单词 | 带绿色 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 带绿色 adjective —greenish adjSee also:绿色 adj—purple adj • greener adj 色带 n—ribbon n
常绿的灌木到小乔木,2-10米高; 分枝灰色黑色的到带绿色灰色 棕色,圆柱状,粗壮,小 枝 带绿色 的 或 黄 带绿色 , 具 条纹。 flora.ac.cn | Evergreen shrubs to small trees, 2-10 m tall; branches gray-black to gray-brown, terete, sturdy, twigs greenish or yellow-greenish, striate. flora.ac.cn |
核果带绿色白色,有时,很少金黄色具带红色色彩,扁球状,很少近球形, 3.5-6 * 4.4-7 厘米,短柔毛,很少无毛,偶有有点有白霜; 中果皮多汁,酸甜,芳香,从内果皮分开,成熟时不劈开; [...] 内果皮使球状,很少近球形的到宽椭圆形变平,压缩两面, [...] 1.7-3.5 * 1.3-3 厘米,具洼点的表面纵沟和疏生的,基部近截形,先端长渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Drupe greenish white, rarely golden yellow, sometimes with a reddish tinge, [...] compressed globose, rarely subglobose, 3.5–6 [...]× 4.4–7 cm, pubescent, very rarely glabrous, occasionally slightly glaucous; mesocarp succulent, sour-sweet, fragrant, separating from endocarp, not splitting when ripe; endocarp flattened globose, rarely subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, compressed on both sides, 1.7–3.5 × 1.3–3 cm, surface longitudinally furrowed and very sparsely pitted, base subtruncate, apex long acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
叶片背面的带绿色,正 面深的绿色,卵形的或长圆状卵形, 3-5 * 1.5-3 [...] 厘米,无毛,有时疏生微柔毛只沿脉, 基部浅心形, 边缘就外表而论大大地变化,通常具不规则少数浅裂或 3-5裂,侧裂片短,中裂片长,顶端裂片披针形,边缘稀疏和大的牙齿,先端锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaf blade abaxially greenish, adaxially deep [...] green, ovate or oblong-ovate, 3-5 × 1.5-3 cm, glabrous, sometimes sparsely [...]puberulous only along veins, base shallowly cordate, margin greatly varied in appearance, usually irregularly few lobed or 3-5-fid, lateral lobes shorter, middle lobe longer, terminal lobes lanceolate, margin remotely and large toothed, apex acute. flora.ac.cn |
小穗8-10毫米,略带紫色的或很少 带绿色; 小 花3-5(-7); 颖片平滑或者上面粗糙,边缘具短缘毛; [...] 狭披针形的下部的颖片,2.5-3.5毫米; 披针形的上面颖片,4-5毫米; 小穗轴节间的1.1-1.4毫米,粗糙; 外稃5-6毫米,点状或; [...]芒2-6毫米; 内稃龙骨和背面粗糙。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 8–10 [...] mm, purplish or rarely greenish; florets 3–5(–7); [...]glumes smooth or upper scabrid, margin ciliolate; lower [...]glume narrowly lanceolate, 2.5–3.5 mm; upper glume lanceolate, 4–5 mm; rachilla internodes 1.1–1.4 mm, scabrid; lemmas 5–6 mm, punctiform or scabrid; awns 2–6 mm; palea keels and back scabrid. flora.ac.cn |
叶对生(除数个叶在花序下面的互生之外),具短叶柄;叶片通常近直立,对银灰色,菱形卵形,或椭圆形到倒卵状披针形 黄 带绿色, 3 -5 * 0.8-2.5 厘米,密被软鳞片在两面,基部渐狭,边缘全缘,先端钝或锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves opposite (except several leaves beneath inflorescence [...] alternate), shortly petiolate; leaf blade usually [...] suberect, yellow-greenish to silver-gray, [...]rhombic-ovate, or elliptic to obovate-lanceolate, [...]3-5 × 0.8-2.5 cm, densely furfuraceous on both surfaces, base attenuate, margin entire, apex obtuse or acute. flora.ac.cn |
花萼颜色可能强烈受环境的影响: Wikstroemia [...] mekongensis的模式标本的野外描述表示其具深紫色到深红色的花,而同一采集并在欧洲栽培的植株具 有 带绿色 黄 色 的花,芽在先端具紫色。 flora.ac.cn | The calyx color can be strongly influenced by the environment: the type gathering of Wikstroemia mekongensis was described in the field as having deep purple-crimson [...] flowers, whereas plants propagated in Europe from the same [...] gathering had greenish yellow flowers, [...]tipped with purple in bud. flora.ac.cn |
