

单词 监护人


Kerria japonica



External sources (not reviewed)

/监护 人在入学申请表上填写 任何学校。
Parents/Guardians may list any [...]
school on the enrollment application.
If the Supplementary Card Applicant
is under 18 years old, the Principal Card Applicant must
[...] be theparentorguardian of the Supplementary [...]
Card Applicant.
(y)b 担保妥为执行及履行官方的财产接管人及其他清监护人嘱执行人、遗产管理人、受托人、受权人、经纪及代理各自的责任及 [...]
(y)b To guarantee the due performance and discharge
by receivers official and other
[...] liquidators, committees, guardians, executors, administrators, [...]
trustees, attorneys, brokers
and agents of their respective duties and obligations.
若校区因学位不足而不能把学生派往所选学校就读,或家长监护人递交任何入学申请,学生则会被派至一所有空位和 [...]
If, due to space limitations, SFUSD is not able to grant an assignment to one of
the requested schools, or in instances
[...] where the parent/guardian has not submitted [...]
any requests, students are offered a
designated assignment to a school with an appropriate service and with space available.
If the selected subject was aged below 18, the
interviewer first introduced the survey to
[...] his/her parent or guardian and sought his/her [...]
consent before interviewing the subject.
股东如精神不健全或任何具有司法权区的法院已就其颁令为精神错乱,则无 论举手表决或投票表决,亦可由监护人管人、财产保佐人或该法院所 指定监护人管人、财产保佐人性质的其他人士代为表决,而任何有监护人管人、财产保佐人或其他人士均可於投票表决时委派委任代表投 票,惟董事可能要求声称有表决权人士获授权的证据,须不迟於大会或续会 指定举行或投票表决进行(视乎情况而定)前不少於四十八小时,交付本公司 注册办事处。
A member of unsound mind, or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction in cases of mental disorders, may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis, or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person may, on a poll, vote by proxy, provided that such evidence as the Directors may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the registered office of the Company not less than forty-eight hours before the time for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.
2.2 在下学年就读中一至中六的学生的家长或合监护人资格申请学费减免计 划、廉价午餐计划、书本津贴计划及校服津贴计划。
2.2 Parents orlegal guardians of students from [...]
Grade 7 to Grade 12 in the coming academic year are eligible to apply for
the Fee Remission Scheme, the Low Cost Lunch Scheme, the Textbook Subsidy Scheme and the School Uniform Subsidy Scheme.
(1) 倘股东为有关精神健康的病人或已由任何具司法管辖权(可保护或管理无 能力管理其本身事务人士的事务)法院颁令,则可由其财产接监护人产保佐 人或获法院委派具财产接监护人产保佐人性质的其他人士投票,而该等财产 接监护人产保佐人或其他人士可委任代表於投票表决时投票,亦可以其他方 式行事及就股东大会而言,视作犹如该等股份的登记持有人,惟须於大会或续会或投票 表决(视属何情况而定)举行时间不少於四十八(48)小时前,向办事处、总办事处或注 [...]
(1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose
relating to mental
[...] health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdictionfor the protection or management of the affairs of persons incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, by [...]
his receiver, committee,
curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act and be treated as if he were the registered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence as the Board may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the Office, head office or Registration Office, as appropriate, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.
本公司可以身故者代表或破产者受托人或委员会、接监护人法院委 任具有委员会、接监护人的其他人士的名义或头衔或类似称谓藉预 付邮资的信函及包裹邮寄至因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利的人 [...]
A notice may be given by the Company to the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or
bankruptcy of a
[...] member by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope orwrapper addressed to them by name or by the [...]
title of representatives
of the deceased or trustee of the bankrupt or committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by the court or by any like description at the address, if any, within Bermuda or Hong Kong supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled or, until such an address has been so supplied, by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
本人确认本人已获得本申请表第五部分所示的人士及/或第六部分所示人士的父母监护人属/代 理人及/或第七部分所示的人士及其他有关人士的同意,他们的个人资料及/或在本申请表上填报的资料 [...]
已/在有需要时须递交予关爱基金秘书处# ,以处理本人就本项目递交的申请(包括确定本人及/或本申
请表第五及/或第六部分所示的人士是否符合本项目的受惠资格)和作其他直接有关的用途,并进行任何 与本人就本项目递交的申请及領款有关的审核及/或调查,以及在审核及/或调查工作必须披露有关资料 的情况下,关爱基金秘书处# 可向任何其他各方披露该等资料。
I confirm that I have secured the consent
of the person(s) specified in Part 5
[...] and/or theparents/guardians/relatives/agents [...]
of the person(s) specified in Part 6 of
