

单词 气煤

煤气 ()

gas (fuel)
coal gas


煤气化 n

coal gasification n

煤气公司 n

gas company n


coalbed methane

煤气炉 n

gas stove n

See also:


coal n

External sources (not reviewed)

3.11 能量转换效率(ECC):指被评建筑的冷热源输出全年累计的空调用冷量、热量与消耗 的电、天气、煤、蒸 汽和热水的能量的比值。
3.11 Energy Conversion Coefficient (ECC): the ratio of accumulated cool and heat provided by airconditioning sources of the
building under review in the whole year to the energy of consumed
[...] electricity, natural gas, coal, steam, and hot water.
有两个代表团表示,缺乏财政能力和人力资源能力可能阻碍以可 持续和有效的方式利用诸如天气、 煤 和 地 热等现有能源资源,他们 对此感到关切。
Two delegations expressed concern that the lack of financial and human capacities could hinder
efforts to use available energy resources,
[...] such as natural gas, coal and geothermal energy, [...]
in a sustainable and efficient manner.
这些资源属于三类矿产:能 源矿产(石油、天气、煤炭、 铀)、金属矿产和非金属矿物(工业和建筑业矿产和宝石)。
These resources belong to one of
three categories of minerals: energy
[...] minerals (oil, gas, coal, uranium), metallic [...]
minerals, and non-metallic minerals (industrial
and construction minerals and precious stones).
这些解决方案使得 Emerson 客户减少了对天气、煤炭或 其它矿物燃料依赖的同时,也实现了提高利用率、降低能源成本及减少温室气体排放的目标。
These solutions are enabling Emerson customers to reduce
[...] reliance on natural gas, coal, or other fossil [...]
fuels, while realizing improved availability,
lower energy costs, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
利用Achieve树脂制成的非织造布具有稳定均匀的过滤特性, 能增强预滤器和终滤器对汽车、工业和家庭应用中液体、 气 和 煤气 的 过 滤性能。
The consistent and uniform filtration properties of nonwovens made from Achieve
resins promote high performance in filters for
[...] liquids, air and gases in automotive, industrial [...]
and household applications.
继《世界能源 展望 2007》(2007 年 11 月)聚焦中国与印度之后,国 际能源署进一步决定,通过邀请高级代表团参与委员会 周(就紧急应对准备、石油、天气 、 煤 炭 市 场展望、 技术协作和能源效能措施等与能源相关的核心问题进行 为时几天的讨论),让全球最大的两个新兴经济体参与 进来。
After focusing on China and India in its World Energy Outlook 2007 (November 2007), the IEA moved forward on its decision to engage the world’s two largest emerging economies by inviting highlevel delegations to participate in Committee Week – several days of discussion on key energy-related issues including emergency response preparedness; outlook for oil, gas and coal markets; technology collaboration; and energy efficiency measures.
微小流式反应器”除了可以测量汽油以外,还可以测量管 煤气 , 煤 油 等各种燃料的燃烧(点火等)特性,有望适用于各种燃烧器的开发。
Micro Flowreactor is able to measure various fuel characteristics including town gas and light diesel oil as well as gasoline, and expected to be applied to the development of various combustion devices.
可用于检测烃(甲烷、天气、煤气、 乙 烷、丙烷、苯、乙炔、丁烷、正丁烷、异丁烷、戊烷、已烷、汽油、甲苯等),卤代烃(氯代甲烷、亚甲基氯、三氯乙烷、氯乙烯),醇类(甲醇、乙醇、丙醇),醚(甲醚)酮(丁酮、丙酮),乙酸甲酯和其它化合物(氢气、二氧化硫、氨、硫化氢、工业溶剂,干清洗液等)。
Can be used to detect hydrocarbons
[...] (methane, natural gas, coal gas, ethane, propane, [...]
benzene, acetylene, butane, n-butane,
isobutane, pentane, hexane, gasoline, toluene, etc.), halogenated hydrocarbons (chlorinated methanes , methylene chloride, trichloroethane, trichlorethylene), alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol), an ether (ether), ketones (methyl ethyl ketone, acetone), methyl acetate and other compounds (hydrogen gas, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, industrial solvents, dry cleaning fluid, etc.).
威尔逊(南京)化学公司和G E能源公司(G E公司的子公司) 签煤气化技术转让协议,煤气化 装 置采用三台450立方英尺的气化炉,其中 一台备用。
Wilson (Nanjing) chemical company and GE energy
