

单词 祥和



(idiom) amiability leads harmony

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External sources (not reviewed)

我期望所有發言的 議員也同樣心平氣和地表達自己的想法,而不要藉此機會發表流於情緒化的 口號,攻擊其他人,破祥和的氣氛。
I hope that all Members who are to speak can also express their views calmly and will not take this opportunity to voice emotional slogans to attack others and spoil the harmonious atmosphere.
在以托斯卡纳的山峰和基昂蒂酒庄为背景 祥和 氛 围 中,拉坎蒂娜托斯卡纳酒吧为真正的行家准备了意大利久负盛名的红酒。
True connoisseurs can find the most renowned Italian wines at La Cantina Toscana, a wine bar that welcomes guests into an environment inspired by the peaceful Tuscany hills and Chianti vineyards.
爱尔兰是一个安静、含蓄的国度,一个您可以远离缠身琐事的地方,这里有着令人神清气爽的怡人景 和 平 静 祥和 的 活 动。
Ireland is a laid back country, a place where you can really escape the stresses and strains of everyday life with inspirational landscapes and tranquil activities.
卢布尔雅那的这一部分是非常安静 祥和 , 但 你仍然是5分钟的路程,从城市的酒吧,俱乐部和餐馆。
This part of Ljubljana is very quiet, peaceful, but still you are 5 minutes away from city bars, clubs and restaurants.
最后,我要表达我们传统的祝福:健康 祥和与 富足。
In closing, I share our traditional
[...] blessing of health, peace and prosperity.
我 心 想 , 如 果 我們的政 府能聆 聽市民 的 心 聲 ,明白 到 香港是要 大家同 心 同 路 , 並切實 地 落實“化戾氣祥 和 ” , 締 造和平 、 和 諧 的 社 會, 香港便 有 福 了。
I think if our Government could listen to the voices of our people, understand that we are all in the same boat, and pragmatically change hostility to harmony, make peace, and soothe conflicts in society, then Hong Kong would be blessed.
For those who bask in moments of serenity and balance.
在拉丁美洲,1980 年代后期恢复了民主体制,同时,土著人民呼吁实行根 本变革,另外也兴起了要求根本变革的其他民主运动,在这种情况下通过了旨在 建立祥和的法 律和体制框架的宪法,承认真正多民族、多语言、多文化的社 会,在这种社会中,土著人民参与选举的权利往往是这些变革的基石。
In Latin America, the return to democratic regimes by the late 1980s, coupled with the call by indigenous and other social movements for fundamental changes, saw the passing of new national Constitutions that tried to establish a more propitious legislative and institutional framework for the recognition of truly multi-ethnic, multilingual and pluricultural societies, in which indigenous peoples’ right to participate in electoral processes is often the cornerstone of these changes.
[...] 展更多的国际交流、对话和合作,并将随时与其他国家通力协作,以共同推动实现全世界人 权事业的健康发展,为建设一个长 和 平 、 祥和 、 繁 荣的世界做出应有的贡献。
Meanwhile, the Chinese Government advocates increasing international exchanges, dialogues and cooperation in the field of human rights and is ready to make joint efforts with other countries of the world to promote a healthy development of global human
rights undertakings and to make its due contributions to building a world
[...] of lasting peace, harmony and prosperity for all.
二 零 零 八 年,北 京祥 和 上 海 研 祥 的 企 業 所 得 稅 稅 率 為25% 。
In 2008, the EIT rates of Beijing EVOC and Shanghai EVOC were 25%.
关于发展援助的重大决策仍然主要是根据宏观经济情况制订的,但是人均国 民生产值已不再是衡量发展进步的唯一考虑因素,因为发展进步越来越多地是指 社会、体制、政治及人文等方面的全面进步;国家只有取得这些进步,才能使其 居民延年益寿并且生活得更祥和幸 福
Major development assistance decisions are still based primarily on macroeconomics, but national per capita production is no longer the sole factor to be considered in measuring progress towards development since the term refers increasingly to the entire range of progress in the social, institutional, political and human spheres that a country must make in order to give its inhabitants longer, more peaceful and happier lives.
240分值:新西蘭的標誌 - 郵票展現了一隻中國風箏飄翔於新西蘭基督城大教堂上空 祥和 景 象
2.40 – New Zealand Icon - The stamp shows a traditional Chinese kite being flown above the Christchurch Cathedral in New Zealand.
The expressions on both faces are very peaceful.
如果您相信加州所建议的,那您就放弃了在美国国庆日享用烧烤或 祥和 的 周 日早上喝咖啡的乐趣了。
If you believe what the State of California has recommended, then you will no longer grill on holidays, or enjoy a cup of coffee on a peaceful Sunday morning.
此声明是在该酒店举行的落成典礼上宣布的,出席典礼的嘉宾包括杭州市西湖区政府副区长干新卫;浙江建工房地产开发集团有限公司董事长汪 祥和 代 表Oakwood Worldwide的北京Oakwood Residence总经理Arthur [...]
The announcement was made during a ceremony at the property attended by special guests including Mr. Gan Xinwei,
Vice Chief Director, Xihu District
[...] Government; Mr. Wang Chuxiang, Chairman, Zhejiang Jiangong [...]
Real Estate Development Group
(Jiangong Real Estate); and Mr. Arthur Krieger, General Manager, Oakwood Residence Beijing, representing Oakwood Worldwide.
经济已经不再是衡量发展进步的唯一标准,因为发展进步越来越多地是指 社会、体制、政治及人文等方面的全面进步;国家只有取得这些进步,才能使其 居民延年益寿并且生活得更祥和幸 福
