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国家利益 攸关方欢迎亚太统计所和亚太经社会的工作更 趋于 一 致 ,认为他们提 供的信息有时存在重复。
National stakeholders would welcome greater coherence of the work of SIAP and ESCAP since they feel there is sometimes duplication in the information they supply.
几内亚比绍的政治形趋于稳定,但是发展方面的活动,如世界银行和其它合作伙伴 [...]
Guinea Bissau is becoming more stable politically, [...]
but development activities such as those of the World Bank and other
partners have been interrupted or left pending for a considerable time.
趋于毕业 的国家须在其发展和贸易伙伴的支持下,在制订平稳过渡战略 方面发挥主导作用。
It is crucial for graduating countries to take the lead in the development of smooth transition strategies with the support of their development and trading partners.
苯丙胺类兴奋剂的使用被认为有所增加,特别是在亚洲,而摇头丸类毒品的使 用似乎在所有区域趋于平稳
Amphetamine-type stimulant use is thought to be increasing, particularly in Asia, while use of “ecstasy”-group substances seems to have stabilized in all regions.
2009 年,专家认为可卡因的使用总体 趋于 平 稳 ,只有 中美洲和加勒比的 4 个国家有所增加。
In 2009, cocaine use was perceived by experts to be generally stable, with the exception of increases in four Central American and Caribbean countries.
[...] 告时指出,“通过广泛及系统性的恐怖暴力运动,强行使科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族民 众在科索沃内外流离失所,”目的是“让足够多的 [科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族 ]人流离 失所,从而使两族人口更趋于平衡 ,迫使科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族人屈服”(第 29 段)。
In its Written Statement, in the same line of concern, Albania referred to the report published by the International Commission of Experts to indicate that “through a widespread and systematic campaign of terror and violence, the Kosovo Albanian population was to be forcibly displaced both within and without Kosovo”; the purpose of such a campaign would have been to “displace a number of
[Kosovo Albanians]
[...] sufficient to tip the demographic balance more toward ethnic equality and in order to cow the Kosovo [...]
Albanians into submission” (para. 29).
在这些关键问题中的许多问题上,意 趋于 一 致 ,将有助于即将举行的成 果文件的谈判。
Convergence on many of those issues would contribute constructively to upcoming negotiations on the outcome document.
2011 年中旬至 2012 年初间,中国在南 海问题上的态趋于缓和 ,这表明只要中央政府愿 意,就能对其海事部队和地方政府加以一定控制 力,但中国认为保持一定程度的政策模糊性为其在 必要时采取更强硬立场提供了一定的自由空间,因 此符合自身利益。
China’s ability to moderate its approach to the South China Sea between mid-2011 and 2012 suggests that it is able to exert some control over its maritime forces and local governments when it so chooses, but sees a degree of ambiguity as in its interest, giving it the freedom to take a more hardline position when deemed necessary.
为寻找一 种全面的方法,使结果更趋于一致 ,法院往往决 定在准备充分后成批地审理案件,而不是选取单个 案件或只展示重大案件。
In the search for a comprehensive approach, and in order to achieve greater consistency in the outcomes, the courts often decided to try batches of cases when they were ready, rather than select isolated instances, or showcase only the high-profile cases.
在这方面,我们肯定声援受害人民行动的重要 性,尤其是埃及的干预,埃及的干预已导致紧张逐趋于缓和 ,为首批协议的达成发挥了重要的作用。
In this context, we recognize the importance of acts of solidarity with the affected peoples, especially the intervention of Egypt which little by little has contributed to reducing tensions and has played a fundamental role in reaching the first agreements.
