

单词 豁除

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

由於 競委會需時考慮業務實體的若干行為是否可豁除於第一行為守則的適用範圍,有關業務實 體或會因等候競委會的決定而未能及時把握商 機。
As the Commission would need to take time to consider
whether or not certain behaviour of
[...] undertakings would be excluded from the application [...]
of the first conduct rule, undertakings
awaiting the Commission's decision might not be able to seize business opportunities timely.
(C) 閣下無條件為吾等以及獲推薦實 豁除 吾 等與獲推薦實體之間因推薦安排而可能產生的任何現 [...]
(C) Any prevailing and/or potential conflicts of interest pursuant to the referral
arrangements between us and the Referred Entity shall be
[...] unconditionally waived by you in favour [...]
of us and the Referred Entity.
(b) 鑒於條例草案附表1 擬議第1 條的現行草擬
[...] 方式已足以反映基於經濟效益理由而給豁除(使不 受第一行為守則規管)的理據,現 [...]
不適宜在上述條文加入" 消費者可公平分 享因而所得利益"的字詞,此舉更須顧及如 何決定怎麼樣才視為"公平" 分享。
(b) as the current drafting of proposed section 1 of Schedule 1 to the
Bill already sufficed to capture the rationale
[...] of granting exclusion from the first [...]
conduct rule on economic benefit grounds,
it was not appropriate to add the phrase "allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit", lest how to determine what constituted a "fair" share.
(3) 根據第(1)款作出的命令,可指明有 豁除 在 何種情況下適用或為何目的而適用。
(3) An order under subsection (1) may specify the circumstances in which or the
[...] purposes for which the exclusion applies.
[...] 即在現階段不立法規管跨行業的合併,政府當局建議在附表1加入新 增訂的第4條,把合豁除於第 一行為守則和第二行為守則的適用範 [...]
To give effect to the Administration's stated intention of not introducing a cross-sector merger regulation at this stage, the Administration
has proposed to add a new section 4 in
[...] Schedule 1 to exclude mergers from the [...]
application of the first and the second conduct rules.
(c) 請閣下表示,在簽 立關於發 行有政府橋樑及隧道所得 收入所 支 持
的 票 據的協 議 後,該 協 議的副 本會否按照《 借 款條例》(第 61章 )第 3(3)條提交 立法會會議席上省覽,或財政司司長是否
[...] 有意行使其在該條例第3(4)條下的酌情權,將 該 協豁 除於第 3(3)條的適用範圍之 外。
(c) Please advise whether a copy of the agreement relating to the issue of the notes backed by revenue from Government bridges and tunnels will be laid on the table of the Legislative Council after the execution of the agreement in accordance with section 3(3) of the Loans Ordinance (Cap. 61), or whether the Financial Secretary intends to
exercise his discretion under section 3(4) of
[...] that Ordinance to exclude the agreement from [...]
the application of section 3(3).
(b) 雖然根據附錄第5.19段,委託不一定須藉採 取立法措施作出而"亦可透過政府的作為而 作出",但要符合豁除於行 為守則的適用 範圍之外的資格,有關服務必須符合若干準 則,例如有關服務是提供予廣泛的使用 者,而非只提供給某一種類的使用者, 以及如有關業務實體不豁除,行 為守則 會妨礙該業務實體執行被指派的特定任務 等。
(b) although the act of entrustment might not necessarily be made
by way of legislative
[...] measures but "can also be done through an act of the Government" as stated in paragraph 5.19 of the appendix, to qualify for exclusion from the conduct rules, the services concerned had to satisfy certain criteria, such as whether they were widely available and [...]
not restricted to
a certain class of customers, and that the conduct rule would obstruct the performance of the particular tasks without the exclusion, etc.
(1) 行政長官會同行政會議可藉在憲報刊登的命令,將任何建造工 豁除 於 本部的適用範圍以 外。
(1) The Chief Executive in Council may, by order published
[...] in the Gazette, exclude any construction [...]
operations from the application of this Part.
