包吧。 4tern.com | There are no rules stated, backpacker must use a backpack to travel. 4tern.com |
充满年轻味道的清新花果调香水,可爱的造型,唤起快乐的感受,表达出恋爱的幸福甜蜜!爱恋中的酸甜 滋味,充分洋溢在这香水中。 aster.com.hk | It is very wonderful fresh and green scent, providing bright experiences that [...] transition it through many sweet flavors. aster.com.hk |
总 而 言 之 ﹐ 亚 历 山 大 二 世 改 革 的 主 要 结 果 ﹐ 是 让 俄 国 [...] 人 民 浅 尝 自 由 和 责 任的滋 味﹐并让 他 们 较 前 更 加 明 [...]白 改 革 有 其 局 限 性 和 缺 乏 真 正 的 自 由 。 hkahe.com | To sum up, the main result of Alexander II’s reform was to [...] give Russian aslight taste of freedom and responsibility [...]and to make them even more aware [...]than before of the very limited nature of the reforms and the contained lack of real freedom. hkahe.com |
2012年的同店销售增长率为5.8%,2011年则为6.4%。 z 已着力发展自家品牌,而「滋味」品牌旗下的乳制品及果仁产品已於香港发售。 dch.com.hk | Same-store sales growth in 2012 was 5.8% compared to 6.4% in 2011. z Private label products are being developed with the newly launched house brand Cheer dairy and nut products sold in Hong Kong. dch.com.hk |
另外,参与「支援组」的参加者不但有机会获邀担任节目嘉宾,参与访问活动,亲身向大众发表社会议题之我见;表现出色的参加者更可获优先考虑成为真正的VOY主持,一尝「开咪」做节目的 滋味,在大气电波声援社会各阶层的儿童和青少年。 voy.unicef.org.hk | What is more, ‘Support Team’ members can become one [...] of the guest speakers and even hosts in [...] VOY to geta real tasteofbeing a radio [...]producer, advocating child rights on air. voy.unicef.org.hk |
今天,芬兰有几个新的时尚场所,除了提供水疗和洗浴服务,也同时可以让人一试冰水游泳的 滋味,那纯粹是一种享受的经验。 visitfinland.com | Today, Finland has several new, stylish places where ice swimming is offered alongside other spa and bathing options, purely for the enjoyment of the experience. visitfinland.com |
它亦没有试图在强 使欧洲各国实行 1789 [...] 年以前的「君权神授」式的专制制度﹐因为这样做会粉碎 那些初尝自由民主滋味的人民的愿望。 hkahe.com | Nor did it try to impose in the European countries the pre-1789 [...] divine absolutism, which would mean frustration of the wishes of those who [...] had already hada taste of liberty and [...]democracy. hkahe.com |
加入柠檬汁、香醋或你喜爱的香草,使煮熟的蔬菜更添 滋味。 cancer-asian.com | Boost the flavour of cooked vegetables by [...] adding lemon juice, flavouredvinegars oryour [...]favourite herb. cancer-asian.com |
在徜徉于艺术文化天地之余,晚间人们还 可在浪漫的莱茵河畔老城区或数不胜数的 个性啤酒馆里点上科隆啤酒,仔细品尝个中滋味。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | After so much art and culture, those who just want to relax in the evening, can drink a Kölsch beer in the romantic, historic district directly on theRhine,or in one of the traditional beer houses. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
我们亦已着力发展自家品牌, 随着「滋味」品牌乳制品及果仁产品於香港市场面世,更多自家品牌产品将会陸续推 出。 dch.com.hk | We have also established a private label initiative and more private label products will follow the introduction of “Cheer” brand dairy and nut product lines for the Hong Kong market. dch.com.hk |
