单词 | 幼时 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 幼时 —childhoodSee also:幼 adj—young adj
儿童因此而受到的有害影响可包括:辍学,无法获得卫生保健服务,与父母 分离,以及年幼时即从事童工劳动等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The harmful effects thereof on children may include the end of access to proper education and health services, separation from their parents, and early introduction to child labour. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告认为应该为儿童年幼时提供 更优越的条件,早期的正确教育将对人生产生深远的影响,而且儿童不应该受到出生环境的影响。 unicef.org | The report argues that children deserve the [...] best possible start in life, early [...] experience can cast a long shadow, and children [...]are not to be held responsible for the [...]circumstances into which they are born. unicef.org |
杰克罗素梗需要从幼时起就接受社会化教育和积极且持续性的训练。 eukanuba.com.cn | The Jack Russell Terrier requires socializing and positive and [...] consistent training from a young age. fr.eukanuba.ch |
许多女孩在年幼时就被 迫由秘密社团切割了生 殖器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many girls are forcibly subjected to FGM [...] at a very young age by secret societies. daccess-ods.un.org |
她认为正是自己年轻时总是自私地关注自己的事业,而忽略了子女, 儿子的患病和女儿的分住都和幼时缺 乏 父母的关爱有关系。 hongfook.ca | She believed she had been selfish for [...] focusing on her career when they were young, [...]and associated her daughter’s departure [...]and son’s illness with lack of parental love. hongfook.ca |
广泛的证据和研究表明,一名儿童在 年 幼时 如 果 被处于机构照料或者与其母 亲分开,会使他或她的心理健康和情绪稳定受到伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Extensive evidence and studies had shown that the mental health and emotional well-being of the child would be harmed if he or she was put in institutional care and separated from the mother at a young age. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些知识对你的孩子也有 指导作用,因为许多血管的损害从年 幼时 就 开 始了。 world-heart-federation.org | A lot of the damage to the blood vessels starts at a young age. world-heart-federation.org |
叶柄淡黄棕色,5-7毫米; 不同季节叶片二型;春天叶小的,叶片椭圆形到长圆形, 1-4 * 0.8-2 [...] 厘米,薄纸质的或膜质,基部钝,边缘全缘,先端圆形的或钝;秋天叶更大,叶片长圆状倒卵形或者宽椭圆形, 6-10 * 3-5 厘米, 背面白色具棕色的小圆点,鳞片重叠, 多数白色, [...] 少数棕色, 边缘流苏状撕裂到多少星状,背面 幼时 具 绒 毛,毛被为星状毛,不贴伏,侧脉在中脉每边8-10,老叶正面深凹陷。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole yellowish brown, 5-7 mm; leaf blade dimorphic by season; spring leaves small, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 1-4 × 0.8-2 cm, thinly papery or membranous, base obtuse, margin entire, apex rounded or obtuse; autumn leaves larger, leaf blade oblong-obovate or broadly elliptic, 6-10 × 3-5 cm, abaxially white with brown dots, scales overlapping, mostly white, a few brown, [...] margin fimbriate-lacerate to ± stellate, [...] adaxially tomentose when young, indumentum [...]of stellate hairs, not appressed, lateral [...]veins 8-10 per side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially in old leaves. flora.ac.cn |
年幼时就聪明过人,善于创新。 delaval.cn | A clever child and successful student, he graduated with a degree in engineering and then a Ph. delaval.ca |
婴儿在发育成长的过程中逐渐开始将 幼时 从 父 母那儿学到的培育和规律进行自我转化,同时学习如何管理自己的情绪以及处理压力。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | As the infant grows, s/he begins to internalize the nurturing and regulation that s/he initially received from his/her parents. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这一产品的香味不但能够轻易地被这些年轻人识别出来,还能让我们回忆起幼儿园和小 学 时 的 年 幼时 光。 labbrand.com | This product’s fragrance was not only easily identified by [...] the young individuals, but will most likely take us back to our [...] early years as kindergarten and primary school [...]students. labbrand.com |
奇数羽状复叶或偶数羽状复叶,30-60(-90)厘米;小叶(5-)9-21,对生; [...] 小叶柄(2-)6-12毫米; [...] 小叶叶片长圆状椭圆形,椭圆形,或者卵形, (7-)17-26 * 4-10厘米,基部一对小叶最小,幼时膜 质 ,成熟时近革质到革质, 阳光下具可见的透明的极小的点, [...] 两面无毛, 次脉在中脉两边各(8-)11-20,纤细,基部偏斜,楔形到宽楔形或有时一边为圆形,边缘全缘,先端尾状渐尖到钝。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves odd- or even- pinnate, 30-60(-90) cm; leaflets (5-)9-21, opposite; petiolules (2-)6-12 mm; leaflet blades oblong-elliptic, elliptic, or ovate, (7-)17-26 × 4-10 [...] cm with basal pair smallest, [...] membranous when young, subleathery to leathery when mature, with [...]visible transparent tiny spots [...]under sunlight, both surfaces glabrous, secondary veins (8-)11-20 on each side of midvein and slender, base oblique and cuneate to broadly cuneate or sometimes one side rounded, margin entire, apex caudate-acuminate to obtuse. flora.ac.cn |
出于幼时的美 好记忆,创办Chu Cuoi 酒楼的老板希望在来临这里的食客心坎中可以唤起新鲜的纪念,使因为忙着现代生活而埋在过去的原初感触一缕一缕复生。 amthucchucuoi.vnnavi.com.vn | Getting idea from the beautiful memories of [...] childhood, Chu Cuoi restaurant’s [...]founder has a desire to evoke them in the hearts [...]of each customer when visiting this place by reviving something pristine of the past which was thought to be put in a silent sleep by chaos of modern life. amthucchucuoi.vnnavi.com.vn |