[...] 行動議辯論的方式,監察香港競爭政策的發展,有關討論涵蓋的 範圍包括促進公平競爭、制訂公平競爭法、擬議競爭法下的豁免豁除,以 及競爭法所涵蓋反競爭行為的種類。
Members have been monitoring the development of competition policy in Hong Kong through raising questions and conducting motion debates at Council meetings in previous years, covering areas such as promotion of fair
competition, enactment of a fair
[...] competition law, exemptions and exclusion under the proposed [...]
competition law, and types of
anti-competitive conduct to be covered in the competition law.
例如,要求絕對多數票通過議案可防止大眾暴政出現;又例如立 豁除 一 些 敏感或涉及少眾權益的議題於全民投票之外。
For example, a requirement on absolute majority in passing motions can bar tyrannical policies
from inception, and sensitive issues or those that are related to minority
[...] interests can also be exempted from referendums.
關於內地新移民未獲納入條例草案的涵蓋範圍,儘管條例草案沒有明文 把內地新移豁除於保 障範圍之外,但條例草案第 8(2)及(3)條卻特定規 [...]
定,基於永久居民身份、居留權及居住年期而提供有差異的待遇,不會被視 為種族歧視,以致在法律上會令基於某人是內地新移民的身份而對該人作出
Regarding the exclusion of new arrivals from the Mainland from the
scope of the Bill, although the Bill
[...] does not expressly exclude new arrivals from [...]
the Mainland from its scope of protection,
clause 8(2) and (3) specifically exclude different treatment on the ground of permanent residency, right of abode and length of residence from being regarded as racial discrimination, the legal effect of which would render discrimination on the ground of a person's status as a new arrival from the Mainland not unlawful under the Bill.
落的條款或本公司的名稱所局限或限制(除非該段另有明文規定);及 (c)
[...] 本公司的權力於此條款列出而於公司條例(第32章)附件七所列的權力 在此明豁除。
(c) that the powers of the Company shall be as set forth in this Clause and the
powers set forth in the Seventh Schedule to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32) are accordingly
[...] hereby expressly excluded.
( 3 ) 為 使 本 部 適 用 於 第 6 8 ( 1 ) ( a ) 及 ( b ) 條 所 述 的 民 事 法 律 程 序 , 根 據 《 最 高 法 院 條 例 》 ( 第 4 章 ) 第 5 4 條 或 根 據 第 V I
部 訂 立 的 規 則 在 作 出 適 當 的 變 通 後 適 用 ( 藉 協
[...] 議 將 該 等 規 則 的 實豁 除 的 情 況 除 外 ) , 適 用 [...]
方 式 與 其 適 用 於 高 等 法 院 民 事 法 律 程 序 的 方 式 相 同 。
(3) For the purposes of the application of this Part in relation to any such civil proceedings as are mentioned in section 68(1)(a) and (b), any rules made under section 54
of the Supreme Court Ordinance (Cap. 4)
[...] or Part VI shall (except in so far as their [...]
operation is excluded by agreement)
apply, 96 subject to such modifications as may be appropriate, in like manner as they apply in relation to civil proceedings in the High Court.
受 疑 人 此 時 後 悔 自 己 曾 有 作 出 承 認 々 基 於 所 獲 提 供 的 意 見 , 又 或 者 基 於 自 己 過 往 的 經 驗 , 受 疑 人 指 稱 有 份 參 與 記 錄 其 供 認 的 執 法 人 員 行 事 不 當,以 設 法 令 自 己 所 作 出 的 承 認 可豁 除 於 證 供 之 外 。
Upon advice, or in the light of his own previous experiences, he seeks to cause his admissions to be excluded from evidence by making allegations of impropriety against the law enforcement officers involved in taking his confession.
