单词 | 打电话 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打电话 noun—call n打电话 —make a telephone callExamples:(打电话时让对方)不要挂断 v—hold v (电话)打进来的 adj—incoming adj See also:电话 n—telephones n • telephone number n • telephony n • telex n 电话—phone number • phone call 话 n—talk n • language n • words n • conversation n • speech n • dialect n 话—what sb said • spoken words
拨打电话如果 Jabra CLIPPER 已连接到您的手机,则使用手机拨打的全部 电 话 将 会 自动转移到您的耳机(视手机设置而定)。 jabra.cn | MAKE A CALL When your Jabra CLIPPER is connected to your phone, all calls made from your phone will automatically be transferred to your headset (subject to phone settings). jabra.com |
您可以将笔记本电脑或平板电脑上的播客或音乐直接串流到耳机,或使用耳机接听手机来电和 拨 打电话。 jabra.cn | You can stream podcasts or music directly into the headset from your laptop or tablet, and make or take calls from your mobile phone. jabra.com |
在过去几个月中, 缔约国在拘留设施中加强了安全措施,极大地限制 他 打电话 , 打 断 了 他与律师的 联络。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over the previous few months, the State party had increased security measures [...] within the detention facility, restricting [...] drastically his access to telephone calls, which severed [...]his contacts to counsel. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2008 年以来,该国所有地区都开通了一条童工问题热线,儿童及家长的 权利如果受到侵犯,可随时打电话给 这 条热线。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2008, in all regions of the country a “hotline” operates on child labour issues, which the children and their parents can call at any time, if their rights have been violated. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关探访及通信之法律 及规章规定,经适当之配合后,分别适用 于 打电话 及 电 报(第40/94/M 号法令第 35条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | This right is subject, with the necessary adjustments, to the restrictions applicable to visits and correspondence, respectively (art. 35 of Decree-Law 40/94/M). daccess-ods.un.org |
其他电话操作功能包括:快速拨号,可按时 间编程的电话限时,最低成本拨 打电话 路 由 ,并 有完备的付费拨号限制。 zetron.com | Additional telephone operational features include speed dialing, call limit timers programmable by time of day, least call routing, and full toll restrict for barred numbers. zetron.com |
他们往往被关 [...] 押在远离家人的地方。高度警戒牢房的囚犯不 得 打电话 、 接 收包裹或保留个人物 品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Maximum-security inmates were not [...] allowed to make telephone calls, receive [...]parcels or keep personal belongings. daccess-ods.un.org |
您越早打电话 安排您的车辆,就越容易得到您所需 的时间。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | The sooner you call to schedule your ride, the easier it will be to get the time you need. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
令人鼓舞的是,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马 3 月 19 日打电话给马哈茂德·阿巴斯主席,重申美国致力于 [...] 和平进程和四方机制目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is encouraging to note that United States [...] President Barack Obama phoned Palestinian President [...]Mahmoud Abbas on 19 March, reaffirming [...]the United States commitment to the peace process and the Quartet objectives. daccess-ods.un.org |
我立即打电话给盖 莱总统询问这一事项,并表示认为,“如果的确存在 边界问题,这一问题可以通过双边方式解决,无需诉诸第三方”。 daccess-ods.un.org | I promptly called President Guelleh to enquire about the matter and to express my belief that “if there was indeed a border problem, the matter could have been resolved bilaterally without resorting to third parties”. daccess-ods.un.org |
你应阅读热门杂志,如果各位编辑的姓名没有刊登,请主动给杂 志 打电话 , 询问你想 联系的那位编辑的姓名和电话号码或电子邮箱。 animalmosaic.org | You need to read the magazine in question and if the [...] editors’ names aren’t printed, don’t be afraid [...]to phone the magazine and ask for the name [...]and phone number or e-mail address of the person with whom you want to get in touch. animalmosaic.org |
虽然 有时可以打电话,但分配的电话卡通话时间很有限,实际上不能打国 际 电话。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although there was some access to telephones, telephone cards, when distributed, allowed very limited calling [...] time making [...]it practically impossible to call abroad. daccess-ods.un.org |
他宣 称,既不许他与亲属打电话,也 不让与律师联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | He claims that he was not allowed to call his relatives or to contact a lawyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
