

单词 金属线

See also:

金属 n

cooking oil n

External sources (not reviewed)

连接电缆必须密集布设在接地金属壳体中或接 金属线 架 中
 The connection cables must be laid in contact with the grounded metal housing
[...] or in metallic cable ducts with a ground [...]
部分产品也可有其它用途,例如用于生产装饰 金属线 , 或 其 它绝缘和耐热涂层等。
Some products could be used for other
[...] applications such as metal wires for decoration purpose and other insulating or [...]
thermal resistant coatings.
2-2 对金属杆火花条的专门要求 2-2.1 金属线的端部必须经过修整,以消除 尖锐金属线边或毛刺。
2-2.1 The wire ends must be formed, fused, or otherwise treated to eliminate sharp wire edges or burrs.
Manufacturer of electric cables,
[...] special metal cables, powdered alloys, hybrid products, [...]
system electronics products, and electronic materials.
我们服务的典型行业包括:包装、印刷、无纺布、瓦楞纸、塑料薄膜 金属 、 线 缆 、 复膜、橡胶轮毂、纺织、纸板、纸浆和造纸。
Typical industries we serve include
converting, packaging, printing, nonwovens,
[...] corrugating, plastics, metals, wire, laminating, [...]
film, tire/rubber, textiles, paperboard, pulp, and paper.
) 强制湿平衡气流最好能经过棉样的表面,开放的金属丝搁架是首选,塑料网孔筐 可以放置金属线搁架上使用。
Open-wire shelves are preferred; plastic mesh baskets can be used when stored in mesh wire racks.
For Quality Assurance
[...] of pre-painted metal coils, the Datacolor [...]
45G® is the perfect solution, with industry-leading repeatability
and inter-instrument agreement enabling tight tolerances to be shared with formulators and end user fabricators.
1-1.1 本标准适用于传统的手持式产品(如 烟花棒、火花条和晨光花)由金属线或 木 杆或 竹杆覆盖或裹着烟火药,点燃后产生火花的产 品,该产品一般都是将若干个产品包装成一包 或一盒作为一个销售单位。
1-1.1 This Standard applies to the manufacture of the traditional category of hand held items (such as Dipped Sticks, Sparklers, and Morning Glories) consisting of a spark-producing pyrotechnic composition, either coated on a wire, wood, or bamboo stick, or contained in a tube which is consumed during functioning and typically attached to a stick.
通孔" 设计使得激振器能使用预金属线或 传统的推/拉顶杆。
The "hole-through" design makes it possible to use tension wire stingers or traditional push/pull stingers with the exciter.
雷射切割定位,可切金属线路及 精准定位出故障位置。
Laser cutting and marking which cut metal line and precisely mark the failure location.
放射治疗:主要分为两种:体外放射治疗是指仪器针对部位发放辐射;体内放射治疗是指将含有放射性物质的针 金属线 或 导 管植入癌细胞周边或当中。
Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance
[...] sealed in needles, wires, or catheters that [...]
are placed directly into or near the cancer.
适宜拉拔Ф6.5mm以下的低、中、高碳 金属线 材 , 适用拉拔范围有制绳钢丝、弹簧钢丝、胎圈钢丝、钢绞线钢丝、辐条钢丝等等。机台特点:可于SG300-1150卧式工字轮收线机相配;整机运输、安装;拉丝模浸没皂化液中直接冷却;传动采用两级强力窄V带组合专用齿轮箱传动或全齿轮传动,控制方式分普通控制、变频控制、软起控制。
Suitable for drawing Ф6.5mm the
[...] following low, medium and high carbon metal wire, drawing [...]
the scope of application of steel
wire rope, Available at the SG300-1150 horizontal-shaped round match-up Machine; machine transport, installation; drawing die immersed directly in cooling fluid saponification; drive with two powerful combination of dedicated narrow V belt drive gear boxes or full-gear transmission, the control mode sub-normal control, frequency control, soft starting control.
市场上提供的制造技术涉及厚膜、薄膜、碳膜、金属膜、 属 氧 化 物、 线 、 金属 片 和 碳质。
Different manufacturing technologies include thick film, thin film, carbon film,
[...] metal film, metal oxide, wirewound, metal strip and carbon [...]
纸业金属和化 工产业因使 用水电而受益,并在一定程度上因为能够获得原材料而受益。
The paper, metal and chemical [...]
industries have benefited from the access to hydropower and to some extent also to raw materials.
冲洗或释放压力时要保持接地的连续性: 将喷枪 / 分配 阀金属部分紧紧靠在接地金属桶 的边上,然后扣动 喷枪的扳机。
