单词 | 炫目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 炫目—dazzlingless common: blindingly bright Examples:漫无目的—aimless hit-and-miss flounder See also:炫—dazzle show off boast
炫目的杂技、大开眼界的冰上舞蹈、梦幻的视觉艺术、激昂的歌剧咏叹调,我们的表演凝聚着原创和才华。 msccruises.com.cn | Where originality [...] meets talent; adazzling circus extravaganza [...]and a never-before-seen dancing on ice show. msccruises.com.eg |
客户和广告代理因为他的风格和能量选择了Sam参与这个项目,最后毫无疑问的营造了“飘逸长发和炫目阳光”。 ba-repsasia.com | The client and agency chose Sam for the project because of his style and energy, which was decidedly built around “flowing hair and sun flare. ba-repsasia.com |
我们的产品帮助您解决包装问题,改善您的总体成本,并支持炫目的包装设立以帮助您销售更多的产品。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Our products help solve your packaging problems, improve your total costs [...] and support dazzlingpackage designs [...]that help you sell more. exxonmobilchemical.com |
LINK女士表系列拥有其自有的炫目珠宝—— “钻石之星”,为把握该系列时计精髓的女性气质增添了极大的活力。 hautehorlogerie.org | The LINK LADY [...] collection hasits own dazzling jewel:the DIAMOND [...]STAR, a vibrant tribute to femininity that captures the [...]essence of this series of timepieces. hautehorlogerie.org |
.染色效果/频闪功能完美地结合在一起,即可以单独操作,也可以合并成炫目的奇特效果。 acehk.com | The two wash/strobe functions are perfectly integrated and can be operator-controlled with either simultaneous or separate operation and special effects. acehk.com |
拥有法国最好的沙滩和温暖的地中海气候,加上令人炫目的声誉。 leapfrog-properties.com | It offers some of the best sandy beaches in France and the warm Mediterranean Sea, coupled with a superb climate and a glitzy reputation. leapfrog-properties.com |
除了卓尔不群的舞艺,他更拥有俊朗外表及模特儿的标准身材,Sarmiento就是完美的化身,让贵宾於私人娱乐圣殿中炫目迷醉。 yp.mo | These skills, spiced with a model’s good looks and impressive physical presentation,have helped Saulo take hisroutine to a level of unmatched complexity and beauty. yp.mo |
为您交织出具有立体感的渐层眼影,炫目迷人。 aster.com.hk | Easy to apply, glide on smoothly and provide a lasting shimmer. aster.com.hk |
该车炫目迷人的造型设计出自年轻设计师乔吉•乔治亚罗之手,当时他正在都灵的Ghia工作室工作。 maserati.com.cn | Its dramatic styling was the work of a young Giorgetto Giugiaro, at that time working for the Ghia studio in Turin. maserati.us |
平面设计、logo创建、Flash、搜索引擎优化的内容管理系统的炫目组合,致力于提供最好的摩托车体验。 netrostar.com | Catchy combination of graphic design, logo creation, Flash, search engine optimization, and CMS for best biker experience. netrostar.com |
我们与传媒公司合作,利用全新突破的数码空间技术,这样,每天穿梭于地铁站的175,000名旅客都会情不自禁地欣赏动感炫目的极光Evoque数码广告。 tagworldwide.com | Working with the media company, we utilised the digital space in a totally ground-breaking way and with 175,000 people travelling through the station daily, who could help but witness the breathtaking and all-consuming Evoque-filled digital landscape. tagworldwide.com |
本壶是清中叶犀鸟头盔大师的绝品之一,来源、豋刊、参展纪绿均炫目。 e-yaji.com | This is one of the Master’s masterpieces, and one of the most [...] famous,with a dazzlingprovenance and [...]recent history of publication and exhibition. e-yaji.com |
几何造型的Legend 系列 颈链、项链和手链,由长方形仿水晶元素精心拼砌成太阳光线的图形,将炎炎夏日的热浪激情与炫目风姿展现地淋漓尽致。 brand.swarovski.com | The pleasing geometry of the Legend collier, necklace and bracelets, with their sunray motif of precisely structured rows of baguette crystals, reflects the warmth and brightness of summertime. brand.swarovski.com |
超大手表前卫惹眼,绝对会成为张扬个性的炫目焦点。 hk.ashford.com | Bold and aggressive, oversized watches are sure to make a statement. ashford.com |
内部— 计时器的正反面为可透视的防炫目蓝宝石水晶制成— V4的前卫架构保持不变(钨金属直线形块,成系列的两对发条匣平行设置并以传动带相连),但后处理完全重制:底板涂覆高度耐腐蚀的黑色镀钌涂层,夹板以日内瓦波纹装饰。 hautehorlogerie.org | Inside — and visible through the timepiece’s anti-reflective sapphire crystal front and back — the V4’s avant-garde architecture remains unchanged (tungsten ingot linear mass, two pairs of barrels in series, set in parallel and linked by belts), but the finishes have been completely revisited, with a high-resistance black ruthenium coating on the back plate and the Côtes de Genève decorated bridges. hautehorlogerie.org |
