

单词 气势凌人

See also:

气人 n

anger n



人气 n

character n



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 这项工作已完成,相关工作包括在“石羊河流域和 凌 河 流 域 气 候 变 化报告”中 – 里程碑 E6/E7。
This has been completed and the work contained
in the report “Climate Change Report for Shiyang River
[...] Basin (SRB) and the Daling River Basin (DRB)” [...]
- Milestone E6/E7.
单单举行军事 学习并不会产生持久的安全与合作,不管这军演的规模气势有多么慑人”。
Because merely holding an exercise, however large and impressive, does not in itself produce enduring security cooperation”.
It expresses concern at the high number of children who
have been exposed to incidents of violence or physical and other kinds of
[...] aggression, including bullying among children.
行动纲领》还使人们注意到由 环境所导致、影响最势人口的 移民现象,并对这一 现象制定了具体的应对方式,其中最突出的是发展伙 伴和相关国家承诺顾及那些气候变 化和极端气 候事件而难以维生的人们所面临的需要,并减少流离 失所事件的发生。
It also drew attention to the phenomenon of environmentally induced
migration, which affected the most
[...] vulnerable populations, and set out concrete responses to that phenomenon, notably the commitment by development partners and the countries concerned to take into account the needs of those whose livelihoods were endangered by climate change and extreme weather events and reduce [...]
the incidence of displacement.
这里的一个必到之处就气势恢弘的穆森登教堂(Mussenden Temple)——它位于悬崖边,人不由 心生惊叹。
A must-see on any visit has to be the breathtaking Mussenden Temple, an awe-inspiring spot perched on the edge of a cliff edge.
特别是,应当通过建设促进适应和减灾管理的合作网络,采取加强最 势人 口的发言权的措施;建立他们真正有效地参与对他们有影响的政策编制和实施的窗 口;下放政策决定权;加强土著人民参与的、以林为生的社区,以及其权利气 候变化影响的其他社区的机会。
In particular, measures to strengthen the voice of
[...] the most vulnerable should be taken, by building collaborative networks for adaptation and disaster risk management; establishing windows for their genuine and effective engagement in the development and implementation of policies that affect them; decentralizing policy determination; strengthening opportunities for participation of indigenous peoples, forestdependent communities, and other communities whose rights are affected by climate change.
他们的第一个穆斯林统治者成为一个伊斯兰文明和宗教的保护,而不是仅仅是一个阿拉伯贵族 气势 征 服 的土地上的阿拉伯文明的领 人。
They were the first Muslim rulers to become leaders of an Islamic civilization and protectors of the religion rather than merely an Arab aristocracy imposing an Arab civilization on conquered lands.
條例草案建議把積金局給予的同凌 駕 受 託 人 須 在 取得計劃 成員的同意下重組強積金計劃的規定;精簡使有關權益成為“無人申索的權 益”的程序,並清楚列明受託人未能確定計劃成員的所在已有 6 個月,有關 成員權益即成為無人申索的權益,以及刪除要求受託人在報章刊登公告尋求 下落不明成員的規定等。
The Bill also proposes that MPFA's consent may override the requirement on the trustee to obtain scheme members' consent for scheme restructuring, and seeks to streamline the process during which certain benefits become unclaimed benefits; set out clearly that certain MPF benefits will become unclaimed benefits if the trustee cannot locate the scheme members concerned for six months, and remove the requirement for trustees to publish newspaper notices to locate untraceable scheme members.
石羊河流域和凌河流域的气候变 化研究最终报告已经编写完成。
A final report has been prepared on the Climate Change Studies undertaken for the Shiyang River Basin and the Daling River Basin.
本季度,营业面积超过2万平方米的蓝色港湾儿童城开业, 儿童产业由于能够有效聚人气,吸引家庭消费,且其 在购物中心的位置要求不高,因此已经成为北京购物中 心的发展势。
As retail malls specialising in children’s goods can attract family spending and are flexible in terms of location, the development of this kind of shopping mall has become popular and they are playing an increasingly important role in Beijing’s retail market.
Daling River Basin Climate Change modelling [...]
has been established.
第13491 号行政命令“确保合法的审讯”规定在任何武装冲突中被拘留的 个人应在任何情况下受到人性对待,其生命和身体不应受到暴力侵犯,也不应受 到对尊严凌辱,无论人是在 美国政府羁押或有效控制之下还是被拘留在美国 所拥有、开办或控制的设施中。
