

单词 环境学

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External sources (not reviewed)

所有中小学均开设八门主要课程,包括:英语、数学、社会 环境学 、 科 学、艺术、外语、技术,以及个人发展、健康和体育。
All schools provide subjects in the eight key learning
areas: English, mathematics, studies of the
[...] society and the environment, science, arts, [...]
Languages Other Than English, technology,
personal development, health and physical education.
而且,因为里克在大学读的环境学 , 所 以他的评价更具意义。
And although he says a lot of work is involved in his course, Kornel ...
环境学家霍 代山告诉《财经》说,大部份的‘癌症村'的位置靠近高污染水源。
Environmentalist Huo Daishan [...]
told Caijing that most ‘cancer villages’ are near sources of water ranked high for pollutants.
这些合作伙伴是:国际大地测量和地球物理联合会、国际地理学联合会、国际土壤科学 联合会、国际岩石圈计划、伦敦地质学会、荷兰应用地球科学院
[...] TNO、国际土壤参考资料 中心、国际工程地质师环境学会、 国际岩石力学学会、国际土力学与岩土工程学会、国际 [...]
These include the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, the International Geographical Union, the International Union of Soil Sciences, the International Lithosphere Programme, the Geological Society of London, the Institute of Applied Geosciences TNO in the Netherlands, the International Soil Reference and Information Centre, the
International Association of Engineering
[...] Geologists and the Environment, the International [...]
Society of Rock Mechanics, the International
Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the International Union for Quaternary Research and the American Geological Institute.
作为Zoo 2001构想的另一个主要方针是,完善益 环境学 习 的 设施。
Another central pillar of the Zoo 2001
[...] Scheme is to develop environmental learning.
洪都拉斯在执行美洲人权法院(CIDH)的判决方面取得了重大进展,今年 6 月 10 日,在为 1995 年 2 月 6 日遇害的环境学家布 兰卡·珍尼特·卡瓦丝·费 尔南德斯举行的公共仪式上,国家承认对此事负有国际责任,国家最高领导人向 卡瓦丝的家人以及洪都拉斯社会道歉,对失踪的洪都拉 环境学 家 的 不懈奋斗表 示肯定,还特别强调了她常年在阿特兰蒂达省特拉市为普塔萨尔国家公园的环境 保护和发展所做出的努力。
The State of Honduras has made significant progress in implementing the judgements of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, having recognized its
international responsibility for
[...] the homicide of environmentalist Blanca Jeannette Kawas Fernández on 6 February 1995 in a public ceremony on 10 June 2010, at which the Head of the Government apologized to the Kawas family and Honduran society and acknowledged the unflinching struggle waged by the late environmentalist, her constant advocacy [...]
of protection
and conservation of the environment and the establishment of the Punta Sal National Park in Tela in the department of Atlántida.
[...] 多相关领域的院士及知名教授,具有综合性、多学科的优势,其地质 环境学 院 的 世界遗产 研究中心、景观规划设计中心、考古文博学院的遗产地保护研究中心和考古学中心等部门参 [...]
As the oldest university in China, it has numerous academicians and eminent professors in the related disciplines and offers wide-ranging multidisciplinary advantages. The World
Heritage Research Centre
[...] attached to the School of Geology and Environmental Studies, the Centre [...]
of Landscape Architecture,
the Heritage Protection Research Centre, and the Centre of Archaeology attached to the School of Archaeology and Museology all conduct teaching and training activities in the fields of cultural heritage protection, heritage research and conservation planning.
现在,它是一所每年入学 3,600 学生的私立大学,提供超过 60 个本科和研究生课程,包括创新的
[...] Kanbar 设计、工程和商业学院;建筑和建 环境学 院 ;科学、健康与人文学院以及进修及职业教育学院。
Today, it is a private university with 3,600 students enrolled in more than 60 undergraduate and graduate programs in the innovative Kanbar College of Design, Engineering
and Commerce; the College of Architecture
[...] and the Built Environment; and the College [...]
of Science, Health and the Liberal Arts,
as well as in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
143 设在意大利热那亚的国际海上安全安保 环境学 院开 设了搜救课程。
Under the Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme, IMO has assisted coastal States in Eastern and Southern Africa to establish maritime search and rescue coordination centres, and ongoing assistance is being provided to
Central, West and North
[...] African States bordering the North Atlantic Ocean.143 The International Maritime Safety, Security and Environment Academy based in Genoa, [...]
Italy, has conducted
courses covering search and rescue.
[...] Report的共同作者、纽约州伦斯勒奥尔巴尼大学卫生 环境学 院 院长、医学博士/公共卫生硕士David Carpenter称:“虽然这项研究还不完善,但是我们必须把研究中提到的风险作为一项警告慎重对待,我们必须限制手机使用,尤其是限制儿童使用手机,同时我们还要呼吁手机厂商重新设计手机和PDA产品。
David Carpenter MD MPH, BioInitiative Report co-editor
and Director of the Institute for
[...] Health and the Environment at University at Albany, [...]
