

单词 幼稚园

幼稚园 ()

kindergarten (Tw)

See also:



幼稚 n

childishness n
kindergarten education n

幼稚 adj

naïve adj
young adj


young adj

External sources (not reviewed)

当家长幼稚园领孩 子时,条码标签便可用于辨认孩子的家长。
When parents pick up
[...] their kid from the Kindergarten, barcode labels [...]
are used to match a kid to their parents.
为了让想要知道更详细入所、入园情报的有关人士,实际 幼稚园 、 保育所上课的孩子妈妈、爸 爸们,在说明会上可直接听到前辈们的意见。
If you need more information about admission, please come to this guidance in which you can hear voices from parents whose children currently go to kindergarten and nursery school.
当地官员表示,死亡学童的父母可以获得436,000元(68,500美元)的补偿,而该所私 幼稚园 将 关 闭,由政府经营的设施取代。
Local officials said parents of the children who died would receive
compensation of 436,000 yuan (US$68,500) and the
[...] privately run kindergarten would be closed [...]
and replaced with a publicly run facility.
在2012年11月24日当天,太和观与德教济云阁一同在乌鲁班丹民众俱乐部举 幼稚园 毕 业典礼2012。
On 24th Nov 2012 (Sat), Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society (THKMS) and Chee
Hoon Kog Moral Promotion Society (CHKMPS) held
[...] their Annual Joint Kindergarten Graduation Concert [...]
2012 at Ulu Pandan CC.
导师方面,应招募具有专业知识的教友(如小学 幼稚园 或 幼 儿 园老师)担当主日学负责人,带领及支援其他导师。
With regard to teachers, faithful
with professional knowledge (such as
[...] primary school, kindergarten or child care centre [...]
teachers) should be recruited as
persons responsible for Sunday Schools, in order to lead and support other teachers.
( 服务六岁以下儿童)
[...] 提供,暂托幼儿服务和延长时间服务则由部 分日间幼儿中心幼稚园暨幼儿中 心提供,以支援因重要或突发事宜短暂时间内 [...]
Occasional child care service and extended hours service are
[...] provided at some CCCs and KGs-cum-CCCs to support [...]
parents who are unable to take care of
their children temporarily because of important or sudden engagements on an occasional basis.
(c) “幼稚园暨幼儿中 心兼收弱能儿童计划”为年龄介乎于两岁至六岁以 下的轻度残疾儿童提供训练和照顾,协助他们尽量融入正常的学前环境,使他们 [...]
日后有更大的机会融入主流教育; (d) 为自闭症的儿童而设的特别服务包括在特殊幼儿中心提供额外的特殊
(c) Integrated
[...] Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care [...]
Centre (IP in KGcum-CCC) which provides training and care to children
aged between two and six with mild disabilities with a view to facilitating their full integration into normal pre-school setting as far as possible so that they will stand a better chance of future integration into the mainstream education
委员会注意到缔约国在报告中称 , “在所涉期间内,孤 儿院幼稚园和 学校的生活条 件得到明显改善”(第 69 段)。
While noting the information in the State party's report that the “living conditions at orphans’ nurseries, kindergartens and schools remarkably improved during the period under review” (para. 69), the Committee expresses its concern at the significant number of children who are placed in institutions and that the living conditions in many of these institutions continue to be below internationally acceptable standards.
任何學生升幼稚園、6及9年級,並需要融合服務(如其個別教育計劃內注明),可以在入學申請表上任意填上多個學 [...]
Any student
[...] transitioning to Kindergarten, 6th and 9th [...]
grade requiring inclusion services, as indicated on their IEP, may
apply and list as many school choices as desired on the enrollment application form.
健康推广学校幼儿园网络 已经发展起来,日内以托儿机构可以更好地了 解健康推广工作的信息。
Networks of
[...] health-promoting schools and kindergartens have been developed, [...]
as a result of which child care establishments
are better informed about health promotion.
不過,要進㆒步改善學前教育,我們必須繼續在統㆒學前教育 的問題㆖入手,令兒童無論幼稚園 或 幼 兒 ㆗ 心接受教育,都會在政府的資助及監管 之㆘,使教育的質素有保證;在任教和服務 幼稚 園 或 幼 兒 ㆗ 心的教師都有合理的薪 酬待遇;以及開辦更多職前、文憑及學位的幼兒教育師訓課程,提高學前教育工作者 的入職條件、資歷及專業㆞位。
We will also see to it that the
teachers who teach and
[...] serve in kindergartens and child care centres will have reasonable salaries, and that the Government will set up more pre-service, certificate and degree courses in the training of kindergarten teachers [...]
to raise the employment
qualifications, experience and professional status of pre-school education workers.
