

单词 带薪休假

See also:


paid (leave)
receive one's regular salary (while on vacation, study leave etc)
on full pay

休假 n

leave n
vacation n

休假 adj

sabbatical adj


take a vacation
go on holiday

External sources (not reviewed)

如果您在资格期结束时带薪休假, 您 仍将获 得您有资格获得的奖励股票。
If you are on unpaid leave at the end of a Qualification Period you will still receive the Award Shares for which you are eligible.
她们的其他假期或权利不得由于 在一年享受 60 天带薪休假而受到影响。
None of their other leaves or entitlements could be compromised due to the grant of this 60 days paid leave in the annual year.
带薪休假期间 ,工资的支付方式与正常工作时间的支付方 式完全相同。
During time off, salaries are paid in exactly [...]
the same manner as during regular working time.
如果不领取加班费,则在雇主和雇员同意的情况下,雇 员可以享受不少于加班时间 带薪休假 , 作为加班的补偿。
Instead of overtime pay, the employee may be
compensated through time in lieu of at least the same duration, provided
[...] the employer and employee mutually agree [...]
to this.
只有在她的雇主不能为其另行 安排一个合适的职位时,才允许其 带薪休假。
Her absence without pay will be permitted only if her employer can not find an alternative suitable position for her.
除非在合理的时间范围带薪 休假补偿,否则额外工作必须支付25%的额外工资补偿。
Unless compensated by time in lieu within a reasonable time, excess hours must be paid at a premium of 25 %.
教科文组织可以利用自己在多边环境下所具有的相对优势和能够发挥的积极作用,对 一些新活动进行思考和强化,其中非政府组织提及:和平教育;教师在教育变革中所起的关 键作用;他们必须享有充分的资源、获得合适的薪金以及受到正常的培训;教学方法和学生
评估方法的传授;为处于不利境地的群体开发信息与传播技术(确保信息传播通畅、维护良 好、质量可靠、针对性强);家庭在价值观的教育、社会化和代代相传中发挥的作用(2004
[...] 年国际家庭年);休闲权(休息权,放假权 带薪休假 权 , 娱乐标准,文化参与权,等 等);大多数发展中国家市镇服务水平的下降(包括城镇服务的管理)。
Concerning new issues which could be contemplated or reinforced in which UNESCO has a comparative advantage in the multilateral context and in which it could play a constructive role, NGOs mention: peace education; the role of teachers as the key to educational change; they should have adequate resources, salaries and regular training; the transfer of teaching methodologies and student assessment techniques; the development of ICTs for the disadvantaged population (ensure dissemination and maintenance, quality and relevance of information); the role of the family for education, socialization and transmission of the values (the International Year of the
Family in 2004); the right to leisure (right to
[...] rest, days off, paid holidays, standards [...]
in recreation, right to cultural participation,
etc.); the degradation of urban and municipal services in most of the developing countries (including municipal service management).
对于连续性或经常性的夜间工作,雇员有 权享受相当于10%夜间工作时间 带薪休假 时 间
For permanent or regularly recurring night work, employees
[...] are entitled to paid leave of 10 % of [...]
the time worked during night hours.
兼职雇员也有权根据其标准工作时数的比例享 带薪休假。
Part-time employees are also
[...] entitled to paid leave in proportion [...]
to the percentage of standard hours they work.
结果,工人获得一带薪休假,从 而士气提高。
Workers were
[...] consequently given one paid rest day, thereby raising [...]
their morale.
劳动法》第 89 条规定:“除了集体协议或个人劳动合同中的有利条 款,按照每月一天半实际服务的工作日,劳动者还获 带薪休假 的 权 利”。
Under article 89 of the Labour Code, "unless a collective agreement or individual employment contract contains more favourable provisions, the worker acquires the right to vacation paid by the employer, at the rate of one and a half working day per month of actual work".
[...] 休假时间)的安排,得到补贴的日托机构和学龄儿童的日托设施,在未满 12 岁的 子女患病时获带薪休假的权 利(10 天),使父母能够对幼儿进行照顾的弹性工作 [...]
The welfare system includes arrangements such as paid parental leave (including maternity leave and the father’s quota), subsidized daycare institutions
and day-care facilities for
[...] schoolchildren, the right to paid leave when a child [...]