Rensselaer, NY says that, "While
this study is not perfect, the risks documented in it must be taken seriously as a warning to limit cell phone use, to restrict the use of cell phones, especially by children, and to call on manufacturers for redesign of cell phones and PDAs.
通信环境研究 学院位于坎普-林特福特分校,但是其他课程如 IT,设计环境学,工程,物流,心理学和经济学将在集中另外一个校区。
The Communications and Environmental Studies faculties are based at the Kamp-Lintfort site, but the range of courses mainly consists of interdisciplinary courses in IT, Design, Environmental Studies, Engineering, [...]
Logistics, Psychology, and Economics.
应对这种行为需要采用一种综合对策,针对个人弱点,在一系 环境 (学 校、 社区、家庭和娱乐场所)中从尽量低的年龄开始,与及早查明吸毒情况和 [...]
Addressing such behaviour required a holistic response targeting personal vulnerabilities, starting
at as young an age as possible and in
[...] a range of settings (schools, the community, [...]
families and entertainment venues),
linking to the early identification of drug use and brief intervention, as well as drug dependence treatment and care when needed.
曾任职务包括:Frederick S.Pardee 长远未来研究 中心主任和波士顿大学国际关系和地理 环境学 教 授
Previous positions include: Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the
Study of the LongerRange Future; Professor of International Relations and
[...] Geography and the Environment, Boston University.
关于农药的科学、技术、经济、法规和法律信息,包括毒 学 的 , 环境学 的 和 安全性的数据
Scientific, technical, economic, regulatory and legal information about pesticides including toxicological, environmental and safety data
澳门为这批学习葡萄牙语的学生提供一个良好的语 环境 , 学 生 不 需要长途跋涉到葡萄牙或巴西等葡语系国家,也可以学习地道的葡语,并且满载澳门的美好回忆而归。
For the students that traveled to Macau [...]
to take part in the course, the territory offers a kind of a Portuguese experience
without having to travel to Portuguese speaking countries like Portugal or Brazil.
这一争论被分成三个基本群体:希望极大降低交通噪声 环境学 家 ; 希望清楚分辨行驶车辆的声音的行人和弱视人群,以及希望建立品牌形象的汽车制造商。
There are three basic groups
[...] in the debate: environmentalists, who want a quiet environment with greatly [...]
reduced traffic noise;
pedestrians and the partially sighted, who want sounds that clearly identify moving vehicles; and motor manufacturers, who want to project a brand image.
圣马克与圣约翰大学的知名度与备受推崇的主要原因在于其玲珑友善 学 习 环境 , 学 生 们可以在精良设施与多姿多彩的社交活动基础上与导师与同学们保持密切的接触。
Marjon is well known, respected and has a reputation for being ‘small
and friendly’ which
[...] allows its students to engage closely with tutors and fellow students without compromising [...]
its excellent
facilities and social activities.
[...] Talks单元中,本公司的顾问亚利桑那州立大学建筑 环境学 科 的 小林佳弘氏进行了题为「Unveiling the Secret behind [...]
3D Real-Time Virtual Reality」的演讲,对UC-win/Road的基本功能和利用该软件进行研究的项目作了介绍。
At the "Tech Talks" session,
[...] Associate Prof. Kobayashi of Arizona State University gave a lecture [...]
under the theme of "Unveiling
the Secret behind 3D Real-Time Virtual Reality", and he introduced a basic function of the UC-win/Road and his research by using the UC-win/Road.
该创意大赛由美国可持续发展社区协会(ISC)和南京大学主办,中美气候行动伙伴计划(PCA)项目和南京 学环境学 院 承 办,美国国际开发总署(USAID)将提供25,000美元创新基金。
Sponsored by the 'American Institute for Sustainable Communities'(ISC) and Nanjing University, organized by 'US-China Partnership
for Climate Action' (PCA)
[...] Project and School of Environment, Nanjing University, the Contest [...]
will receive the USD25,000
Innovation Fund from the 'United States Agency for International Development'(USAID).
林少芬在会上与出席者分享她的成长过程,从她的家庭、多元化生 环境 、 学 校 生活至社会接触。
Ms Lim gave a recollection of her years of growing
[...] up, family environment and school life right [...]
through to entering the working world.
例如:支援家长组,让新来港人士互相扶持,互相学习如何处理生活压力,适应 环境 , 学 习 管 教子女,改善家庭关系技巧。
These groups will meet occasionally for mutual support, self-help, to alleviate stress in urban living, to learn to cope with parental responsibilities and daily living, and to enhance their understanding and love of family life and human relationships, to bring about peace and unity in an integrated society.
