

单词 杜渐防萌

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External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 们必须充分发挥我们的聪明才智,努 防 微 杜渐 ,并且通过在实地采取的法律、政治和技术层面的具体行 [...]
We therefore need to deploy all our human
[...] ingenuity by working to prevent problems early in [...]
the chain and through concrete action
on the ground on the legal, political and technological levels.
通过渐熟悉 这些征兆,情况和介入的渠道,我们 可以更好地为诊断问题和解决问题 萌 芽 状 态做好准备。
By becoming familiar with symptoms, conditions and intervention approaches, we’re better prepared to identify problems and stop them from getting worse.
所以,中國特區的‘五區公投’運動遭遇打擊、抹黑,甚至可能會 被消滅萌芽狀 態,人們就不必感到驚詫了。
Hence, when the 'five geographical constituencies referendum' in the SAR of China was being combated and smeared, which might even be nipped in the bud, people would not be surprised.
为了推广预防文化和宣传被忽视的紧急状况援助(目的是避免紧急援助的重 复防止处于萌芽状 态的小急演化为大急),该组织将每年的 4 [...]
月 14 日,即该组 织成立日定为国际紧急状况预防日加以纪念,并召集一年一度的国际紧急状况预 防会议。
As far as the diffusion
[...] of the culture of prevention and the sensitization [...]
to assistance in neglected emergencies is concerned
(to avoid duplication in emergency aid and to prevent the evolution of incipient urgencies into larger emergencies), the organization promotes its International Emergency Prevention Day on 14 April each year, anniversary of the organization’s foundation, as well as its annual International Conference on Emergency Prevention.
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113 名儿童被以下武装部队和团体招募:自由派和改革武装运动(从正义与 平等运动和苏丹解放军/阿杜勒·瓦 希德派分裂出来的团体)、边境情报部队、 乍得武装反对集团、社区警务部队、警察部队、 防 军 、 苏丹解放军/Abu Gasim 派、苏丹解放军/历史领袖派(苏丹解放军/阿 杜 勒 ·瓦 希德派分裂团体)、苏丹 解放军/阿杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及不知名的武装团体。
Notwithstanding these challenges, 113 children were confirmed to have been recruited by
the following armed forces and groups: Armed Movement of Liberals and
[...] Reform (splinter group of JEM and SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police forces, Popular Defence Forces, SLA/Abu Gasim, SLA/Historical Leadership (splinter group of SLA/Abdul Wahid), SLA/Abdul Wahid, Sudanese Armed Forces and unknown armed groups.
He was able to support himself and even entertained
[...] thoughts of starting his own family.
[...] 使用酷刑和虐待是获得信息的一种可接受的工具,而且为通过酷刑而获得的资料 创造了市场,长此以往,将损防止 和 杜 绝 酷 刑的目标。
Receiving or relying on information from third parties which may be compromised by the use of torture does not only implicitly validate the use of torture and ill-treatment as an acceptable tool to gain information, but creates a market for
information acquired through torture, which in the long term
[...] undermines the goal of preventing and eradicating [...]
Sunscreen products are evolving into [...]
a major market segment with enormous growth prospects.
2010 年1月25日至2月1 日,特别报告员因厄瓜多尔政府邀请访问了该国 (见
[...] A/HRC/15/20/Add.3) 并且与该国政府进行了对话,评估了厄瓜多 防 止 和逐 渐消除童工全国计划的影响。
From 25 January to 1 February 2010, she visited Ecuador (see A/HRC/15/20/Add.3) at the request of the Government to engage in a dialogue with the Government in
order to assess the impact of the Ecuadorian
[...] National Plan for the Prevention and Progressive Eradication [...]
of Child Labour.
秘书长表示,有人建议以循渐进的 方式,调整内罗 毕办事处的员额和职等结构,使其达到日内瓦办事处和维也纳办事处的水平。
The Secretary-General indicates that it was proposed to
[...] restructure, in a gradual manner, the post [...]
and grade structure of the United Nations
Office at Nairobi to bring it up to the level of the United Nations Offices at Geneva and Vienna.