Economics is no longer the sole factor to be considered in measuring progress towards development since the term refers increasingly to the entire range of progress in the social, institutional, political and human spheres that a country must make in order to give its inhabitants longer, more peaceful and happier lives.
莲花天珠 令身貌美好、清祥和、 净 化身心、人见人喜。
Three-Eyed Dzi Represents the three stars of luck: happiness, honor and longevity.
回响着永恒的上帝同世人相处之时呈现的 祥和 蔼。
It resonates with the kinder nature of the relationship of eternal God with mortal beings.
3.自2005 年以来科特迪瓦六次推迟总统选举,最终于2010年10月31 日在普 遍平和祥和的气 氛中举行了期待已久的总统选举,尽管反对派阵营对点票过程 仍持有一些不同看法。
The long-awaited presidential election, postponed six times since 2005, was finally held on 31 October 2010 in a generally quiet and peaceful atmosphere, despite some disagreements among the opposing camps over the ballot counting process.
他的作品結構複雜,但又巧妙地融為一體,令建築本身煥發出寧靜 祥和 , 而 使用者則能自由自在地在其中從事各項活動。
Instead of a self-contained utopia, he offers us multiple worlds, drifting in and out of focus like a dream.
娄勤俭特别强调,明天即将迎来中秋、国庆双节假期,这是国家实行节假日小型车高速公路免费通行政策的第一个假期,希望交通、公安等部门以及公路沿线各级政府要高度重视,做好各种应对预案,加强安全隐患排查,及时处置突发事件,采取有效的工作措施,确保道路畅通,让群众过一个安 祥和 的 节 日。
He had special emphasis, tomorrow is about to usher in the Mid-Autumn Festival, national day double holiday, it is the country executes holidays small vehicle highway toll free policy in the first holiday, hope traffic, public security departments as well as the highway along various government wants to take seriously highly, make all kinds of plans to deal with, strengthen the safe hidden danger investigation, to
handle emergencies, take effective measures, to ensure smooth transportation, let
[...] people lead a peaceful and happy holiday.
北京人济万怡酒店位于城市东北部,毗邻国家奥林匹克体育中心,驱车 15
[...] 分钟即可到达全新中国国际会展中心和北京首都国际机场;距机场快线站和地铁 10 号线仅 1 公里之遥,其内环境时尚现代、温馨惬意,是一处舒 祥和 的 绿 色家园。
Discover the Courtyard by Marriott Beijing Northeast in Beijing with a few minutes from 2008 Olympic National Stadium and 15 minutes from new China International Exhibition Center and Beijing Capital International Airport; just 1 km from Airport Express Station and
Subway Line 10 - the contemporary Courtyard Beijing Northeast offers
[...] a perfect combination of the green and peaceful area.
葉偉恩先生及譚祥先生 向與會人士講解調查的背景、範圍、目 和 其 他 詳細資料。
Mr. Wayne YEH and Mr. Kenny TAM told the meeting about the background, scope, objectives and other details of the survey.
關於闢拓土㆞、環境、基礎建設和社區設施的新工程方面,現已展開或將於未來㆔ 年動工的工程包括耗資 4 億 4400 萬元在筲箕灣愛秩序灣填海,闢拓 19
公頃土㆞,供 住宅和社區用途;在 新
[...] 界東北部發展大型廢物處理堆填區,這工程的費用為 18 億元; 動用 10 億元改善龍翔和呈祥道,7 億 8500 萬元興建新青衣南橋;為 青衣東南部的 [...]
9 號貨櫃碼頭港口發展計劃提供必須的後勤㆞區和基礎建設,工
程費用為 27 億元;及投 資 6 億 8200 萬元在大埔興建㆒所新的療養院/護養醫院。
The list of new projects for land formation, environment, infrastructure and community facilities which have either started or which are programmed to commence construction during the next three years, includes a $444 million scheme to reclaim 19 hectares of land in Aldrich Bay, Shaukeiwan for residential and community uses, a $1.8 billion project to develop a large waste disposal landfill in Northeast New
Territories, a $1 billion project to
[...] upgrade Lung Cheung Road and Ching Cheung Road, a duplicate [...]
Tsing Yi South Bridge at $785
million, a $2.7 billion project to provide the necessary back-up area and infrastructure for Container Terminal 9 port development in southeast Tsing Yi, and a new convalescent/infirmary hospital at Tai Po at $682 million.
以色列 在西岸建造定居点活动冻结令结束,以色列人继续
[...] 在东耶路撒冷建造住房,针对以色列定居者及由以 色列定居者实施的袭击,以及加和 以 色 列之间交 火增加,均为祥的事 态发展,对直接谈判构成实 实在在的挑战。
The end of the construction freeze on Israeli settlements in the West Bank, continued construction of Israeli homes in East Jerusalem, the attacks on and by Israeli settlers and the
increased exchange of
[...] fire between Gaza and Israel are all ominous developments that pose a real challenge [...]
to the direct negotiations.
目 前,祥 科 技 大 廈 已 成 為 其 周 邊 區 域 商 務 中和 標 誌 性 建 築,對 本 集 團 的 品 牌宣 傳 及 集 團 形象 的 提 升 起到 極 大 的促進 作用。
At present, the EVOC Technology Building has become a commercial center for, and a landmark in, its [...]
peripheral areas which
definitely help to promote the brand name and the corporate image of the Group.
未 來,本 集 團 將 通 過「祥 中 央 研 究 院 」繼續 加 [...]
強 與上 游 芯 片 廠商 的 技 術 合 作 力度,為本 集團 乃至中 國提 供最先 進的 前沿技 術成 果。
In the future, the Group will continue to enhance
technology co-operation with upstream chips
[...] manufactures through EVOC Central Research [...]
Institute, to provide the most advanced
technical achievement to the Group and the PRC.




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