若有先前没有排定的会议或紧急会议,安全理事会成员请秘书处不仅通过电 子邮件而且通过安理会的网站并在必要 时 打电话 通 知 会员国。 daccess-ods.un.org | The members of the Security Council invite the Secretariat to notify Member States of [...] unscheduled or emergency meetings not only by e-mail but also through the Council [...] website and by telephone as necessary. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,非常重要的是,面试之后应立 即 打电话 给 您 的招聘顾问,说明面试情况。 robertwalters.cn | Lastly, and most importantly, call your consultant immediately after the interview to explain what happened. robertwalters.com.tw |
他有一台收音机,但由于定位的通信卫星,这将是两个星期前,他们可 以 打电话 寻 求 帮助。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He has a radio, but due to the positioning of the communications satellite it would be two weeks before they could call for help. seekcartoon.com |
给Avardia Group打电话,让 其告知更多砂糖的数据和价格。 industrystock.cn | Product portfolios and prices for Sugar (Refined sugar. Cube sugar) are available from the supplier Avardia Group upon request. industrystock.com |
记者招待会的当天就不要打电话了,如 果记者们那时已经决定不来,很难让他们改变主意。 animalmosaic.org | Do not call on the day itself; if they haven’t decided to come before then, it is unlikely that they will change their minds. animalmosaic.org |
从海外向澳大利亚拨打电话,拨打 61 再依次按地区代码和电话号码。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | To call Australia from overseas, dial 61 [...] followed by the area code and telephone number. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
委员会注意到,虽然缔约国的法律允许个人向国 会 打电话 投 诉 ,但也遗憾 地注意到,缔约国并没有一个独立的人权机构,负责监测《公约》的执行情况以 及接收和调查有关违反儿童权利的投诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting that legislation allows persons to phone in and register a complaint at the National Assembly, the Committee nevertheless regrets that there is no independent human rights institution to monitor the implementation of the Convention and to receive and investigate complaints on the violations of the rights of children. daccess-ods.un.org |
当学生督导打电话给我,问我是否愿意参加一个环境数据记录仪的项目时,我觉得这听起来很有趣。 foss.cn | When the student councilor rang me and asked if I would be interested in doing a project on an environmental data logger, it sounded very interesting. foss.nl |
如 果任何人听到了 “两个民族居住的两个国家”这句话,他们应当给我 打电话,或者有必要的话打 911,不管是白天还是晚 上。 daccess-ods.un.org | If anyone should hear the phrase “two States for two peoples”, they should call me, on a 911 number if necessary, day or night. daccess-ods.un.org |
在澳大利亚境内从一地向另一地拨 打电话 , 拨 打 地 区 代码(如需要)加电话号码。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | To make calls from one location to another within Australia, dial the area code [...] (if required) followed by the telephone number. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
点击下方按钮,我们就会派 Equinix 代表给您打电话来讨论您的需求。 equinix.cn | Click the button below and we'll have an Equinix representative call you to discuss your needs. equinix.ch |
所有与会者应通过电子邮件或其他 [...] 途径,向我们的网络成员、朋友和家人大力宣传古巴五人案,请他们采取团结一 致的行动,给美国总统办公室发邮件 或 打电话 , 要 求美国总统利用其法律和宪法 权利颁布赦令,释放古巴五人。 daccess-ods.un.org | All those present must raise awareness about the case of the Cuban Five using e-mail or other means to reach the members or their organizations, friends and family members, requesting their [...] solidarity through actions such as sending [...] messages or making telephone calls to the offices [...]of the President of the United States [...]requesting the liberation of the Cuban Five through the use of his legal and constitutional powers of decree. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您每月缺席超过2-3天,而且没有 打电话 请 假,您会收到警告,而且可能会丧失 上课的权利。 mosaicbc.com | If you miss more than 2-3 days of school per month and do not call, you will receive a warning and you may lose the privilege of attending class. mosaicbc.com |
同时,哆啦A梦的手机响了,因为Dorami他的妹妹给 他 打电话。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile Doraemon’s phone rang because Dorami his sister is calling him. ja.seekcartoon.com |
如果在回访前有任何问题请打电话给 我们。 iortho.com.my | Please phone if you have any problems [...] or questions before your post-operative appointment. iortho.com.my |
50 法 鲁尔回到万隆后不久给其他同伙 打电话 , 给 他们 看了网上就神秘谋杀的报道,并告诉他们说是自 己和余利所为。 crisisgroup.org | No one suspected jihadi activity; indeed, initial suspicion fell on internal disputes within the police themselves.50 Fahrul called the others shortly after he got back, showed them reports on the internet of the mysterious killing, and told them he and Yuli were responsible. crisisgroup.org |