

单词 打拱作揖

See also:


bow with clasped hands


bow with hands held in front

External sources (not reviewed)

Skinner表示:“我谨代表在金有同仁,感谢Steve 18年来为公司所做出的贡献。
On behalf of
[...] everyone atthe Golden Arches, I would like to [...]
thank Steve for his 18 years of service," said Skinner.
按照本条款草案,各国应酌情在彼此之间合作并与主管国际法院和法庭 国际 关注的犯罪和罪行方面的有罪不罚现象。
In accordance with the present draft articles, States shall, as appropriate,
cooperate among
[...] themselves, and with competent international court and tribunals,in thefight againstimpunity [...]
as it concerns crimes
and offences of international concern.
各位部长强调,必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取举措,保护文化遗产, 特别是联合国教育、科学及文化组织及其促使文化遗产送回原有国或归还非法
[...] 占有文化财产政府间委员会开展的工作,并强调必须促进国际执法卖文化财产的行为,特别需要交流信息和经验,以更为有效地开展运作。
The Ministers underlined the importance of national, regional and international initiatives for the protection of cultural property, in particular the work of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and its Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation, and Stressed the importance
of fostering international law enforcement
[...] cooperation to combat trafficking in [...]
cultural property and in particular the need
to exchange information and experiences in order to operate in a more effective way.
(5) 初期分析根据对残存壳体和内部的目测检查,并运用多个来源的各种模 拟和科学方法,迅速设定了 15 种可能造成天安舰沉没的原因(弹药库爆炸;油箱 爆炸;柴油机灾难性故障/失火;燃气轮机灾难性故障/失火;海底水雷;感应锚 雷;触发雷;龙骨下方鱼雷;触发鱼雷;表面爆炸;弹道击中;简易爆炸装置/ 非触发式水雷;//焊接故障/材料疲劳破裂;触礁;与潜水艇或其他物 体碰撞);但是,其中 13 种可能性被排除,焦点转移到外部水下爆炸(感应锚雷 和龙骨下方鱼雷)。
5) Early analysis based on results of visual inspection of the salvage hull and interior as well as various modelling and scientific methodologies from various sources quickly identified 15 possible causes that could have resulted in the sinking of theCheonan (gun magazine(s) explosion; fuel tank explosion; catastrophic diesel engine failure/conflagration; catastrophic gas turbine engine failure/conflagration; bottom mine; moored influence mine; contact mine; under keel torpedo; contact torpedo; surface explosion; ballistic contact; improvised explosive device (IED)/non-contact mine; hogging/sagging/welding failure/material fatigue failure; grounding; and collision with submarine or other object); however, 13 were ruled out and focus shifted to an external underwater explosion (moored influence mine and under keel torpedo).
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附着物和额外的幻彩表带,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在扶手上(向上或下)或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附 状的减重系统框架的管上。
Both controls come with a flexible magnetic attachment and additional velcro strap for secure mounting and fast changing of positions either on the handrails (facing up or down) or on the vertical telescope pillars or even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame.
UCISAP was founded in 1971 to represent an industry that is a "key stone" in every modern economic system.
It was natural that the Karaites should refuse to make use of the version in Arabic made by their arch-enemy, Saadia.
表盘的底部是金、银或铜质的板材,有时呈柔和 表盘纤细的针脚进行铆接,然后再检查小时圈以及其他指示器的内外轮廓线。
He then traces the inner and outer contours of the hour-circle and other indicators.
报告提供了联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯 罪问题办公室)参照经社理事会题为“开展国际 作打 国有组织犯罪”的 第 2005/17 号和题为“开展国际作打败”的第 2006/24 号决议以及大会题 为“加强联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案,特别是其技术合作能力”的第 66/181 号决议而开展的打击跨国有组织犯罪和反腐败活动情况。
It provides information on the activities of the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime
[...] (UNODC) inthe fightagainst transnational organized crime and corruption with reference to Council resolutions 2005/17, entitled “International cooperation in the fightagainst transnational organized crime”, and 2006/24, entitled “International cooperation inthe fight against corruption”, [...]
as well as General
Assembly resolution 66/181, entitled “Strengthening the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity”.
(d) 各国政府应当通过交流信息、分享洗钱类型信息以及甄别资产和财产 并确定其位置,灵活而及时地提供尽可能广泛的国际钱行为并支 持属于犯罪收益的资产的追回。