挑选一对最适合您的耳机;共有三种闪耀金属光泽的炫目色彩可供选择:粉红色、绿色或天蓝色。 geniusnetusa.com | Pick a set that fits you; [...] choose from three striking colors in a [...]metallic finish: pink, green or sky blue. geniusnetusa.com |
开启车门之际,前车门不锈钢门槛上镶有的闪烁AMG字样,瞬间捕捉您视线,尊贵炫目,教人惊叹!AMG跑车座位以单色及双色真皮制作,缀以独特花纹衬里,加上前座头枕的AMG徽章、仪表板顶、安全腰带、扶手和车门中间衬配合ARTICO人造饰边,车厢感觉温暖舒适,令人陶醉。 zungfu.com | AMG sports seats finished in single and two-tone leather and featuring a special upholstery pattern as well as AMG badges in the backrests of the front seats create a welcoming ambience and are complemented by the ARTICO man-made leather trim on the upper section of the dashboard, the beltline, the armrests and the door centre panels. zungfu.com |
虽然我们在本文中讨论的是“文字”,但是您可以将这些方法应用于任何矢量对象,从而在游戏和其他应用中创建炫目的视觉效果 html5rocks.com | Although we’re dealing with “text” in this article, the methods can be applied to any vector objects; creating exciting visuals in games, and other applications html5rocks.com |
灯光亮度必须恰到好处,让你可以看得清楚,但不至于过度炫目或导致眼睛 疲倦。 cgh.com.sg | Ensure lights are just bright enough for you to see clearly, but not too bright to cause glareor eye strain. cgh.com.sg |
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7画面炫目出色,皆因它是全球首部采用SUPER AMOLED Plus屏幕的流动平板,让您大看非凡!时尚金属机身设计,更薄更轻,纤巧易携冠绝全城,加上极速连接、超强性能、个人化介面及多元化丰富内容,体验无与伦比,随时随地为您绽放无尽精彩,尽享完美体验。 samsung.com | In addition to the lightning-fast connectivity and abundant content, the customizable interface makes the device totally irresistible. samsung.com |
该装饰方案打造了炫目迷人的细节设计,例如,安装在前鼻翼处的侧通气口仿佛再现了Touring公司设计的原款3500 [...] GT coupé。 maserati.com.cn | The package [...] includeeye-catching detailing such [...]as the side air vents mounted on the front wings which evoked those Touring’s original 3500 GT coupé. web.maserati.com |
他独具慧眼,积极开创出采用炫目亮色组合的原创概念表设计理念,由此在高级手表业掀起了一场革命性风暴,同时也推动 DeWitt Watches 登上钟表产业链的巅峰,使其在发展道路上所向披靡,成果卓着。 hk.ashford.com | His unique vision of original concept watches in eye popping color combinations took the haute world of watches completely by storm and propelled DeWitt Watches to the top of the proverbial food chain, garnering top awards along the way. ashford.com |
伴随着博世红魔复古单门冰箱的创异发布,参展的全系博世家电产品也炫目登场,带领消费者全面生动地感受博世品牌创享不同的生活体验。 bosch.com.cn | In this great event of home appliance industry, Bosch launched its unique classic one-door refrigerator, successfully proving its brand essence of inventing difference. bosch.com.cn |
现场运用大量的金属风格以及战士个人海报,现场烽烟弥漫加上钢铁防护措施,更营造出浓浓的格斗气息,让来到现场观战的民众,一同感受充满刺激、一触即发的紧绷气氛!下午的活动由身高250公分的LED钢铁机器人炫目开场後,更邀请到台湾目前最受瞩目的超人气偶像女星郭雪芙出席担任钢铁女王,与微星科技执行副总暨桌上型平台事业处总经理江胜昌共同启动开幕仪式,并率领网路票选前五名钢铁情人现场进行趣味竞赛,一同为超频战将加油打气。 tw.msi.com | The afternoon session kicked off with a 250cm-tall LED Steel Robot, followed by an official opening ceremony by pop singer and Steel Goddess Puff Guo and MSI Corp. msi.com |
有了晶体数据库和超链接在线帮助系统的驱动,晶体工作室让你只需点击几下鼠标便可创建具有炫目色彩和3D逼真的晶体结构。 crystalsoftcorp.com | Empowered with a crystallographic database and a hyper-linked online help system, Crystal Studio lets you create crystal structure with stunningcolor and 3D realism in just a few mouse clicks. crystalsoftcorp.com |
Oris活动选在位于伦敦市中心,一处充满炫目氛围的场地‘Dreamvault’,于午后正当车手们热心引导分析赛道并现场示范如何晋身为F1巨星的同时,其也随之变幻成为热闹的赛车运动竞技场。 oris.ch | The glamorous ‘Dreamvault’ in central London, was transformed into a motor sports paddock for the afternoon as the drivers gave a guide to the track as well as a demonstration of what it takes to be an F1 star. oris.ch |
以血腥玛莉为例(芥末再馏伏特加、自制血腥玛莉混料、柠檬蕃茄汁,港币$130),运用了角落里由管子与小瓶组成的炫目迷宫(又称作"蒸馏器"),将芥末注入伏特加。 mehongkong.com | Take the Bloody Mary (wasabi-redistilled vodka, homemade bloody mary mix, lemon and tomato juice, HK$130), for example, which utilizes a fancymaze of tubes and flasks in the corner (aka, a distillation machine) to wasabi-infuse the vodka. mehongkong.com |
近年3D立体电影的普及令历史再度重写,早在1950年代诞生的3D立体电影,经历半个世纪後卷土重来,是因为技术上的革新令它开花结果,还是对炫目视效的一种追求? ifva.com | In recent years, the rise in popularity of 3D films is again rewriting history. 3D was originally invented in the 1950s, but is its re-emergence half a century later a result of technological breakthroughs, or in answer to a needfor more spectacular visual effects? ifva.com |