

单词 炖菜

See also:


vegetables pl
cuisine n


vegetable adj

dish (type of food)

Jiao river

External sources (not reviewed)

享用佳肴:这款葡萄酒理想的饮用温度在12至15 ºC 之间,是白肉和红肉,野味炖菜和 奶酪的完美伴侣。
The serving temperature is between 12 to 15 º C. It will be perfect to accompany the white and red
[...] meats, stews, casseroles and cheeses.
此款酒是红肉特别是牛肉,烧烤 炖菜 和 素 菜的完美伴侣,同时也适合某些油脂多的烧烤鱼类如鲷鱼,海鲈等。
This wine is the perfect partner of the red meat, especially beef,
[...] barbecue, stews and vegetables, it is also for [...]
some of the more grilled such as sea bream, sea weever and so on.
提到地道的芬兰烹饪,人们总联想起一个围着头巾的强悍大娘,从大锅舀出如泥浆似 炖菜 , 不然就想起叼着叨着雪茄烟,长八字胡的芬兰老头。
The phrase “Finnish kitchen” once
conjured up images of robust, kerchiefed women ladling out
[...] cauldrons of boggy stew to cigar-smoking, [...]
moustachioed Finns.
拼板炖菜、生菜沙拉 、酱菜、米饭、汤汁、甜点等的套餐只需2500日元(米饭与汤汁可以自由添加)。
The picture shows a 2500-yen course menu which comes with assorted
[...] appetizer, simmered vegetables, salad, pickles, [...]
steams rice & soup (free refills
on rice and soup), and dessert.
是烤牛肉炖牛肉 的完美伴侣,也适合于野味 菜 肉 , 蔬 菜 , 或鱼类及烘焙佳肴。
This wine is the perfect partner of the red meat, especially beef, barbecue, stews and vegetables.
粤1525以提供传统家常道地菜为主 ,精 菜 肴 包括精美点心、浓香煲仔以及特 炖 汤 等 ,适合家庭聚餐、商务会客以及特别宴请。
YUE 1525 serves traditional “home style” Cantonese cuisine ranging from authentic dim sum to clay-pot dishes and double-boiled soups.
然而,由此而造成的总体影响是各项相互重叠的协定 彼此纠结混乱,因此也被比喻为一盆 炖。
However, the overall effect is a tangle of overlapping agreements which has been likened to a noodle bowl.
抖抖和安妮卡陷入一个巨大炖锅, 安妮卡后成链,自己欺骗他,并用她的发带爬了出来。
When Shiver and Annika fall
[...] into a giant’s stew pot, Annika tricks [...]
him into chaining himself to a post, and uses her hair ribbon to climb out.
美食爱好者在此必能享尽口福,品尝到无数独特佳肴,如lontong balap(炖糯米 糕、豆芽、豆腐、炸木薯及豇豆糕,淋上大蒜酱及辣虾膏)、rujak cingur(这种沙拉包含牛嘴唇、热带水果、芜青、米糕、豆腐及煮熟的发酵黄豆,搅拌在发酵虾酱和碎花生的黑色酱汁里,并淋上炸葱片和虾片)、semanggi(以绿叶 菜 、 豆 芽、木薯来熬成的粥)以及Rawon setan(邪恶的Rawon是一种黑色的辣牛肉汤),正如其名字所暗喻,它只有在晚上才会登场。
Epicureans will relish the city’s numerous delicacies such as lontong balap (a stew of sticky rice cake, bean sprout, bean curd and fried cassava and cowpea cake dressed with garlic sauce and spicy shrimp paste), rujak cingur (a salad with cow lips, tropical fruits, turnips, rice cakes, bean curd, cooked fermented soy beans tossed in a black sauce of fermented shrimp paste and ground peanuts topped with fried shallots and shrimp crackers), semanggi (a porridge of leafy greens, bean sprouts and cassava), and even Rawon setan (Evil Rawon, a black spicy beef broth) which, as its name suggests, is only available in the evening.
[...] Palmer)推荐与“烤牛排、烤牛肝菌菇、焦糖韭菜”搭配;纽约著名餐厅Daniel的侍酒师Rajeev Vaidya推荐搭配“Daniel菜单中 的招牌双人份牛排 炖 排 骨和富含铁的和牛里脊肉”享用。
When you finally do crack that bottle, make sure it has a worthy counterpart on the table: legendary master Chef Charlie Palmer suggested to us “a grilled veal chop with roasted porcini mushrooms and caramelized leeks,” while the sommelier Rajeev Vaidya of New York City’s famed Restaurant Daniel
recommends “a classic
[...] dish from Daniel’s repertoire, a Duo of Beef: braised short ribs and the [...]
iron-rich flavors of the Wagyu tenderloin.
我们知道我们燃烧热量与消化的每种营养成分,但不是会将相同的代谢约 100 克菠菜原料比相同数量的菜炖煮的 食物,和实际上烹饪的修改我们从养分得到最后的总能量。