下部叶卵形,小;上部叶片披针形到椭圆状披针形, 1.5-3 * 0.5-1 厘米,背面带绿色,发 亮,正面深绿色, 背面脉上短柔毛多,背面中脉突起,正面凹陷,两面侧脉和网脉突起,基部宽楔形,边缘下弯,先端钝,短尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole ca. 1 mm, pubescent; leaf blade papery; lower leaves ovate, small; upper leaves [...] lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 1.5-3 × 0.5-1 [...] cm, abaxially greenish, shiny, adaxially [...]deep green, abaxially very pubescent on [...]veins, midvein raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, lateral veins and reticulate veins raised on both surfaces, base broadly cuneate, margin recurved, apex obtuse, mucronate. flora.ac.cn |
托叶小,卵形,膜,早落; 叶柄2-5毫米,具柔毛或无毛; [...] 叶片长圆状卵形的或椭圆形, 3-6 * 2-2.5 厘米,背面带绿色,无 毛,绢状幼时具短柔毛,正面绿色,基部楔形,具腺有细锯齿的边缘,先端斜短渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules small, ovate, membranous, caducous; petiole 2-5 mm, pilose or glabrous; leaf [...] blade oblong-ovate or elliptic, 3-6 × 2-2.5 [...] cm, abaxially greenish, glabrous, silky [...]pubescent when young, adaxially green, [...]base cuneate, margin glandular serrulate, apex obliquely shortly acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄1.5-3厘米,密被灰白色短柔毛; [...] 叶片纸质到薄革质,宽卵形或近圆形, 9-12 * 5.5-8 厘米,背面带绿色,密 被灰白色绢毛,正面深绿色,稍发亮,后变无毛,基部圆形或有时近心形,先端渐尖;侧脉(4或)5或6 [...] 对,平行,接近边缘网结,正面多离生。 flora.ac.cn | Petioles 1.5-3 cm, densely gray-white pubescent; leaf blade papery to thinly coriaceous, ovate, [...] broadly ovate, or subrotund, 9-12 × 5.5-8 [...] cm, abaxially greenish, densely gray-white [...]sericeous, adaxially deep green, slightly [...]shiny, glabrate, base rounded or sometimes subcordate, apex acuminate; lateral veins (4 or)5 or 6 pairs, parallel, anastomosing near margin, more distinct adaxially. flora.ac.cn |
花单生 花被略带紫色的到深紫色,很少带粉红色,钟状,顶部(6-) 8浅裂;筒部 1-1.2 * 1-1.5 厘米; 裂片带绿色的在 边缘,正三角形, 6-8 * 3.5-4毫米,正面,4龙骨状,龙骨状紫红色,厚,肉质,平滑,中心可达2毫米宽。 flora.ac.cn | Perianth purplish to dark-purple, rarely pinkish, campanulate, (6--)8-lobed apically; tube 1--1.2 × 1--1.5 cm; lobes greenish at margin, deltoid, 6--8 × 3.5--4 mm, adaxially 4-keeled, keels purple-red, very thick, fleshy, smooth, central 2 up to 1.5 mm wide. flora.ac.cn |
托芽长圆形,无毛;叶柄0.5-1.5厘米,被微柔毛; [...] 叶片倒卵状椭圆形,椭圆,或长圆形, 1.5-3.5 * 1-1.8 厘米,背面带绿色,幼 时的白色长柔毛,后脱落,正面黯淡绿色,发亮,无毛,或短柔毛沿中脉, [...]脉明显。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 0.5-1.5 cm, puberulent; leaf blade [...] obovate-elliptic, elliptic, or oblong, 1.5-3.5 × 1-1.8 [...] cm, abaxially greenish, white villous when [...]young, glabrescent, adaxially dull green, [...]shiny, glabrous, or pubescent along midvein, base broadly cuneate or slightly obtuse, margin indistinctly sparsely glandular serrate, apex acute or obtuse; veins conspicuous. flora.ac.cn |
托叶近三角形,2-3毫米;叶柄5-8毫米; 叶片卵状披针形,披针形,或者长圆状披针形,通常有点镰刀形, 7-10 * [...] 1.5-3.5 厘米,纸质或薄革质,背面带绿色, 干时灰棕色,两面无毛或脱落无毛,正面绿色,基部锐尖,通常不等侧;侧脉6-8 对。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules subtriangular, 2-3 mm; petiole 5-8 mm; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, often slightly falcate, [...] 7-10 × 1.5-3.5 cm, papery or thinly [...] leathery, abaxially greenish, gray-brown when [...]dry, glabrous or glabrescent on both surfaces, [...]adaxially green, base acute, usually inequilateral; lateral veins 6-8 pairs. flora.ac.cn |
