单词 | 幽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 幽—secludedless common: imprison serene ancient district spanning Liaonang and Hebei provinces hidden away in superstition indicates the underworld 幽adjective—peacefuladjExamples:幽明—the hidden and the visible that which can be seen and that which cannot 幽冥adj—darkadj 幽僻—secluded quiet and remote
美国此后的两次调查中揭露了“幽灵被拘留者”的存在,他们 显然是被秘密拘留的,无法与外界接触。 daccess-ods.un.org | The existence of “ghost detainees”, who were clearly held incommunicado in secret detention, was later exposed in two United States investigations. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,我们都可以从网络直播看到的海牙审判的幽灵, 不应掩 盖一个事实:应由各国防止和惩处违反国际人道主义法行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the spectre of trials in The Hague which we can all watch on webcast should not obscure the reality that it is up to States to prevent and punish violations of IHL. daccess-ods.un.org |
裙子上绣着闪光的东方风情的金饰,很多年后,这产生出鹰吞蛇的图像——这是一种保留了隐形的中式风度的混搭,就像一个东方的幽灵仍 然活在我们中间。 shanghaibiennale.org | It was a sequined dress embroidered with gold in the oriental manner that was to end up, years later, with the image of an eagle devouring a snake – a hybrid that remains as a veiled Chinese presence, as an eastern ghost that still lives among us. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们 在 2008 年夏天看到的那个石油价格居高不下而且商 品价格突然上涨的幽灵如今再次出现。 daccess-ods.un.org | The spectre of high oil prices and the sudden rise in the price of commodities that we witnessed in the summer of 2008 are back. daccess-ods.un.org |
东侧靠近树林的院子私密幽静;西侧的院子成为四畦大小不一共约两亩的田地,可随季种植水稻、小麦、油菜、玉米等作物,营造闲散恬静的农耕氛围。 chinese-architects.com | The courtyard close to the eastern [...] side is secret and quiet while the [...]western side becomes four small fields in different [...]size where rice, wheat, vegetables and corn can be grown as the seasons change, thus creating a tranquil and pleasant farming atmosphere. chinese-architects.com |
信息的传播是如此生动和瞬时, 以致任何孤立的国家或人民都不会感觉到其边界的幽禁地理环境的束缚,即便这些边界一直延伸到,或 许我们应当说,接近于世界最偏远的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | So graphic and instantaneous is the transmission of information that there are no isolated nations or peoples who might feel themselves imprisoned by the confining geography of their borders when those borders extend as far as, or should we say as close to, the most distant regions of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
体验我们对未来的目标:在这新的电视广告中,平治展望未来的零排放汽车构想,并以幽默形 式回顾昔日面对的各种挑战。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Experience our vision of the future: in our new commercial, Mercedes-Benz looks ahead to a future of emission-free mobility - and takes a tongue-in-cheek look back on the challenges of the past. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
许多人体内的幽门螺杆菌感染不会引起任何症状,但是对于其他人而言这种感染可能会伤害胃壁,导致胃炎(炎症)和溃疡病,这两种病可能造成上腹部(位于肚脐上方)的疼痛或灼烧感。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In many people, infection does not cause any symptoms, but in others it can hurt the stomach lining, leading to gastritis (inflammation) and ulcers potentially causing pain or burning in the upper abdomen (the area above the belly button). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