全赖Lattissima +咖啡机的一触式系统,只需一按,幼滑奶泡即时与顶级品咖啡完美结合,让您随时享受到奶泡咖啡的 滋味。 nespresso.com | Thanks to the Lattissima + machine One Touch System, the velvety milk froth blends perfectly with the Grand Cru Espresso with the simple touch of a button to create new sensorial experiences. nespresso.com |
澳门美高梅星级食府金殿堂以粤菜、川菜等经典中菜烹调手法蒸煮扣烧、慢火细炖,精心炮制多道羊肉美馔菜式:羊肉经过悉心调味及中火焖烧而成的「锅烧羊肉」呈现羊肉浓厚香气及独特 滋味;「麻辣京葱爆羊柳条」将肉质柔软的羊柳条配上香气强烈的京葱一同以明火爆炒,葱香羊肉与麻辣口味强力刺激味蕾;「香草黑椒烧羊扒」,精选烧羊扒以香草及黑椒调味,口感嫩滑、肥而不腻,配上独家调制的酱汁,一试难忘;将孜然及羊肉以面皮裹起,撒上黑白芝麻制成香酥小巧的「新强孜然羊肉烧饼」,满载浓烈西北风味;皮薄馅香的「临清烧卖」造型独特精致,绿豆面皮的淡淡清香与羊肉馅的柔韧鲜香相得益彰。 yp.mo | Alternatively, savor the wok-fried lamb shin cooked with chili, spices and Chinese spring onions —the dish packs an explosion of flavors for your taste buds and is indescribably delicious. yp.mo |
加强信息和证 据基础,提升医疗保健系统,预防为主,采取全政府 办法和多部门对策,针对主要危险因素制定具体战 略,并且承认我们必须让所有人一生,从出生、成长、 工作到年老,都享有机会、保障和生活质量,将为我 们解除疾病负担,延年益寿,活得更有 滋味。 daccess-ods.un.org | A stronger information and evidence base, enhanced health-care systems, a focus on prevention, a whole-ofGovernment approach and a multisectoral response, targeted strategies on key risk factors, and, not least, a recognition that we must give all of our peoples, from birth, as they grow and work through their lives and as they age, the opportunities, the security and the quality of life which will lift the burden of disease and give all of us more yearsto our lives and more life to our years. daccess-ods.un.org |
求主使用他们强而有力的见证,得以带领许多中国人"尝主恩的 滋味,便知道祂是美善"(诗篇 34:8)。 amccsm.org | Pray that their powerful witness for the Lord might lead [...] many Chinese to"tasteand see that the [...]Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8). amccsm.org |
他首先谈到领导人选择有意义的改革之路,说人 民不想要浅尝民主滋味的面子上的变革。 daccess-ods.un.org | He first speaks of leaders choosing the [...] path of meaningful reform and says that people do not want cosmetic changes that [...] give onlythe merest tasteofdemocracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
存世有两件兼有白色浮雕和暗色浮雕的巧雕杰作,其一是本壶,其二是J & J 珍藏的二马烟壶 (Moss, Graham, and Tsang 1993, 编号134);两件在风格上和滋味上非常相似,可能是同一个雕匠、同一个璞石雕成的。 e-yaji.com | The other is the J & J example with two horses (see Moss, Graham, and Tsang 1993, no. 134). e-yaji.com |
驯鹿雪橇也是一个心灵之旅,乘着木制雪橇滑过雪地森林,当中的神奇体验有点梦幻的 滋味。 visitfinland.com | A reindeer ride is rather something of a spiritual [...] journey; gliding through a snowy [...] forest in a wooden sleigh IS [...]that magical experience travel agents keep trying to sell you. visitfinland.com |
人民不想要装饰性的改变, 仅仅给人少得可怜的民主滋味。 daccess-ods.un.org | People do not want cosmetic changes that [...] give only the merest taste of democracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
