单词 | 炜 | ||||||||||
释义 | 炜 —brilliantless common: glowing
德勤中国税务合伙人殷国炜表示 : 「预算案内有提出项目以应对本港因人口老化而对长者及公共医疗服务日益增强的需求。 deloitte.com | The budget mentions projects to address Hong Kong’s increasing demand on elderly and public healthcare services due to an aging population. deloitte.com |
广东科学中心主任王可炜先生 对于此次展览给与了高度评价,他说:“这个精彩的展览确实让我 十分震撼。 swissnexchina.org | Mr. Wang Kewei, Director of Guangdong Science Center, thought highly of the exhibition and said: “I was shocked by the brilliant exhibition. swissnexchina.org |
集团上海臻元船舶设计有限公司副总经理陈 敬 炜 先 生随船见证了本次试航,他介绍道:“CROWN 63系列船经过了长达1年的优化设计,在德国汉堡进行水池试验的次数就多达5次,各项试验指标均达到国际先进水平。 sinopacificshipbuilding.com | According to Mr. Chen Jingwei, Deputy General Manager of GreenSeas Marine Technology of Sinopacific Group, who witnessed this sea trial, CROWN 63 experienced one-year initial design optimization and went through up to 5 times tank tests in HSVA (The Hamburg Ship Model Basin, Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH), reaching advanced international level. sinopacificshipbuilding.com |
瑞士驻广州总领事洪立焜先生、瑞士国家形象委员 会代表Nicolas Bideau先生、伯尔尼历史博物馆馆长Jakob Messerli先生、广东省人民政府外事办公 室副主任李坚先生、广东科学中心主任王 可 炜 先 生 出席了开幕仪式,并共同为展览揭幕。 swissnexchina.org | Mr. Ulrich Hunn, Consul General of Switzerland, Mr. Jakob Messerli, Director of Historical Museum Bern, Mr. Nicolas Bideau, Director of Presence Switzerland (PRS), Mr. Li Jian, Deputy Director-General of Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office, and Mr. Wang Kewei, Director of Guangdong Science Center, attended the ceremony to inaugurate the exhibition. swissnexchina.org |
此次展会吸引了海内外14个国家和地区的印标参展企业参与,包括:大族冠华、科雷、紫明、乐凯、中德集团浙江正润、方邦、科思高、铖铭、大鹏、东航、奥科、天岑、正博、峰明、华耀、锐光、劲豹、臻兴网印、台索、帝天、金立基、恒铭、缔特卡、金泰、日本琳得科、台湾罗铁、加拿大亿迪ETI、美国艾利、互通多威龙、浩田、瑞安中天、奈本 、 炜 冈 、 博泰Brotech、日本三起宏Sanki、天津中天盛通集团、兆龙、中山富洲、摩码Moma、达尔嘉、联冠LECCO、TOP LABEL、新图美、罗特利、美国耀能亮、Klockner Pentaplast等展示高素质的新产品、新技术、各项解决方案及新的管理系统,展品覆盖印前、喷墨印刷、胶印、柔凹印刷、标签印刷、印后、油墨及耗材。 printingsouthchina.com | The show attracted world’s renowned printing and label exhibiting companies form 14 countires & regions namely: Hans-Gronhi, Crons, Shanghai Clarity, Lucky Film, Zhongde Group, Fangbang, Flexco, Chengming, Ruian Dapeng, Donghang, Aoke, Tiancen, Wenzhou Zenbo, Huayao, Ruiguang, Jingbao, Juisun Screen Printing, Taiso, Ditian, Shenzhen Jin-based, Datacard, Anser, Hengming, Lintec (Japan), Labelmen (Taiwan), ETI, Avery Dennison, Dowell, Haotian, ZhongTian, Nickel, WeiGang, Brotech, Sanki, Tianjin Zhongtian Shentong Group, Label Long, ZhongShan Fuzhou, Moma, Colamark, LECCO, Top Label, Soontomax, Rotary, Unilux, Kloeckner Pentaplast, etc. They gathered to display a wide-ranging of new and high-quality product, technology, all kinds of solutions and management systems that cover pre/post-press, inkjet, offset, flexo, gravure and label printing, printing ink as well as consumables. printingsouthchina.com |