单词 | 维罗纳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 罗纳—Rhone, river of Switzerland and France 纳—bring into pay (tax etc) reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing surname Na nano- (one billionth) 罗—collect catch gauze sift surname Luo 维—dimensionn hold togetherv
二零零三年四月在美国佛罗里达州卡纳维尔角发射升空。 asiasat.com | AsiaSat 4 Launch April 2003 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. asiasat.com |
亚洲六号卫星及亚洲八号卫星将於 2014 年上半年在 SpaceX 位於美国佛罗里达州之卡纳维尔角发射基地发射升空。 asiasat.com | AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8 are scheduled to launch in the first half of 2014 from SpaceX’s launch complex at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, USA. asiasat.com |
其余纳入这套「澳洲人的生活品味」邮票的最後四强作品为维多利亚州舍韦勒‧威廉姆斯的《教父们》、南澳安‧克拉克的《小奇迹》、新南威尔士州达米安‧麦登的《午餐在港口》,以及维多利亚州罗纳德‧洛克曼的《要加油,问马路对面的商店去》。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | The other four finalist's photographs included in this stamp issue are - "The Godfathers" by Chevelle Williams, Victoria, "Little Wonders" by Ann Clarke, South Australia, "Lunch on [...] the Harbour" by Damian Madden, New South Wales and "Fuel Ask at the [...] Store across the Road" by Ronald Rockman,Victoria. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
今年,草间弥生难得在英国泰德现代美术馆举行大型回顾展;此外一间以展出「泰纳奖」(Turner Prize)艺术家闻名的维多利亚‧米罗(Victoria Miro)画廊,同步推出草间弥生的近作展;时尚经典品牌路易威登(Louis Vuitton),最近频频利用大众传媒预告今年夏天与草间弥生的合作,此时也已经提前开始在伦敦举办草间弥生的画展,为期半年之久。 ravenelart.com | Also worth mentioning is the upcoming collaboration between Kusama and fashion house Louis Vuitton, which is being broadcasted extensively in the media and will see the artist's designs on handbags, shoes, and accessories beginning in summer; at the same time, an LV-sponsored exhibition of her paintings has begun at an earlier date and will last for half a year. ravenelart.com |
今天,继娱乐片之後电视纪录片是对外销售最好的,尤其是在斯堪的纳维亚国家、英国、美国、俄罗斯和中国。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | After entertainment, the documentary is today the TV genre most widely purchased by foreign distributors, especially Scandinavian, British, American, Russian, Japaneseand Chinese ones. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
主办单位欧罗维特展览公司为2013年的展览带来创新及创意,旨在启发亚洲及国际设计师及买家。 interfiliere.com | For 2013, the organiser, EUROVET, focused on bringing innovation and creativity to the show to inspire the Asian and international designers and buyers. interfiliere.com |
长荣交响乐团於2004年起开始出国巡演,至今已创下国内乐团出国巡演的场次纪录,目前海外巡演的足迹包括新加坡、日本东京、韩国首尔、釜山、挪威阿连多、英国伦敦、美国洛杉矶,义大利第里雅斯特、拉维纳、拉维罗、中国上海、北京、厦门、佛山、武汉、长沙、宁波、合川、泸州、自贡、成都、重庆、綦江、南京、溧阳等地。 evergreensymphony.org | The ESO has long since established an outstanding domestic reputation — in September 2004, the ESO began a number of tours abroad, including a public performance at the Esplanade Concert Hall in Singapore, our participation in the "Day of Enthusiasm" Beethoven and Mozart Music Festival in Tokyo, Japan, and our highly successful tour of Beijing and Shanghai in Mainland China. evergreensymphony.org |
在这一成功,於1976年由罗纳德·Kurowski创建的模型,然後设计师在社会的根。 zh.horloger-paris.com | At the root of this success, a model created in 1976 by Ronald Kurowski, then designer in society. en.horloger-paris.com |
里昂半岛区的汇流街区位於罗纳河(Rhône)与索恩河(Saône)的交汇处,在此实施的城区改造计划成为欧洲一项最庞大的市中心规划项目。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The Confluence peninsula, at the point where the Saône flows into the Rhône, is the focus of one of Europe’s biggest city-centre urban development projects. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
b. 与 此 同 时 , 俄 国 在 巴 尔 干 鼓 足 泛 斯 拉 夫 主 义 , 而 鄂 鄂 图 曼 帝 国 继 续 迅 速 衰 落 , 1875 年 , 叛 乱 首 先 在 黑 塞 哥 维 那 暴 发 , 接 着 蔓 延 至 波 斯 尼 亚 、 塞尔维亚、门 特 哥尼罗及保加 利 亚 。 hkahe.com | b. Meanwhile, Russia encouraged Pan-Slavism in the Balkans while the Turkish Empire continued to decline rapidly, revolts broke out first in Herzegovina, then in Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria in 1875. hkahe.com |