We know that our burn calories with the digestion of each nutrient, but will not be the same metabolize about 100 grams of spinach raw than the same amount of vegetable stew, and is actually cooking which modifies the final total energy we get from the nutrients.
跻身于《纽约时报》所评选全球十大最佳餐厅之一的鼎泰丰素以其采用 18 层复杂褶皱炖鸡汤 精心制作的小笼包(猪肉蒸饺)而声名远扬。
Ranked as one of the world’s Top Ten Best Restaurants by The New York Times,
Din Tai Fung is famous for its xiao long baos (Steamed Pork Dumplings) with 18
[...] intricate folds and Steamed Chicken Soup.
此外,相關機構例如菜統營 處和 其資助的“香港有機資源中心”的網頁也有提供有關本地有機 食品的資訊,例如購買本地有機菜 的 地 點及食譜等。
Other related organizations such as the Vegetable Marketing Organization (VMO), and the Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre under its subsidy have also provided information on [...]
their websites on local organic
produce, such as outlets for local organic produce and recipes.
这家由 Alain Ducasse 指导的培训中心是世界上最著名的,占地 300 平方米,专门为希望提高现有技能水平或开发新的烹饪技术的厨师而打造,从最传统的(铸 炖 锅 、 烤肉架……)到最独特的(平煎锅、炒锅、电磁炉、真空包装……),应有尽有,而这都归功于这些最先进的设备。
This is the most famous training center in the world, directed by Alain Ducasse; it consists of 300 square meters dedicated exclusively to Chefs who want to improve their existing skills or to develop new cooking techniques, from the most traditional (cast iron cocotte, rotisserie…) to the most untypical (griddle, wok cooking, induction, vacuum packing…), thanks to the use of state-of-the-art equipment.
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 [...]
c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味、肉類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a)
[...] all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, [...]
milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all
chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
国际乳业联合会的观察员提出,关于在《果汁和果浆通用标准》中确定加工产品 最大农药残留限量的问题,如第 1.2.4
[...] 部分所述,可由农药残留委员会作为一般性问题来 研究,因为加工水果和菜委员会的职责范围不包括果汁和相关产品。
The Observer from the IFU noted that issues surrounding the establishment of maximum limits for pesticide residues for processed products in the General Standard for Fruit Juices and Nectars, as indicated in Section 1.2.4, could be addressed by the Committee on Pesticide Residues as a
general issue since the Committee on
[...] Processed Fruits and Vegetables excluded fruit [...]
juices and related products from its terms of reference.
由於市民並非經常進食這些食品,而且通常只會進食 小量,或在烹調菜時加 添作調味,相信對健康構成的風險不大。
Considering that these food items are usually consumed infrequently and in small amounts or are added only as seasoning in Chinese cooking, they would unlikely be a cause of significant health concern for the general population.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和菜中的 乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花菜、阔 叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and
pear; dimethoate
[...] (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, [...]
peaches, tomatoes,
peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
在普西尼餐厅,您还可以品尝到我们的招牌——在申城他处难寻的“法国马赛鱼汤配综合海鲜”,在真正的塔吉锅中烹制成的“正宗摩洛哥塔吉 炖 肉 ”和Jochen独具匠心的甜品,配有自制蜜坚果和烤酥皮的“蜜果仁千层酥”。
Porcini guests will have the chance to experience Bouillabaisse with the finest fish, Tajine served in a real Moroccan terracotta pot and Baklava with the most succulent harmony of filo pastry and honey nuts.




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