

单词 纸包饮品

See also:


paper products

饮品 v

drink v



External sources (not reviewed)

胶面纸及蜡面纸(如牛奶纸盒、糖果包装纸、影印纸的包装纸 纸包饮品 盒)
Plastic- or wax-coated paper (e.g. milk cartons, candy wrappers, photocopy
[...] paper wrappers and drink boxes)
通过这项计划,Big C购物中心回收到的牛饮料纸包装通 过彩乐板 等工艺,加工成屋顶棚和其他纸品。
Under the Green Roof project, used
[...] cartons dropped at Big C stores are transformed into roof sheeting (polylaminate) and paper products.
用Nexxstar树脂生产的拉伸套管膜可用于托盘包装用途,包 饮 料 、 包 装 食 品 和 瓶 装商品、家用电器、袋装产品(如沙、水泥等)、包装材料 纸 和 建 筑产品。
Stretch hood films using Nexxstar resins work in
[...] applications that include beverages, packaged food and bottled goods, household appliances, products packed in bags (sand, cement, etc.), packaging materials, paper and building products.
用途广泛的 HPX® 产品系列可为多个加工行业的各种应用提供压力保护,这些行 包 括 : 化学、石油和天然气、 品 、 饮 料 、制药、生物科技 纸 浆 与 造纸、电力以及其他行业。
The versatility of the HPX® product family offers pressure protection for a wide range
[...] applications in many processing industries, including: chemical, oil and gas, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, biotech, pulp [...]
and paper, power and more.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展 纸 化 贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其将重点放在最不发达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业品的价值链包括诸 如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import
products; introduce single
[...] windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives [...]
such as “one village
one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
此款 Label-Lyte 薄膜适合于需要出众标签外观的多种市场领域 包 括 保健、美容、家居 品 、 饮 料 、罐装或瓶装食品以及汽车应用等。
This Label-Lyte film is well suited
for a wide range of
[...] market segments including health and beauty care, household products, beverages, canistered [...]
or bottled food, and
automotive applications requiring exceptional label appearance.
同时,由一个 P-4 职等合同管理干事领导的合同管理股的职责 有所增加,现包括:管理有关提供商品和服务的主要高价值商业合同, 品包括 口 粮和燃料等,服务包括包机、机场地面支持、一级、二级和三级医疗设施、专 门信息技术和通信饮食供 应合同等;监测合同执行情况以及承包商对合同安排 条款和条件的遵守情况;实施质量保证监测方案;就所有涉及合同执行的问题与 [...]
行政和综合支助事务部门负责人联络;监测各项支出;审查和协调承包商发票的 处理工作。
At the same time, the level of responsibilities of the Contracts Management Unit headed by a Contracts Management Officer at the P-4 level has increased and includes management of key high-value commercial contracts for the provision of commodities (including
rations and fuel) and
[...] services (including air charters, airfield ground support, level I, level II and level III medical facilities, specialized information technology and communications and catering contracts); [...]
of contracts execution and compliance by the contractors with the terms and conditions of contractual arrangements; implementation of a quality assurance surveillance programme; liaison with the heads of administrative and integrated support services sections on all issues related to contract implementation; monitoring expenditure; and review and coordination of the processing of contractors’ invoices.
[...] 置于我们审议工作的重要位置,而那些问题在以往 的报告中未得到有效的详细论述,其 包 括 : 急需 粮食饮水和医疗品的人 很少能够得到人道主义 援助;人道主义工作人员、保健中心和向卫生保健 [...]
遭到绑架;移徙工人及其家庭成员在冲突局势中面 临困难处境;以及提供用于人道主义援助用途的设 备和物品被盗。
We are also pleased to see certain issues broughtintothemainstreamofourdeliberations —issues that had been insufficiently elaborated on in previous reports, such as the limited access to
humanitarian assistance by
[...] people in need of food, water and medical supplies; attacks on humanitarian personnel, [...]
health centres
and ambulances transporting the wounded to such centres; the kidnapping of humanitarian workers; the difficult situation faced by migrant workers and their families in situations of conflict; and the theft of equipment and provisions intended to be used for humanitarian assistance.
斯凯孚的业务涉及约40个行业,例如汽车、风 电、铁路、机床、矿山、冶金、医疗、 品 和 饮料 以纸行业等。
SKF operates in around 40 customer segments,
where of examples include automotive, wind energy, railway, machine tool,
[...] medical, food & beverage and paper industries etc.
它还阐述采购或“绿色采购”的环保问题以及产品寿命周期或“可持续性原 则”。58