below the age of 12 is sick (10 days),
flexible working hours for parents responsible for the care of young children and cash support.
为了帮助学校更好的了解提 供资助的雇主的需要,学校可以让一名教师或者大学的其 他雇带薪休假一个月并派到学生实习所在地工作。
To help the university understand the needs of the employer,
a faculty member and/or
[...] other employee of the university could be eligible for a 1-month sabbatical to be spent at [...]
the internship site.
消除对妇女歧视委员会促请南非根据公约第11 条确保在劳动力市场上妇女
[...] 享有平等机会,审查“就业公平修正案”和“就业基本条件修正案”,确保所有 产妇都能够得带薪休假,同 时对违反关于产假的法律的现象给予有效制裁,并 [...]
CEDAW requested South Africa to ensure equal opportunities for women in the labour market, in accordance with article 11 of the Convention, and to review the Employment Equity Amendment Bill, and the Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill,
with a view to ensuring that all mothers
[...] receive leave with pay and providing effective [...]
sanctions and remedies for violation
of laws on maternity leave.41 19.
但是,集体劳资协议通常会规定更长时 间带薪休假,50 岁以上的雇员一般可以获得每年25天 带薪休 假。
However, longer entitlements are customary in collective bargaining agreements, and 25 days per year are usually granted to employees over the age of 50.
带薪 休假是必须使用的;不得用报酬的形式来代替休假。
Leave must be taken; it may not be compensated through payment.
本森同意,并承诺两人一带薪休假 , 如果该计划的工作。
Benson agrees, and
[...] promises the duo a paid day off if the plan works.
假期和病假薪资:作为一名全职或兼职的美联航雇员,您可以利 带薪休假 时 间 进行旅行和使用旅行通行证。
Vacation and sick pay: As a full- or part-time United employee you can take
[...] advantage of your paid vacation time to travel and [...]
utilize your travel passes.
短期职工福利包括首次雇佣福利(派任津贴)、每月的定期收入(工资、 薪金、津贴)带薪休假(年 假、病假、产假/陪产假/收养假)及其他短期福利(教育补助 [...]
Short-term employee benefits comprise first-time employment benefits (assignment grants), regular monthly
[...] benefits (wages, salaries, allowances) compensated [...]
absences (annual
leave, sick leave, maternity/paternity/adoption leave) and other short-term benefits (education grant, reimbursement of taxes) and the current portion of long-term benefits provided to current employees.
本公司为保护员工健康,经常性的检察业务运营体制,劳 资双方充分把握与员工的劳动时间 带薪休假 消 化率等的实际 情况,也活用弹性工作时间等,致力于适合的劳动时间管理。
We inspect our system of operations to ensure all employees are in good health, both labor and management thoroughly monitor the state of things like employee working hours and amount of paid leave taken, and we have a flex time system.
如果包括休息时间在内的平均换班时间未超过7个小 时,或者如果夜间工作者每周只需工作4个晚上,则雇员无权享带薪休假形式的补偿。
There is no entitlement for compensation in the form of paid leave if the average shift time, including breaks, does not exceed seven hours, or if the person working at night is employed for only four nights per week.
享受假期——雇员有权利享受薪年休 假,带薪年休假的期限长短取决于工 作年限,但是一般来说,每年都有权 享受20至26天的薪年休假。
Use their holiday leave time - The employee has the right to annual paid leave, the length of which depends on their seniority, but in general every employee is entitled to 20 or 26 days of paid annual leave.
劳动法》、《劳动合同法》、《劳动争议调解仲裁法》、《就业促进法》 和《职带薪年休假条例 》、《劳动保障监察条例》等法律法规,规范和促进了 [...]
The Labour Law, the Labour Contract Law, the Law on Mediation and Arbitration of Labour
Disputes, the Employment Promotion Law, the
[...] Regulations on Paid Annual Leave for Employees, [...]
and the Regulations on Labour Security
Supervision regulate and promote employment, and provide a rational division of the rights and duties of the employing work unit and the worker and protect the lawful rights of the worker.
如表 1
[...] 第㈢节所示,统一在维持和平行动和政治特派团任职的联合国志愿人 员休养假所涉经费估计为联合国志愿人 带薪休 养假 19 622 000 美元,政治特 派团和维持和平行动分别为 [...]
742 000 美元和 18 880 000 美元。