(d) Governments should, in a flexible and timely manner, provide the broadest possible international cooperation to combat money-laundering and support the recovery of assets that were the proceeds of crime through information exchange, the sharing of information on money-laundering typologies and the identification and location of assets and property.
莫斯塔尔老程已在八月竣工,九月在威尼斯办事处召开了一次国际专家会 议,为保护整个巴尔干地区的文化遗产,拟定了一项冲突后行动战略。
The arch of the Mostar Old Bridge was completed in August, and an international meeting of experts, held at the Venice Office in September, drew up a post-conflict intervention strategy for the cultural heritage in the Balkans.
该结构将在被毁坏的机组旁边组装后放入安置。 在反应堆沾染的周围环境中的场址清理、准备和挖掘近完成构 的地基工程可在 2010 年后期开工。
Site clean-up, preparation and excavation works in the contaminated surroundings of the reactor are virtually complete and workon the foundations for the arch can start later in 2010.
这座展亭由意大利建筑师Ottavio di Blasi构,首度启用了碳纤物料架构,不仅彰显了豪雅追求前卫设计与美感的理念,而且还融合了包括现代与传统、张力与力度之间的均衡在内的众多重要品牌价值。
Created by Italian architect Ottavio di
Blasi, the arch-shaped stand, the first
[...] building in the world with acarbon fiber structure, [...]
reflected not only the brand's
commitment to avant-garde design and aesthetics, but also many of its key values, including balancing modernity with tradition, and tension with force.
文化财产管理局与 其他相关部门和机构合作组织了一些活动,包括对藏品,尤其是朝拜圣地的藏品造册登记; 对博物馆和寺庙建筑的安全系统进行升级改造;建立被盗艺术品数据库,并与内务部、文化
[...] 部和国际刑警组织合作,在全球范围内寻找被盗艺术品;以及加强国际 法贩运 文化财产活动。
The Administration for Cultural Property, in cooperation with other relevant services and institutions, organizes activities including: the documenting and registering of collections, particularly those in places of worship; upgrading of security systems in museums and sacral buildings; establishing a database for stolen works of art and conducting international searches for stolen art in cooperation with the Ministries of the
Interior and Culture and INTERPOL; and advancing international
[...] cooperation to combat illicittrafficking [...]
of cultural property.
鉴于维持一场建设性和包容性的对话非常重要,并确信这次会议必须提供机 会用以讨论与小武器和轻武器非法贸易有关的其他议题,因此将举办一场专门会
[...] 议,就各国关心的其他议题进行辩论,以此可以为专家组 2011 年的作打础,或者也可以确定一些可能的主题供 [...]
2012 年审查会议讨论。
In view of the importance of maintaining a constructive and inclusive dialogue and convinced that the Meeting must offer an opportunity to address other issues related to the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, there will also be a specific session to debate other issues of interest to
States, which could lay the basis for the
[...] Group of Experts’work in2011, or that [...]
could identify possible topics for discussion
during the 2012 Review Conference.
[...] 认识和提高他们处理贪腐活动的能力,以便掌握贿赂和贪腐活动的趋势、模式、 清洗黑钱的技巧和手段;同时,公私营机构之间相互 作打腐,亦有助金融 机构预防及/或侦测和披露贪腐事件,打击贪腐。
The Wolfsberg Group believes that constructive dialogue in this area will help to increase the knowledge and ability of such agencies and institutions to identify trends, patterns, money laundering techniques and mechanisms used in the furtherance of acts
of bribery and corruption and withan effective public private partnership financial
[...] institutions will be better placed to assistin the fight to prevent and/or [...]
detect and disclose incidents of corruption.
主席请发言者将发言重点放在与开展国际合作以保护文化财产有关的以下 具体问题上:(a)双边、区域和国际合作的相对重要性;(b)在文化财产贩运案件 上落实司法合作的方式;(c)在共享文化财产贩运相关信息上速度的重要性;(d) 国家间和国家内部的合作努力;及(e)将《有组织犯罪公约》 作打运 文化财产的依据的问题。
The Chair invited speakers to focus their contributions on the following specific issues regarding international cooperation to protect cultural property: (a) the relative importance of bilateral, regional and international cooperation; (b) the way judicial cooperation works in practice in cases of trafficking in cultural property; (c) the importance of speed in sharing information in relation to trafficking in cultural property; (d) cooperation efforts both between States and within States; and (e) the question of the Organized Crime Convention being a basis for cooperation against traffickingin cultural property.




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