花萼稍带绿色紫色 的,近旋转, 1.5-2 * 2-2.5 厘米;萼片合生超过贴生的子房,背面密被短柔毛,正面暗红色短柔毛; [...] 筒部倒圆锥形, 0.5-1 * 0.7-0.8 厘米; 裂片平展,圆形的三角形肾形或卵形,约0.8×1 厘米。 flora.ac.cn | Calyx slightly [...] zygomorphic, greenish purple, subrotate, [...]1.5-2 × 2-2.5 cm; sepals connate beyond attachment to ovary, abaxially [...]densely pubescent, adaxially dark red pubescent; tube obconic, 0.5-1 × 0.7-0.8 cm; lobes spreading, triangular-reniform or ovate-rounded, ca. 0.8 × 1 cm. flora.ac.cn |
乔木,高约8米;枝,叶背面,和花被铁锈色微绒毛或短柔毛;托叶长圆形;叶柄3-5毫米,粗壮; 叶片斜卵形或长圆形, 5-15 * 3-7.5 厘米,革质,正面绿色,干燥时 带绿色 , 具 短柔毛或只沿中脉具短柔毛,背面绿色,干燥时红棕色,基部圆形到浅心形,偏斜不等侧,先端锐尖或短渐尖;中脉和7-12对侧脉粗壮。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules oblong; petiole 3-5 mm, robust; leaf blade obliquely ovate or oblong, 5-15 × 3-7.5 cm, leathery, adaxially green, greenish when dry, pubescent or only midvein pubescent, abaxially greenish, reddish brown when dry, base rounded to shallowly cordate, obliquely inequilateral, apex acute or shortly acuminate; midvein and 7-12-paired lateral veins robust. flora.ac.cn |
中兴通讯以“融合”“智能”“宽带 ” “ 绿色 ” 为 理念,基于DPI技术和PCC标准,推出完善的分组业务精细化运营综合解决方案ZOOMs(ZTE Optimized Operation and Management System),帮助运营商精确识别业务,了解网络流量分布、业务发展及用户偏好等,为用户提供高质、差异化服务,提升服务创新能力,合理应用网络资源,降低CAPEX,实现带宽收益最大化。 zte.com.cn | ZXUN RCP is a customized product to realize policy and charging control for various networks of operators. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
在圆柱状短小枝具叶柄上的叶,3-5厘米,上部侧面扁平; [...] 卵形叶片卵形圆形或菱形, 6-10 * 2.5-8 厘米,背面带绿色白色,黯淡绿色,基部圆形或宽楔形,边缘具具腺齿,先端渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves on short branchlets with petiole terete, 3-5 cm, laterally flattened distally; leaf blade [...] ovate-orbicular or rhombic-ovate, 6-10 × 2.5-8 [...] cm, abaxially greenish white, adaxially [...]dull green, base rounded or broadly cuneate, [...]margin with glandular teeth, apex acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
花萼紫色或带绿色紫色 ,钟状, 1.5-2 * 2-2.5 厘米;萼片合生超过贴生的子房,背面无毛; [...] 筒部球状球状或卵球形, 约0.8×1厘米, 裂片平展,宽卵形,约1×1厘米,基部具紧密的乳突形成半圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Calyx purple or greenish purple, campanulate, [...] 1.5-2 × 2-2.5 cm; sepals connate beyond attachment to ovary, abaxially glabrous; [...]tube globose or ovoid-globose, ca. 0.8 × 1 cm, apically constricted and gradually dilated forming a short neck below lobes, adaxially longitudinally ribbed and sometimes inconspicuously transversely corrugate, orifice ring ca. 1 mm wide; lobes spreading, broadly ovate, ca. 1 × 1 cm, base with dense papillae forming semicircular area. flora.ac.cn |
近披针形的托叶或者ovatecircaeolate,大约3.5毫米,具柔毛,边缘具牙齿; 叶柄4-8毫米,长灰色短柔毛; 叶片长圆状披针形或长圆形, 4-6 * [...] 1.8-2.5 厘米,除无毛的沿中脉之外带绿色, 正 面绿色的背面的浅的或,基部圆形到楔形,边缘全缘,先端锐尖或短渐尖; [...]约的lcircal脉11在中脉两边各。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules sublanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, ca. 3.5 mm, pilose, margin dentate; petiole 4-8 mm, long gray pubescent; leaf blade [...] oblong-lanceolate or oblong, 4-6 × 1.8-2.5 cm, [...] abaxially pale or greenish except glabrous [...]along midvein, adaxially green, base rounded [...]to cuneate, margin entire, apex acute or shortly acuminate; lateral veins ca. 11 on each side of midvein. flora.ac.cn |