不过,在它与大会的关系上,1995 年任期的执行局 有时会被非执行局会员国强烈批评,因为 趋于 成 为 微型大会本身,而 趋于 认 为 它向大会 提交的建议——确实总要经过冗长和详尽的讨论,至少在名义上是代表整个教科文组织成员 进行的——不得被触动(因为围绕其通过有微妙的妥协)而只能被“盖上橡皮图章”,这种 态度有时在大会本身的届会期间引发了相当激烈的批评。
In its relations with the General Conference, however, the Executive Board in its post-1995 composition has sometimes been strongly criticized by States non-Members of the Board for a tendency to act as if it were a mini-General Conference of itself, and to consider that the recommendations it transmits to the Conference – indeed often after lengthy and exhaustive discussions that are at least nominally conducted on behalf of the entire UNESCO membership – should not be touched (because of the delicate compromise surrounding their adoption) and just be “rubber-stamped”, an attitude that has aroused at times quite severe comments during the sessions of the General Conference itself.
并且随着新技术进入知识产权制度, 这种矛盾心趋于增强
This ambivalence has tended to strengthen as the IP system has embraced new technologies.
[...] 确实出现了许多令人鼓舞的事态发展:大多数国内流 离失所者营地已经关闭;请愿者问题得到了解决;安 全局趋于稳定 ,尽管仍然很脆弱;有关方面正在作 出努力,以加强该国体制并促进经济发展。
As noted in the Secretary-General’s report, there have indeed been many encouraging developments over the past years: the closure of most internally displaced persons camps; the resolution
of the petitioners
[...] issue; the more stable, though still fragile, security situation; and the efforts [...]
being made to strengthen
institutions and to stimulate economic development.
审计委员会审查了截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日工程处地区工作人员空缺率,
[...] 注意到地区工作人员空缺率与上一个两年期相 趋于 恶 化 ,但加沙外地办事处是 个例外(表二.3 [...]
The Board reviewed the Agency area staff vacancy rate as at 31 December 2009 and noted that there was a
deterioration in the vacancy rate for area staff
[...] members when compared to the prior biennium [...]
with the exception of the Gaza field office
(vacancy rates are listed in table II.3).
水下技术市场继趋于成熟 ,例如,特别是,近海石油和天然气工业继续向 深水推进。
The undersea technology marketplace continues to mature, especially as the offshore oil and gas industry, for example, continues to move into deeper and deeper water.
本区域一些迁徙者输出国的最新数字 表明,新的迁徙工人流动趋于减少 ,同时一些国家也已采取了政策来限 制迁徙工人进入其劳工市场。
The latest data from some migrant-sending countries in the region have shown reduced flows of new migrant workers while a number of countries have introduced policies to restrict migrant workers’ access to labour markets.
确认每种文化都有值得推崇、尊重和维护的尊严和价值,并深信文化是丰富 多彩、多样、相互影响的,所有文化都是全人类共同遗产的一部分,并意识到如 果发展中国家继续处于贫穷和边缘化的境地,则全球文 趋于 单 一 更有可能是一 个威胁
Recognizing in each culture a dignity and value that deserve recognition, respect and preservation, convinced that, in their rich variety and diversity and in the reciprocal influences that they exert on one another, all cultures form part of the common heritage belonging to all humankind, and aware that the risk of a global monoculture poses more of a threat if the developing world remains poor and marginalized
全球政策模型的模拟表明,在这 样的政策设想下,2013 至 2016 年间的世界生产总值的平均增长率将为 4.0%,公 债与国内总产值比趋于稳定,并从 2016 年或更早开始下降,到 2016 年将弥合 就业赤字(见图三)。
The GPM simulations show that under such a policy scenario, WGP would grow at an average rate of 4.0 per cent between 2013 and 2016, public debt-to-GDP ratios would stabilize and start falling from 2016 or earlier, and the jobs deficit would be closed by 2016 (see figure III).
