

单词 滋生地

See also:



taste n
juice n

生地 n

birthplace n

External sources (not reviewed)

任何灾难都会对环境、我们的食物链和作为多种 鱼滋生地的环礁造成毁灭性影响。
Any disaster could have a devastating effect on the environment, our food chain and the surrounding reefs that serve as breeding grounds for many fish species.
索马里冲突还给该地 区带来难民、海盗活动、小武器扩散等不利后果,造 成一个恐怖活动滋生地。
The conflict in Somalia has also had negative consequences for the region in terms of refugees, piracy and proliferation of small arms, as well as fostering a breeding ground for terror activities.
食環 署 除 了 進 行 常 規的滅蚊工 作 , 即 清 除所有已確 定的蚊滋 生 地 點 外 , 亦 會 針 對 蚊 子 潛 在滋 生 地 點 採 取行 動 。
Apart from the routine anti-mosquito efforts, that is, eliminating all identified mosquito breeding spots, the FEHD will also take actions to clear potential mosquito breeding spots.
为此,美国反 恐战略着重增强薄弱和脆弱国家的体制能力和其他能力,以防它们成为恐怖主 义、招募行动和不稳定滋生地,并 使政府能够为本国公民提供安全、教育和就 业。
The United States Strategy thus places a premium on building the institutional and other capacities of weak and vulnerable States so that they do not serve as breeding grounds for terrorism, recruitment and instability and so that Governments can provide security, education and jobs for their citizens.
为了防止阿富汗再次成为恐怖主义 滋生地, 我 们将继续坚定地正视恐怖主义问题”。
In order to prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a breeding ground for terrorism, we will continue to confront the problem with strong resolve.
(ii) 除了戶主或業主、或建築地盤的承建商外,食環署也可就蚊子滋生 向管理團體或公司追究法律責任,或要求管理團體或公司清除積水 或可能成為蚊滋生地方的 物件,妥善維修或管理處所,以及採取 其他行動防止蚊子滋生。
(b) Apart from the occupier or owner, or the appointed contractor in a building site, the FEHD may hold the management body or company legally liable for mosquito breeding. The management body or company may also be required to remove any accumulation of water or any article that may be a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, properly maintain or manage the premises and to take other steps to prevent mosquito breeding.
(b) 2012 年消除蚊滋生地的數字反映全港蚊 滋生地 的 數 目普遍減少。
(b) The number of mosquito breeding places eliminated in 2012 reflects the general decline in the number of mosquito breeding places in the territory.
(a) 當 食環署有合 理因由相信任 何 處所( 包括建築地盤 和建造中的建築物) 內有積水或有任何 其他潛 在蚊滋 生地以 致對健康即將構成 危害, 則不論事 前 已 否 向有關處所的佔用人或擁有 人或管理 該 處所的團 體 負 責 人士或有關建築地盤或 建 造中的建築物的獲 委任承 建商發出通知,食環署都可採取行動( 包括 即 時行動) , 將積水或潛滋 生地清 除,並採取其 他防止 蚊 幼蟲或蚊 蛹滋生的措施,而食環署可 向 佔 用人或擁有 人或管理 該 處所的團 體 負 責 人又或該建 築地盤或 建 造中的建築物的獲 委任承 建商追討採取 上述措施所 招 致的開支
(a) where FEHD has reasonable cause to believe that any accumulation of water or any other potential mosquito breeding ground found in any premises including building sites or buildings under construction poses an imminent health hazard, FEHD may take action (including immediate actions) to remove such accumulation of water or potential breeding ground and to take other measures to prevent the breeding of mosquito larvae or pupae, with or without a notice issued to the occupier or owner of the premises or body of persons responsible for the management of the premises, or the appointed contractor of a building site or building under construction.
公眾衞生及市政條例》( 條例) 第 27 條 賦權食環署處理 潛 在蚊滋 生地,以 及採取執 法行動針對蚊子滋 生。
Section 27 of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (the Ordinance) empowers FEHD to deal with potential mosquito breeding places and to take enforcement action against mosquito breeding.
小组委员会建议更加重视预防保健措施,例如,除了采取更加严格 的卫生措施外,还应减少蚊滋生地 点 、 对垃圾进行日常处理和大规模治疗疥疮 感染。
The SPT recommends that more emphasis be placed on preventive healthcare measures, such as reducing mosquito breeding locations, routine disposal of refuse, and mass treatment of scabies infestations, in addition to stricter measures of hygiene.
FEHD will continue to assist the Housing Department(HD) in taking enforcement action against households found with mosquito breeding grounds.
在修訂條例下,如果在香港 出現蚊致健康危害時,該署可直接向法庭申請手令進入處所,立 刻採取行動清除潛在蚊滋生地,以 防蚊患。
Under the Amendment Ordinance, if there is a mosquito-related health hazard in Hong Kong, the FEHD may apply for a court warrant to enter premises and take immediate action to eliminate the potential mosquito breeding grounds as a preventive measure.
