

单词 带菌者

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External sources (not reviewed)

一位感染者说:―HIV 带菌者让我觉得我身体里携带着什么东西,随时都有可能爆炸出来,从 而我应该准备好后事。
One Person Living with HIV was quoted as saying “HIV carrier makes me feel [...]
as if I’ve got something that could explode out
of my body at anytime as if I carry something that I could readily hand-over to someone else.
该组织注意到 ,土库曼斯坦承 诺 与联合国各机构和国际组织 合作,它 促 请 该国政府 公开、准 确 和全面 地 报告与健 康 有关的所有数 据,特别是 公开有关该国的艾滋病毒 状况,向 艾滋病带 菌 者提供 获得治 疗 的机会,并向 大 众提供预防服务和信息。
Noting Turkmenistan’s commitment to cooperate with United Nations agencies and international organizations, it urged the Government, inter alia, to report publicly, accurately and comprehensively all health-related data, specifically, to disclose information about the HIV situation in the country and provide access to treatment for people living with HIV and adequate prevention services and information to the general public.
活动的选择是经各国机构、国际基因工程和生物技术中心、第三世界 科学院以及教科文组织磋商后确定的,活动内容包括抑制 Bm86 抗原免疫和发育迟缓免疫导 致的病原体传播:确带菌者、病 原体基因组织、利用生物信息手段在早期确定新出现的植 物病毒、木薯中菜豆金色花叶病毒与卫星细胞的互动和影响、非洲、中东和南亚的联体病毒 的多样性。
The activities were selected through consultations between national institutions, ICGEB, TWAS and UNESCO and deal with the inhibition of pathogen transmission by vaccination with Bm86 antigen, Napier grass stunting disease: vector identification and pathogen genotypes, a bioinformatic protocol for the early identification of emerging plant viruses, interaction and impact of cassava begomoviruses and satellites, and diversity of mastreviruses across Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia.
另一个途径是提带有无菌罩或者可 匹配标准尺寸无菌罩的细胞分拣仪。
Another is providing cell sorters with sterile hoods or designed to fit in standard-sized sterile hoods.
解决信息伦理的问题受到了与者重 视 ,包括制定措施来反对在媒体中进 带 文 化偏 见的宣传。
The need to address the ethics of
[...] information was stressed, including measures to counter cultural stereotyping in the media.
舉例說,我們是否要進行無限次心臟移植手術,而實際㆖進行這類手術㆒次的 成本,足以為本港㆔分之㆒㆚型肝炎 菌者 提 供 疫苗?
Are we going to do an unlimited number
of heart transplantation for example where
[...] the cost of one may be enough to provide [...]
for vaccine for a third of our Hepatitis B population?
根據某大報章對教師進行的調查顯示,約有 30%的教師仍然相信當局應該辨別哪 些是愛滋病菌者的學生,並把他們分隔往其他學校。
In a survey on teachers done by one major newspaper, it was quoted that some 30% of them still believe that HIV positive students should be identified and put in separated schools.
与现有的多糖疫苗相比,该疫苗具有以下几项优点:它使免疫系统对A群脑膜炎球菌诱发更强烈和更持久的反应;它降低咽喉 带菌 的 数 量并以此减少传播;预计它不仅为获得接 者 提 供 较长期的保护,而且还可在不然情况下,对可能会接触脑膜炎的家人和其他人提供保护;其价格低于其它脑膜炎球菌疫苗的价格;常规多糖疫苗对两岁以下儿童并无效果,而新疫苗预计可向这些儿童提供特别有效的保护。
The vaccine has several advantages over existing polysaccharide vaccines: it induces a higher and more
sustainable immune
[...] response against group A meningococcus; it reduces the carriage of the bacteria in the throat and thus its transmission; it is expected [...]
to confer long-term
protection not only for those who receive the vaccine, but on family members and others who would otherwise have been exposed to meningitis; it is available at a lower price than other meningococcal vaccines; and it is expected to be particularly effective in protecting children under two years of age, who do not respond to conventional polysaccharide vaccines.
刑事执行系统主要关带菌病人 的 排查和对结核病防治药物敏感性的确定。
In prisons, special attention is given to the identification of patients with bacilliform illnesses and to the determination of sensitivity to antituberculosis drugs.
在香港,我們看到㆘列的情況:(1) 有些學校負責㆟(包括教育者和宗教㆟士)不接受愛滋病 菌者 的 學生回校㆖課;(2) 殯儀館不為因患愛滋病的死者服務;(3)健康㆗心開除愛滋病毒 菌者 的 會 籍;(4)㆒些 私家醫院據說不接收愛滋病者留院治療;(5)㆟事管理學會的㆒項調查,顯示接近㆔成 的被訪者會因為同事有愛滋病而要求調職甚至為此而離職。
In Hong Kong, we have seen the following things happen: (1) Some
school heads
[...] (including educators and men of religion) have refused to let AIDS carriers return to class; (2) Funeral parlours have refused to provide service to those who died of AIDS; (3) A health club has expelled an HIV-positive member; (4) Some private hospitals have reportedly refused to accept AIDS patients as in-patients; [...]