(e) 學費減免的款項會在結果通知書發出約兩星期後,由庫務署直接及按月撥給有 幼稚 園/ 幼兒中心,再幼稚園/ 幼兒中心安排發放給申請人。
(e) The approved amount of fee
[...] remission will be paid to the kindergartens/child care centres concerned directly [...]
by the Treasury
in about two weeks after the issue of notification of result.
(j) 遵守常規行政指令的規定,包括但不限於(a)根據1 比 15 的師生比例計算所需的人手編制,聘請100%的合 幼稚 園教師;以及(b)幼稚園的核准校長持 幼稚 園 教育證書 或具備同等學歷;以及遵從教統局不時就幼兒 幼稚園 教育所發出的指示及指令。
(j) comply with the standing administrative directives including but not limited to the
requirements of (a)
[...] employing 100% Qualified Kindergarten Teachers of the required staff establishment based on a teacher to pupil ratio of 1:15; and (b) the possession of Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent by its approved principal; and such other instructions and directives as EMB may from time to time issue in relation to the provision of nursery and kindergarten education.
除了公幼儿园和托儿所外,还 有相当多的私立和社幼儿园,属 于非政府组织和协会。
In addition to public kindergartens and daycare centres, there is also an already considerable number of private and community kindergartens belonging to NGOs [...]
and associations.
为了确保儿童健康发展,制订了学校保健理念,通过落实增强健 幼 儿园 改善 了学前托儿机构的健康推广工作,在儿童权利战略框架内定期调查学生的健 [...]
To ensure healthy development of children, the school health care concept is developed, health promotion in
pre-school child care establishments is improved through implementation of the concept of
[...] health-promoting kindergartens, and periodic [...]
surveys of the health
behaviour of pupils are carried out within the framework of the strategy of the rights of the child.
在《教育组织法》的拟定过程中颁布了相关皇家法令,其中明确了在不同 教育阶段―幼儿园、小 学、中学――的核心课程,包括语文、音乐、舞蹈,在核 心课程之外可依次进行体育、美术及设计课程。
In pursuance of the Organization of Education Act, royal decrees have been issued laying down minimum educational content in the three stages of schooling - pre-primary, primary and secondary, thus establishing the basic elements of the syllabi for the teaching of languages, music and the dance and as a step in the general organization of teaching of sports, plastic arts and design.
[...] 主席,政府可否告知本會,學生資助辦事處在本學年接獲 多少宗根幼稚園及幼兒中 心學費減免計劃提出的資助全日制學費申請;批 [...]
准了多少宗申請,並按資助幅度(100%、75%及 50%)列出分項數字,以及在 兩個月內完成批核的數字?
DR FERNANDO CHEUNG (in Chinese): President, will the Government inform this Council of the number of applications received by the Student
Financial Assistance Agency in this academic
[...] year under the Kindergarten and Child Care [...]
Centre Fee Remission Scheme (the Scheme)
for full-day fee assistance; the number of applications approved, together with a breakdown by the level of assistance (100%, 75% and 50%) and the number of applications which were processed within two months?
家长们将用西维塔斯提供的材料粉刷装饰这 幼 儿 园。
Using materials provided by Civitas, parents will paint and plaster the preschool.
幼 稚 園 和 一 年 級 時 , 您 的 子 女 在 [...]
第 一 次 應 考 加 州 英 語 發 展 測 驗 (CELDT)中未能取得4或5級的分數;或總體分數達4或5級,但在聽、 說兩分項分數中取得3分以下成績(任何一項)。
At kindergarten or first grade, [...]
your child did not receive an overall score of 4 or 5 on the California English Language
Development Test (CELDT) the first time he/she took the test or received an overall score of 4 or 5 but had a sub-score that was below 3 in either the listening or speaking section.
这些变化不仅仅会影响幼 儿园到十 二年级教育,而且会最终影响到向高等教育输送的“传 统”学生的人数。
These changes will impact not only K–12 education, but ultimately the numbers of “traditional” students available for higher education as well.
本人獲幼稚園的 核准校長同意,並特此同意及代表他/她同意,教統局、為政府學券計劃 [...]
提供服務的承辦商,以及其他獲政府正式授權的人士,可查閱本表格所載述關於本人及有關 校長在本表格所提供的個人資料,以作表格第 VI 部「提供/處理個人資料」第 2 段所載的用 途。
I have obtained the consent of the approved
[...] principal of the Kindergarten and hereby give [...]
consent on his/her behalf and my consent,