[...] 《准则》援引联合国每年更新的《产品综合清单》,也具体指导如何 避免使用有害于环境的产品,比如石棉和有毒物质,并且指明商品和服务供应的 规格包括家具和木品、纸和纸制 品、办公设备、以及地毯和纺织品。
It also addresses the environmental aspects of procurement or “green procurement” and product life cycles or the “sustainability principle”.58 Referring to the “Consolidated List of Products” updated yearly by the United Nations, the Guidelines also provide specific guidance on how to avoid the use of products harmful to the environment, such as asbestos and toxic substances, and give specifications
on the supply of goods
[...] and services, including furniture and wood products, paper and paper products, office equipment, [...]
and carpets and textiles.
为了让每个学校都成为“零垃圾区域”,该项目建立了收集中心,用于收集 干垃圾、可回收垃圾和使用后的牛 饮 料 纸包 装 等
To make each school a ‘garbage free zone’, collection centres have been set up to collect dry waste,
[...] recyclables and used Tetra Pak cartons.
虽然各行业对洁净空气的要求有很大差别,例如 品饮 料 、医院、汽车制造业、博物馆或 纸 浆 和 造 纸 厂 等 ,但他们有一个共同点:他们均受益于康斐尔特别定制的过滤方案。
Clean air requirements vary considerably within sectors
[...] such as food & beverage, hospitals, car manufacturing, museums or pulp and paper mills, but they [...]
have one thing in common:
they all benefit from Camfil Farr’s custom-tailored filtration solutions.
获得持久解决的国内流离失所者不受歧视地享有适足生活水准,其中至包 括住房、医疗服务、品、饮水及 其他生存手段。
IDPs who have achieved a durable solution enjoy, without
discrimination, an adequate
[...] standard of living, including at a minimum shelter, health care, food, water [...]
and other means of survival.
小组委员会认为当局和监狱管理部门不得对监狱 出现的情况推卸责任,无论是提供基本生活必需品,如 品 、 饮 用 水 和最低保健 和卫生条件,还是实行控制措施包 括 强制手段或惩罚。
The SPT considers that the authorities and the prison administration must not abrogate their responsibility for what goes on in prisons, whether it be the provision of
basic necessities of life,
[...] such as food, drinking water and minimum conditions for health and hygiene or whether it be the imposition of control measures, including restraints or punishments.
世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国人口基金 和世界粮食计划署正在提供人道主义援助 包 括 向 主要医院、监狱和拘留中心提 供燃料、品、饮用水 、外科手术用品和其他基本货物。
The World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Population Fund and the
World Food Programme
[...] are providing humanitarian assistance, including fuel, food, potable water, surgical supplies and other [...]
essential goods to
the main hospital, prisons and detention centres.
柯达的瓦纸包装解 决方案提供了出众 品 质 ,从单色的牛皮纸板到使用最高图形标准和准确品牌色彩印刷的混色白顶瓦楞纸板。
Kodak's corrugated packaging solutions provide outstanding quality from [...]
single-color Kraft liners to process-color, white-top,
microflute liners printed with the highest graphic standards and accurate brand colors.
确保将正确的纸张插入打印机(大多数普通纸适用于喷墨打印机和激光打印机,光面纸和特种纸除外,请检 纸品包 装 , 了解纸张可配合使用的打印机类型)。
Make sure the proper paper is inserted into the printer (most plain paper can be used in both Inkjet and Laser printer, this is not
the case for glossy or specialty paper,
[...] check the paper packaging for the type of [...]
printer the paper is to be used with).
[...] Weinmann向我阐释他这个项目时我并没能感同身受他的兴奋劲--不就是一款纯粹的设计钛腕表,一件奢 品 却 用 一份 纸包 装 而不是用木盒子,只在博物馆或者Embassy店内售卖而不是全球售卖--“你感觉还好吗?
I honestly confess, that I didn’t share the excitement of Beat Weinmann from Embassy initially, when he explained his project to me back in 2005 – a
purist design watch in titanium for
[...] a museum, a luxury product wrapped in a newspaper instead [...]
of a wooden box, sold only in
the museum and at Embassy instead of global distribution – “Well, are you feeling ok?
经社会通过了关于推进纸化贸易和跨境确认电子数据和单据以实包容的 和可持续的区域内贸易便利化的第 68/3 号决议。
The Commission adopted resolution 68/3
[...] on enabling paperless trade and the cross-border recognition of electronic data and documents for inclusive and sustainable [...]
intraregional trade facilitation.
半自动糊箱机主要用于单片瓦楞纸板成型的糊合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应各种内销、出口 品纸 箱 包 装 的 需要,是目前国内最为理想的纸箱半自动糊箱设备。
Semi-automatic paste box machine is mainly used for single corrugated cardboard pasting forming to meet the many varieties and different production requirements, to adapx
to a variety of domestic and
