单词 | 祛痰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 祛痰noun—expectorantn祛痰—dispel phlegm (TCM)Examples:祛痰药n—coughn 祛痰药—medicine dispel phlegm (TCM) See also:祛—dispel drive away sacrifice drive away calamity 痰n—sputumn phlegmn 痰—spittle 祛v—removev
咳嗽,特别是夜间或卧位常见,往往伴有血性泡沫痰。 world-heart-federation.org | coughing, especially at night or when lying down, including [...] bloody,frothy sputum (spit). world-heart-federation.org |
大部分的被访者知道在香港公众地方亂抛垃圾(88.0%)和随地吐痰(79.8%)的罸款为港 币$1,500。 cheu.gov.hk | The majority of respondents knew that the fixed penalty for littering [...] (88.0%) and for spitting(79.8%) in [...]public in Hong Kong is HK$1,500. cheu.gov.hk |
美白嫩肤:抑制、干扰并降解黑色素的转化过程(酪氨酸-酪氨酸酶氧化反应),有明显的美白祛斑作用,且效果温和,功效持久。 bonjourhk.com | Whitening: suppress, interfere the dark pigment transformation and achieve whitening effect bonjourhk.com |
表面宽敞的摆动式清洗系统能祛除最顽固的污垢。 winterhalter.com.cn | The broad-surface, reversing wash system takes care of your toughest dirt. winterhalter.com.cn |
由于肿瘤带有大量非正常新生血管,患者咳嗽后常常会发现粘液或痰里带有血丝。 asiancancer.com | As there are a lot of new blood vessels in the tumor, patients [...] often cough out bloodysputum. asiancancer.com |
它包含五个主题:酒食议—做酱油和豆酱,家庭酿酒,饭(米饭),年糕,以及随米饭一起上的小菜;缝纫则—做衣服、染色、手工缝纫、刺绣、养蚕、焊接烹饪用锅和壶以及如何生火;桑田术—如何耕田以及如何饲养家畜(马、牛和鸡);孕养—产前培训、儿童抚养方法、急救方法、避免使用的医药以及任何清洁居处的方法;以及符咒术—民间传说中通过符咒祛除恶灵和魔鬼的方式。 wdl.org | It covers five topics: Jusaui—making soy sauce and soybean paste, domestic alcoholic beverages, bap (cooked rice), rice cakes, and side dishes served alongside bap; Bongimchik—making clothes, dyeing, weaving by hand, embroidery, silkworm breeding, soldering cooking pots and kettles, and how to make fire; Sangarak—how to plow a field and how to raise livestock (horses, cows, and chickens); Cheongnanggyeol—prenatal training, methods of childrearing, methods of first aid, medicines to be avoided, and ways of cleaning dwelling places; and Sulsuryak—folkloric ways of driving away evil spirits and devils through talismans and incantation. wdl.org |
不得在索道处所或缆車内以不卫生的方式吐痰或吸烟,或 在缆車内向外吐痰。 oceanpark.cn | (b) spitin an unhygienic manner or smoke on the Ropeway premises or a cable car,or spit from a cable car. oceanpark.cn |
然后到达主,随地吐痰,出了的死Daggeron和Leanbow。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Master [...] then arrives,spitting out a dead Daggeron [...]and Leanbow. seekcartoon.com |
功效:护脾养胃、清热解毒、排毒清脂、祛皱消斑、养颜正气、能保持毛细血管正常的抵抗能力、舒张血管、降低血压、改善循环、防止血管硬化,较适用于心血管病人的保健食用,并用於预防中风。 sfgourmet.com | Efficacy: protect the spleen and stomach, detoxify, [...] detoxification, remove the wrinkle and freckle,beauty [...]righteousness, to maintain normal [...]capillary resistance, diastolic blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, prevent hardening of the arteries, is more suitable for the cardiovascular patient and for the prevention of stroke. sfgourmet.com |
咳嗽,并带少许痰,特别在晚上。 hsbc.com.hk | Coughing, [...] especially at night, with little sputumhsbc.com.hk |
为了进一步提高识别过程的精度,Recognition Imaging SDK包括了LEADTOOLS文档图像清理引擎和一套文档图像预处理工具,该工具可用于纠偏,祛斑以及去线,去边界和去除打孔机。 evget.com | To further enhance the accuracy of the recognition process, the Recognition Imaging SDK includes the LEADTOOLS document image clean-up engine, a set of document image pre-processing tools for deskew and despeckle, as well as line, border and hole-punch removal. evget.com |
四金刚杵挂件是一件宗教工艺品,可以挂在家里、车上等作为装饰,具有祛妖避邪、护佑平安的功效,适合当作馈赠给亲朋好友等的礼品. ksoon.com.cn | Four Dorje pendant is a religious crafts, can hang in the home, the car as a decoration, has cured to ward off evil, bless peace effect, suitable as a gift to friends and other relatives. ksoon.com |
鸸鶓油的渗透性很强,可以渗透到真皮以下,具有较强消炎、皮肤再生、除皱、祛斑、促进血液循环的功能,对风湿性关节炎、湿疹、皮炎、烧伤、创伤等疾病均有良好的作用。 bonjourhk.com | Emu Oil could help reduce inflammation, rejuvenate skin, smooth wrinkle, reduce pigment and boost blood circulation. bonjourhk.com |
一名工作人员在争执中不听从一名警卫的指示,对其进行口头威胁,还向另 一名工作人员施以人身威胁,向其脸上吐痰。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the course of an argument, a staff member failed to follow the instructions of a [...] Security Guard, verbally threatened the Security Guard, and physically assaulted another [...] staff member by spittinginhis face. daccess-ods.un.org |
吐痰——在公共场所吐痰是不当行为,并会冒犯他人 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Spitting–spitting inpublic is inappropriate and can cause offence studyinaustralia.gov.au |
由病毒引起的非典型肺炎的较常见症状为无痰的干咳。 hsbc.com.hk | In atypical and viral pneumonias, a [...] dry cough without sputumismorecommon. hsbc.com.hk |
该展览讲述了卢旺达种族灭绝发生之前,期间和之后的事件,旨在提高吸取经验教训的意识,并提醒重视,卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和其他司法机制在消除有罪不罚的现象,以及祛除种族灭绝对幸存者造成的长期影响方面所作出的努力。 un.org | Its purpose is to raise awareness of the lessons to be learnt from those events, the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and other judicial mechanisms in ending impunity and the lasting impact of genocide on survivors. un.org |
适用于体力衰弱、脾胃虚寒、咳嗽痰多、病后失调、机能退化及心脾两虚,气血不足所致的神疲体倦、食欲减退等症。 waiyuentong.com | Suitable for weakness in physical strength, tiredness, weakness [...] and coldness in the spleen and stomach, [...] cough with profuse sputum, imbalance of body [...]after illness, deterioration of organs’ [...]function and for symptoms like tiredness, loss of appetite due to deficiency of the heart, the spleen, qi and blood. waiyuentong.com |
体位引流:让病人移动至不同的身体位 置以便排出肺部不同部位的痰。 thewpca.org | Postural drainage: the patient is moved into different [...] positions tohelp drain sputumfrom different parts [...]of the lung. thewpca.org |
祛除功效是备长炭片材的3000倍以上的特殊活性炭纤维片材。 unitika.co.jp | Special activated carbon fiber sheet that can remove offensive odors at the efficiency more than 3000 times that of commercially available Binchotan coal sheet. unitika.co.jp |
另外,我们的皮肤科医师还提供美容激光服务,如,除皱,脱毛,雀斑,老人斑,黄褐斑治疗,疤痕祛除等。 parkwayhealth.cn | Besides, we also provide skin rejuvenation service like wrinkle removal, hair removal, freckles, age spot, melasma treatment, scarringremedy,etc. parkwayhealth.cn |
自立法会在2003年6月26日通过提高触犯公共衞生罪行的罚款至1,500元,我们已增加巡查人手,加强执法行动,对付在公共屋邨随处吐痰及乱抛垃圾的行为。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Subsequent to the endorsement by the Legislative Council to raise the penalty for cleanliness offences to $1,500 with effect from [...] 26 June 2003, we have increased our inspection manpower to step up [...] actionsagainst spitting and littering [...]in PRH estates. housingauthority.gov.hk |
首先吸气,然后声门关闭,腹肌和肋骨间肌肉开始收缩,此时肺内压力急速升高,远大于大气压,然后声门开放,在高压力差推动下,气流从肺快速冲出,将呼吸道内之异物、痰液等咳出。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | First, we inhale to fill the lungs with air, the voice box closes and then the diaphragm and respiratory muscles contract to quickly increase the pressure inside the lungs to be greater than the ambient air pressure. Next, the build-up of pressure forces the [...] voice box open, and air escapes rapidly from the lungs with the goal of dislodging [...] the irritant from therespiratory tract. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
大印象牌珍珠美肤茶是以茶叶、番泻叶、红花、珍珠、当归、罗汉果为主要原料制成的保健食品,经功能实验证明,具有美容(祛黄褐斑、祛痤疮)的保健功能。 st3d.com | Great Impression Pearl Beauty Tea is a health food which has health [...] protection functions for eliminating chloasma oracne. st3d.com |