单词 | 金属钉状物 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 金属钉状物 noun—spike nSee also:金属 n—cooking oil n 状物—...-shaped thing (suffix)
为了结合高功能和低成本的优势,我们对座环进行了多种结构性分析,了解了在不同负 载 状 况 下 金属 结 构 与混凝土之间的相互影响。 voith.com | In order to combine high functionality and competitive costs, [...] the stay rings were [...] subject to several structural analyses investigating the metallic structure’s interaction with the concrete under different load regimes. voith.com |
配有橡胶脚垫和可收缩金属脚钉。 manfrotto.cn | Comes complete with [...] rubber feet and retractable metal spike. manfrotto.ca |
取下螺钉、金属带和塑料盒。 graco.com | Remove the screw, metal strap, and [...] plastic holder. graco.com |
效果颜料由很多片状金属微粒组成,这些微粒含有铝粉(俗称银粉)、铜粉(俗称金粉)、片状锌粉(有别于球状),也包括作为基片载体的包覆 了 金属 氧 化 物 ( 如 Ti O2)的无机物云母。 eckart.com.cn | Effect pigments are flake-shaped [...] metallic particles composed of [...] aluminium (silver bronze), copper or brass (gold bronze), or zinc (zinc flakes in contrast to zinc dust) or consist of inorganic mica as a platelet carrier which is coated with metal oxide (e. g. TiO2). eckart.net |
可通过给轧辊表面增加诸如焊接人字形图案或插入 硬 金属钉 ( 凸 出轧辊表明几毫米即可)等铰接式纹理,增加摩擦性。 zs.weirminerals.com | The roll surface friction can be increased by applying an articulated surface texture to the [...] rolls, such as a welded chevron pattern or [...] inserted hard-metal studs which protrude [...]a few millimeters above the roll surface (KHD patent). weirminerals.com |
他运用诸如垃圾袋、储物箱、瓷砖、海报、杂志、镀铬喷涂 、 钉 子 、 卷边机 和 金属 卷 边 等 物 品 , 通过绘画、碾压、拧转和翻转等明显带有破坏性的手法来打乱人们解读此类物品和解读绘画本身的习惯性思维方式。 norway.org.cn | With help from garbage bags, lockers, tiles, posters, magazines, chrome spray, nails, angle grinders [...] and metal bindings, just to mention a few, [...]he draws, crunches, screws, and inverts in a variety of apparently vandalistic gestures to interrupt any habitual approach of reading the objects and painting itself. norway.cn |
适用于冬季运动的跑鞋,集创新CLIMASHIELD技术和嵌入 式 金属 鞋 钉 于 一 身,时刻为潮湿泥泞的越野环境做好准备。 salomon.com | Winter racing shoe with innovative Climashield™ design and embedded metal spikes for grip on wet icy trail conditions. salomon.com |
这些新增数据包括: 有关金属块状硫化物的 206 项数据,2001 年为 112 项;有关低温热液成矿的 [...] 156 项数据,2001 年为 75 项;125 项热液羽流信号数据,2001 年为 20 项;102 项近 场金属沉积物数据,2001 年为 77 项。 daccess-ods.un.org | These additional data include: [...] 206 entries for polymetallic massive sulphides, compared [...]to 112 in 2001; 156 entries for [...]low-temperature hydrothermal mineralization, compared to 75 in 2001; 125 entries for hydrothermal plume signals, compared to 20 in 2001; and 102 entries for near-field metalliferous sediments, compared to 77 in 2001. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些箱子为胶合板构造,有钉入的 金属 边 加 固,用塑料胶 带交错捆扎。 daccess-ods.un.org | The boxes were of plywood [...] construction, with nailed metal edge reinforcements [...]and bound in plastic, webbed tape. daccess-ods.un.org |
叶3-6,轮生的在茎先端,掌状复叶; 叶柄基部没有托叶或者托叶状的附 属物; 小 叶3-5,膜,背面无毛,正面疏生具刚毛(毛长约1毫米),基部宽楔形,边缘密细锯齿,先端长渐尖;中心的小叶椭圆形到长圆形椭圆形, [...] 8-12 * 3-5 厘米; 侧的小叶卵形的到菱形卵形, 2-4 * 1.5-3 厘米。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves 3-6, verticillate at apex of stem, [...] palmately compound; petiole base without stipule or stipulelike appendages; leaflets [...]3-5, membranous, abaxially [...]glabrous, adaxially sparsely setose (trichomes ca. 1 mm), base broadly cuneate, margin densely serrulate, apex long acuminate; central leaflet elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 8-12 × 3-5 cm; lateral leaflets ovate to rhombic-ovate, 2-4 × 1.5-3 cm. flora.ac.cn |