Executive Order 13491, Ensuring Lawful Interrogations, directed that individuals detained in any armed conflict shall in all circumstances be treated humanely and shall not be subjected to violence to life and person, nor to outrages upon personal dignity, whenever such individuals are in the custody or under the effective control of the United States Government or detained within a facility owned, operated, or controlled by the United States.
[...] 相信市民的集體智慧,不相信政府是人民所授權,不相信政權是不 凌 駕人 權, 我肯定當這些條件成熟時,他們又會提出其他千千萬萬的理由和條件, [...]
So long as they do not have faith in the collective wisdom of the people and remain unconvinced that the Government should have
the mandate of the people, that political
[...] powers cannot override human rights, [...]
I firmly believe that they will cite thousands
of other reasons and conditions to stifle the development of democracy or universal suffrage even when the conditions are ripe.
与此同时,历代王朝创造的北京独特历史名胜古迹(中国长城、故宫、颐和园、天坛)以其特有 气势 和 魅 力吸引 人 们 的 目光。
At the same time, the city's historical attractions are
[...] reminders of its imperial past's breathtaking feats of ingenuity [...]
and beauty -  the Great
Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven.
我爱《伦理学》的逻辑:他通过“命题”、“定义”、“注释”和“推论”组成的严密逻辑读 气势 磅 礴, 引 人 入 胜
I love “Ethics” for its logic: to follow his implacable logic through the “Proposition”, “Definition”, “Scholium” and “Corollary” – is a moment of absolute intensity and never ending beauty.
从经典作品看起吧 - 您绝不要错过欣赏这些名作的机会:National
[...] Gallery的梵高的《向日葵》、National Portrait Gallery的气势宏大的亨利八世肖像、Tate Liverpool毕加索的《哭泣的人》、 位于Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery的世界最大规模的拉斐尔前派艺术品收藏以及Tate [...] [...]
Start with the classics - you can’t pass up a chance to see Van
Gogh’s Sunflowers at
[...] the National Gallery in London; the imposing portraits of King Henry VIII at London's National Portrait Gallery; [...]
Picasso’s Weeping
Woman at the Tate Liverpool; the largest collection of Pre-Raphaelites in the world at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery or Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott at the Tate Britain in London.
如果有任何旧的机器人抗议,他们被送到地下的刻印店,他们粉碎回炉棘 气势 宏 伟 的母亲, 人 垫 片 (吉姆·布罗德本特)。
If any older robots protest they are sent to the underground Chop Shop, where they are shredded and melted down by Ratchet’s imposing mother, Madame Gasket (Jim Broadbent).
我們調查的都 是人物,都是凌駕我們的人 ⎯⎯ 我記得立法會議員在香港特區排 名表中好像是第九位,“老九”,對嗎 ⎯⎯ 我們調查的所有人也在我 們之上。
The targets of our investigation are all big shots ― I recall that Members of the Legislative Council are apparently in the ninth position on the Precedence List of the HKSAR, that is, number nine, right ― all the people under our investigation are above us.
建 議 並 非 設 立 一 個 涵 蓋 所 有 情 況 的 公 眾 利 益 豁 免 , 而 是 一 個 循 序 漸 進 的 過 程 , 公 署 可 因 應 每 一 特 定 個 案 行 使 職 能 , 以 裁 定 將 公 眾 利凌 駕 於 個 人 的 資 料 私 隱 權 是 否 合 理 。
Instead of making a blanket public interest exemption, the proposed scheme represents a gradual process whereby the PCPD is charged with the function to determine in each and particular case whether there is justifiable overriding public interest that outweighs the data privacy right of individuals.
在他信的任命被正式宣布的第二天,泰国 召回了驻柬大使,并谴责该行为“是对泰国内政的 干涉,是对泰国司法系统的践踏,是将 人 利 益和 关凌驾于 两国国家利益之上的举动”。
Bangkok recalled its ambassador and denounced the act as “interference in Thailand’s domestic affairs and (a) failure to respect Thailand’s judicial system.
中國文化基 本上接受體罰,亦接受大男人主義,男人打女人似乎是天公地道的;而人 被男人或丈夫欺凌虐待 時,是要容忍的。
It follows that it is right for a
man to beat up a woman and women will just have to bear it all