33.2 除公司法規定外,如果任何董事或其他人士欠下私人債務主要因公司造成, 董事會可行使或促使他人行使公司的任何資産作按揭、抵押或提供擔保,使 該董事或其他人豁除上述 責任造成之損失。
33.2 Subject to the Companies Law, if any Director or other person shall become personally liable for the payment of any sum primarily due from the Company, the Board may execute or cause to be executed any mortgage, charge, or security over or affecting the whole or any part of the assets of the Company by way of indemnity to secure the Director or person so becoming liable as aforesaid from any loss in respect of such liability.
這些少數例外情況大致可分為兩類:《公務員 敍用委員會條例》第 6(2) 條所載豁除名單 訂 明的政府高層人員職位,以及基於實際運作考 慮而一律剔除的較低職級職位。
The wide coverage of its purview enables it to act as a conduit for the sharing of experience among different bureaux and departments, thus helping to maintain consistency of practice and uniformity in policy application, whilst making due allowance for exceptional circumstances or special considerations warranting special treatment or solutions.
其後,當局修訂《殖民地規例》及相關規例, 把諮詢職能移交委員會,範圍擴大至涵蓋所有
[...] 可享退休金公務員而不論資歷(《公務員敍用委 員會條例》第6(2) 條訂豁除者除外) ,亦涵 蓋懲處程度較革職為輕的個案,以及為公眾利 [...]
By subsequent amendment to the Colonial Regulations and the related regulations, the advisory function was transferred to the Commission and was extended to cover
all pensionable officers regardless of seniority (with the
[...] exception of the exclusions specified in s.6(2) [...]
of the PSCO).
UBS AG以於股份中擁有證券權益豁免證 券權 除 外 )之 人士之身份擁有 110,000,000股股份權益。
UBS AG is interested in 110,000,000 Shares in its capacity as person having a security interest in
[...] shares (other than an exempt security interest).
如屬有關獲豁免物質的申請,食環署署長可把 有除害劑納入豁免物質名單中。
For applications related to exempted substances, DFEH
[...] may add the pesticide concerned into the list of exempted substances.
问题都来自综合适用数个条款,即可以在缺席情况下启动诉讼,可以通过向 预审法官提起民事补偿诉讼而启动案件,以及可以 除豁 免 以消除起诉的障碍。
These derived from the combined application of several provisions, namely the possibility of initiating proceedings in absentia, initiating a case by instituting civil
indemnification proceedings before an examining
[...] magistrate, and the exclusion of immunities as an obstacle [...]
to prosecution.
在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议的暗示 放弃,但还有一些委员则对特别报告员在报告中的声称表示怀疑,特别报告员声
[...] 称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普遍管辖,或者豁 免排除在外 并不意味着同意对其官员行使外国刑事管辖,从而放弃豁免。
In this regard, while some members agreed that there was a general reluctance to accept an implied waiver based on the acceptance of an agreement, some doubts were expressed by others regarding the assertion by the Special Rapporteur in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an international agreement establishing universal
jurisdiction for grave international
[...] crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent [...]
to the exercise of foreign criminal
jurisdiction in respect of its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.
为在利比里亚一级改进关于个豁免 和 除 名 的 沟通,专家小组建议,对从 委员会收到有关豁免的一切信息,联利特派团直接与利比里亚外交部和司法部进 [...]
In order to improve the
[...] communication process about waivers and de-listing of [...]
individuals at the Liberian level, the Panel
recommends that UNMIL communicate directly to the Liberian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice any information received from the Committee on waivers.
3.16 提交申請時須連同足夠的資料,例如現時或預計有關 食品在本港市面供應的情況、有關除害劑的相關毒性數據
和安全參考值、除害劑的受監督田間試驗所得數據、殘餘 除害劑數據、除害劑的分析方法和是否有可供使用的分析
[...] 參照標準、食物加工研究報告,以及食品法典委員會或海 外司法管轄區是否已就有關除害劑制定最高殘餘限量或海 外司法管轄區是否豁免就有關除害 劑制定最高殘餘限 量。
3.16 Applications must be accompanied by sufficient information, such as the current or anticipated availability of the concerned food product in Hong Kong, relevant toxicological data and safety reference values of the concerned pesticide, pesticide supervised field trial data, pesticide residue data, analytical methods, information on availability of analytical reference standards, reports of food processing studies, and relevant information if MRLs have been established
by Codex or overseas
[...] jurisdictions or exemption from establishing MRL for the concerned pesticide has [...]
been granted by overseas jurisdictions.