this Form and/or the person(s) specified in Part 7 of this Form and other relevant person(s) that their personal data have been or will be (as necessary) submitted to the CCF Secretariat# for processing the application submitted by me (including ascertaining the eligibility of me and/or the person(s) specified in Part 5 and/or Part 6 of this Form under the Programme) and any directly related purposes, for any checking and/or investigation relating to the application submitted by me and receipt of subsidy under the Programme, and that the CCF Secretariat# may disclose the data to any other parties if the disclosure is necessary for such checking and/or investigation.
根据条例第 2(1)条,“有关人士”(relevant person)就个人而言,是:(a) 如该名
个人是未成年人,指对该未成年人负有作为父母亲的责任的人;(b) 如该名
[...] 个人无能力处理其本身事务,指由法庭委任以处理该等事务的人;或 (c) 如 该名个人属《精神健康条例》(第 136 章)第 2 条所指的精神上无行为能力─ (i) 根据该条例第 44A、59O 或 59Q 条获委任担任该名监护人或 (ii) (如根据该条例第 44B(2A)或(2B)或 59T(1)或(2)条,该名监护社会 福利署署长或任何其他人,或监护人能由社会福利署署长或任何其他 人执行) 社会福利署署长或该其他人。
Under section 2(1) of the Ordinance, a “relevant person”, in relation to an individual, means: (a) where the individual is a minor, a person who has parental responsibility over the minor; (b) where the individual is incapable of managing his own affairs, a person appointed by a court to manage those affairs; or (c) where the individual is mentally incapacitated within the meaning of section 2 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136), (i) a person appointed under
section 44A, 59O or 59Q of that
[...] Ordinance to be the guardianof that individual or (ii) if the guardianship of that individual is vested in, or the functions of the appointedguardian are to be performed by, the Director of Social Welfare or [...][...]
any other person under section 44B(2A) or (2B) or 59T(1) or (2) of that Ordinance, the Director of Social Welfare or that other person.
If a minor has provided Gilman with data without parental orguardian consent, the parent orguardian should contact our customer support to remove and unsubscribe the relevant data.
如自动增值服务账户持有人与八达通持有人并非同一人,则自动增值服务账户持有人与八达通持有人须根据本协议共同及个别地向 本公司承担责任,包括(但不限於)自动增值服务在八达通上所增加的储值,除非八达通持有人是未成年人或未获法律行为能力的
[...] 人(在此情况下,此八达通持有人的家长监护人动增值服务账户持有人须共同及个别地向本公司承担责任)。
In the event that the AAVS Account Holder and the Octopus Holder are different persons, the AAVS Account Holder and the Octopus Holder shall be jointly and severally liable to us under this Agreement, including but without limitation, in respect of all value added to the Octopus by the Automatic Add Value Service, unless the Octopus Holder is a minor or otherwise does not
have full legal capacity, in which
[...] case, the parent or guardian of such Octopus [...]
Holder and the AAVS Account Holder shall
be jointly and severally liable to us.
会员代表是指会员透过书面声明选择在加州境内 代表自己的健康护理代理人,或是有持久委任书的受托人或法院指定监护人
A Member Representative is a person or persons appointed by the member, via written statement, to represent them in
the State of California as a health care proxy, trustee named in a
[...] durablepower of attorney or court-appointed guardian.
[...] 助我们的家人做出决策,以及若需正式指派,则影响正式指定监护人理人。
Thus, setting up a support circle has the potential of bringing together a group of people who could be recognised under Queensland law as having a role to play in assisting our family members with decision-making and
in influencing who might be appointed to
[...] formal roles ofguardian or administrator, [...]
if such formal appointments are necessary.
The Seljuks were a group of nomadic Turkish warrior leaders from Central Asia who established
themselves in the Middle East during the
[...] 11th century as guardians of thedeclining [...]
Abbasid caliphate, and after 1055 founded
the Great Seljuk sultanate, an empire centered in Baghdad and including Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
1 9 3 9 年 儿 童 福 利 法 令 》 ( 新 南 威 尔 士 ) 第 1 8 C 条 述 明
, 除 非 符 合 下 述 情 况 ,
[...] 否 则 供 认 不 得 接 纳 〆 会 见 时 有 父 亲 、 母 亲监 护 人律 执 业 者 在 场 , 或 ( 经 父 亲 、 母 亲监 护 人)有 另 一 名 非 属 警 队 成 员 的 人 在 场 , 又 [...]
或 者 上 述 人 士 不 在 场 是
有 好 理 由,并 且 法 庭 认 为 供 认 是 应 获 接 纳 的 。
The Child Welfare Act 1939 (NSW) s.18C states that a confession will be inadmissible
unless either there
[...] is present a parent orguardian orlegal practitioner, or (with the consent of a parent or guardian), another person who is [...]