[...] export needs of carton packaging products, is currently the [...]
most ideal semi-automatic paste box carton equipment.
该代表团指出,广告宣传是包括在该委员会的 职责范围内的,而且有关广告宣传的内容已经被列入《专 饮 食 预 包 装 食 品 标 签 和要求 标准》。
The Delegation pointed out that advertising was included in the terms of reference of the Committee and that a
reference to
[...] advertising was already included in the Standard for the Labelling of and Claims for Prepackaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses.
大韩民国政府已决定提供价值 100 万美元的实物 捐助包括临时住所、品、饮水、卫生设施和药物。
The Government of the Republic
of Korea has decided to contribute $1
[...] million in kind, with shelter, food, water, sanitation facilities and [...]
饮食策略应包括减少精制碳水化合物(如白糖和白面粉)、加工 品 、 胆 固醇和饱和脂肪酸的摄入量,同时增加天然食品(水果、蔬菜、豆类、豌豆、种子和坚果)的食用量。
Dietary strategies should include reducing refined carbohydrate (such as white sugar and white flour), processed [...]
food, cholesterol
and saturated fatty acid intake, while increasing consumption of whole foods (fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, seeds and nuts).
双伺服高速半自动钉箱机主要用于单片瓦楞纸板成型的钉合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应各种内销、出口 品纸 箱 包 装 的 需要,是链条式钉箱机的代替品,是目前国内最新的,最为理想的纸箱半自动钉箱设备。
Double servo semiauto stitcher is mainly used for single nail box forming corrugated board nailed together to meet the many varieties and different production requirements, to
adapt to a variety of domestic and
[...] export needs of carton packaging products, is the chain [...]
nail me in the place of products,
is currently the latest and the most desirable semi-automatic nail carton box equipment.
由于 需要处理纸张和用品的数 量一直在减少,因此有理由裁撤一般事务(其他职等) 员额。
The ongoing decrease in the quantity of paper and supplies to be handled justified the abolition of the General Service (Other level) posts.
2) 少喝软饮料:此外,最新研究包括 《 肝脏病学》杂志2009年刊登的一项研究在内)显示,饮用软饮料(普通饮料和减 饮品 ) 是 导致人们患上酒精性脂肪肝的一个重要因素,并且不受其他风险因素的影响。
2) Consume less soft
[...] drinks: In addition, recent studies, including one published in 2009 in the Journal of Hepatology, have shown that soft-drink consumption (both regular and [...]
diet), to be a strong predictor of
developing NAFLD, independent of other risk factors.
现在大家看到的壁纸店基本是店名(部分是以店内销售的其中一个 纸品牌 来命名),真正的单一纸品牌专 卖店是极少的,所以并不是店大样本多买到的 纸 最 中意 ( 包 括 价 格),要问清他们每个店一手代理的品牌或主打什么品牌,这样得到的价格才可能最真实最靠谱,当今许多样本在各店重复销售重复加价的现象非常常见。
Now we see of wallpaper shop Basic is shop name (part is
to shop within sales of which a wallpaper brand to
[...] named), real of single wallpaper brand stores is very less of, so is not shop large samples more buy to of wallpaper most Italian (including price), to asked Qing they each [...]
hand agent of brand or main what brand, such are of price only may most real most Corp, today many samples in the shop repeat sales repeat increases of phenomenon very common.
根据公司的研究和市场零售子行业表现出强劲的增长,在此期间 包 括 食 品 和 饮 料 , 与销售预计将增长$ 205亿元,至2010的292 2014亿美元,同比增长42.0%。
According to the company Research and Markets Retail sub
sectors should show strong growth
[...] over the period include food and drink, with sales projected [...]
to grow from $ 205 billion
to $ 2010 292 2014 billion, an increase of 42.0%.
艾默生过程管理(www.emersonprocess.com.cn )是 Emerson 业务的一部分,其在化工、石油天然气、炼油、纸浆和 纸 、 电 力、 品 与 饮 料 、制药和其它的工业的自动化领域中居于领先地位。
Emerson Process Management (www.emersonprocess.com), an Emerson business, is a leader in helping businesses automate their production, processing and distribution in the chemical,
oil and gas, refining,
[...] pulp and paper, power, water and wastewater treatment, mining and metals, food and beverage, pharmaceutical [...]
and other industries.
至 少,儿童有权获得一套基本的社会服务,其 包 括 高 质量的医疗保健、充足的食 物、住房、安饮用水 和卫生设施、以及初级教育,从而使他们得以充分成长, 远离疾病、营养不良、文盲和其他的形式的匮乏。
At a minimum, children are
[...] entitled to a package of basic social services that includes high-quality health care, adequate food, housing, safe drinking water and sanitation [...]
and primary
education, so that they can grow to their full potential, free of disease, malnutrition, illiteracy and other deprivations.




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