[...] when they are battered or bullied by men or their husband.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治 势 , 特 别是 人权 问 题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 [...]
方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country
programmes: firstly, the
[...] domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights [...]
issues and the government’s
sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
9.24 按照职权范围,委员会以下列方式协助经济及社会理事会:(a) 安排进行研究并就下列问题向
[...] 理事会提供咨询意见:人口问题和 势 ; 人 口 与 发展战略的一体化;人口与相关发展政策和方 [...]
口和发展问题;(b) 监测、审查和评价《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》在国家、区域和国际 各级的执行情况,查明成功和失败的原因并就此向理事会提供咨询意见;(c) 审查关于国家、 区域和国际各级人口与发展相互关系的研究和分析结果,并就此向理事会提供咨询意见。
9.24 Under its terms of reference the Commission is to assist the Council by (a) arranging for
studies and advising the Council on
[...] population issues and trends, the integration [...]
of population and development strategies,
population and related development policies and programmes and the provision of population assistance as well as addressing any population and development questions on which either the principal or the subsidiary organs of the United Nations or the specialized agencies may seek advice; (b) monitoring, reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development at the national, regional and global levels, identifying reasons for success and failure, and advising the Council thereon; and (c) reviewing the findings of research and analysis pertaining to the interrelationships between population and development at the national, regional and international levels and advising the Council thereon.
教科文组织还将参加成果(3)以确保与《千年发展目标》有关的计划目标 11 在 印度 7 个重点州中至少一个地区是在正常实施过程中,以及成果(4),以增强包括妇女 与儿童在内的势人群、各级政府的能力,以准备、应对和适应突如其来的灾害和环 境变化并从中恢复过来。
UNESCO will also be taking part in Outcome 3 to ensure that the 11th Plan targets related to the MDGs are on track in at least one district in each of the seven priority states of India, as well as in Outcome 4 to enhance abilities of vulnerable people, including women and girls, and government at all levels to prepare, respond and adapt and recover from sudden and slow onset of disasters and environmental changes.
最近在摩加迪沙、俄罗斯的弗拉季高加索、伊朗 的扎黑丹和乌干达的坎帕拉等地发生的恐怖爆炸事 件,且不提在伊拉克和阿富汗发生的数十起袭击事 件,都刻骨铭心地提醒我们,恐怖主义挑战近在眼前气势汹汹
The most recent terrorist bombings in Mogadishu, in Vladikavkaz in Russia, in Zahedan in Iran and Kampala in Uganda, not to mention the scores of attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, are stark reminders of the currency and enormity of the challenges of terrorism.
我回答他:“我從來都認為‘還政於民’這概念是錯誤的,所謂 民主並不是‘應該由誰來統治’的問題,因為無論是一個人、或少數人,甚
[...] 至是多數人,一旦有機會全權話事時,也可能會帶來壞的統治、惡的統治, 以致多數人會欺壓少人、欺凌少數 人。
The reason is that so long as there is a chance to exercise absolute power, no matter whether it is by one person, or by a minority group or even by a majority of
the people, it might still bring in bad rule, evil rule or
[...] even oppression and bullying of the minority [...]
by the majority.
罗马尼亚宪法》第 16 条承认权利平等原则(“罗马尼亚公民在法律和政 府当局面前人人平等,不享有特权或受到歧视”)和合法性原则(“任 人 不 能凌 驾于法律之上”)。
Article 16 of the Romanian Constitution recognizes the principle of equality of rights (“citizens are equal before the law and public authorities, without any privilege or discrimination”) and the principle of legality (“no one is above the law”).
多年來,民主黨一直促請政府為公平起見,必須把行政長官的貪污行為 納入條例之內,這樣便沒人可以凌 駕 法 律之上。
Over the years, the Democratic Party has all along been urging the Government to incorporate the corrupt practice of the Chief Executive into the Ordinance for the sake of fairness, so that nobody can be above the law.




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