通知指出中兴巴西於2006年 10月至2008年12月期间,在巴西圣埃斯皮里图州进口并运送至圣保罗州的货物 未向圣保罗州税局缴纳ICMS税(ICMS税,指货物及相关服务在州际间流通时 所缴纳的税种),应缴金额约7470万巴西雷亚尔(折合约2.58亿元人民币)。 zte.com.cn | It was alleged in the notice that ZTE Brazil had not paid the ICMS tax (a tax payable in respect of the transit of goods and related services between different states) to the tax bureau of Sao PauloState inrespect of goods imported at Espirito Santo State and transported to Sao Paulo State during the period from October 2006 to December 2008. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
这些面料都来自美国知名面料供应商,包括北卡罗莱纳州的Bekaert Fabrics和南卡罗莱纳州的Desilee Fabrics。 tipschina.gov.cn | Our fabrics are manufactured by Bekaert Fabrics in North Carolina, USA and Desilee Fabrics in South Carolina, USA. tipschina.gov.cn |
整个多彩城有如一个主题乐园,内有欧洲古典式设计的维纳斯城堡Venus Fort购物广场、Mega Web未来自动车世界,及巨型摩天轮。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The Venus Fort and Venus Fort Family shopping centres are surrounded by a giant Ferris wheel and Mega Web, a theme park for car lovers. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
维冈经理罗伯托•马丁内斯表示,他可能会让球员休息,因爲在英超联赛生存是他的首要任务,如果这样的话,可以确定的是,大卫•莫耶斯不会让他的球员休息,因爲作爲埃弗顿经理,他想赢得的他的第壹个奖杯。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Wigan manager Roberto Martinez [...] has indicated that he may rest players as he has Premier League survival as his priority [...]– if that be the case, it’s certain the David Moyes won’t rest players as he wants his first trophy as Everton manager. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
法国制造”的纪录片以其多样性主题和高质量的调查而受到好评,出口情况良好,尤其是在斯堪的纳维亚国家和英语国家。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Acclaimed for their diversity and the high standard of their research, French documentaries export well, especially to Scandinavian and English-speaking countries. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
罗纳-阿尔卑斯大区政府同环境与能源控制署(ADEME)有意将这一城区改造项目纳入法国政府的《未来投资计划》,旨在建设一批正能量的建筑和街区。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The project arose from the determination of the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) to be part of a “programme of investment in the future”, designed to produce positive-energy individual buildings and blocks. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
在座各位若然听过乔纳森·布罗姆博士(Dr Jonathan Broome)在最近会议上的专题演说,便会明白我们的目标是什麽,并会了解我们由脚前一步走到目的地所会遭遇的困难。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Those of you who heard [...] Dr. Jonathan Broome's key-note speech at the [...]recent symposium will understand both what we are aiming [...]for and the difficulty of getting from where we are today to where we want to be. housingauthority.gov.hk |
厌战的热那亚人结束内战,使罗伯特得以维持名义上的统治,将官位平分给归尔甫和吉柏 林党员,并整合双方债务成为新债关系。 spinola.it | 1331 Weary Genoese end the civil war, allow Robert to remain in nominal rule, divide governmental offices equally between Guelphs and Ghibellines, and consolidate the huge debts of both sides into a great new funded debt. spinola.it |
社区厨房过去十年应运而生,提供空间与专业设备,让食品制造商能调理与配送产品;社区厨房功能依地点不同而异,例如设於罗德岛普罗维登斯(Providence)的社区厨房里,失业成人可接受专业餐饮训练;温哥华的Fresh Choice Kitchens则为培育烹饪爱好者各项技能。 thisbigcity.net | In response, the community kitchen has popped up over the last decade to serve producers who need access to space and professional equipment to prepare and distribute food products. Their missions vary depending on location, and include a community kitchen in Providence, Rhode Island, where jobless adults can receive professional food training, as well as Vancouver’s Fresh Choice Kitchens, which works to cultivate an all-abilities cooking community in the city. thisbigcity.net |