

单词 趾高气扬

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任何从道德高趾高气扬地为原则立场 自圆其说的人,确实非常需要降低高度,慢慢地走在 [...]
Anyone who seeks to rationalize a principled
[...] position by riding the high horse of morality [...]
very truly needs to narrow the distances
by treading slowly on what might be referred to as lowly grounds.
在非洲,我 们有句俗话,无论你多么熟谙如何耀武扬威 趾高气 扬、昂 首迈进,你的头还是要在肩膀上。
In Africa we say that no matter how well you know how to swagger, swing and march, your head must still shake on your neck.
最后,为了公平起见,巴勒斯坦人民在面对逆境 和国际社会双重标准时的气应当 得到 扬。
Finally, the Palestinian people should, in all fairness, be
[...] recognized for their courage in the face of [...]
adversity and the double standards of the international community.
真菌通常生长于足跖部及趾之间 皮肤,发作在温暖潮湿的 气 和 地 区。
The fungi tend to favor the
[...] warm, moist areas between the toes and usually flare up during warm weather.
虽然扬男子气概的 论调占主流,但社 会形成的性别定式也伤害到很多男人,构建 性别平等社会将带给他们很多益处。
Despite dominant rhetoric about manhood, many men suffer from socially-constructed gender stereotypes and, hence have much to gain from a gender equal society.
當年彭定趾高氣揚 ,恰好反映當年香港人的躊躇滿志。
In those days, Mr PATTEN was arrogant, which properly reflected the complacency of Hong Kong people then.
或是完全接受這份協議,或是甚麼也沒有」,殖民政 府當趾高氣揚㆞表示。
Take the agreement entirely as it is, or you won't have anything at all," the colonial administration arrogantly asserts.
(6) 在 本 條 中,有 關 個 別 人 士 的 ‘ 鑑 證 資 料 ’ 是 指 該 人 的 照 片 、 指 紋 、 掌 紋 、 腳 板 紋 、趾 紋 及 體 重 和高 的 量 度 紀 錄 。
(6) In this section, “identifying particulars” in relation to a person means photographs, finger-prints, palm-prints, sole-prints, toe-prints and the weight and height measurements of that person.
穿高跟鞋、尖趾鞋、露趾或開 跟的涼鞋、或 過於破舊的鞋。
Don’t wear high heels, pointed-toe shoes, open toe or open heel sandals or worn [...]
out shoes.
为落实经安全理事会核准、并受适用的国际法以及安全理事会第 1612(2005) 号和第
[...] 1882(2009)号决议等相关决议制约的工作组各项建议,我受委托以工作组 主席的名义,扬在最高层设 立国家级监测和报告机制工作队,并请你加强对索 [...]
订有时限的行动计划以终止招募和使用儿童兵的行为,并依照安全理事会第 1539(2004)号、第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议,与所有其他利益攸关 方开展对话。
In follow-up to the recommendations of the Working Group, which were approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted
in my capacity as the Chairman of the
[...] Working Group, to commend the establishment [...]
of the country-level task force on monitoring
and reporting at the highest level, and requesting you to strengthen monitoring and reporting of the situation of children in Somalia and, through the established country-level task force, to support the Transitional Federal Government in the preparation of a time-bound action plan to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers and to conduct a dialogue with all other stakeholders, in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009).
最后,南 非
[...] 代表团对曾服务于或继续服务于联合 国维持和平行动的所有男女军警致敬,并对其奉献精 神和气表示赞扬。
In conclusion, my delegation pays tribute to all the men and women in uniform who have
served and who continue to serve in United Nations peacekeeping
[...] operations, and we commend their dedication and courage.
(a) 該 人 的 照 片 、 指 紋 、 掌 紋 及 體 重 和高 的 量 度 紀 錄 ; 及 (b) 該 人 的 腳 板 紋 及趾 紋,但 有 關 警 務 人 員 須 有 理 由 相 信 該 等 印 紋 有 助 於 調 查 任 何 罪 行 。
(b) sole-prints and toe-prints of that person if the officer has reason to believe that such prints would help the investigation of any offence.
科学报告》受到著名国际 新闻期刊高度赞扬,它 对全世界的科学现状进行了观察,并突出强调了新兴经济体国家日 益增长的科学能力,反映出科学投入的天平发生改变,科学能力从北美、欧洲和日本转移。
The Science Report, which was acclaimed in prestigious international news journals, takes stock of the state of science around the world and highlights the increasing scientific capability in countries with emerging economies, reflecting a shift in the balance of investment in science and hence scientific capability, away from North America, Europe and Japan.
关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国体制建设的进展报告,一些成员 扬 提 高 透 明 度的工 作,建议环境规划署的下一个步骤应是提供更多的信息,加强透明度,与其他可能有建议 [...]
With regard to the institutional strengthening progress report for the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, a
[...] number of members applauded the work done to improve transparency [...]
and suggested that, as a next
step, UNEP should provide additional information to increase transparency even further, consult with other implementing agencies that might have suggestions, and resubmit the report.
凡丧失大脚趾和同一只脚的一个或多于一个 趾 , 合计百分率须以高 于丧失一只脚的所有趾的百 分率为限。
(5) Where there is loss of a great toe and one
[...] or more other toes of the same foot, the aggregate percentage shall not be more than the percentage for the loss of all toes of one foot.
主要的重建、補救及改善工程包括重置戴 趾 康 復中心和堅尼地城游 泳池。
The major RRIW includes the reprovisioning