[...] company signed a coal gasification technology cession about building three 450 cube inch gasifiers among [...]
which one is used as a back up equipment.
钢铁企业将采用来自鼓风炉 废能的干熄焦发电技术,改造所有鼓风 煤气发 电,并实施转煤气回收
Iron and steel enterprises will apply coke dry quenching and power generation from the
waste energy from blast
[...] furnaces, renovate all blast furnace gas power generation, and implement converter gas recovery.
同时调查人员还对S h e l l中煤气化与天然气 公司以及中国科学院山西煤化所王洋教授进行了访谈。
The research team also had two in-depth interviews with Han Tianzheng from Shell in China and Wang Yang from Institute of Coal Chemistry of China.
我们知道救援马上就到,并且还有一些空气,但我们当时运输的一 煤气 罐 开 始泄露,导致我们呼吸困难。
We knew that help was on the way and there was some air left, but one of the gas cylinders we were transporting started to leak, and we suffocated,” remembers Mohammed.
LCDM高煤气脉冲 袋滤器是以离线低压脉冲清灰为技术特点的一种干法高 煤气 净 化 设备。
LCDM blast furnace gas pulse bag filter dry blast furnace gas purification equipment features of off-line low pressure pulse dust cleaning.
我们为您提供关煤气管配 件的重要搜索结果,此外,您在搜 煤气 管 配件的同时,还可以这里搜索其它的产品和服务。
We not only offer you relevant search results for Gas fittings. You can also search here with Gas fittings for further products and services.
而且,在市场上也已无法 购买到寒冷天气所需的供暖燃料和厨 煤气。
And fuel for heating, needed
[...] due to the cold weather, and cooking [...]
gas are no longer available in the market.
适用的 液体包括:汽油、甲烷、乙烷煤气 、 丁 二烯、乙 醇、甲醇、柴油、乙烯、丙烷、石油、加热油和硫化 氢。
Permissible fluids are: benzine, ethane, methane, town gas, butadine, ethyl alcohol, methanol, diesel fuel, ethylene, propane, petroleum, heating oil, and hydrogen sulphide.
I don’t want to carry another one in my life, but I have to work.
在 2008
[...] 年夏季,格鲁吉亚战争标志着欧安组织两个成员国之 间的冲突的开始,今年冬季煤气危 机 导致整个欧洲 大陆的不安全感进一步加剧。
In the summer of 2008, the war in Georgia marked the beginning of
a conflict between two member States of
[...] the OSCE, and the gas crisis of this [...]
winter led to a further sense of insecurity throughout the continent.
[...] 们发现了用于制造此类装置的大量初级原料,如肥料、酸、 煤气 瓶 、 雷管、制 造爆炸装置的设备和炸药等。
In those buildings, they found large quantities of the primary materials used
in the manufacture of such devices,
[...] fertilizer, acid, large gas bottles, detonators, [...]
equipment for the manufacture of devices, and explosive charges.
2008 年
[...] 1 月 10 日,总理温家宝主持了国务院常务会 议,会上,政府发布了以下声明:“石油、天然气和电 力价格近期不做调整,城煤气、水、热能和公共交通 价格不可上调”。
During a 10 January 2008 State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, the government issued the following statement: “Prices of gasoline, natural gas and electricity shall not
be adjusted in the near future,
[...] and charges for gas, water, heating and public transport in cities shall not be raised”.
[...] 现了大量用于制造炸弹的原材料,还有化肥、酸、大 煤气 罐 、雷管、制造炸弹 的设备和炸药。
Inside, they found large quantities of primary materials
used to make bombs, together with
[...] fertilizer, acid, large gas canisters, detonators, [...]
bomb-making equipment and explosive charges.
有了FELUWA Pumpen
[...] GmbH(菲鲁瓦泵业有限公司)的软管隔膜活塞泵及德国ARCA控制阀有限公司在磨蚀性介质或氧气控制阀研发和生产方面的专业水准和技术(包括材质为镍基合金如Monel和Inconel的阀门,禁油处理依据国际公认标准进行)以及整个热回收循环系统的蒸汽和冷却水控制阀,ARCA流体集团能 煤气 化 的 整个流程提供完善的解决方案,包括连续的化工工艺过程 煤气 化 联 合循环发电。
With the hose diaphragm piston pumps of the Feluwa Pumpen GmbH, the expertise and technical skills of ARCA Regler GmbH in terms of development and production of control valves for abrasive media and for oxygen (including valves of nickel-base alloy like Monel and Inconel and also degreasing according to international approved standards), as well as steam and water valves for the whole circuit of the heat recovery, the ARCA Flow-Group