以“水”作为主题的珍爱吧用珊瑚效果的玻璃吧台,贝克 形 状 的 雕刻 和 金属 、 玻 璃和水晶的装饰要素营造出一种邀您“与浪前行”的氛围。 msccruises.com.cn | The water motif that distinguishes the whole area is reflected in the backlit coral-effect glass bar, shell-shaped sculptures and decorative steel, glass and crystal features. msccruises.com.eg |
瓦砾中带有锋利的边角的物体,或者 象 钉 子 这样尖尖的东西都有可能对安全构 成威胁。 alnap.org | Sharp edges [...] and sharp items such as nails in rubble can pose a [...]safety problem. alnap.org |
花序10-12,直,基部多分枝; 不育枝很多,渴望,具很多; 用大钉钉牢2或3,头状在先 端,具5-7; 小穗2-4花; 宽卵形的苞片,3-4毫米,无毛; 黄的小苞片柠檬的首先,除在基部之外在1-1.2厘米,膜质,无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences 10--12, straight, base many branched; sterile branches many, long, with many branchlets; spikes 2 or 3, capitate at apex, with 5--7 spikelets; spikelets 2--4-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 3--4 mm, glabrous; first bractlet lemon yellow, to 1--1.2 cm, membranous except at base, glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
氧化剂/燃料如下: 与粉状金属或其它高能燃料组成分混合之过氯酸盐、氯酸盐或铬酸盐。 daccess-ods.un.org | Perchlorates, chlorates or chromates [...] mixed with powdered metals or other high energy [...]fuel components. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 传播有关可持续发展以及矿物、金属 和 燃 料在可持续发展中的作用的技 术信息,包括有关矿物质在保持高质量生活方面作用的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Disseminating technical information on sustainable development and the [...] role of minerals, metals and fuels in sustainable [...]development, including information [...]on the role of minerals in maintaining a high quality of life. daccess-ods.un.org |
掌状复叶 叶柄基部和小叶柄具多数披针形,托 叶 状 的 附 属物; 小 叶长圆状倒卵形, 8-14 * (2-)2.5-8 厘米,膜质,在脉上疏生具刚毛的或正面无毛的,边缘有粗锯齿或具牙齿,先端突然或粗渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves palmately compound; bases of petiole and petiolules with numerous lanceolate, stipulelike appendages; leaflets [...] oblong-obovate, 8-14 [...]× (2-)2.5-8 cm, membranous, sparsely setose on veins or glabrous adaxially, margin coarsely serrate or dentate, apex abruptly or boldly acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
特别是与其它薄片基材(如包覆氧化铁的云母或铝颜料)以及球形无机 或 金属物 质 如铁锌磷酸盐(硅酸盐或锆酸盐)或锌粉的结合使用,已在实践中得到成功验证。 eckart.com.cn | Particularly combinations with other platelet substrates (e. g. with micaceous iron or aluminium [...] pigments) as well as with spherical [...] inorganic or metallic substances such as iron/zinc [...]phosphates (silicates or zirconates) [...]or zinc dust have been successfully proved in practice. eckart.net |
旋转缸G罗纹底部深度的不同会影响 金属 密 封 的密 封 状 态, 如果密封状态不好,将造成流量无法调整。 kosmek.co.jp | The metal seal may not close all the way depending on [...] the variation in the underside of the G thread on the clamp, thereby [...]preventing adjustment of the flow rate. kosmek.co.jp |
本报告由联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部编写,并参考各 国政府、主要集团和联合国系统、特别是联合国环境规划署(环境署)、国际劳工 [...] 组织(劳工组织)、联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)以及矿业、 矿 物 、 金属 和 可持 续发展问题政府间论坛所提供的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report was prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and draws on inputs provided by Governments, major groups and the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations Industrial [...] Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Intergovernmental Forum [...] on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable [...]Development. daccess-ods.un.org |