(5) In a survey by
the Hong Kong Institute of Personnel Management, nearly 30% of the respondents said that, if co-workers had AIDS, they would ask for a transfer or even tender resignation.
288这种 在边界排除的做法如此有条不紊,以至于英国在实施 1905 年外国人法案后的前六 年没有驱逐任何病人。然而,对于入境时身体健康、入境后患上流行性或传染性 疾病的人,他们作为周边环境的受 者 , 没 有 带 入 病 菌 却 被 驱逐,又该作何解释?
But what explanation is there for the expulsion of aliens who were quite healthy when they first entered the country, but who ended up contracting an epidemic or contagious disease, victims of their environment rather than importers of deadly diseases?
秘书处在根据第 55/2 号决定编写关于一“贷款和其他来源的额外收入的融资机制”的政策文件时,也将考虑到
[...] 该案头研究的结果,并考虑到对臭氧和气候变化 者带 来 的 好处、及时执行各个项目,以 遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》履约时间安排的必要性以及制定一项退出战略的必要性。
The results of the desk study should also be considered by the Secretariat when preparing a policy paper on a "facility for additional income from loans and other sources" as per decision 55/2, taking into account: the benefits for both ozone and climate change, the
need for the timely implementation of
[...] projects in order to adhere to the compliance [...]
schedule of the Montreal Protocol, and
the need for the development of an exit strategy.
[...] 覆盖率仍然很低:仅少数人参与或有机会获得全方位药物依赖治疗服务,每月向 注射毒者分发少量菌器械,8%的人参加类阿片激动剂治疗方案,和 [...]
4%的艾 滋病毒呈阳性的注射吸毒者接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Globally, the coverage of services that have been shown to be most effective in preventing new HIV infections among people who inject drugs remains low: a limited number of people participate in or have access to the full spectrum of
drug dependence treatment services,
[...] a limited number of sterile devices are distributed [...]
per month per person who injects drugs,
8 per cent participate in a programme involving opioid-agonist treatment therapy and 4 per cent of HIV-positive people who inject drugs are receiving antiretroviral therapy.
最后是几种不同的医疗用品,比如手套、 带 、 抗 菌 霜 (如百多邦或抗生素软膏)、绷带卷、纱布、医用胶带和酒精消毒片,在应对擦伤、割伤和瘀伤时也能派上用场。
Finally, a few different medical
supplies such as
[...] gloves, bandages, antibacterial cream like Bactroban [...]
or Neosporin, wrap bandages, gauze, medical tape and alcohol wipes also come in
handy with injuries, cuts and bruises.
这种情况为投者带来很 大的不确定性,并破坏长期增长和发 展工作。
Such conditions provide great
[...] uncertainty to investors and undermine [...]
long-term growth and development efforts.
儘管我們制訂了上述應變措施,但根據現行的《防止傳染病蔓延 規例》( 該規例) ,  生署署長沒有明確的權力禁止或授權某些公職人 員截停及扣留患有禽流感[ 甲型流感(H5)、甲型流感(H7)和甲型流感
[...] (H9) ]或已經蒙受感染該疾病危險的人士、或 菌者 離 開 香港,以控制 疾病蔓延。
The above preparedness notwithstanding, at present under the Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases Regulations (the Regulations), the Director of Health does not have the explicit power to prohibit or empower certain public officer to stop and detain persons
suffering from or having been exposed to the
[...] risk of, or are carriers of avian influenza [...]
[Influenza A (H5), Influenza A(H7) and
Influenza A(H9)] seeking to leave Hong Kong to control the spread of the disease.
(d) 條例草案應加入明訂條文,確保醫生遵從規定,就其所知提 供與傳染病個案有關的資料,以協助調查和追查曾接觸患者 的人士,以及確保傳染病患者、接 者 和 帶 菌者 遵 從 接受健 康監察的規定
(d) express provisions should be added to the Bill to ensure compliance by medical practitioners to provide information that was within their knowledge relating to cases of infectious disease to facilitate investigation and contact tracing, and compliance by sick persons, contacts and carriers of infectious diseases placed under medical surveillance
[...] 要求限制較大,例如捐心和肺者必須年輕及非吸煙者;捐腎者必須是 70 歲 以下;捐肝則不能是乙型肝炎菌者。
There are also great constraints on the donation of certain organs, for example,
heart and lung donors must be young and
[...] non-smokers; kidney donors must be under [...]
70; and Hepatitis B carriers cannot donate livers.