To maintain grounding continuity when flushing or relieving pressure: hold metal part of the spray gun/dispense valve firmly to the side of a grounded metal pail, then trigger the gun/valve.
按下配料阀 B
[...] 电磁阀上的手动 超控按钮并朝接金属桶内 扣动喷枪扳机,直至 喷枪中流出清洁的溶剂。
Press the manual override on the Dose Valve B solenoid valve and trigger the gun
[...] into a grounded metal pail until clean [...]
solvent flows from the gun.
光是“电磁波”的一种,它与电视机和手机上使用的电波以及医院里使用的 X 射 线属 于 同 一类。
Light is classified in the same category as X-rays used at hospitals and electric waves used for TV and mobile phones: they are all electromagnetic waves.
根据《关于教科文组织与各金会及 其他类似机构之关系的指示》(第 IV.2 条)与教 科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 事规则》第 7 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员国三分之二多数 通过,大会可接纳非政府或半政府国际组织代表作为观察员列席大会或大会 属 专 门 委员会 之特定届会”。
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions” (Article IV.2), and of organizations not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a two-thirds majority of Members [...]
present and voting, may admit as observers
at specified sessions of the Conference or of its commissions representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations”.
连接楼层的楼梯由红木和金线条组 成,扶手则令人联想到品牌的织带条纹。
The staircases that connect the floors showcase arrays of
[...] rosewood and gold metal lines, while the hand [...]
rail recalls the House’s web striping.
这笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外属于下 列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、 金 、 预 算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and
implementation, data
[...] warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main [...]
contractor/systems integrator.
下划线 切换选中文字的下线属性或 者增加标签至 HTML 代码。
Toggles Underline formatting for current selection or adds tag to HTML source.
第一,75%的理论开支率是以金使用 的 线 性 分 布为假设得出来的,但这并不切实,因 为有些活动可能集中于双年度的某个时段执行,而不是贯穿整个双年度。
First, the theoretical rate of
[...] 75% assumes linearity in the use of the funds, which is not always [...]
realistic as activities may
have to be grouped during certain periods of the biennium rather than spread evenly throughout the period.
12.57 编列 5 621 900 美元,其中包括 18 个员额(1 个 D-1、2 个 P-5、2 个 P-4、6 个 P-3、3 个 P-2 和 4 个一般事务(特等))维持费 5 492 400 美元和非员额资源 129 500 美元,用于开展贸发会
[...] 挑战和机遇;处理与商品经济有关的贸易和发展问题,并适当注意所有商品行业,如农业、林 业、渔业金属和矿 产品以及石油和天然气;监测商品市场的发展情况和挑战,处理国际商品 [...]
12.57 The amount of $5,621,900 would provide for the continuation of 18 posts (1 D-1, 2 P-5, 2 P-4, 6 P-3, 3 P-2 and 4 General Service (Other level)) amounting to $5,492,400 and non-post resources of $129,500 to carry out the UNCTAD programme of work on various issues pertaining to commodities and to contribute to the efforts of developing countries to formulate strategies and policies to respond to the challenges and opportunities of commodity markets; to address the trade and development problems associated with the commodity economy, giving due attention to all
commodity sectors, such as agriculture,
[...] forestry, fisheries, metals and minerals, [...]
and oil and gas; to monitor developments and
challenges in commodity markets; and to address the links between the international trade in commodities and national development, particularly with regard to poverty reduction.
除设计和发行软件外,从技术角度来说,Firebird还一直关注用于整合VoIP(网络电话)、电信和IP技术的产品、互联网安全和反病毒软件、NFC(近场通信)和基于位置的系统、WiMax和IP技术、 线金 融 交 易和银行软件,以及包括3D影像、全息图技术、多点触控界面、视网膜扫描仪及所有走在我们时代前沿的创新产品的“新时代”产品。
In terms of technologies, in addition to design and publishing software, Firebird is on the lookout for products meant for integration with VoIP, telecom, and IP technologies, Internet security and anti-virus software, NFC and
