

单词 连任

连任 ()

serve for another term of office
continue in (a political) office



Special Duties Unit, Hong Kong special police


bear joint responsibility for sth
joint liability (law)

External sources (not reviewed)

依照第 43/222 B
[...] 号决议第 3 段的 规定,即将卸任的委员会成员连任。
As stipulated in paragraph 3 of resolution 43/222 B, retiring members of the Committee are
[...] eligible for reappointment.
连任两期的限制这 一提法就是委员会内最长任期的保障。
Mentioning a
[...] limit of two consecutive terms of office [...]
was a guarantee of a maximum term of office on the Committee.
附属机构的所有其他领导 人员由有关机构选举产生,并连选 连任。
All other officers of subsidiary bodies shall be elected by the body concerned and shall be eligible for re-election.
依照 经社理事会职司委员会议事规则第 16 条,麻委会主席团成员的任期持续到选出 继任者为止,并有资连选连任。
Pursuant to rule 16 of the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the
Council, the officers of the Commission hold office
[...] until their successors are elected and are eligible for re-election.
五、被任命接替任期未满法官的上诉法庭法官应任职至其前任法官任期届 满为止,如果未满任期不足三年, 连任 一 次 ,任期七年,此后不得 连任。
5. A judge of the Appeals Tribunal appointed to replace a judge whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of his or her predecessor ’s term and
may be reappointed for one non-renewable term of
[...] seven years, provided that the unexpired term is less than three years.
(c) 其主任由执行董事会任命,任期五年,不 连任 , 在 其他银行办公室也不可 任职。
(c) Its director is appointed by the Executive Board for a five-year term which is not renewable, also not in other Bank offices.
按地理区域选举产生的执行委员的任期从他们当选的那一届本委员会会 议结束时起,到接着的第二次例会结束时为止, 连 选 连任 , 但 是在连续两届任期 后,在接着的下一个任期不得再担任此职。
Members elected on a geographic basis shall hold office from the end of the session of the Commission at which they were elected until the end of the second succeeding regular session and shall be eligible for re-election, but after having served two consecutive terms shall be ineligible to hold such office for the next succeeding term.
该委员会的期限为六个月,连任 一次
The commission
[...] has a six-month mandate which can be renewed once.
(iv) 应该指出的是,正如本文件附件中的框架协定草案第 VIII 条所规定的那样,理事 会主席经商教科文组织总干事之后将任命该中心主任,任期四年, 连 选 连任一 届
(iv) The Director of the Centre will be appointed, as stipulated in Article VIII of the draft Agreement annexed hereto, by the Chairperson of the Board of Governors in consultation with the Director-General of UNESCO, for a term of four years, and may be reappointed once.
The Secretary-General is appointed to a five-year [...]
term, and may serve up to two terms.
(b) 联合国工作人员养恤金委员会当选成员及候补成员任期四年,或至 其继任人选出时届满,连选连任; 遇 有当选成员或候补成员在其任期内终 止担任委员会成员的情形时,得另选成员或候补成员,其任期以补足原任成 员未满的任期为止。
(b) The elected members and alternate members of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee shall hold office for four years or until the election of their successors, and they shall be eligible for re-election; in the event that such an elected member or alternate member ceases to be a member of the Committee, another member or alternate member may be elected to hold office during the remainder of the term.
非塞舌 尔籍的法官最高任期为七年,仅可由于特殊原因,在宪法任命委员会明确推荐连任一次
Non-Seychellois Judges are appointed for a maximum term of seven
[...] years and can be reappointed for one extra term [...]
only if, for exceptional reasons, expressively recommended by the CAA.
5.3 他担心订于2011年11月28 日举行的刚果民主共和国总统选举会使约瑟 夫·卡比拉再连任,他有卢旺达血统,因而有可能再次点燃种族紧张局势,给 他们带来酷刑风险,并使包括申诉人及其子女在内的人们的生命受到攻击。
5.3 He fears that the presidential election scheduled for 28 November 2011 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which could result in the re-election of Joseph Kabila, who is of Rwandan origin, might once again stir up ethnic tensions, bringing with them the risk of torture and attacks on people’s lives, including his and his children’s.
吴登盛私下表示没有兴连任,部 分原 因是由于健康问题,但并不能保证他不会改变主 意。
Thein Sein has signalled
[...] privately that he is not interested in a second term, [...]
in part due to poor health, but there is
no guarantee he would not change his mind.
在2003年全国抵抗运动(NRM)的一次会议中,他要求“开放政治空间”以允许竞争各党的参与,减少议会、司法机构和监督机构的权力,并取消对总统只 连任 两 届 的任期限制。
At a 2003 NRM meeting, he called for “opening political space” to permit competing parties, reducing the powers of parliament, the judiciary and watchdog agencies – and dropping the two-term presidential limit.
争议法庭从专职法官当中选举一名庭长,任期一年,可 连任 , 以 根据《争 议法庭规约》指导法庭和书记官处的工作。
The Dispute Tribunal shall elect a President from among the full-time judges, for a renewable term of one year, to direct the work of the Tribunal and of the Registries, in accordance with the statute of the Dispute Tribunal.
观察站成员的任期为五年,连任一 次
Members of the
[...] Observatory shall be appointed for a term of [...]
five years, renewable once.