(iii)禽舍中發現小型野鳥(如麻雀)及齧齒動物的蹤跡,牠們 可能是病毒的短期菌者及/ 或污染物的傳播媒介,將病 毒及污染物帶入禽舍並在禽舍之間傳播。
(iii) Small wild birds (e.g. sparrows) and rodents were both found in poultry sheds and could have acted as short term carriers of the virus and/or mechanical transfer agents of contaminated material into and between sheds.
教科文组织与主要的利益相关方(民间服务组织、艾滋病毒 带者 / 艾 滋 病患者组 织,以及传统药师等)合作,支持营造南部非洲(博茨瓦纳、莱索托、莫桑比 克、南非以及赞比亚)的当地文化环境、培养基于证据的研究能力。
Working in partnership with key stakeholders (civil service organizations, networks of people living with HIV and AIDS and traditional healers, etc.), UNESCO is supporting the development of local cultural environments and evidence-based research capacity in Southern Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia) in an effort to better inform national HIV and AIDS policies and programmes especially for prevention purposes.
研制有效疫苗已证明困难重重,主 要是因为艾滋病带有多种菌株, 突变速度极快。
Developing an effective vaccine has proven difficult, not least because HIV has multiple strains and a rapid rate of mutation.
[...] 论其艾滋病毒状况披露程度如何,创造一个更加有利的环境;(ii) 为联合国系统 内艾滋病毒带者组织 有效的呼声,挑战羞辱和歧视;(iii) [...]
推动制定和(或)改进 联合国各机构现行艾滋病问题政策――2006 年,来自 11
个组织的 30 多名联合国 艾滋病阳性团体成员举行会议,讨论在四个主要领域所面临的挑战:保密性;流 动性和旅行;医疗保险;和羞辱和歧视。
In order to achieve its stated objectives of (i) creating a more enabling environment for all HIV-positive staff members, irrespective of the level of disclosure of their HIV status;
(ii) creating an organized and effective
[...] voice for people living with HIV within [...]
the United Nations system that challenges
stigma and discrimination; and (iii) contributing to the development and/or improvement of existing policies on HIV among United Nations agencies, over 30 UN Plus members from 11 organizations met in 2006 to address the challenges faced in four key areas: confidentiality; mobility and travel; health insurance; and stigma and discrimination.
公司的Tsunami新产品就在这一背景下诞生,将有助于运营商、无线互联网服务提供商以及其他机构应对4G部署难题,并为消 者带 来 重 大的效益。
Proxim's new Tsunami products build on a long history of innovation and price/performance leadership, and are going to help carriers, WISPs, and others meet the challenge of 4G deployments and offer amazing benefits to their customers.
多数儿童都被警察带到中心的(40%),其次是城区儿童保护工 者带 来的 (28%),其余,要么是儿童本人要么是其父母来寻求中心援助。
Most children are brought to the centre by the police (40%), followed by child protection workers of city districts (28%), and in the remaining cases either children themselves or their parents come to seek assistance from the centre.
各代表团就以下问题交流了经 验:最高级别的政治承诺和领导作用;进行立法审查,以确保所有部
门的法律协调一致;在包括公共安全、毒品控制、社会保护和司法在 内的政府各部委把艾滋病毒防治措施纳入其主要工作,将其作为国家
[...] 艾滋病毒战略计划的一部分;同包括艾滋病毒 带者 和 主 要受影响人 口及其组织在内的所有主要利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系;以及 [...]
Delegations exchanged experiences on the following: political commitment and leadership at the highest level; legislative reviews to ensure the consistency of laws across all sectors; mainstreaming of HIV interventions in all government ministries, including public security, drug control, social protection and justice, as part of national HIV strategic plans; meaningful
partnerships with all key stakeholders,
[...] including people living with HIV and [...]
key affected populations, and their organizations;
and the active engagement of children and youth in HIV prevention interventions.
對於愛滋病,我們似乎亦經歷 ㆒個從無知到 有知的過程,而教師的責任,就是令這個認知的過程普及和理智,令那些愛滋病菌 者,即使他的生命如何短暫,也不會在有生之年,遭受歧視和排拒。
As regards AIDS, it seems that we have also been going through a similar process from ignorance to knowledge. It is the
teachers' responsibility
[...] to render such a cognitive process a universal and sensible one so that the HIV carriers, however transient their lives may be, will [...]
neither be discriminated
against nor rejected in the rest of their life.
在 1950 年代,普利策奖 获者细菌学家雷尼·杜伯士(1901-1982 [...]
年)解释了微生物、包括细菌和其伴随 的疾病的重要性,它们是地球自然界和谐关系的一部分。
In the 1950s Pulitzer Prize winner and bacteriologist René Dubos
(1901-1982) explained the importance of
[...] micro-organisms, including germs and their accompanying [...]
diseases, as part of the natural harmony of the Earth.




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