就这样,一个幽灵般 的风暴类似的女巫出现在空中,而被诅咒死的出现和追求的男生,直到他们满足诺曼的妹妹,考特尼(安娜·肯德里克),尼尔和他的老哥哥,米奇(凯西·阿弗莱克),谁已来,以检索诺曼。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | With that, aghostly stormresembling [...] the witch appears in the air while the cursed dead arise and pursue the boys until [...]they meet Norman’s sister, Courtney (Anna Kendrick), Neil and his older brother, Mitch (Casey Affleck), who have come to retrieve Norman. iw.seekcartoon.com |
其他耐人寻味且值得造访的庙宇,则有「孔庙」与「行天宫」;较之「龙山寺」,这两所寺庙略显幽静肃穆。 seagate.com | Other interesting temples worth a visit are the relatively quiet and sedate Confucius Temple and the Taoist Xing Tian Gong. seagate.com |
他的作品用幽默的、虚构奇观的方式来探究和表述人的身体、经验及认知之间的关系,同时也探讨人造现实、媒体、历史感知与身体认同之间的关系,这似乎给人一种多面的感觉,但透过这些作品会有一个清晰完整的“王郁洋”。 shanghaibiennale.org | He try tousehumor,fictionand spectacle [...] ways to explore and reflect the relation between the human body, experience and [...]cognition, at the same time He also explore the relationship between artificial reality, the media, history perception and physical cognition. shanghaibiennale.org |
虽然施莱辛格的报告指出,使用了其他场所来关押“幽灵被拘留者”,但 是这些其他监狱的地点、以及被关押者的人数还没有得到彻底的调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the Schlesinger report noted the use of other facilities for “ghost detainees”, the locations of these other prisons, and the numbers of detainees held, have not yet been thoroughly investigated. daccess-ods.un.org |
排行榜接下来的位置,毫无疑问被“江南Style”,电视节目“中国好声音”(被舒洁以幽默网络视频恶搞),中日钓鱼岛问题,及“航母Style”所占据。 labbrand.com | Further down the list we find the inevitable Gangnam Style, TV show “The [...] voice of China” (which was parodied by [...] Kleenex through ahumorous web video), the [...]Diaoyu / Senkaku feud between China and [...]Japan the “aircraft carrier style” meme. labbrand.com |
着名护理香氛能为肌肤注入活力,使肌肤快速复原,同时带来柔软滋润的肤质,并散发 幽幽芳香。 clarinsusa.com | The famous Treatment Fragrance that energizes, revitalizes and leaves skin soft, hydrated and delicately-scented. clarinsusa.com |
Pantai Dalit海滩距离南部哥打基纳巴卢仅需30分钟车程,海滩环境清幽静谧,沙滩绵软细幼,是亲子度假及情侣邂逅的理想胜地。 shangri-la.com | A secluded stretch of beach thirty minutes north of Kota Kinabalu, Pantai Dalit offers private expanses of soft white sand ideal for families or vacationing couples. shangri-la.com |
在许多渔业中 兼捕和遗弃量下降的主要原因是引进了有效的网具调整和减少兼捕的装置72。但 依然关注未考虑的捕捞死亡的影响,例如抛弃、遗失或遗弃渔具造成的幽灵捕 鱼 以及事实上这类网具也可能造成环境损害。 fao.org | The declines in the bycatches and discards in many fisheries have mainly been the result of introducing effective gear modifications and bycatch reduction devices.72 However, there remains concern about the impacts of unaccounted fishing mortalities such as ghost fishing by abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear and the fact that such gear may also cause environmental damage. fao.org |
尽管自冷战结束以来,重大冲突的幽灵已逐渐消 失,但 全世界数百万男男女女继续遭受新旧冲突的灾 [...] 难性后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the spectre of a major conflict [...] has faded since the end of the Cold War, millions of men and women around the world [...]continue to suffer the disastrous consequences of conflicts old and new. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们还对被遗弃、丢失或以其它方式丢弃的渔具表示关切,特别是这类渔具 能继续捕鱼(经常称为“幽灵捕 鱼”),同时对鱼类种群产生影响,可能对濒危物 种和底栖环境产生影响,并有可能给海上航行造成危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerns have also been expressed about abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear, in particular its ability to continue to snare fish (often referred to as “ghost fishing”), with associated impacts on fish stocks, and potential impacts on endangered species and benthic environments, as well as its potential to become a navigational hazard at sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