根据《法庭规约》第五条第 1 款,法庭法官任期九年,连选连任 ; 但 须第 一次选举选出的法官中,七人任期为三年,另七人为六年。
In accordance with article 5, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Tribunal, the members of the Tribunal shall be elected for nine years and may be re-elected, provided, however, that of the members elected at the first election, the terms of seven members shall expire at the end of three years and the terms of seven more members shall expire at the end of six years.
27 条还规定,每个附属机构应选举自己的副主席 和报告员,主席团成员的选举应适当注意公平地域代表权原则,任期一年,不连任两次以上。
Rule 27 also provides that each subsidiary body shall elect its own Vice-Chair and Rapporteur and that the officers shall be elected with due regard to
the principle of equitable geographical representation and shall
[...] not serve more than two consecutive terms of one year.
1995 年他当选为国际审计准则财务委员会委员,并于 2001 年再次当 选连任五年
He was elected in 1995 to the I.S.A. Finance Committee and re-elected in 2001 for another five years.
科技委职权范围第6 段规定,其中一 位副主席担任报告员,主席和副主席的选举应适当考虑到确保公平的地域分配和
[...] 受影响国家缔约方特别是非洲国家缔约方的充分代表权,同时不忽视其他区域的 受影响国家缔约方,主席和副主席不 连任 超 过 两届。
Paragraph 6 of the terms of reference of the CST provides that one of the Vice-Chairpersons shall act as Rapporteur, that the Chairperson and the ViceChairpersons shall be elected with due regard to the need to ensure equitable geographical distribution and adequate representation of affected country Parties, particularly those in Africa, while not
neglecting affected country Parties in other regions, and that they shall not serve
[...] for more than two consecutive terms.
该委员会的成员来自不同的社会和专业领域,积极投身于人权领域(第 2008-0103/PR/MJAP 号法令第 9 条),由总统令任命,任期 3 年,连任(第 10 条)。
The Commission consists of members from a wide range of social and professional backgrounds and with a strong involvement in human rights issues (Decree No. 20080103/PR/MJAP, art. 9).
关于高级监测和评价干事的任期,有成员提议审查 目前的任期两年、可无限连任的情 形,顾问强调,这种情形与其他国际组织的情形不同。
Concerning the term of the SMEO’s mandate, it was proposed to review the current situation, namely a two-year term renewable indefinitely, which had been highlighted by the consultant as being different from that in other international organizations.
第21届、第22届和第23届议会开塞利议员,第22届和第23届土耳其大国民议会副议长,第24届议会 连任。
He served as Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for the 22nd and 23rd legislative terms.
已经执行:根据执行局第 2010/17 号决定,维护 了道德操守办公室主任的独立性,规定任期最长 五年,特殊情况连任一次 ,但开发署今后不重 新聘用。
Per Executive Board decision 2010/17, the independence of the head of the Ethics Office is preserved by the application of term limits of up to full five years, exceptionally renewable once with prohibition on future employment with UNDP.
在没有其他提名的情况下,现任主席团成员当 连任。
In the absence of other nominations, the current Bureau was re-elected.
Badji 先生(塞内加尔连任主席一职,Tanin 先生(阿 富汗)和 Núñez Mosquera 先生(古巴)分连任和 竞选两个副主席职位,Borg 先生(马耳他连任报 告员一职。
(Nicaragua) nominated Mr. Badji
[...] (Senegal) for re-election to the office of Chairman, Mr. Tanin (Afghanistan) for re-election and Mr. Núñez Mosquera (Cuba) for election to the two offices of Vice-Chairmen, and Mr. Borg (Malta) for re-election to the office of Rapporteur.
与 2011-2012
[...] 年预算相比,2013-2014 年的预算中以下预算项目数额减少: 法官的养恤金办法(原因是 4 名法官在 2011 年 6 月竞连任,且批款中包括 7 名 法官 2014 年 10 月至 12 月的养恤金,但 2011-2012 年预算中为 15 个月)和常设 [...]
员额(原因是采用联合国最新标准薪金费用(第 11 版,适用于海牙))。
Compared to the 2011-2012 budget, the 2013-2014 budget contains decreases in the budget lines relating to the judges’ pension
scheme (as a result of the
[...] re-election of four judges in June 2011 and the fact that the appropriation includes pension for seven judges for three months [...]
from October to
December 2014, as opposed to 15 months in the 2011-2012 budget) and to established posts (as a result of the application of the latest United Nations standard salary costs, version 11, applicable to The Hague).
中华人民共和国主席是国家元首,由全国人大选举产生,每届任期同全国人 大每届任期相同连任不得超过两届。
The President of the People’s Republic of China is the head of State, and is elected by the National People’s Congress for a term coinciding with that of the Congress itself; the President may serve for no more than two terms in succession.
对于这类附属机 构的主席和四名副主席的选举应当适当地注意须确保地域分配的公平,并确保受
[...] 影响国家缔约方、尤其是非洲的受影响国家缔约方具有充分的代表性,同时也不 忽视其他区域的受影响国家缔约方,且主席和副主席 连任 不 能 超过两届。
The Chairperson and four Vice-Chairpersons of such subsidiary bodies shall be elected with due regard to the need to ensure equitable geographical distribution and adequate representation of affected country Parties, particularly those in Africa,
while not neglecting affected country Parties in other regions and shall not serve
[...] for more than two consecutive terms.




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