卵状披针形的托叶,长约1毫米,持久; 叶柄2-8毫米; 叶片椭圆形或长圆状椭圆形,很少倒卵形, 1.5-8 * 1-3 [...] 厘米,纸质,基部钝到楔形,边缘全缘或有时具不规则锯齿或波状齿,先端锐尖到钝,背 面 带绿色 ; 侧 脉5-8 对,两面突起,网脉稍突出。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules ovate-lanceolate, ca. 1 mm, persistent; petiole 2-8 mm; leaf blade elliptic or oblong-elliptic, rarely obovate, 1.5-8 × 1-3 cm, papery, base obtuse to cuneate, margin entire or sometimes [...] irregularly serrate or undulate-toothed, apex [...] acute to obtuse, greenish abaxially; lateral [...]veins 5-8 pairs, raised on both surfaces, [...]reticulate veins slightly prominent. flora.ac.cn |
小穗5-7毫米,带绿色的或 带紫色; 近等长,椭圆状披针形,3脉的颖片,膜质,平滑,先端锐尖; [...] 胼胝体抑制,0.3-0.4毫米; 4-5毫米的外稃,膜,具柔毛在整个期间,2齿状的顶,0.3-0.4毫米的牙齿; 持久的芒,2-3厘米,好,身体虚弱2膝曲,柱子扭曲,全部粗糙; 内稃2/3段外稃。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 5–7 mm, greenish or purplish; glumes subequal, [...] elliptic-lanceolate, 3-veined, membranous, smooth, apex acute; [...]callus obtuse, 0.3–0.4 mm; lemma 4–5 mm, membranous, pilose throughout, apex 2-toothed, teeth 0.3–0.4 mm; awn persistent, 2–3 cm, very fine, weakly 2-geniculate, column twisted, scabrid throughout; palea 2/3 length of lemma. flora.ac.cn |
接地线的标志是其绝缘层的外表面为 绿色 (带或不带黄色条纹)。 graco.com | The wire with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the grounding wire. graco.com |
问题不在于我们能否承担绿色经济,而在于我们能否承担没 有 绿色 经济 所带来的后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | “It is not a question of whether we can afford a green economy, but whether we can afford not to have one. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,海洋继续为促进可持续发展、扶贫和发展 “ 绿色 经 济 ” 带 来 希 望和 机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, the oceans continue to provide [...] hope and opportunities for fostering sustainable development, poverty [...] alleviation and the development of a “green economy”. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国及其安全理事会的改革、倡导可持续发展 和 绿色 经 济 以 及就解决全球关切问题开展对话和辩论的重要性,也是反复出现的主题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The reform of the United Nations and its [...] Security Council; the promotion of sustainable [...] development and green economy and the [...]importance of dialogue and debate in tackling [...]issues of global concern were also reoccurring themes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
接下来2011 [...] LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅将陆续抵达华东、华南其他城市,与消费者共同分享LEXUS雷克萨斯“矢志不渝,追求完美”的品牌理念及旗下多款豪华车型 所 带 来 的 绿色 环 保 趋势与激情驾驭乐趣。 lexus.com.cn | Next, the 2011 Taste of Lexus brand event will roll into other cities in eastern and southern China to share the Lexus [...] "Passionate Pursuit of [...] Perfection", the green philosophy and passionate driving pleasure brought by various [...]Lexus luxury vehicles. lexus.com.cn |