Oscar Peterson [...] 1925年诞生于加拿大蒙特娄,其在年 幼时 即 展 现了令人惊艳的钢琴演奏天份,他对爵士乐的热忱态度与勤奋不怠的学习,更与其独有天赋相辅相成。 oris.ch | Born in 1925 in Montreal, Canada, Oscar Peterson displayed a talent for [...] playing the piano from an early age. oris.ch |
里约集团再次与拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团、 欧洲联盟一起成为关于儿童权利的一般性决议草案 的主要提案国,希望在今年的主题下能更加有效地 讨论促进和保护幼儿时期儿 童的权利问题,因为这 一时期是儿童未来发展的关键时期,将对儿童全面 融入社会起着决定性作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Rio Group, which was once again, with the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States and the European Union, the main sponsor of the omnibus draft resolution on the rights of the child, hoped that the theme for 2010 would more effectively address the promotion and protection of children’s rights in early childhood, a crucial stage in their future development and one that would be decisive in terms of their full integration into society. daccess-ods.un.org |
在长牙时, 幼儿会觉得牙龈很痒, 而喜欢咬东西, 可以给他们没有尖锐陵角的固齿 器。 tannvern.no | Give them a teething ring of hard rubber or plastic, but without sharp edges. tannvern.no |
鼓励参考食品法典委员会的有关标准和指引,为预先包装的婴幼食品提供能量及蛋白质、总脂肪和碳水化合物三种主要营养素含量, 同 时 为 谷 基类 婴 幼 儿 食品标示钠及维生素B1的含量。 cfs.gov.hk | Make reference to relevant Codex standards and guidelines for providing content of energy as well as protein, total fat and carbohydrates in prepackaged food for infants and young children, and declare content of sodium and vitamin B1 in cereal-based food. cfs.gov.hk |
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲, 从 幼 年 开 始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能 有尊严地过着幸福生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity. daccess-ods.un.org |
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 [...] 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove [...] forests in the world and provided a critical [...] spawning and juvenile growth area [...]for tuna and other globally significant fish species. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于幼儿教育的好处,许多非政府组织吁请教科文 组织提供更多的相关资金,支持旨在满足儿童,特别是满足那些贫困家庭的儿童的早期教育 需求的战略和计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In recognition of the benefits of early childhood education, many NGOs urged UNESCO to provide more relevant funding in support of strategies and programmes designed to meet the early education needs of children, particularly those whose families suffer from poverty. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 [...] 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于 妇 幼 发 病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 [...] 疟疾、结核病和小儿麻痹症,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, [...] poor health and nutrition outcomes, as [...] evidenced by high child and maternal [...]morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden [...]of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 [...] 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 [...] 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。 daccess-ods.un.org | These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme [...] 13, Subregional activities in the [...] Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 [...]post and three Local level posts under programme support. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 [...] 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比 利 时 、 玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 [...] [...]亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution [...] proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted [...] by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational [...]State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic [...]People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile. unesdoc.unesco.org |
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的 协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差 旅 时 间 ; 订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使 用 时 间 减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。 daccess-ods.un.org | The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; [...] $104,700 under [...] experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization [...]of electronic means [...]of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
冈比亚还报告称,它继 [...] 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas [...] and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian [...] demining team which is always ready [...]to respond to any emergencies. daccess-ods.un.org |