单词 | 打呵欠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打呵欠—yawn打呵欠verb—yawvSee also:呵欠—yawn 呵—my goodness expel breath 呵呵interj—heheinterj 呵呵—chuckle (onom.) gentle laughter
世界的岩溶地区广阔无 垠,它们是十分脆弱的景观,需要加以细心呵护,以便为数百万人民维持当地的 经济。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Karst areas covering vast areas of the world are very fragile landscapes that need careful management in order to sustain local economies for millions of people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
里海是唯一一个领养的儿子,他的叔叔,Miraz,谁愿意接电源和谁就会乐呵呵地杀了他,现在,他有他自己的儿子的摄政王。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | (Caspian is only a foster son of his uncle, Miraz, the regent who wishes to take power and who will cheerfully kill him now that he has his own son. seekcartoon.com |
整个驾驶舱尽是令人焕然一新的设计﹕高线条从司机门位横跨仪表板上方掠过,并一直延伸至前座乘客门边,一气呵成。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | An eye-catching feature is the wrap-around effect of the cockpit: a high line sweeps from the driver's door over the instrument panel support and across to the front passenger door. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
呵护您的耳朵Jabra Rhythm 耳机经专门设计,与耳朵形状和轮廓完全吻合,为您提供更加舒适自然的佩戴体验。 jabra.cn | Be kind to your earsJabra Rhythm’s headphones are specially designed to fit the shape and contour of your ear, so you get a more natural and comfortable fit. jabra.com |
秘书处在 [...] 进行年度审查,并写信给拖欠款项的会员国,要求按照大会第 56/243A 号决议的规定,提供关于打算如何支付欠款的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretariat does carry out an annual review and writes to those Member States in a situation of arrears, requesting information on intentions for payment, as called for by the General Assembly in its resolution 56/243 A, which encouraged Member States in a position to [...] do so to provide a schedule of payments or other information about [...] their intentions to clear their accumulated arrears. daccess-ods.un.org |
最好现在小心呵护海洋环境, 而不是等到海洋环境遭到破坏后再后悔。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is better to be safe about the marine environment than sorry when it is ruined. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 推行提高认识的方案,包括运动,致使家长、专业人员和公众认识到 儿童在呵护和安全环境下成长的情感需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | parents, professionals and the public on the emotional need of children to grow up in a caring and safe environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用珍贵的保加利亚玫瑰及玫瑰蜜,让您时刻被玫瑰精华呵护,被玫瑰香气包围。 aster.com.hk | It is formulated with valuable Bulgaria Rose and Rose Honey to nourish your body and surround you with the rose aroma every moment. aster.com.hk |
采用珍贵的保加利亚玫瑰露及精油,於肌肤表层形成保护膜,时刻滋养您的肌肤,让您时刻被玫瑰精华呵护,被玫瑰香气包围。 aster.com.hk | It is formulated with valuable Bulgaria Rose water and essence oil to form a protective film to nourish your body and surround you with the rose aroma every moment. aster.com.hk |
政府提出一系列改善免入息审查贷款计划运作的建议,共有十项,藉以(i)减轻学生贷款人的还款负担;(ii)避免贷款人过度借贷及加强合资格申请免入息审查贷款课程的质素保证;以及(iii)更有效地打击拖欠还款的问题。 forum.gov.hk | The Government has drawn up a package of 10 improvement measures aim to (i) ease the repayment burden of student loan borrowers; (ii) reduce excessive borrowing of loan borrowers and ensure the quality of eligible courses; and (iii) tackle the student loandefault problem more effectively. forum.gov.hk |
此外,它有助于维护我们的权利, 也有助于呵护我们对在第 194(III)号决议的基础上 为解除包括巴勒斯坦难民在内的我们人民的困境找 到办法的希望,对实现和平、正义和稳定的希望。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, it has helped to safeguard our rights and hopes for a solution to the plight of our people, including to the plight of the Palestine refugees, on the basis of resolution 194 (III), and for the achievement of peace, justice and stability. daccess-ods.un.org |
这幅未注明日期的 20 世纪地图出版于印度 Pune(浦那的旧称),上面描绘了与 《摩呵婆罗多》有关的印度地名,摩科婆罗达是古印度两大梵语史诗之一(另一部史诗为 《罗摩衍那》)。 wdl.org | This undated 20th-century map, published in Pune (formerly Poona), India, shows place names in India associated with the Mahābhārāta, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). wdl.org |
当权贵之仕以陈腐了的意识形态为自己的掠夺行为护航﹐也有"平民百姓"甘心对掌权握富之人呵护有加﹐及至於权贵者的心理状态。 hkupop.hku.hk | While the power elites justify their greedy interests by using an obsolete ideology, some ordinarily ranked people also show their cares for those elites, including the elites' psychological well-being. hkupop.hku.hk |
APOKYN 相关临床研究中的最常见副作用包括:打哈欠;突然不自主的 动作;恶心及/或呕吐;嗜睡;眩晕;鼻漏;幻视及幻听;手、臂、腿 [...] 和脚肿胀;出汗增加;潮红;及面色异常苍白。 apokyn.com | The most common side effects seen in clinical studies [...] with APOKYNwere: yawning; sudden uncontrolled [...]movements; nausea and/or vomiting; [...]sleepiness; dizziness; runny nose; seeing and hearing things that are not real; swelling of hands, arms, legs, and feet; increased sweating; flushing; and unusually pale complexion. apokyn.com |