

单词 气罩

See also:


casing n

External sources (not reviewed)

这样做不一 定会提高密闭压力,还有可能因为对通常 柔软的气罩囊增加了压力而将 气罩囊 从喉部推开,从而使得漏气情况变得更 糟。
This will not necessarily improve the seal pressure and may make the leak worse by adding tension to the normally soft cuff, pushing it away from the larynx.
露点控制系统气罩通风 技术)能控制干燥部中的供气量与排气量,从而能减少所需的气体量和新鲜蒸汽量。
The dew point control system hood ventilation technology controls the supply and exhaust air quantities in the dryer section, thus reducing the amount of air and fresh steam required.
由于气罩的限 制,每片座位区只可以坐有一名免票婴儿,而且在某些飞机上,携带免票婴儿的乘客有座位限制。
Due to oxygen mask constraints, [...]
only one lap child is allowed per seat section and, on some aircraft, passengers with lap
infants may not be seated in certain rows.
233559 排气罩套件 利用气罩和设 备通风系统排出材料气化物。
Exhaust material vapors with vent hood and facility ventilation system.
寻找 位于色带盒外面的两个卡口并将它们塞进 气 护 罩 组 件 的相应 卡口槽中 ( 见 图 2)。
Find the two tabs on the outside of the cartridge and place them into the corresponding
[...] slots on the air shroud assembly (see Figure 2).
多次使用通气软管、多次使用患者活瓣、多次使用 BiCheck 流量传感器和带有硅胶凸缘 的气面罩也可以高压消毒。
The reusable ventilation tube, reusable patient valve
(see previous section), reusable BiCheck flow
[...] sensor and ventilation masks with silicone [...]
cushion can also be autoclaved.
扩散速度和因此形成的峰压可能会随注 入气罩囊内的初始空气量、用于为 气罩囊 充气的气 体类型、笑气在吸入的混合气体中所 占的比例和装置大小的不同而不同。
Diffusion rate and resulting peak pressure may vary with the initial volume of air injected into the cuff, the type of gases used to inflate the cuff, the percentage of nitrous oxide in the inhaled mixture, and the size of the device.
在成功插管后将患者活瓣连同 BiCheck 流量传感器一 同插在衔接管上, 如果使用罩通气,将通气面罩插 在带有 BiCheck 流量传感器的患者活瓣上 (与衔接管 连接相同)。
Connect the patient valve with BiCheck flow sensor to the hose following intubation. If performing mask ventilation, attach the ventilation mask to the patient valve with the BiCheck flow sensor (identical to tube connection).
我们的BQR 50过滤装置可以为4个面罩或2件半身防护服或1件全身防护服同时 气 ( 一个 面 罩 耗 气 量 150Nl/mn,半身防护服300Nl/mn, 全身防护服600Nl/mn)。
Our BQR 50 filter units are able to supply 4 masks, 2 half suits or 1 ventilated suit (with a consumption of 150 Nl/mn for one mask, 300 Nl/mn for one half suit, 600 Nl/mn for one ventilated suit).
患者在晚间戴上罩,被气泵加压的 气 , 经 面 罩 进 入 鼻道。
The patient wears a mask over the nose at night, and pressure from an [...]
air blower forces through the nasal passage.
梅雨季节结束后一周至10天左右之期间,通常会受太平洋 气 压 笼 罩 , 会 持续高温且安定像是夏天的气候,是最适合登山的好时期。
About one week to 10 days after rainy season, they say it is ideal for
[...] mountaineering as the weather is stable due to the Pacific High.
加宽的前挡泥板以及带有动态进气口和两个附加 气 口 的 发动 罩 均 为 全新设计。
The front mudguards, with increased track, are also new, as is the engine hood with a dynamic air inlet and two additional air vents.
罩和废气吸收 装置用于有效的排除消化过程中产生的腐蚀性废气,控制消化程序满足GLP和当地的健康和安全需求。
Exhaust Manifolds and Scrubber are [...]
designed for efficient removal of the unpleasant and corrosive fumes caused during the
digestion and ensure a controlled digestion procedure that complies with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and local Health and Safety requirements.
将接地线 (Graco PN 238909) 连接至罩下 面空气马达下盖上的接地螺丝 (12) 上。
Connect a ground wire (Graco PN 238909) to the ground screw (12) on the
[...] bottom cover of the air motor, under the shroud.
可以通过一个可选的排罩使废气得 到 有效的控制,或通过一个可选的尾气吸收装置吸走废气。
Efficient fume containment is provided through an optional exhaust and fumes can be removed via the optional scrubber.
PPS纤维与碳纤维混织可作为高性能复合材料的增强织物和航空航天用复合材料等,用作受力、耐热结构件和隔热垫、耐腐蚀、耐辐射板、绝缘材料,如防辐射军用帐篷、导弹外壳、隐形材料、特种纸、隔膜HARPOON、导弹的鳍、翼、TOMAHAWK的雷达天 线 罩 、 进 气 道 、 进 气 整 流 罩 以 及 火箭的尾锥、发射容器等。
PPS fiber and carbon fiber mixed weaving can be enhanced as a high-performance fabrics and composite materials for aerospace composite materials, as force, heat-resistant structural parts and insulation pad, corrosion, radiation-resistant panels, insulation materials, such as radiation military tents, missile casing, stealth materials, specialty paper,
divide HARPOON, missile fins,
[...] wings, TOMAHAWK radar radome, inlet, intake, and the rocket tail [...]
cone fairing, the launch containers.
传动轴齿条防罩、空气管理 系统、软管和传动带等部件皆可使用山都平™热塑性硫化弹性体和Vistalon™三元乙丙橡胶而受益。
Rack & pinion boots, air management systems, hoses and belts are among the components that benefit from Santoprene™ TPVs and Vistalon™ EPDM.
十多亿人仍然生活在赤贫之中,还有几亿人被 罩 在 气 候 变 化、食 品无保障、自然灾害、流行病和恐怖主义的灾祸的阴影之下。
Over 1 billion people are still living in destitute poverty, and