The financial implications of the harmonization of rest and recuperation travel for United Nations Volunteers serving in peacekeeping operations and special political
missions have been estimated at
[...] $19,622,000 for paid rest and recuperation travel for United [...]
Nations Volunteers, including
$742,000 for special political missions and $18,880,000 for peacekeeping operations, as indicated in section (iii) of table 1.
中兴通讯除为员工足额缴纳各项法定社会保险(包括基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险、 失业保险),以及员工按劳动合同规定可享受的法 休假 日 、 带薪 年 休假 等 外 ,中兴通讯还为员工提供商业意外 保险、女职工产前休养假、海外员工年休假及配偶出国探亲假、常驻及出差海外人员的国际急难救助服务、海外 [...] [...]
In addition to full payment of all statutory social insurances (including retirement insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and unemployment insurance) to its employees,
and in addition to statutory
[...] leave and holidays and annual leave with pay according to labor [...]
contracts, ZTE Corporation
also provides its employees with commercial accident insurance, maternity leave for female workers before giving birth, overseas employees’ annual leave and home leave to visit families, international first-aid services for stationed and travelling personnel, and accompanying policies for excellent employees overseas to reduce the strees of employees and to improve their living quality.
又如上文表 1
[...] 第㈠节所示,本建议引起的在执行建议的第一年以后的每年经 常费用估计为工作人员和联合国志愿人 带薪休 养假 64 769 000 美元,政治特 派团和维持和平行动分别为 [...]
5 557 000 美元和 59 212 000 美元。
The annual recurring costs arising from this recommendation after the first year of
implementation are estimated at
[...] $64,769,000 for paid rest and recuperation travel for staff [...]
members and United Nations Volunteers,
including $5,557,000 for special political missions and $59,212,000 for peacekeeping operations.
总体而言,统一休养假所涉经费估计为工作人员和联合国志愿人 带薪休 养假 64 7 69 000 美元,政治特派团和维持和平行动分别为 5 557 000 美元和 59 212 00 美元。
In total, the financial implications of the harmonization of rest and recuperation travel have been estimated at $64,769,000 for paid rest and recuperation travel for staff members and United Nations Volunteers, including $5,557,000 for special political missions and $59,212,000 for peacekeeping operations.
在女工问题上,现行立法禁止在怀孕期间解雇女工,确保其产后可重回劳 动岗位,赋予女工 12 周带薪休产假权利 ,并规定女工在哺乳期内将其工作时 间减少为 6 小时。
To protect working women, labour legislation prohibits the dismissal of
pregnant women, provides for
[...] 12 weeks’ paid maternity leave, guarantees women their jobs will be available on their return from maternity leave and [...]
shortens the working
day to six hours for nursing mothers.
假期:公司所有员工除享有国家法定假期、公众假日外,还根据公司规定享有婚假、产假、计划生育假、以及根据员工在公司服务所限享受8-15天 带薪 年 休假。
Paid Leave: Besides statutory days offs, public holidays, marriage vacations, maternity leave, family planning
leave, every employee is entitled to enjoy 8-15
[...] day annual leave with pay according to [...]
the years they have served in SCT.
[...] 利、雇佣关系咨询委员会、履约情况督察员及其权力、服务合同、工资保护带 薪假日和休假、 工作时数、平等就业机会、儿童、孕产妇保护、裁员、就业申诉 [...]
/ 纠纷、工会的登记/权利/ 责任、集体谈判、罢工和停工、基本服务以及纠纷解决 机构等。
The ERP covers a very wide range of labour matters such as the fundamental principles and rights at work, the Employment Relations Advisory Board, compliance officers
and their powers, contracts of
[...] service, protection of wages, holidays and leave, hours [...]
of work, equal employment opportunities
(EEO), children, maternity protection, redundancy, employment grievances/disputes, registration/rights/liabilities of trade unions, collective bargaining, strikes and lockouts, essential services and the disputes resolution institutions.




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