单词 | 皮鞋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 皮鞋 noun, plural —shoes pl皮鞋 noun —shoe n皮鞋 —leather shoesExamples:皮鞋油—shoe polish 皮鞋匠—shoemaker See also:皮 n—leather n • skin n • fur n • scalp n • cortice n 皮—naughty • surname Pi • pico- (one trillionth) 鞋 n—shoe n • footwear n
ECCO Fusion 系列於各大百貨公司和皮鞋專門 店的ECCO經銷專櫃,以及位於尖沙咀海運大廈的ECCO專門店有售。 ipress.com.hk | The ECCO Fusion is available from leading department stores, [...] selected specialist shoe retailers and [...]the ECCO Shop in Ocean Terminal, TST. ipress.com.hk |
自由奔放的流苏摩卡通过增加了全边缘流苏和金属亮点,呈现出经典 软 皮鞋 的 独 特旋转风格。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | The free-spirited Fringed Moc takes a unique spin on [...] the classic moccasin by adding all [...]around fringe and metal accents. minnetonkamoccasin.com |
消防處現正研究不同的解決辦法,包 括在不影響職業安全情況下,讓消防員交替穿着多功能短靴 或普通皮鞋。 legco.gov.hk | The Fire Services Department is exploring different solutions, including allowing [...] firemen to wear multi-functional ankle [...] protection boots and leather shoes alternatively whilst [...]not compromising occupational safety. legco.gov.hk |
除專業量度腳部尺碼的儀器,我們還提供鞋油、Shoe Tree和抹布等一系列原廠皮鞋護理 產品,務求讓顧客在這裡也能享受完整的Alden售鞋服務。 think-silly.com | Equipped with professional measuring tools, shoe [...] shine, shoe tree, shoe cloth and other leather shoe care products, [...]we provide a complete Alden service at the pop up corner. think-silly.com |
鐵獅東尼於1929年在義大利博洛尼亞市創立,向以製造頂級手 工 皮鞋 見 稱。 sogo.com.hk | The history of a.testoni began in 1929 at [...] Bologna Italy with [...] master shoemaker Amedeo Testoni, who was recognized by his top quality of shoes creations and workmanship. sogo.com.hk |
於二零零六年,中國皮鞋及布鞋出口年增長率大幅攀升約8.2%,乃主要由 於全球經濟增長引發消費產品需求增長所致。 cre8ir.com | A substantial annual growth of leather shoes and cloth shoes export of approximately [...] 8.2% in the PRC was recorded in 2006, [...]which was mainly attributable to the global economic growth leading the increase in demand for consumption products. cre8ir.com |
務求令顧客得到高質皮鞋護理 ,店子亦剛為香港首次引入來自巴黎擁有百年歷史,早於1925年已獲得法國國家金質獎章的Saphir Medaille D’or頂級皮鞋護理 產品,包括不同顏色的鞋乳及毛刷等套裝,使用如蜜蜂蠟、巴西棕櫚蠟、羊毛脂和植物油等最天然的原料,精緻包裝以木盒儲存,充滿品牌悠長的歷史質感。 think-silly.com | Made in tweed with leather accessories, the size allows generous room; also the gold-medal-winning, over-hundred-year-old Saphir Medaille D’or leather shoe care products, including various shoe polishes (made [...] in bee’s wax, Brazilian [...]palm wax and lanolin) and brushes; packaged in wooden boxes, authentic-looking with a sense of the brand’s heritage. think-silly.com |
香港纺织及成衣研发中心的总监(研究及发展)何继超博士及项目经理张佩贞女士早前与香港理工大学访织及制衣学系Luximon 博士参观两间广州的鞋楦及皮鞋制造 厂。 hkrita.com | Dr KC Ho, Director, Research and Development, and Ms Eunice Cheung, Project Manager of HKRITA, accompanied by Dr Luximon Ameersing, Assistant Professor of Institute of Textiles [...] and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, [...] visited a shoe last factory and a leather shoe factory in Guangzhou. hkrita.com |
圣托尼(Santoni)父子在其意大利工厂用手缝皮革和多层皮革染料,精心制作优质典雅 的 皮鞋。 iwc.com | The Santonis – father and son – produce elegant shoes [...] of the highest quality with hand-stitched seams and multiple [...] coats of leather dye from [...]their Italian factory Read Article iwc.com |
ECCO品牌自一九六三年由Karl [...] Toosbuy先生創立後,至今已由丹麥南部小規模的工廠發展為國 際 皮鞋 製 造 商,於全球擁有多達9,000名員工,合併年收入四十五億歐元。 ipress.com.hk | Founded in 1963 by entrepreneur Mr. Karl Toosbuy, ECCO has grown [...] from a small factory in Southern Denmark to an [...] international shoe manufacturing [...]group with almost 9,000 employees worldwide [...]and a consolidated annual turnover of £á 450 million. ipress.com.hk |