注意到在世界金融和经济危机中,世界正视并积极应对近来最严重的经济挑 战,并确认国际社会对危机作出的反应正促使金融市 趋于 稳定
Noting that the world has been facing and confronting, in the world financial and economic crisis, the greatest economic challenge of
recent times, and recognizing the international
[...] response to this crisis, which is helping to stabilize financial markets
为了使 立趋于必要 的一致,以便工作组就宣布第四个裁军 十年的草案纲要提出意见一致的建议,不结盟运动敦 促所有代表团在 2011 年裁军审议委员会届会期间表 现出必要的政治意愿和灵活性。
In order to arrive at the convergence of positions that is necessary for the Working Group to reach consensus recommendations on the elements for a draft declaration for the fourth disarmament decade, the NAM urges all delegations to display the necessary political will and flexibility during the 2011 session of the Disarmament Commission.
为此目的,大会不妨要求秘书长以及各个基 金和方案的行政首长继续使旅行政策和办 趋于统 一,特别是通过旅行网络这样做,并且参加和充分支 持旅行网络。
To that end, the General Assembly might wish to call upon the Secretary-General and the executive heads of the funds and programmes to continue harmonizing travel policies and practices, especially through IATN, and to participate in, and fully support, IATN.
由于进入劳动力市场的年轻人后备力量减少, 劳动力队伍老龄化并趋于早日 退休,因此很可能出现劳动力短缺的问题。
Labour shortages are likely to occur resulting from the decline in the pool of young persons entering the labour market, the ageing workforce and the tendency towards early retirement.
据此,贸发会 议――会计准则专家组一直将工作重点放在开发评估办法方面,目前专家组正在 选定的几个国家举行圆桌会议,以便对该工具进行试点测试,使 趋于 完 善, 确保其效用。
Accordingly, UNCTAD–ISAR had been focusing efforts on the development of an assessment methodology and it was currently organizing round tables in selected countries with a view of pilot testing this tool in order to refine it and ensure its usefulness.
乍得东部最趋于稳定 ,这为联合国在乍得的支助工作提供了一个机会,可 以更多地注重建设和平和恢复工作。
The recent stabilization of eastern Chad represents an opportunity for United Nations support in Chad to increasingly focus on peacebuilding and recovery.
通过采用统一现金转移做法,政府和其他合作伙伴对往来业务费用的认趋于合理 化,这一做法正在全系统、包括在专门机构中扩大实施。
Transaction costs from the point of view of governments and other partners are being rationalized through the use of the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT), which is seeing greater implementation throughout the system, including in specialized agencies.
根据麻醉药品委员会的统计和秘书 长的报告(A/63/111),毒品消费在全球范 趋于稳 定 ,在已经采取持续减少需求战略的国家则有所下 降。
According to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the report of the Secretary-General (A/63/111), drug use appeared to be stabilizing worldwide and was in decline in countries that had adopted a sustained approach to reducing demand.
激烈的言词交锋在投票之趋于缓和 ,在这方面我特别代表的斡旋以及西非 国家经济共同体(西非经共体)的积极政治参与发挥了一定的作用,西非经共体派 出了由阿布杜萨拉姆·阿布巴卡尔和约翰·库福尔两位前总统及塞思·奥本将军 率领的小组进行调停。
The inflammatory rhetoric was toned down prior to the elections, partially as a consequence of my Special Representative’s good offices and the active political engagement of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which deployed a mediation effort led by former Presidents General Abdulsalami Abubakar and John Kufuor, as well as a Special Envoy, General Seth Obeng.
然而,如果机制内的资源量达到资源 趋于 复 , 则可能需要单 独的信托基金和一些项目支助费用以便支付行政和报告要求所需的额外人员开支。
However, if the volume of resources in the facility reaches significant levels of resources or complexity then a separate trust fund might be required with some PSCs to cover the costs of additional personnel needed for administrative and reporting requirements.
由于捐助者未能充分履行其在签署协议时作出的承诺,局 趋于 恶 化,政府 承担了这些承诺所需开支的主要部分,严重影响到国家执行发展方案和修复所有 [...]
The situation has been exacerbated by the failure of donors to meet in full the
undertakings they made at the time of signature,
[...] with the result that the public purse [...]
has shouldered the major share of spending
on these pledges, which has badly affected the State’s capacity for implementing development programmes and rebuilding to repair all of the war damage.




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