抛弃、遗失或遗弃的刺网产生的幽灵捕鱼的影响引起关注,原因是这类网可 能继续长时间捕鱼,取决于构造、深度和主要环境条件。 fao.org | The impacts of ghost fishing by abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded gillnets are of concern as such nets may continue to fish for long periods depending on their construction, the depth, and prevailing environmental conditions. fao.org |
无论是一粒砂,或是手掌大小的石块,街道的触觉特质更胜视觉,街道若是平顺单一,或许能避免擦伤、跌倒、弄脏衣物,也或许能准时送孩子到幼稚园,但对於小手、小脚、小鼻、小眼而言,会显得相当无趣,从孩子的高度,每条道路都无穷无尽,所以他们会比大人走得更远…也能减少对幽闭的恐惧感。 thisbigcity.net | Smooth streets without varied texture and grain may prevent scrapes and knocks and dirty clothes – may help get the kids to kindergarten on time – but hold little interest for tiny hands, feet, noses and eyes. thisbigcity.net |
作为备受尊崇的国际魔术家协会及温哥华魔术界的成员之一,Jose将喜剧元素注入其「近景」魔术表演中,生动魔法加上风趣幽默使他赢得观众赞赏并换来多个大型魔术奖项。 yp.mo | Jose is a member of the highly respected International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Vancouver Magic Circle. yp.mo |
活动通过一则幽默的网络视频拉开帷幕,最终制成两则微电影,展示兄弟中国CEO的花商生活,以及副CEO下乡农作的场景。 labbrand.com | The operation was [...] announcedwith a humorouswebvideoand resulted [...]in 2 mini films showing Brother’s CEO living the life [...]of a florist for a week while his vice CEO did farm work in the countryside. labbrand.com |
其歌曲、音乐、 舞蹈、文学、宗教和精神生活都是由作物种植周期以及与自然和众生的互动形成 [...] 的:舞蹈纪念狩猎和崇拜鬼神;歌谣重述历史、神话和传说;骁勇、爱情和浪漫 故事往往含有幽默。daccess-ods.un.org | Their music, dance, literature, religion and spirituality have all been shaped by the cropping cycle and their interaction with nature and living beings: dances commemorate hunting and worship of gods and [...] spirits; ballads recount history, myths and legends; and stories of valour, love and romance are [...] often combined with humour. daccess-ods.un.org |
三天善良与邪恶的精神争夺的灵魂附体,在这之后采取清算和刚刚男人是欢欣鼓舞的幽灵,在美丽少女的形式,他的善行,文字,思想,以及安全地越过一个幸福的天堂,而邪恶的人是面临着一个可怕的幽灵他的劣迹,并拖累了地狱。 mb-soft.com | For three days good and evil spirits contend for the possession of the soul, after which the reckoning is taken and [...] the just men is [...] rejoiced by the apparition, inthe form of a fair maiden, of his good deeds, words, and thoughts, and passes over safely to a paradise of bliss, while the wicked man is confronted by a hideous apparition of his evil [...]deeds, and is dragged down to hell. mb-soft.com |
某些传染性病原体或寄生 病原体与癌症有关:病毒性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎会导致肝癌;幽门螺 旋杆菌会增 加患胃癌的风险;血吸虫病会增加得膀胱癌的风险;肝吸虫感染会增加得胆管癌 的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Certain infective or parasitic agents are linked to cancer: viral hepatitis B and C cause cancer ofthe liver; the bacterium Helicobacter pylori increases the risk of stomach cancer; schistosomiasis increases the risk of bladder cancer, and liver fluke infection increases the risk of cancer of the bile ducts. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,结对并不仅限于学生,教师结对工作时,也可以像学生结对那样实现师生交流——直率地指出问题,同时也要能提出建设性意见;可以激烈争论,但常常也可以用点小幽默化解大家的情绪。 infoq.com | Pairing was not limited to students, however, as faculty pair-taught the academic spikes, demonstrating the kinds of interactions we expected between the apprentices as they worked - pointed, but not destructive, critiques of what was being communicated; appreciation for novel ways of interacting [...] with students and ideas; intense engagement with the here and now as it [...] transpired, often usinghumor to soften the blow. infoq.com |