hundreds of millions of others put under
[...] the scourge of climate change, food insecurity, [...]
natural disasters, pandemics and terrorism.
体积最小,效率最高(可同时给6个 罩 供 气 )。
Minimal bulk for maximum efficiency (simultaneous supply of 6 masks).
为了维持正确的血碳酸含量和保护气道,需要口腔气管插管和控制 气 量 , 不推荐使用 罩 ( L M A) ,因为 气 的 压 力经常会超过20cm水压,曾有文献报道LMA吸入。
The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is not appropriate since insufflation pressure often exceeds 20 cm of water and aspiration has been reported during LMA anesthesia for laparoscopy.
[...] 1100EVO打造,车架采用了“Trellis”黑色,与车轮、引 罩 、 排 气 系 统和前后叉相同。
Using Ducati’s top-seller Monster 1100EVO as the canvas for the new model’s design, the Monster Diesel is built upon a total black
treatment for the “Monster Trellis” frame,
[...] wheels, engine covers, exhaust system and forks, [...]
and finished with an exclusive “Diesel
Brave Green” matte, giving it a solid rugged military feel.
罩 时, 入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞柱 (24)上;如果滑动困难,用橡胶锤重罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。
Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen.
这一潜在的威胁罩着在职人员的心头,除此之外,工作人员现在还具 有不安全感和不满情绪。
The latent threat looming over the staff in post feeds the sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction that today characterizes the members of staff.
在过去二十年中,我们提供设计,制造:矿石类型钨,精矿,钨酸,仲钨酸铵元钨(AMT的APT),钠,黄色氧化钨,蓝色氧化钨,三氧化钨(WO3);钨碳化钨粉,混合或准备按粉,碳化钨切割,封口,钻探和采矿;用于移动立方体的高比重合金(WHA),手表零件,为PCB水槽,飞镖集“钢坯及万桶,高尔夫俱乐部,游艇平衡砖,渔业坠,狩猎枪的子弹“球,重量为米辊,竞速汽车及电机,汽车发动机结余”曲轴,医疗(例如,X,γ射线)的抗辐射,资源屏蔽铀和贫化铀的持有人(杜)保 罩 , 飞机 喷 气 机 的 零件及断板,配重及铆接逆势酒吧,潜艇的密封及平衡,反坦克导弹,大炮的子弹,智能炸弹(如AHEAD)和其他军事上的应用。
In the past 2 decades, we have offered designing, manufacturing types tungsten as: ores, concentrates,  tungstic acid, ammonium paratungstate & metatungstate (AMT & APT), sodium,  yellow tungsten oxide, blue tungsten oxide, tungsten trioxide(WO3); tungsten & carbide Powder, mixed or ready to press powder; tungsten carbide for cutting, sealing, drilling & mining; heavy alloy (WHA) for mobile cubes, watch bobs, sinks for PCB, darts sets' billets & barrels, golf clubs, yacht balance bricks, fishing sinkers, hunting gun's bullets' balls, weights roller for meters, balances for racing car & motor, auto engines' crankshafts, medical(e.g. X, gamma-ray) anti-radiation, resource shielding
holder for uranium & depleted uranium
[...] (DU) protection shield, aircraft jets' parts & breaking [...]
plates, counterweight & riveting
bucking bars, submarines' sealing & balancing, antitank missiles, canons' bullet, smart bomb (e.g. AHEAD)  and other military applications.
55. 对于罩当地的政气候的 意见褒贬不一:一 些人强调巨大限制仍然存在且缺乏公平条件,另一 些人则持相反观点,认为这是 1990 年以来空前的政 治活动,尤其在少数民族聚居区。
Some emphasized the maintenance of tight restrictions and the lack of fair conditions, while the others, on the contrary, pointed to a level of political activity unprecedented since 1990, particularly in the ethnic minority areas.
它还必须提供可供燃烧气体逃逸的通道。从下面的防爆罩示意图中我们可以看出 罩 内 的燃 烧 气 体 正 不断膨胀,但它可以从防爆罩盖和主体之间的微小缝隙中逃逸出去。
To do this the enclosure must be strong and robust to contain the explosion without deformation, it must function at a
temperature below the ignition temperature
[...] of the surrounding atmosphere and it must provide [...]
a means for burning gases to escape.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)擴闊仁愛廣場與皇珠路之間一 段長約 1.5 公里的屯門公路市中心段,由雙程雙線分隔車道改為雙程三 線分隔車道;(b)興建 1 條長約 450 米的單線行車天橋,由屯興路沿青 海圍延伸,最終與屯門公路往九龍方向行車道連接;(c)拆卸及重建 4 條 現有行人天橋,並在施工期間提供 2 條臨時行人天橋;(d)安裝相關的 隔音屏障及隔罩;以及(e)進行相關的土木、結構、環境美化和土力 工程,重置現有設施,以及進行緩解環境影響、渠務、道路照明、水管 和交通輔助設施的工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises (a) widening of 1.5 kilometres long of Tuen Mun Road (TMR) between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road from a dual two-lane to a dual three-lane carriageway; (b) construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 metres long, which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi circuit to merge eventually with the TMR Kowloon-bound carriageways; (c) demolition and reconstruction of four existing footbridges, and provision of two temporary footbridges during the construction period; (d) installation of associated noise barriers/enclosures; and (e) associated civil, structural, landscaping and geotechnical works, reprovision of existing facilities, environmental mitigation, drainage, road lighting, water mains and traffic aids works.




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