我们的经典之作,已成为男孩的标志性 软 皮鞋 的 经 典款。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | Our classic, iconic moc for boys is modeled after the stylish look of the Men's Classic Moc. minnetonkamoccasin.com |
在一天的辛勤劳作之后,那些平凡的上流北京人等不及甩下脚上 的 皮鞋 , 换 上“坚韧不屈”的运动鞋。 labbrand.com | BEIJING — After a hard day’s labor, your average [...] upscale Beijinger likes nothing more than [...] to shuck his dress shoes for a pair of Enduring [...]and Persevering, rev up his Precious [...]Horse and head to the pub for a tall, frosty glass of Happiness Power. labbrand.com |
由於二零零八年年底爆發金融危機,二 零零八年中國的皮鞋及布 鞋出口減少約9%至約25.1億雙。 cre8ir.com | In view of the financial crisis in late [...] 2008, the export of leather shoes and cloth shoes in the PRC dropped [...]by approximately 9% to approximately 2.51 billion pairs in 2008. cre8ir.com |
至於交通警,整套夏天的 制服是包括一個價錢很昂貴的保護頭盔、一頂鴨舌帽、一件短袖襯衣、一條 皮帶、一條保護褲(大家也知道保護褲是較一般長褲昂貴)、一雙交通皮靴 (而不是一雙普通的皮鞋)、一件雨衣和一件保護衣等,整套制服加起來的 價錢,肯定較坐在入境處櫃位的員工所穿着的襯衣和西褲昂貴。 legco.gov.hk | As for Traffic Police officers, a set of summer uniform includes a very expensive protective [...] helmet, a cap, a [...] short-sleeved shirt, a belt, a pair of protective breeches (Members know that protective breeches are more expensive than conventional trousers), a pair of riding boots (instead [...]of a pair of conventional [...]leather shoes), a raincoat and a protective jacket. legco.gov.hk |
顾客前来JOYCE中环店的Miharayasuhiro临时实体商店 (pop [...] up store)与设计师会面,并能够挑选喜爱的颜色与效果,创造尊属的绑 带 皮鞋 和 短 靴。 joyce.com | Customers visited the Miharayasuhiro pop up store in JOYCE Central to meet with the [...] designer and create their own pair of [...] bespoke half-dress shoes or calf boots, choosing [...]details down to the colour and finishing. joyce.com |
主要用途为HS- 860在制鞋工业,高跟鞋,泡沫鞋底,硬管、 仿 皮鞋 , 如 地 板材料、橡胶地砖、工业产品,如辊、垫圈、硬软管如海绵和其他产品,和体育产业,诸如三球,溜冰鞋,电气绝缘材料。 tjaimu.com | Main use for HS-860 is in the footwear industry, for large hard at the [...] end of heels, soles of hard foam, [...] hard hose, imitation leather shoes, such as flooring [...]materials, rubber floor tile, industrial [...]products, such as Roller, washers, hard Hose such as sponges and other products, and sports industries, such as three balls, skates, electric insulating materials. tjaimu.com |
在二樓可找到多個德國牌子的皮鞋, 和 本地牌子的辦工室服。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Second floor: German shoes and good office wear [...] by domestic brands. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
无论是软皮鞋面上 的特殊控球和传球垫,还是为最大限度提高抓地力和增强贴合度及脚部支撑而设计的鞋钉配置,最新的 [...] Geometra Pro 战靴都是为真正富有远见的球员在赛场上大显身手而设计。 umbro.com.cn | With special grip and pass [...] pads on the soft leather uppers, stud configuration [...]designed to maximise grip and enhanced fit [...]and support for the foot, the latest Geometra Pro boots are designed for the truly visionary football player to make their mark on the pitch. umbro.com |
例如:您不需要為購買十八雙皮鞋而 儲 蓄。 connaissancesfi...respratiques.ca | Example: You don’t need to [...] save money for 18 pairs of shoes. connaissancesfi...respratiques.ca |
学生须自备鞋子:一双系鞋带或黏带贴的 黑 皮鞋 , 以 及一双黑色或白色或黑白相间的运动鞋。 ycis-sh.com | Students are required to supply [...] their own footwear: one pair of black, leather lace-up or velcro shoes and one pair [...]of black or white, or [...]combination of black and white sport shoes. ycis-sh.com |