倘本公司為豁免公司,除為進 一步推展本公司於開曼群島以外進行的業務 外,本公司不得於開曼群島內與任何人、商號或法團進行交易;惟本條款不得 被解釋為阻止本公司於開曼群島內完成及簽訂合約,及阻止本公司於開曼群島 內行使其於開曼群島以外進行業務所必要的所有權力。
If the Company is exempted, it shall not trade in the Cayman Islands with any person, firm or corporation except in furtherance [...]
of the business of the
Company carried on outside the Cayman Islands; provided that nothing in this clause shall be construed as to prevent the Company effecting and concluding contracts in the Cayman Islands, and exercising in the Cayman Islands all of its powers necessary for the carrying on of its business outside the Cayman Islands.
[...] 的范围时,应根据两项内容,即委员会以前关于《危害人类和平及安全治罪法草 案》的工作和国际刑事法院除豁免 的 情况,为国际犯罪留出余地。
In that context, some members recalled that the definition of the scope of immunity must make provision for international crimes for two reasons: the prior work of the Commission in connection with the draft code of crimes against the peace
and security of mankind, and the fact
[...] that there was no immunity from prosecution [...]
by the international criminal courts.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時 除 以 下 備註所指 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間除 以 下 備 註 所 指豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not
[I/we/our company] or
[...] that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about [...]
whether or not [I/we/our
company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b)
制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量 /再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; c)
[...] 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測 到的除害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害公眾健康,否則不容許輸入和售賣含有這除害劑的食物; d) 制定豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加/修訂最高殘餘限量和豁 免 物 質的申請; f) 讓擬議規例與除害劑 條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or
prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
在这方面,有人指出除了为与豁免 本 身作斗争作出重要贡献之外,安理会 设立专门法庭在国家一级也起到促进作用:前南问题国际法庭的存在和工作促使 波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那、克罗地亚和塞尔维亚设立国家战争罪法庭;卢旺达问题国 [...]
In that context it was pointed
[...] out that, in addition to making a crucial contribution to the fight against immunity per se, the Council’s [...]
of the ad hoc tribunals also had a galvanizing effect at the national level: the existence and work of ICTY spurred the establishment of national war crimes courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia; and that of ICTR led to considerable pressure to reform the Rwandan justice system.
除了承认管豁免权 之外,还 应该承认执行裁决豁免权,即表示缺乏制定措施的能力,来执行对外国的财产 [...]
( 作为其文化遗产组成部分的所有财产、或至少是用于外交或军事目的的财产)的 裁决。
Apart from immunity of jurisdiction, [...]
immunity from execution is also recognised, that is the lack of ability to institute
measures of execution against the property (all property, or at least property that is intended for diplomatic or military use, that forms part of cultural heritage, etc.) of a foreign state.
原告及 Lufthansa 和解團體成 員明確保留任何 Lufthansa 和解團體成員對於以下個人或實體的所有權利,包括過去、現在或將來的被告 或通謀者;被和解團體律師認定為拒絕合理之合作請求,即拒絕參與訪問、提供申述或宣誓書、參與庭外 作證或出庭作證的任何 Lufthansa 前任雇員、管理人員;以除被豁免 方 之外的任何其他個人或實體。
All rights of any Lufthansa Settlement Class Member against former, current, or future defendants or co-conspirators, any former Lufthansa employee, officer or director who is determined to have refused to cooperate with reasonable requests for interviews, declarations or affidavits, depositions or trial testimony by Settlement Class Counsel, or any other person or entity other than the Released Parties are specifically reserved by Plaintiffs and the Lufthansa Settlement Class Members.




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