這些規 定 可 使 海關對 保 稅 倉 持 牌 人 和有關保稅 倉 的 運 作 掌握足夠資料 、 查 核
[...] 存 貨 帳 目及紀錄的 真確性 , 以有效防 止 和 杜 絕 逃 稅 的 情 況 。
These requirements can enable the C&ED to grasp sufficient information about the licensee and the operation of the warehouse
concerned, and to check the authenticity of inventory audits and
[...] records, so as to prevent and deter duty evasion [...]
另一种不同的观点是,驱逐出境的理由应限于公共秩序和国家安全的理 由,至少是为了国际法的渐发展
A different viewpoint was that the grounds for expulsion should be limited to public order and national security, at least with a view to progressive development.
工作组提醒苏丹政府履行《宣言》 第 2 条(防止和消灭强迫失踪现象的 责任)、第 3 条(采取有效的立法、行政、司法或其他措 防 止 和 杜 绝 强 迫失踪行为 的责任)、第 10 条 (应将被剥夺自由的人关押在官方承认的拘留场所,并由司法机 关对他们进行审判)、第 13 条第 3 款(防止虐待、恐吓或报复)和第 13 条第 5 款(应 惩罚虐待、恐吓或报复行为)规定的责任。
The Working Group reminds the Government of its
obligations under articles 2
[...] (obligation to prevent and eradicate enforced disappearance), 3 (obligation to take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent and terminate [...]
acts of disappearance),
10 (persons deprived of liberty should be held in officially recognized places of detention, and be brought before a judicial authority), 13.3 (protection against ill-treatment, intimidation or reprisal) and 13.5 (ill-treatment, intimidation or reprisal should be punished) of the Declaration.
因 此,食環署必須於2月展開第一期滅蚊運動,在雨季來臨前提醒 市民採取防範措施,防及杜絕蚊 子滋生。
It was thus necessary for FEHD to start the first phase of the
campaign in February to remind the
[...] public to take precautionary measures to prevent and combat [...]
mosquito breeding before the start of rainy season.
迄今为止, 过去一年的暴动造成的经济后果,表现为实体经济受到多种沉重打击,官方没有 及时认识到存在极大的民怨,以及对以往教训乃至失败进行认真检讨已初萌 芽。
So far, the economic outcomes of the past year’s uprisings represent a mixed bag of sharp blows to the real economy, belated official recognition of profound social grievances and the first green shoots of a critical stock-taking of the lessons, and failures, of the past.
时至今日,虽然国际上一直不断提出要求并在现任政府上台时对这一可 萌生 了 希望,但美国政府尚未对必须对最终单方面解除对古巴的封锁给出明确信号。
The United States Government has not yet given clear signals regarding the need to lift the embargo against Cuba definitively and unilaterally, despite the insistent international demand and the worldwide expectation regarding this possibility generated when the current administration took office.
每个人以及各级的承诺与政治领导对于 支持艾滋病毒防工作,处理杜绝 污 名、歧视和边 缘化现象都很有必要。
The commitment and political leadership
of all and at all levels are
[...] necessary to support HIV prevention and to tackle and end [...]
to stigmatization, discrimination and marginalization.
防止、制止杜绝非法、未报告和 无管制的捕捞活动,对于实现养护、管理和可持续使 [...]
Preventing, deterring and eliminating [...]
IUU fishing activities is essential to achieving the conservation, management and
sustainable use of marine living resources.
[...] 事项外,主要是各国部长的承诺:“颁布国家法律,以加强儿童享有免费的和有质量的教育 的权利,防并逐渐取消 童工,并禁止早婚”。
The action agenda in the Communiqué issued after the meeting contains, inter alia, commitments by the Ministers to “enacting national legislation to enforce
children’s right to free and compulsory
[...] quality education, prevent and progressively eliminate [...]
child labour, and prohibit early marriage”.
关键控制点:在本指南中特指通过对各类活动实施控制,从 防 止或 杜绝危害植物产品完整性的活动,或将不利影响降低到可接受程度的 [...]