offers comprehensive solutions for
[...] all processes of the coal gasification, the successive chemical processes and also for the energy generation from coal gas.
竞争法、竞争事务委员会的设立以及能源 煤气 、 电 信、 采矿等行业管制机构的建立有助于为竞争者排除障碍,从而鼓励竞争和促进投 资。
The Competition Act, the establishment of the Competition Council, the creation of
regulating agencies for industries such as
[...] the energy and gas, telecommunications, [...]
and mining industries, have helped to
remove obstacles for competitors and thus stimulate competition and boost investment.
她用最后一张薪水支票,购买煤气 炉 、锅及其他设备。
So she used her last salary cheque to buy a gas stove, pots and other equipment.
1995年,MWM燃气发电机组开始进入中国市场。公司先后为中国国内40多个大型项目提供了近百台燃气发电机组,其中包括北京、上海、厦门等地的垃圾填埋气发电项目;北京、西安、青岛等地的污水沼气发电项目;蒙牛牧场生物沼气发电项目,青海格尔木、胜利油田和新疆塔里木油田的天然气供能项目;山西兰花大宁、西山煤电、淮南煤矿等 煤气 供 能 项目。
MWM gas genset entered into China market starting from 1995, it has served for more than 40 large scale projects, totally about hundred gas gensets in China,such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen etc. landfill gas projects; Beijing,Xian and Qingdao etc. sewage projects; Mengniu farming biogas project; Qinghai Germu, Shengli Oil Field and
Xinjiang Talimu Oil Field for natural gas projects; Lanhua
[...] Daning, Xishan Coal Power and Huainan Coal Mine coal gas projects.
方案还将协助经济转型国家的能源经济和能源基础设施更充分地融入区域和 全球经济;加强进出口国的能源安全;通过交易碳排放 煤 矿 甲烷的自筹资金机 制来减少温气体排放;改善能源产业的绩效;通过在全球范围内采用能源储存 和资源分类标准促进化石燃料的长期供应。
It will assist countries with economies in transition to integrate their energy economies and infrastructure more fully in the region and the global economy, increase energy security for importing and exporting
countries alike, reduce greenhouse gas emissions through self-financing
[...] mechanisms for trading carbon emissions and coal mine methane, enhance the performance [...]
of energy
industries and contribute to the long-term supply of fossil fuels through the global adoption of a classification standard for energy reserves and resources.
工业燃料和厨煤气的存 量也不敷所需,进入加 沙的总量分别只够每周需求的 70%和 25%。
The quantity of industrial fuel and cooking gas is also insufficient, as only about 70 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively, of the weekly needs enter Gaza.
除上述水煤气费用的增加以外,还另外对本预算项目其他各项适用了 1.47%的通胀率。
Together with the above-mentioned increase in utilities, a 1.47 per cent inflation rate is applied to other items in this budget line.
毛收入(一年总收入或佣金收入),各项开销包括:进货费用,年初和年末库存,广告费用,会计律师咨询费,坏账,牌照,商业税,银行利息,服务费,员工工资(包括CPP和EI),商业保险,维修保养费用,餐费及招待费用,租金,差旅费,房租,电话费,地税,水 煤气 费 , 汽车费用(含汽油费、修车费、保险和停车费、洗车费和车辆牌照费),全年总里程数,生意用车里程数,买车贷款利息,折旧费用等等。
Self-employed income tax: gross income (one year total income or commission income), the overhead include: restocking fee at the beginning and the end of inventory, advertising costs, accounting and attorney consulting fees, bad debts, licenses, business taxes, bank interest and service fees, wages and salaries (including CPP and EI), commercial insurance, maintenance costs, meals and
entertainment expenses, rent, travel, rent,
[...] telephone bills, rent, utility costs, [...]
car costs (including gasoline, car repairs,
insurance and parking fees, car wash fees and vehicle license fees), total mileage, business car mileage, car loan interest, depreciation expense.




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