(a) 在採取 寮屋管制的巡查行 動 時,清除 蚊蟲的可滋 生 地, 如 儲存積水 的 器皿等
(a) eradicating potential mosquito breeding spots, such as containers with stagnant water, during squatter control patrols
蚊子和其他传播疾病昆虫的滋生地 可 能 形成。
New breeding places for mosquitoes and [...]
other disease-transmitting insects may develop.
2011 年,有 166 万公升燃料和柴油被分发到各市镇以及固体垃圾管理委员会和沿 海市镇水务公司,以确保供水和环卫服务的连续性并对蚊 滋生地 进 行 防蚊处 理。
In 2011, 1.66 million litres of fuel and solar oil were distributed to municipalities and Solid Waste Management Councils and the Coastal Municipal Water Utility to ensure the continuity of water and sanitation services and treat mosquito breeding sites.
在我们这个相互关联的时代,始于脆弱国家的冲 突能够使整个区域卷入暴力,而且这种冲突能够将已 经脆弱的国家变为包括恐怖主义和贩运武器或毒品 活动在内的跨国威胁滋生地。
In our interconnected age, conflicts that start in fragile States can drag entire regions into violence, and such conflicts can turn already fragile States into incubators of transnational threats, including terrorism and trafficking in arms or drugs.
該修訂條例亦規定 大廈物業管理的團體必須對大廈公 地 方 滋生 蚊 子 的問題承擔 法律責任,並責成他們防止蚊子滋生及清理潛在蚊 滋生地。
The Amendment Ordinance also
[...] stipulates that the management body of a property is legally liable for mosquito breeding in the common areas of the building, and shall [...]
be held
responsible for the prevention of mosquito breeding and the clearance of mosquito breeding grounds.
這份指南圖文並茂,說明白紋伊蚊的潛 滋生地 點 及消 除這滋生地點的方法。
A “Guidebook on Control and Prevention of Mosquito Breeding” with illustrations on potential breeding places of Aedes albopictus and the methods to eliminate them is available on 12.
阿 富汗绝不能再次成为恐怖分子的避难所和恐怖主义滋生地。
The country must never again become a haven for terrorists and a breeding ground for terrorism.
在 2007 年的滅蚊運動中,政府當局共發現並清除約 127
[...] 713個包括白紋伊蚊及日本腦炎病媒的蚊子滋生或潛 滋生 地點。
Under the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2007, some 127 713 breeding places or potential breeding places of
mosquitoes including those of Aedes albopictus and the vector of JE were identified
[...] and eliminated by the Administration.
在各燒烤場、露 營 地 點 和行山 徑 進行清 理 排水道 的工作 , 以 盡量減 少 蚊滋生地; ─ 把各場地 內 凹陷的地方 填 平,避 免積水
minimizing mosquito breeding grounds in barbecue/camp sites and along hiking trails through clearing of drains
有需要時採取特別行動,清理市場的排水渠,以期 清除蚊滋生地。
when necessary with a view to eliminating the mosquito breeding grounds.
獲聘任 管 理有關處所的團 體 負 責 人或會 被着 令清除 積水或任 何 蚊滋 生地或可能成為潛 在蚊滋 生地的結構物、物件或 物 料 , 維 修 或管理 好 任 何 蚊子可以滋生的結構物,以 及採取行動防止 蚊子滋 生。
The body of persons may be required to remove any accumulation of water or any structure, article or material that is a breeding ground for mosquitoes or may be a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, properly maintain or manage any structure that could be mosquito breeding grounds and to take other steps to prevent mosquito breeding.
就蚊患的工作上,2011 年消除蚊滋生地的次數只有 47 039 次 (實際),較 2010 年 的 55 225 次 (實際)大幅減少,而 2012 年亦只有 47 000 次 (預算)。
With regard to the mosquito control work, the number of mosquito breeding places eliminated dropped substantially from 55 225 in 2010 (Actual) to only 47 039 in 2011 (Actual), and the number for 2012 (Estimate) will be 47 000.
法例上並沒有清楚訂明,食環署是否獲授全權移除 一些可能成為蚊滋生地的媒 介,例如荒廢或殘破村屋內的容器、瓶罐或物 件,以及棄置的輪胎等。
The existing Ordinance does not specify clearly whether the FEHD is fully empowered to remove media identified as potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, such as containers, pots or articles in abandoned/dilapidated huts and used tyres.
這本小冊子圖文並茂,闡 述白紋伊蚊的潛滋生地點及消除這 滋生地 點 的 方法。
A “Guidebook on Control and Prevention of Mosquito Breeding” with illustrations on potential breeding places of Aedes albopictus and the methods to eliminate them has been uploaded to the FEHD’s website for public access.
(j) 认识到贫穷和歧视会加剧暴力侵害妇女行为 滋生 条 件 ,在国家 地方 和社区各级采取行动,防止和消除一切形式的暴力侵害土著妇女行为
(j) Recognize that poverty and discrimination increase the conditions that generate
violence against women, and
[...] take actions at the national, local and community levels to prevent [...]
and eliminate all forms of
violence against indigenous women




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