Critical Control Point: Specific to this Guide, a step
at which control can be applied and is
[...] essential to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to [...]
an acceptable level an activity that
may compromise plant-product integrity.
传统的条形码标签在各行各业的广泛应用和其方便快捷的作用以及一定的防伪功能已成为人们的共识,但随着人们对商品的生产、贮运、保质、防伪、管理等诸多方面更高更全的信息需求,传统的条形码标签显然是力不从心了,它不但无法提供商品生产、管理等方面的信息,不能警示商品保质需要的温度等情况,在防伪效果上,也由于其印刷单一、容易仿造而 渐 失 去 商品 防 伪 效 果。
Traditional bar code tags in all walks of life a wide range of applications and its convenient and efficient role of the security function must have become a people's consensus, but with the people's merchandise production, storage, durability, security, management and many more Gauguin-wide information needs, the traditional bar code tags are apparently unable to, and it is not only unable to provide commodity production, and management information, should not warn the temperature of merchandise required, such as shelf-life situation at the effect on security,
but also because of its printing a single easily
[...] modeled and gradually lose the effect of anti-counterfeit merchandise.
这个接触点犹如一道“裂缝”,为汽车的生物渴 萌 芽 提供了生长的环境。
This point of contact provides the “crack”, which harbors the germ of the unassailable automobile’s biological aspirations.
在追逐序列,末底改萌生了 环,将其设置为爆炸,并抓住了里格比和他的电梯。
After a chase sequence, Mordecai takes his initiation ring, sets it to explode, and grabs Rigby and takes him up the elevator.
委员会建议缔约国将通过防止和杜 绝 歧视法》作为要务进行,并保障对公民和 非公民的保护、确保执法机构的效率和独立性,载列针对种族歧视的充分制裁和 [...]
赔偿的条款,以及在民事司法程序中共同承担举证责任的条款,以此使上述法律 的条款符合相关的国际标准,包括《公约》。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt as a matter of
[...] priority the Law on Preventing and Combating [...]
Discrimination and bring its provisions
into conformity with relevant international standards, including the Convention, by guaranteeing the protection of both citizens and non-citizens, ensuring the efficiency and the independence of the enforcement body, and containing provisions on adequate sanctions and compensation for racial discrimination and a shared burden of proof in civil proceedings.
苏丹武装部队在国防部的协调人告知达尔富尔混合行动, 防 部 长阿 卜杜 勒· 拉希姆·穆罕默德·侯赛因将军批准缔结一项行动计划,这计划不仅将适用 [...]
于武装部队,也适用于其他附属的武装团体,如内政部的那些武装团体,所有这 些团体都在我的招募和使用儿童兵的团体名单上。
Sudanese Armed Forces focal points
[...] within the Ministry of Defence informed UNAMID that [...]
the Minister, General Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussein, gave
his approval for the conclusion of an action plan, which would apply not only to the Sudanese Armed Forces, but also to other affiliated armed groups, such as those that are part of the Ministry of the Interior, all of whom are on my list of parties who recruit and use child soldiers.
目前正在实施的全球方案防止和杜 绝 童 工南南方案;提 升社会保障的伙伴关系方案;加强非洲国家社会保障、卫生和劳动安全领域工会 [...]
The global programmes currently
being implemented are a South-South
[...] programme for the prevention and eradication of [...]
child labour in the Americas; a partnership
programme for the promotion of social security; a programme on strengthening trade unions in the areas of social security, health and labour security in African countries; and programmes to eliminate forced labour and promote green jobs.
若果㆔年前政府能夠正視通脹的嚴重性, 對正萌芽的問題,採取㆒套果斷的措施來解決,自然是「病向淺㆗醫」,不會演變成 今㆝的局面。
If the Government had taken a correct look at the seriousness of inflation and taken a set of resolute measures to nip the problems in the bud three years ago, it would have "treated the illness before it became serious" and we would not have had the situation that we have today.




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