location-based systems, WiMax and IP
[...] technologies, on-line financial transaction [...]
and banking software, and "new-age" products,
including 3-D imaging, hologram technologies, multi-touch interfaces, retina scanners, and all innovations ahead of our time.
这种问题是最多见的,由于开包后不注意防潮问题,由于灯珠的封胶多采用硅胶材料,其据有一定的吸水特性,受潮后的灯珠贴板后,经过高温的焊接过程硅胶将会热胀冷缩 金线 、 芯 片、支架产生形变致 使 金线 移 位 断裂,灯点不亮现象就产生了,因此建议:LED要存放在干燥通风的环境中,储存温度为-40℃- [...]
This kind of problem is the most seen, because open after the bag do not pay attention to moistureproof problems, because the lamp bead seal gum by silica material, its according to have certain water-absorbing, damp the lamp after pearl posted after the board, after high temperature of welding process
silica gel will heat
[...] bilges cold shrink, golden line, chip, support the gold line deformation fracture [...]
displacement, light
not bright phenomena arise, because this proposal: LED should be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, storage temperature of 40 ℃-+ 100 ℃, relative humidity under 85%; The original packaging in LED condition 3 months after use, it is better to avoid stents rust; When LED the packing bag of kaifeng, want to use as soon as possible after, this time the storage temperature for 5 ℃-30 ℃, relative humidity below 60%.
高温熔炉中天使的美发 工作人员把在近2000°C温度下刚刚搅拌 好的催化剂浇铸成方便适用的小方块,每 块重量大约为12公斤,然后再经过多个轧 机轧制,整个过程都是手工操作,铂金块 在若干个轧制工序中被挤压、被拉长,直 到它变成几千米长、几毫米细的 金线, 并被卷绕起来。
After the catalyst has been freshly mixed together at almost 2,000°C and the workers have cast it into handy cubes of around 12 kilograms each, it passes through a number of manually controlled rolling mills, which press and draw out the material over numerous workstations until it is finally coiled up on spools in the form of a millimeter-fine wire many thousands of meters long.
展览期间,嘉宾可观赏不同工坊的杰出工艺:制瓶工艺、稻草镶嵌工艺、镀金工艺、纺织与擀毡手艺、高级时装、装饰艺术风格的黑檀细木镶工 金线 刺 绣 、漆艺、石板印刷、制扇工艺、制表工艺(由江诗丹顿制表工艺大师演示)、日内瓦传统的“Grand [...]
In the course of this exhibition, guests were able to admire the work in different ateliers devoted to bottle-making, straw marquetry work, gilding, felt-making, textiles and haute
couture, as well as the crafts of Art
[...] Deco cabinet-making, gold thread embroidery, lacquering, [...]
lithography, fan-making, watchmaking
by a Vacheron Constantin watchmaker, the Genevese technique of Grand Feu enamelled miniature painting, and the maki-e technique exercised by a master lacquerer from the Zôhiko company, flown in specially from Kyoto for this exhibition.
为路易十六进行的唯一改动就是修建了一个风雅的小藏衣室,左侧有一扇小门,还有就是添置了一批新家具,其中 金线 挖 花织制的锦缎再现了1789年时此处床室的帷幔。
The only alterations ordered for Louis XVI consisted in the creation of a delightful little dressing-room entered through a little door to the left,
and the delivery of a new set of
[...] furnishings including the gilt brocade lampas which [...]
reproduces the recess hangings present in 1789.
其履行这一职能的途径是一 个安全数据库,其中收集了该网络成员国担任联络人的执法官员的姓名,这些 人员每周七天、每天 24
[...] 小时待命,负责答复紧急援助请求,以防止出现由于未 能及时采取行动而导致执法人员失掉 金线 索 的 情形。
It achieves this function through a secure database containing the names of the contact points that are law enforcement officials from the countries members of the network and who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to respond to emergency
requests for assistance, in situations where the failure to act immediately may cause law
[...] enforcement to lose the money trail.




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