not a member of the
police force, or there is good reason for the absence of these persons and it is considered that the confession should be admitted.
如 属 合 理 可 行 , 亦 须
[...] 告 知 他 的 父 / 母监 护 人示 该 项 决 定 是 [...]
根 据 规 定 而 作 出 的 , 并 说 明 有 关 罪 行 。
it shall be the duty of the custody officer to inform him, and
if it is reasonably practicable to do
[...] so, his parent or guardian, thatsuch a decision [...]
falls to be taken and to specify the offence.
[...] 代表,可以是会员的配偶、亲属、朋友、律师、医生、护理人员、会员透过持久委任书指定为代表的人、作 为遗产执行人/管理人,或法律/法院指监护人
Also known as a Personal Representative(s), a Member Representative can be a spouse, relative, friend, advocate, doctor, practitioner or someone designated as a representative by the
member under Durable Power of Attorney, or as an
[...] Executor/Administrator of Estate or as a legal/court-appointedguardian.
根据 Lanterman
[...] Act,由负责的地区中心、发展 伤残人士、该人的家长、合监护人共同制定的项目计划。
INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM PLAN (IPP): Under the Lanterman Act, the program plan developed by the
responsible regional center, the developmentally disabled person, and the
[...] person’s parents, legal guardian, orconservator.
本书的对象是儿童的父母或 法监护人们希望认识在卑诗省有关父母与儿童 [...]
It was written for
[...] parents and legalguardians of children, [...]
who have questions about what the law says in B.C. about the
rights and responsibilities of parents and children.
精神不健全之股东或任何具有司法权力之法院裁定其精神失常之股 东,可由其委员会、接监护人该法院委任具委员会、接监护人之其他人士(无论以举手或投票方式)投票表决,而任何有关委员会、接监护 人他人士亦可以受委代表进行投票表决。
A member of unsound mind or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having
jurisdiction in lunacy
[...] may vote, whether on a show of handsor on apoll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, [...]
curator bonis or other
person may on a poll vote by proxy.
精神不健全或任何对精神病案件有管辖权的法院已就其发出命令的股东,不论 是在举手表决或投票表决中,均可以由监护人,或由法庭 指定 的具监护人性质的其他人士代为表决,且该监 护 人或其他人士可委派受委代表在投票表决时投票,唯令董事 会信纳该人士有权要求行使表决权利的证明须送交至依据本细则就存放受委代 表委任书所指明的地点或(如有) 其中一个地点,或如无指明地点,则送交至登记 处。
A shareholder of unsound mind or in respect of whom an order has beenmade by anycourt having jurisdictioninlunacy mayvote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator [...]
bonis or other person in the nature
of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person may on a poll vote by proxy.
72. (1) 倘成员为有关精神健康的病人或已由任何具司法管辖权(可保护或管理无 能力管理其本身事务人士的事务)法院颁令,则可由其财产接监护人产保佐 人或获法院委派具财产接监护人产保佐人性质的其他人士投票,而该等财产 接监护人产保佐人或其他人士可委任代表於投票表决时投票,亦可以其他方 式行事及就大会而言,视作犹如该等股份的登记持有人,惟须於大会或续会(视情况而 [...]
定)举行时间不少於四十八 (48) 小时前,向办事处、总办事处或过户登记处(倘适用)
(2) Any person entitled under Bye-law 53 to be registered as the holder of any shares may vote at any general meeting in respect thereof in
the same manner as
[...] if he were the registered holder of such shares, provided that forty-eight (48) hours at least before the time of the holding of the meeting or adjourned meeting, as the case may be, at which he [...]
proposes to vote, he
shall satisfy the Board of his entitlement to such shares, or the Board shall have previously admitted his right to vote at such meeting in respect thereof.
如果牙科服务合格由任何其他保险、医护保健服务计划或牙科保健服务计划补偿或承保时, Delta
[...] Dental应提供必要的服务,而会员或会员的法监护人助Delta Dental,取得该项服务的 [...]
If dental services are eligible for reimbursement by insurance or covered under any other insurance, health care service plan, or dental care service plan, Dental Dental shall provide services
at the time of need, and the member or
[...] member’s legalguardian will cooperate [...]
to assure that Delta Dental is reimbursed for such benefits.
此书面通知必须:(1) 包括学生的名字;(2)包括家长/法监护人人 学生的声明,陈述该生依据FERPA,退出“通讯资 讯”名单;(3)包括家长/法监护人成人学生” 本人的签名和签名日期。
The written notice must: (1) include the name of the student; (2)
include a statement
[...] that the parent/guardianor eligible student is opting out of the disclosure of Directory Information under FERPA; and (3) be signed and dated by theparent, guardian, or eligible student.
家长和法监护人看此资讯, 并告知学校,如果他或她不同意让自己的孩子参加 某个俱乐部或组织,请在本手册的背面查看其表格, [...]
Parents and guardians shouldreview thisinformation [...]
and inform the school if he or she declines permission for his or her
student to participate in a club or organization, using the form available in the back of this handbook.




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