表圈:丝光处理黑色陶瓷,有6根H形钛制 螺 钉 , 凹 陷 状 , 抛 光且联锁。 hautehorlogerie.org | Bezel: Satin-finish black ceramic with 6 [...] H-shaped titanium screws, sunken, polished [...]and blocked hautehorlogerie.org |
每对2-4具芒,成熟时紫色,反折的总状花序; 总状花序基部不等长,硬具刚毛,上面的1.5-3毫米,延长成为一1-3毫米,在最低的小穗对下面的披针形,紫色的 附 属物; 仅更低的总状花序 的1对同性花的小穗在基部。 flora.ac.cn | Racemes 2–4-awned per pair, purple, reflexed at maturity; raceme bases [...] unequal, stiffly setose, [...] upper 1.5–3 mm, prolonged into a 1–3 mm, lanceolate, purple appendage below the lowest spikelet pair; 1 pair of homogamous spikelets at base of lower raceme only. flora.ac.cn |
这些产品包括无尘条状金属效果颜料 (ROTOSAFE Aqua) 和多种其它类型的金属颜料 (ROTOFLEX)。 eckart.com.cn | The product range includes dust-free metallic pellets (ROTOSAFE Aqua) and numerous metal pigment types (ROTOFLEX). eckart.net |
LS09009 意念同出一辙:渐进色的型格镜框, 朦朦胧胧,令人联想到广阔的公路 上,晨雾渐去,旅人起程再次上路; 手制胶板材的用料亦见心思,两边镜 角各镶有一颗金属铆钉,狂野感点到 即止,富有男性的刚强魅力。 101studio.com | Like the mists of the open road parting before your eyes, [...] handmade acetate LS09009 [...] pairs subtle yet exciting gradient coloration along its face with metal studs for a look to [...]match the masculine adventurer’s spirit. 101studio.com |
货物状态在 纽约全一网站可全程跟踪;运费关税结算支持 美 金 、 人 民币双币支付,方便快捷;24小时客服贴心服务,给用户无微不至的关怀,另外,纽约全一快递在美国最大的免税州俄勒冈设有收货点,可以帮客户免除美国境内消费税。 aplus100.com | Status of goods in the website tracking of A Plus Express (NY); freight tariff settlement dollars, [...] Renminbi dual currency payment [...]convenience; 24 hours service discount services, to users of the meticulous care, in addition,A Plus Express (NY) in America 's largest free state Oregon has a storage, can help you Avoid the United States domestic consumption tax. en.aplus100.com |
还重申支持和赞赏联合国包括作为联合国系统应对世界毒品问题的领 导实体的联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室所作的努力,再次申明打算继续改善该 办公室的治理和资金状况, 强调需要充足和稳定的财政资源使其能够有效履行 任务授权,并请该办公室继续努力履行各项国际 药 物 公 约 以及其他有关国际文 书为其规定的所有任务授权,同时继续与有关区域和国际机构和各国政府合 作,除其他以外包括向提出请求的会员国提供技术援助 daccess-ods.un.org | our support and appreciation for the efforts of the United Nations, including those of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as the leading entity in the United Nations system for countering the world drug problem, reiterate our intention to [...] continue to improve the [...] governance and financial situation of the Office, stressing the need for adequate and stable financial resources to enable the Office to fulfil its mandates effectively, and request the Office to continue its efforts to carry out all its mandates under the international drug control conventions, [...]as well as other [...]relevant international instruments, and to continue to cooperate with relevant regional and international institutions and Governments by providing, inter alia, technical assistance to Member States that request it daccess-ods.un.org |
行预咨委会根据先前的报告回顾,摩加迪沙的安全局势和对远程管理的需 [...] 要,对采购过程、合同管理、财产控制和相关的问责制产生了影响;非索特派团 [...] 支助办在特殊环境中运作,即非索特派团军事人员运作、维持和负责联合国 所属 资产,而安全状况使 联合国工作人员不能在摩加迪沙驻留(见 A/64/754,第 [...]55 至 58 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee recalls from its earlier report that the security situation in Mogadishu and the need for remote management has had an impact on the procurement process, contract management, property control and related accountability; and that UNSOA operates in unique circumstances, under which AMISOM military personnel have operated, maintained and [...] accounted for United Nations-owned [...] assets while security conditions have precluded the United [...]Nations staff presence in Mogadishu (see A/64/754, paras. 55-58). daccess-ods.un.org |