远程流行病学的范围远远超出简单使用空间技术,因为其包 括流行病学、生学、环境科学和空 间应用各学科的汇合。
The scope of tele-epidemiology goes far beyond the simple use of space technology,
as it encompasses the disciplinary convergence of
[...] epidemiology, ecology, environmental sciences and space [...]
在此期间,他还于1993年任澳大利亚卧龙岗 学环境 科 学 首 席 研究员;1992年至1996年4月,任共同未来出版中心刊物的编辑顾问小组成员。
During this period, he was also, in 1993,
[...] Principal Fellow, Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, [...]
Australia, and from 1992
to April 1996, a member of the Editorial Advisory Panel, The Bulletin, Centre for our Common Future Publications.
本节还突出介绍了 Nautilus
[...] 在作业国对其社会发展的承诺与贡献,Nautilus 在地质学、地球物理环境学领域 给巴布亚新几内亚国民创造了大量就业机会并 [...]
This section also shows Nautilus Minerals’ commitment and contribution to social development in the countries in which it operates, as well as its extensive employment and training of Papua New Guinea
nationals in the fields of
[...] geology, geophysics and environmental science, highlighting the [...]
company’s commitment to training
and employment of nationals from developing countries.
2009年3月,我在新加坡国立大学设计 环境学 院 建 立了亚洲可持续城市中心(CSAC),以加强建筑学院的同事们(以及与我们合作的其他大学和新加坡国立大学其他机构的同事)的工作,在可持续高密度生活领域延续我们的研究。
In March 2009, I set up the Centre of
Sustainable Asian Cities (CSAC)
[...] at the NUS School of Design & Environment to synergize the [...]
efforts of my colleagues in the
departments of Architecture, Building and Real Estate (in collaboration with our counterparts in other NUS facilities and universities) to further our research in the area of sustainable high-density living.
多元环球水务研究院下设博士后科研工作站,与清华 学环境学 院 合 作开展臭氧等高级氧化技术的课题研究;1个技术市场调研中心,开展水处理技术领域关键技术及设备的调研;4个生产支持类实验室,开展反渗透膜、减压阀、EDI出水、能量回收器的分析测试,服务于公司现有产品的质量检测与改进;5个技术开发类实验室,与中科院生态中心环境工程与材料实验室、清华 学环境 工 程实验室合作,联合开展生物循环、污泥深度脱水、MBR工艺、磁分离技术、深层过滤等的研究。
Duoyuan Global Water Research Institute has a postdoctoral
center which
[...] cooperates with faculty of environment of Tsinghua University to conduct research in advanced oxidation technology, such as ozone; 1 technology market research center investigates the key technologies and equipments in water treatment technology; 4 production support laboratories conduct the analysis and test of RO membrane, reducing valve, EDI water and energy recovery device to examine and improve the current products’ quality; 5 technology development laboratories cooperate with Ecological Center Environment Engineering and Materials Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Science, and Environment Engineering Laboratory of Tsinghua University to conduct [...]
research in biological
cycle, sludge concentration dewatering, MBR technology, magnetic separation and deep filtration.
曾荣获多个奖项,主要有京都的日本综合地 环境学 研 究所设计荣获的2007年日本建筑家协会(JIA)卓越设计奖,以及日本冲绳科技研究院设计荣获的2011年日本建筑学会年度建筑设计奖。
He holds a master’s degree in engineering from Kyoto University (1978) and in architecture (1984) from the University of California, Berkeley.
身为斯德哥尔摩皇家技术学社建筑和建 环境学 院 教 授,建筑-和平协会共同 主席(后来任秘书)一直在讲授发展中国家住房问题课程以及城乡可持续发 展课程,特别讲授中低收入国家的建筑环境。
As a Professor at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Royal [...]
Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
ARC●PEACE Co-Chair (later Secretary) has been giving courses on Housing in Developing Countries, and Sustainable Rural and Urban Development with special orientation towards the Built Environment in low- and middle-income countries.
每 一个已在OARE登记的机构均可 以收到超过一百个不同范畴科
[...] 学和技术的学术期刊的英语、 西班牙语和法语标题,例如是 属於生物科技、植物学、气候 变化、生态学、能源环境化 学、环境经济学、环境工程学 及规划、境法律及政策、境毒理学及污染、地理、地质 学、水文学、气象学、海洋 学、城市规划和动物学。
Each and every institution enrolled in OARE will be able to receive over 100 scholarly scientific and technical journal titles in such fields as biotechnollogy,
botany, climate change,
[...] ecology, energy, environmental chemistry, environmental economics, environmental engineering and planning, environmental law [...]
and policy, environmental
toxicology and pollution, geography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, urban planning and zoology in English, Spanish and French.




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