同时,公司也在积极加强与相关行业企业的交流和合作,比如同戴尔、惠普、IBM、SUN 等分别缔结了坚实的伙伴关系,共同推 出 绿色 节 能 方案,为用 户 带 来 了更 具 绿色 价 值 的技术和产品,推动了行业节能环保理念的普及和发展。 emerson.com | Meanwhile, the company also takes initiative to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with related industries and enterprises. For example, the company has established solid partnership with Dell, HP, [...] IBM and SUN, and [...] jointly launched green energy conservation plans, bringing users with technologies and products with higher green value and [...]promoting energy conservation and [...]environmental protection in the industry. emerson.com |
竿箨紫色绿色,带有紫 色条纹,未做记号,稀少棕色糙伏毛; 叶耳紫色,在基部鞘内小,和约1厘米在上部的内; 口头的刚毛稀,紫色; 叶舌紫色,温柔弧曲的或截形,约2毫米,白色的纤毛虫; 叶片直立到水平,紫褐色具绿色的条纹,狭三角形到线形。 flora.ac.cn | Culm sheaths purple-green, with purple streaks, unmarked, sparsely brown strigose; auricles purple, small in basal sheaths, falcate and ca. 1 cm in upper ones; oral setae sparse, purple; ligule purple, gently arcuate or truncate, ca. 2 mm, white ciliate; blade erect to horizontal, purple-brown with green streaks, narrowly triangular to linear. flora.ac.cn |
由于现有的新技术很多(虽然不是全部)属于先进国家所有,而且 发展中国家进行绿色技术 改革的成本相对于它们的收入会高得多,所以全球经济 的绿化将带来分 配上的重大挑战,也需要通过上述的融资机制和其他国际合作新 机制来解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since many, although not all, existing new technologies are owned by the [...] advanced countries and the [...] cost of inducing green technological change will be much higher for developing countries relative to their incomes, there will be important distributional challenges connected with greening the [...]global economy, which [...]will also need to be addressed through the abovementioned financing facilities and other new mechanisms of international cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要紧,因为它是一个卡通),她穿着蓝色的裤子,橙色的花和字穿着绿色的,“GELY”之上......这可能是另一种语言的另一个字,和一个白色的衬衫下,并配有 深 绿色带。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | (it doesn’t matter since it’s a cartoon) She wears blue pants, a green dress with an orange flower and the [...] word, “Gely” on top… which might be another word in another language, & a white under shirt and [...] with a darker green belt. seekcartoon.com |
2010/11 年度期间支助服务范 围将侧重军队和建制警察部队、特遣队所属装备以及联合国所属装备的高效率陆 [...] 路运送;通过数据中心虚拟化提高数据的可靠性和储存能力;通过广域应用服务 [...] 改善数据流通过量;改善非消耗性资产的管理;为实施各 种 绿色 和 洁 净项目进行 环境基线研究;确保遵守最低运作安保标准和驻地最低运作安保标准;以及实施 [...] 行为和纪律方案以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The range of support services for the 2010/11 period will focus on the efficient movement of military troops and formed police units, contingentowned and United Nations-owned equipment via road; increasing data reliability and its storage capacity through virtualization of data centres; improving throughput of data flow through the installation of wide area application services; improving management of non-expendable assets; conducting [...] environmental baseline studies for the [...] implementation of various green and clean projects; [...]ensuring compliance with minimum operating [...]security standards and minimum operating residential security standards; and implementation of conduct and discipline and HIV/AIDS programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |