

单词 赶浪头

See also:

drive away


External sources (not reviewed)

真正的问题在于军事和商业部门能否在制定规范方面帮助外交“ 头赶 上”
The real question is how the military and commercial sectors can facilitate the “catch up” of diplomacy in establishing norms.
A dragon approaches and is driven away from the Dawn Treader.
至关重要的是,新的参与方要头赶 上, 以保障这种资金的持久性。
It is crucial that new players step up to the plate so as to guarantee the lasting nature of this funding.
本次研究预测了电动汽浪潮最 先抵达哪些城市,并对后续城市如何快速准备并 头赶 上 提 出建议。
The timely study sheds light on where the impending waves of electric vehicles will hit and how follower cities can quickly "get ready" and catch up.
[...] 国没有家人,而且由于他无法证明自己的身份而会造成困难,据此将迫使他浪 街头。
He further reiterates that he does not have family in China, as well as
the difficulties which would derive from his inability to prove his identity, thereby forcing
[...] him to live on the streets.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿 童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
因此,这一培训材料的最终受益者将是头流浪儿、 校外青年和失业的成年人。
Thus, the ultimate beneficiaries of this training material are expected to be street children, out of school youth and unemployed adults.
[...] 和其他原因开展研究,教科文组织支持了由比什凯克公共舆论研究中心开展的“吉尔吉斯斯 坦城市头流浪儿问题”的研究。
To attain the goal of advancing research on social, economic, cultural and other causes of the growing homelessness and poverty among children and young
people, UNESCO supported the research study on
[...] “Problems of Street Children in the Cities [...]
of Kyrgyzstan”, carried out by the Bishkek
Centre for Public Opinion Studies.
这些会议提出的建议被收入了独立国家联合体的“ 头 流浪 儿和 城市问题青年融入社会”的信息门户网站,并由全俄“公民社会为俄罗斯儿童服务”联 盟对建议作进一步处理。
The recommendations of these meetings were included in the information portal on Social Integration of Street Children and Young People at Risk in Urban Areas of the CIS, further developed by the All-Russian Union “Civil Society – to the Children of Russia”.
巴勒斯坦Karresh和Al–Kurd大户的 经历显示,在这个过程中,在以色列警察的支持下,生活在穆斯林住区的巴勒斯 坦居民都赶到街头,以 便为定居者家庭让路。
The experiences of the large Palestinian Karresh and Al-Kurd families are illustrative of this process of pushing Palestinians living in a Muslim neighbourhood into the street, with the support of Israeli police, to make way for settler families.58The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, declared as “unacceptable” and “provocative acts” the latest displacement of long-term Palestinian residents by armed Israeli settlers, acts encouraged by Ateret Cohanim.
缅甸地处一个充满活力的地区的中心 地带,融入该地区将使它有机赶上 邻 国的经济发 展,并借鉴它们的成功经验和失败教训。
It sits in the middle of a vibrant region and in integrating with it has the opportunity to catch-up to its neighbours, as well as learn from their successes and failures.
经济学人》(The Economist)在2010年8月的报道中称,“在不到30年的时间内,巴西就从一个食品进口国摇身变为世界上最大的菜篮之一”,成为第一个 头赶 上 五 大传统粮食出口国的国家,五大传统粮食出口国指美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、阿根廷和欧盟。
In less than 30 years Brazil has turned itself from a food importer into one of the world’s greatest breadbaskets,” reported The Economist in August 2010, noting that it was the first country to have caught up with the traditional big five grain exporters – the US, Canada, Australia, Argentina and the EU.
1959年,好莱坞女星Sara和Yvonne结伴到东京旅行,期间看见许多无家可归、 浪 街 头 的 儿 童。
In 1959, Sara and Yvonne, Hollywood actresses at the time, travelled to Tokyo.
加强保障遭排斥群体儿童享有教育的政策的介绍和制定是当前教科文组织正在进行的 活动。这些活动包括怎样制订各国的全民教育指导政策、用六种语言进行兼容并包式教育的 总体文件、关于亚非浪街头的儿 童和艾滋病毒/艾滋病国际研讨会(2003 年 12 月,马里巴 马科)的后续活动、由 15 个非洲国家就浪街头的儿童的权利而举办的地区性论坛(2004 年 6 月,塞内加尔达喀尔)等等。
UNESCO’s ongoing actions promoting the introduction and development of policies ensuring the education of excluded children included policy guidelines on how to make EFA plans inclusive, a conceptual paper on inclusive education in six
languages, follow-up
[...] activities to the International Africa-Asia Seminar on street children and HIV/AIDS (Bamako, Mali, December 2003), and a regional forum on street children for 15 francophone African countries [...]
on the rights of these
children (Dakar, Senegal, June 2004).
印度尼西亚万 隆的“通过非正规教育综合方法提高 浪 街 头 的 儿童和童工能力”项目已经完成评估,并以 此作为中国第二次地区培训班的基础制定了“国家行动计划”。
The project on “Empowerment of Street and Working Children through Non-formal Education Integrated Approach” in Bandung, Indonesia, was evaluated and used as a basis for the second Regional Training Workshop in China, which formalized Country Plans of Action.
在为浪街头的儿 童和童工提供基础教育和职业培训的工作中加强公共权威机构的参 与,以及提高广大公众对这些儿童境遇和他们全民教育权利被剥夺这一现实的认识,仍是一 项主要的目标。
Reinforcing public authorities’ involvement in providing basic education and vocational training for street and working children and awareness-raising among the general public concerning the situation of these children and the denial of the right to education for all continued to be another major objective.
它们与中国一起所构成的惊人力量,足以颠覆美国人建立起来的秩序:2009年,亚洲的业务量首 赶 超 作为 龙 头 老 大的美国(亚洲地区为1.55亿美元,美国为1.42亿美元)。
Along with China, these markets are generating enough revenue to topple the USA’s leadership of the global art market: in 2009 Asia’s total auction revenue was substantially higher than USA's ($155m vs. $142m) for the first time ever.
最后,正如科威特国代表阿拉伯集团在 2010 年 4 月 14 日安全理事会关于中 东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题的辩论中发言所述,我要重申,以色列在巴勒斯坦被
[...] 命令和其他殖民化做法所示,以色列显然是设法把更多的巴勒斯坦平 赶 出 自 己 的家园和让他们流离失所,同时向西岸,特别是向东耶路撒冷及其周围的定居点 [...]
In closing, as noted during the statement delivered by the State of Kuwait on behalf of the Arab Group during the recent Security Council debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, which was held on 14 April 2010, I wish to reiterate that Israel’s illegal practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory reveal the height of impunity and hypocrisy by the occupying Power, which, as illustrated by the recent military order and other colonization practices, is clearly
seeking to displace and expel more
[...] Palestinian civilians from their own homeland, [...]
while at the same time transferring more
and more Israeli settlers to the West Bank, particularly to settlements in and around East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international humanitarian law, all blatantly before the eyes of the international community and in flagrant defiance of the will of the international community, as expressed in countless resolutions and statements.
不过,香港 在这方面已经失去绝对优势,其他城市,尤其是上海在基础设施发展方面正在 头赶 上。
However, this becomes less of a unique advantage for Hong Kong as other locations, especially Shanghai, are catching up fast on infrastructure development.
为进一步 巩固和平与稳定,包括解决在刚果民主共和国东部活动的卢民主力量,将采取若 干非军事措施,例如协助刚果民主共和国政府和卢旺达政府界定解决与卢民主力 量相关问题的条件;鼓励会员国针对居住在其国家的该团体领导人采取必要的法
律行动;加强解除武装、复员、遣返、重返社会和重新安置方案工作,包括通过 宣传工作提高认识,并探讨如何进一步吸引卢民主力量战斗人员自愿回返,促进 未参与灭绝种族活动的卢民主力量士兵持久融入社会和经济生活;以及支持将国
[...] 家权力扩展到卢民主力量部队赶出 的 地区,包括矿区和对武装团体有经济利益 [...]
In order to further consolidate peace and stability, including addressing the presence of FDLR in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, a number of non-military measures will be taken, such as assisting the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda to define an end-state for resolving issues related to FDLR; encouraging Member States to take the necessary legal actions against members of the group’s leadership who reside in their countries; enhancing disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reinsertion and resettlement efforts, including sensitization through information campaigns, and exploring ways to further attract the voluntary return of FDLR combatants and promote the durable socio-economic integration of the non-génocidaire FDLR rank and file; and supporting the
extension of State Authority in areas from which
[...] FDLR elements were dislodged, including [...]
mining and other areas of economic interest to the armed group.
但是,如果缅甸能够处理这个复杂的 过程,它有可能最终发挥其巨大的经济潜力 赶上 周 边国家,并在这个过程中避免重蹈周边国家的覆 辙。
But if it is able to manage this complex process, Myanmar has the possibility to finally realise its enormous economic potential, catching up with its neighbours while avoiding some of their mistakes.
I had to really concentrate on my studies to catch up, because while I had learnt a lot in those first two years at RMIT, the learning curve from the diploma to the undergraduate degree was pretty steep,” he said.
世界银行指出有一些工作上的延误,在 2005 年和 2006 年 初尤其严重,不过,菲律宾已经制定一套“ 头赶 上 ” 的计划,以便达成该国 2006 年的业 绩。
The World Bank indicated that there were a number of delays, especially in 2005 and early 2006, however, the country has prepared a “catch up” plan in order to meet their outputs for 2006.
这些项目除其他外,包括由军事单位实施的 6 个劳动密集型项目,包括改善社区 环境、修复运河及搬迁项目;为 480 名有风险的青年和监狱囚犯举办的 4 个专业 技能培训项目;为 468 名青年和妇女举办的 4 个小企业创业和学徒机会项目;为 3 000 名头流浪儿和 6 000 名受暴力侵害的妇女举办的 4 个预防基于性别的暴 力和保护儿童项目;1 个关于支持国家法律援助体系的法律援助项目,以解决监 狱超期关押、基于性别的暴力、儿童保护和公民身份问题;以及 3 个支持社区论 坛工作的公共联络和社区调解项目,以促进地方当局、社区与其他国内和国际行 为体之间相互协调。
The projects will include, among other things, six labour-intensive projects (on neighbourhood improvement, canal rehabilitation and relocation) to be implemented by the military component; four professional skills training projects for 480 at-risk youth and prison inmates; four small-enterprise start-up and apprenticeship placement projects for 468 youth and women; four gender-based violence prevention and child protection projects for 3,000 street children and 6,000 women victims of violence; one legal aid project on support to the national legal aid system, which will address prolonged prison detention, gender-based violence, child protection and civil status; and three public outreach and community mediation projects to support the work of community forums to foster coordination between local authorities, communities and other national and international actors.
2005 年在海地成立的梦想中心是为帮助一百多名 10 至 17 岁 的头流浪儿童 重返社会,同时开发其能力和创造潜能,在此期间,该中心也得 到了进一步强化。
The DREAM Centre established in Haiti in 2005 to promote the social rehabilitation of some 100 street children aged 10 to 17 years by developing their creative skills and potential was strengthened during the period under consideration.
在本双年度期间,金边办事处决定侧重于为社会上处境最不利的阶层,特别是为 头 流 浪 儿 和普通居民提供更 多的机会接受教育和学习文化知识。
During the biennium under consideration, the Phnom Penh Office chose to focus on promoting access to education and culture for the most disadvantaged sectors of the society, particularly street children and populations.
联盟吁请蒙得维的亚市发挥“牵头城市”的作用,其《十点行动计 划》反映出拉丁美洲和加勒比的特点及优先事项,这其中包括消除种族主义(特别是持续排挤土著 人民和非洲后裔的做法)、仇外心理、种族和宗教不容忍、 头 流 浪 儿 童 和青年的困境、以及针对 艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者和有其他健康问题的人的歧视态度。
The Coalition’s Ten-Point Plan of Action reflects the specificities and priorities of Latin America and the Caribbean. Some of these priorities are the fight against racism (in particular the persistent practice of marginalization of indigenous peoples and afro-descendents), xenophobia, ethnical and religious intolerance, the plight of street children and youth, and discriminatory attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS and other health problems.
为了协助专门帮助头流浪儿的 工作者,吉尔吉斯青年非政府组织制作并启动了关于在 这一活动领域的组织、机构和专家情况的网站和资料库(http://deti.to.kg)。为了在 头流 浪儿中 间宣传他们应有的权利,专业和技术专家协会用吉尔吉斯语和俄语编写了系列手册 《你们并不是孤立无援的》。
With a view to assist specialists working with street children, the website and database on organizations, institutions and specialists working in this field was created and launched by the Kyrgyz youth NGO (http://deti.to.kg). To disseminate knowledge among street children on their rights, a series of handbooks entitled You are not alone was published by the Association of Specialists in Professional and Technical Education in the Kyrgyz and Russian languages.
[...] 之目的,俄罗斯非政府组织“关心俄罗斯儿童民间组织”开设了“独立国家联合体(CIS)头流浪儿和 城市问题青年融入社会”交互式信息入口。
To achieve the aim of pooling and sharing of information, raising public awareness, collecting data on innovative social technologies and good practices, the interactive information portal on Social Integration of Street Children and Young People at Risk in Urban Areas of
the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was launched by the Russian NGO
[...] “Civil Society – to the Children of Russia”.
专家组在其 2010 年的最后报告(S/2010/596 第 173 段)记录到,尽管刚果(金) 武装力量的军事行动已将武装团赶 出 许 多主要的采矿区,但这些团体继续控制 数以百计的较偏远的采矿场地和对矿产品市场、矿产商或运输商进行掠夺。
The Group documented in its final report of 2010 (S/2010/596, para. 173) that, while FARDC military operations had driven armed groups out of many of the principal mining areas, those groups continued to control hundreds of more remote mining sites and to pillage mineral markets, traders or transporters.




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