然而,由於一些落後產能的行業(如煤 [...] 炭、鐵合金、鋼鐵、建材)將被加速淘汰;而工業化國家的需求仍然疲弱,對一些依賴出 口的低增值產品(如輕工、紡織、皮鞋 及 玩具),其信用風險持續高企,科法斯預計這些行 [...] 業會有更多拖欠貨款個案出現,建議應密切監察。 cofacerating.com.cn | Some low value-added products (e.g. light [...] industrial products, textiles, shoes and toys) are still dependent [...]on weak industrialized export [...]markets, and should be closely monitored as their credit risks remain high with more default payments expected. cofacerating.com.cn |
正式场合男士应穿西装领带或传统的塔加拉服饰,配剪裁宽松的家常裤 和 皮鞋 ; 女士则身着鸡尾酒会礼服搭配披肩。 shangri-la.com | For formal occasions, men wear coat and tie or a traditional Barong Tagalog [...] (tailored slacks and leather shoes). shangri-la.com |
我们公司提供运动耐克空气最大,耐克shox,耐克扣篮,耐克,阿迪达斯,PUMA足球鞋,篮球鞋,运动鞋,时装鞋以上,Gucci的鞋,D.靴,登山鞋,正装鞋,靴子, 凉 鞋 , 鞋 , 皮鞋 , 服 装,牛仔裤,jakcets,毛衣,运动衫,运动衫,泳装,内衣,连衣裙,裤子,箱包,皮包,首饰,帽子,皮带,领带,手表,太阳镜,时尚配件。 chinatrader.ru | our company offer sports nike air max,nike shox,nike dunk,nike air force,adidas,puma soccer shoes,basketball shoes,running shoes,fashion supra shoes,Gucci shoes,DG shoes,climbing shoes,dress shoes,boots,sandals,slippers,leather s hoes,clothing,jeans,jakcets,sweaters,hoody,jersey s,swimwear,underwear,Dresses,pants,handbags,walle ts,jewelry,hats,belts,necktie,watches,sunglass,fa shion accessories. chinatrader.ru |
在鞋业领域也时有这样的创新品类面世,比如运动凉鞋,有氧健身训练鞋或者舒适得可以穿着跑完全程马拉松的Vibram®大底的的正 装 皮鞋。 vibramfivefingers.cn | Sometimes this happens in footwear and a whole new category is [...] created, like sport sandals, aerobic fitness trainers or [...] Vibram®-soled dress shoes so comfortable [...]you could run a marathon. vibramfivefingers.cn |
P2i 采用具有革命意义的 ion-mask™ [...] 液态防水纳米涂层为所有系列的鞋提供保护,即便是 Van Dal 生产的羊皮鞋也可 以通过防磨、防污技术保持长久的良好品相。 p2i.com | Offering a full range of footwear protected by ion-mask™, P2i’s [...] revolutionary liquid repellent nano-coating, [...] even Van Dal’s suede shoes will retain their [...]good looks for longer by resisting scuffs and stains. p2i.com |
人工合成皮鞋面,EVA 泡綿中底,橡膠大底。 artengo.com | Compression-moulded EVA midsole, rubber outsole, synthetic upper. artengo.com |
Mr.Billy工作室的鞋子都为纯手工设计制作,工艺采用了欧洲传统手工鞋履技术“固特异工艺”,这种工艺在制鞋过程中如同雕塑一件艺术品,在保 证 皮鞋 美 观 的同时,鞋底的空腔和软木设计还保证了透气性和舒适度。 vantageshanghai.com | All of Mr. Billy’s shoes are handmade, and Mr. Billy adopts a [...] traditional technique called ‘Goodyear [...] Welt’, in which the shoes are made in a [...]way similar to carving a piece of fine sculpture. vantageshanghai.com |
来自中国的CHEN [...] RUQI把自己最想购买的商品选为韩国服装,她回答说:“韩国电视剧中登场的女主人公经常穿漂亮的衣服 和 皮鞋 , 我也想购买那种款式的漂亮衣服。 koreagrandsale.co.kr | Chen Ruqi from China, who selected [...] Korean clothing as her most wanted item, noted that the female leads in Korean dramas [...] always wore pretty clothes and shoes. koreagrandsale.co.kr |
Stonefly 公司追求「舒適」的創新慨念,生產及給予優 閒 皮鞋 的 舒適體驗,更革命性地創造了 BLU SOFT 系列(已登記專利),此系統能在穿上Ston ef ly 皮鞋時, 給予更佳的支持,減少後踭落地時的撞擊力,改善及增加走路時的平衡。 sogo.com.hk | Since the beginning, the firm has pursued a radically innovation concept of [...] comfort providing [...] unmatched comfort for urban footwear. This vision revolutionized the traditional approach of shoe manufacturers and led Stonefly to create BLU SOFT system [...](patented), an [...]exclusive system that supports the foot during walking, reducing impact and improving balance. sogo.com.hk |
自瑞典高級品牌BALLY於1951年推出嚮譽盛名的Scribe系列後,此系列中 的 皮鞋 隨 即 成為全世界其中一個最具代表性的高 級 皮鞋 , 也令BALLY的Scribe高級訂製服務成為傳奇和經典之列。 ifc.com.hk | Since its inception into Swedish luxury brand BALLY's line in 1951, The Scribe [...] collection has developed [...] a reputation as one of the most luxurious leather shoes in the world, and so it should come as no [...]surprise that BALLY [...]has added to the legend of Scribe by introducing a bespoke Scribe service. ifc.com.hk |