to EMB and the contractors of the Government which provide services to the Government in connection with the PEVS and other persons duly authorized by the Government to access my and such principal’s personal data provided in this application for the purposes set out in paragraph 2 of Part VI of this application form on Provision/Handling of Personal Data.
(19) 經營、成立、建設、維持、改善、營運、監督及管理,或協助經營、成立、
[...] 建設、維持、改善、營運、監督及管理學校、院校或其他教育機構、宿舍、 培訓及教育中心幼稚園及幼兒院
(19) To carry out, establish, construct, maintain, improve, operate, superintend and manage, or to assist in the carrying out, establishment, construction, maintenance, improvement, superintendence and management of
schools, colleges or other educational establishments, hostels, training and
[...] educational centres, kindergarten and nursery.
成立於2006年以及附屬右思幼稚園, KSMA亦是香港首間獲公認的鈴木中心。
Founded in 2006 and affiliated with
[...] Rightmind Kindergarten, KSMA is the [...]
first certified Suzuki centre in the region.
At that time, I was childish enough to respond [...]
to them by explaining some basic statistical knowledge.
项目的主要组成部分 包括由社区协调和管理的水和卫生服务、废物管理 幼 儿 园 、 生计培训、促进参 与城市规划,以及获得信贷和储蓄计划。
The key components of the project are community-coordinated and managed water and sanitation services, waste management and childcare; livelihood training, facilitating engagement in the municipal planning process, and access to credit and savings schemes.
拜特贾拉一再遭受占领国此种粗暴、非法政策的影响;在最近采取非法行动之前, 占领国征用了大片土地,并修建了非法吞并区隔离墙,严重损害了该城
[...] Cremisan 地区,其中包括拜特贾拉 58 个家庭所属绿地、一幼儿园、一 座修道院和一个 葡萄园。
Beit Jala has been repeatedly impacted by such heavyhanded, illegal policies of the occupying Power, with the recent illegal actions having been preceded by vast land confiscations and the construction of the illegal annexation Wall, which have gravely harmed the Cremisan
area of the city, including a green area belonging to 58 families
[...] from Beit Jala, a kindergarten, a convent and a [...]
2009 年取得的成就包括:兴建 129 幢房屋和公寓,修复 155 幢,为返回者等受冲突影响人口提供长期住房;在 17
个村庄成立社会社区中 心,力求动员当地社区,解决妨碍可持续返回的若干关键问题,包括医疗援助、 创收和教育机会等;开展惠及 2 300
[...] 个家庭的创收活动和改善民生项目;向 54 个学校幼儿园提供 柴火和其他燃料,确保其在整个冬季得以继续运行。
Achievements in 2009 include the building of 129 and rehabilitation of 155 houses and apartments to provide returnees and other members of the conflictaffected population with a durable housing solution; the establishment of social community centres in 17 villages, designed to mobilize local communities and to address some key obstacles to sustainable return by providing, inter alia, medical assistance and income and educational opportunities; the development of incomegenerating activities and improvement of livelihood projects,
benefiting 2,300 households; and ensuring
[...] that 54 schools and kindergartens can remain operational [...]
throughout the winter, partly
through the provision of firewood.
体现新宪法对其 1961
[...] 年版本的巨大改进的另一项创新,是承认教育为毕生 之事:一方面,目前教育从学前班(幼 儿 园 ) 起 到 中学都是义务性的,另一方面, 在国立教育机构中,教育从学前到大学都是免费的。
Another innovation showing how far the new Constitution represents an improvement on its 1961 predecessor is its recognition of education as something that continues throughout life: on the one
hand, education is now compulsory from
[...] the preschool (kindergarten) level through [...]
the intermediate level, and on the other
hand, it is free from preschool to university at State institutions.
不同社經地位的日本父母全部也會向他們的 子女施加壓力,幼稚園開 始便鋪路進入「合適的學校」,準備進入一所「優良的大學」, [...]
Parents of all economic strata pressured their
[...] children from kindergarten onward to get [...]
into the “proper schools” in preparation
for entry into a “good university”, the key to a successful middle-class career.
如果學童已在原來就讀幼稚園/幼兒 中 心獲得某個月份的學費減 免款項,則不會在新入讀幼稚園/幼 兒 中 心獲得同一個月份的學費減免款項。
If the student-applicant has received fee remission for a particular month from the previous kindergarten/child care centre, he will not be awarded fee remission for the same month from the new kindergarten/child care centre.




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