图一:康宏金融集团赞助IN义工团举办「爱心梦飞行」,陪同100名残疾儿童及家长,飞往台湾一天游,体验飞行 滋味。 convoyfinancial.com | Photo 1: Convoy Financial Group sponsored "Fly for Love" organized by IN Volunteer Group, which offered flying experience to 100 disabled children and parents by accompanying them to fly to Taiwan for a one-day trip. convoyfinancial.com |
节目的胜出者将会接受由CJ E&M 及CUBE Entertainment成为K-POP歌手准备的密集式训练,另外会获得丰富的奖品,更有机会登上韩国数一数二最具认受性的音乐颁奖典礼—2013 MAMA的舞台上,一嚐星光闪闪的演出滋味。 tvnstarhunt2.com | The winner for this talent search will then receive an exclusive trainee contract from Korea’s biggest media group CJ E&M and CUBE Entertainment together with an official album release and a debut stage performance at Korea’s leading international music award show, the 2013 MAMA alongside K-pop artistes such as G.Na and 4Minute. tvnstarhunt2.com |
在生死关键的127小时内,Aron脑内不停闪回从前与朋友、恋人和家人相处的温馨时光,百般 滋味终於找到生命的勇气泉源,明了人生的真正价值。 think-silly.com | One of his hands gets caught between two gigantic rock and forbids him to move. Within the 127 hours, Aron reminisces his time spent with friends, lover and his family, and eventually find the strength to live. think-silly.com |
台下群众可一尝变成榄球好手的滋味:只 要於指定地点消费3杯的生力桶啤或Stella Artois® 桶啤酒即可尽显榄球身手,於会场游戏摊位中测试自己的带球及投球技巧,与各地球迷一较高下。 ilovelkf.hk | Crowds on ground can turn into good rugby players: just finish 3 pints of San Miguel® or Stella Artois® beer and go to the 3 game stalls, you will become one of the rugby players to compete with the worldwide enthusiasts your techniques in handling and scoring. ilovelkf.hk |
当他到河内的越南国家眼科医院(Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology)主持一个奥比斯举办的眼部整形手术培训时,为诗季割去盖着右眼的皮肤,再为她造了新眼睑,让当时14岁的她终於初尝光明 滋味。 orbiscanada.ca | Dr. Mark Cepela, an ophthalmologist from the Cincinnati Eye Institute at the University of Cincinnati, uncovered Gai’s right eye and created an eyelid for it during an ORBIS oculoplastic training session at the Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology in Hanoi. orbiscanada.ca |
澳门《知悭惜电》比赛2011得奖名单 住宅楼宇组 冠军 [...] 远洋嘉园 亚军 宏开大厦第二座 季军 梓明阁 [...] 优异奖 新昌大厦 大厦公众用电组 冠军 雅新大厦 亚军 百利新邨第三座 季军 江荣花园 优异奖 嘉应花园第五座 餐厅/酒楼A组 冠军 新鸿运来美食 亚军 荣江小馆 季军滋味满屋餐厅 优异奖 内港葡国餐厅 餐厅/酒楼B组 冠军 骑师日式料理 亚军 万豪轩酒楼 季军滋味满屋美食坊 优异奖 新胜记鱼翅海鲜火锅 酒店A组 冠军 新中央大酒店 亚军 英京大酒店 季军 维多利亚酒店 优异奖 东亚酒店 酒店B组 冠军 濠璟酒店 亚军 新丽华酒店 [...]季军 澳门置地广场酒店 优异奖 皇都酒店 [...]酒店C组 冠军 金都酒店 亚军 澳门新濠锋 季军 澳门十六浦索菲特大酒店 优异奖 澳门渔人码头 节能慨念大奖 澳门新濠锋 cem-macau.com | May Fair Garden (Ka Ieng) Bl.5 Restaurants Group A Champion New Good Luck Restaurant 1st runner-up [...] Wing Kong Restaurant [...] 2nd runner-up FullTaste House Restaurant Excellence Award Porto Interior Restaurant Restaurants Group B Champion Jockey Japanese Cuisine 1st runner-up Grand Plaza Restaurant 2nd runner-upFull Taste House Deli Excellence [...]Award New Wins Shark’s [...]Fin Seafood Hot Pot Hotel Group A Champion Central Hotel 1st runner-up Ole London Hotel 2nd runner-up Victoria Hotel Excellence Award East Asia Hotel cem-macau.com |