[...] of the David Trench Rehabilitation [...]
Centre (DTRC) and the Kennedy Town Swimming Pool (KTSP).
不得要求孕妇高气压条 件下工作,在存在风疹风险、弓形体病风险的情 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作、夜班和人 [...]
Pregnant women may not be required to work in
[...] the conditions of high air pressure, in the [...]
case of an existence of a risk of rubella,
risk of toxoplasmosis, nor perform work with lead and its toxic compounds, underground work, work at night, and manual moving of heavy objects.
提交人的趾得到 了一些治疗,但他的堂兄弟却没有得到任何医治。
The author received treatment for his severed toe but his cousins did not receive any medical attention whatsoever.
電台和電視台的記者紛紛把麥克風放在他 面前,讓趾高氣揚地發表言論。
Every time he came to this Council, he acted like an emperor going on an inspection tour.
这样一个时刻,一 个在历史上很少出现的时刻,已经到来:我们正 从旧世界步入新世界,一个时代已告结束,一个 民族的灵魂在遭受长期压迫之后,终于可 扬眉 吐气”。
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance”.
由于仍旧没有得到任何回答,这名警察夹断了提 交人的趾。
When he did not get a response from the author, he brutally severed his toe.
安全理事会应该在其以往决议的基础上,继 续对政府和非国家武装团体领导人施加压力,要求 我谨向所有维和人员表示敬意,扬 他 们的 勇 气和 责任感。
How can we meet that responsibility more effectively and translate our political will into increased protection of civilians, especially women and children as the most vulnerable, in the context of armed conflict?
Increase the speaker volume.
[...] 决争端中的作用”,我想特别指出妇女在危机时期的 作用以及她们的勇气和真诚;俄罗斯联邦总统在这个 讲台上扬了她们的气和真诚。
Turning to the main theme of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly, “The role of mediation in the settlement of disputes by peaceful means”, I wish to refer specifically to the role
of women in times of crisis
[...] and to their courage and sincerity, which were praised by President [...]
Roussef from this rostrum.
1.47 维持和平行动支助账户资源和预算外资源将用于:(a) 支持全球契约倡议推动主要利益攸关方 之间的合作并促进伙伴关系以支持联合国的各项目标;(b) 在维持和平问题上辅助政治、维持 和平和人道主义事务厅的工作;(c) 协助秘书长展开斡旋以及在世界各地区展开建立和平活 动;(d) 用于秘书长办公厅的特别项目;(e) 支持联合国不同文明联盟事高级代 表的活动; (f) 支持秘书长关气候变 化的优先议程以及全球可持续性问 高 级 别 小组的工作。
1.47 Resources from the support account for peacekeeping operations and extrabudgetary resources would: (a) support the Global Compact initiative in facilitating cooperation among key stakeholders and promoting partnerships in support of United Nations goals; (b) supplement the work of the Office of Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs on issues relating to peacekeeping; (c) assist the Secretary-General in the exercise of his good offices and peacemaking activities in all regions of the world; (d) be used for special projects to be undertaken by the Office of the Secretary-General; (e)
support the activities of
[...] the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations; and (f) support the Secretary-General’s priority agenda relating to climate change and the work of the High-level Panel on Global [...]
我要向委员会保证,日本人民将扬其智慧和气,带着希望从这些艰难的环境中恢 复过来。
The Japanese people, let me assure the Commission, will
[...] mobilize their wisdom, courage and hope to recover [...]
from these challenging circumstances.
我谨在本次会议上赞扬世界粮食计划署及其工 作人员的气,并赞扬他们 不顾条件困难,决定继续 在索马里南部和中部地区提供人道主义援助。
On this occasion,
[...] I wish to commend the World Food Programme and its personnel for their courage and for their [...]
decision to continue
providing humanitarian aid in the southern and central areas of Somalia despite the difficult conditions.
然 而 ,有市民就 一 些 事宜表示關 注
[...] ,包括受影響設施( 例 如 戴趾康復中 心 、 堅尼地城游泳池、 [...]
正 街街市西座 和 休憩用地) 的 重 置 ;通 風井對山道的 居 民 、 般咸道 的學生和居 民可能 造成的不良影響; 擬議車
站入口 位 置 ;以及科士街 樹牆的 保 育事宜。
However, there are concerns over the
reprovisioning of the affected facilities
[...] (such as David Trench Rehabilitation [...]
Centre, Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Centre
Street Market West Block and open spaces); the possible adverse effect of ventilation shafts to the residents at Hill Road and to students and residents at Bonham Road; the proposed locations of station entrances and the preservation of tree walls at Forbes Street etc.
请求对所带的电影胶片做手检,测试显示单个的 X-射线设备也可能产生灰雾, 增加的灰雾使感光曲线趾部提高, 在 胶转磁或放映时降低了阴影部分细节, 所以建议机场对电影胶片采用新型检测设备,或用手检方式,以免造成电影胶 片的灰雾。
However, baggage that is checked (loaded on the planes as cargo) often goes through equipment with higher energy x-rays.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路 高 速 铁 路、 石油管道和天气管道 ,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 [...]
运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度
洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine
State capital of Sittwe,
[...] and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that [...]
will create an energy
and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.




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