单词 | 平凡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 平凡 noun —ordinary n平凡 —mediocre • commonplace Examples:平凡的 adj—plain adj 不平凡—marvelous • marvelously See also:凡 adj—every adj • all adj 凡—mundane • whatever • commonplace • of the material world (as opposed supernatural or immortal levels) • outline • temporal • gist • note of Chinese musical scale • altogether
形式是梅瓶的變形、頸部上綠有平唇、石料 是 平凡 的 (反映著乾隆帝偏愛仿古的卵石料)、而且雕小型的獸首啣圓環耳。 e-yaji.com | It is of modified meiping (‘prunus-blossom vase’) [...] form, has a flat lip on the upper neck rim, is of inherently undistinguished material (reflecting [...]the Qianlong [...]emperor’s love of archaism and pebble nephrite that resembled that used by the ancients), and is decorated with small, distinctive mask handles with circular rings. e-yaji.com |
这些经验,写在标准化测试和测试控制表示法(的TTCN - [...] 3 )表明,维护测试套件是一个非平凡 的 任 务,它可以减少负担的适当的工具支持。 javakaiyuan.com | These experiences , written in standardized testing and test control notation ( the [...] TTCN - 3) show that the maintenance of test [...] suites is a non-trivial task , it can [...]reduce the burden of proper tool support . javakaiyuan.com |
對於N.HOOLYWOOD的設計,我是刻意追求一 種 平凡 、 日常的感覺,這可能跟UNDER COVER的取態有點不同。 think-silly.com | I see N.Hoolywood to be very down to earth and casual, which is rather different from the aesthetic of Under Cover. think-silly.com |
我们非常高兴地在此向大家推出半边天2010年度工作报 告,报告内容丰富,有许多关于参加半边天项目孩子们不 平凡的感 人故事,以及我们的政府合作伙伴在改善全中国 儿童教育、抚育工作方面的新举措。 halfthesky.org | It is such a pleasure to introduce Half the Sky’s 2010 Annual Report filled as it is with stories about the remarkable children enrolled in our programs and news about inroads Half the Sky and its government partners are making to upgrade care for children all over China. halfthesky.org |
他们是在直接反对古典形象的人类的身体,准备好了,结束了,完全成熟,没 有 平凡 和 诞 生和发展的渣滓的方式。 luxe-immo.com | They are in direct opposition to the classical image of the human body, ready, finished, fully mature, in a way purged of the mediocrities and dross of birth and development. luxe-immo.com |
的復古標誌“海灣”和日期窗口位於6點鐘位置,小秒針3點鐘和計時碼表分鐘計時盤位於9點鐘位置上的灰色鱷魚皮錶帶搭配相同顏色的拼接, 過 平凡 的 上 的球迷,誰字面上撕毀了這款限量5000份的影響。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The vintage logo "Gulf" and the date window at 6 o'clock, small seconds at 3 o'clock and chronograph minute counter at 9 o'clock on a gray alligator strap with stitching in the same color, had an extraordinary impact on the fans, who literally tore this limited edition of 5000 copies. en.horloger-paris.com |
我們勇於挑戰平凡,以 追求驚奇的使用體驗。 bang-olufsen.com | We have the courage to question the ordinary in search of surprising experiences bang-olufsen.com |
通常指酸度低,平凡而且 缺乏味道的酒。 emw-wines.com | Usually indicates very low acidity, so tasting insipid and lacking flavor. en.emw-wines.com |
巴拉圭人民和总统深信,为 造福人类而作的每一 项努力的主体、目标和缘由都是人类,这与我国 不平 凡的历史是一致的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The people of Paraguay and their President, in consonance with our extraordinary national history, believe deeply in the human being as the subject and end of and reason for every effort designed to benefit humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
作者群試圖探究,為何這些平凡場所掀起不凡變革,這些場所的設計與用途又如何影響公民社會的公眾參與;此外,他們亦檢視公共空間開發者與實際使用的民眾之間,究竟出現哪些拉鋸與掙扎。 thisbigcity.net | Moreover, they examine the constant struggles and negotiations between developers of public spaces and the citizens who use them. thisbigcity.net |
Eunice Kennedy Shriver] 将被人牢记,这位既平凡又伟 大的女性教给全世界一个道理:无论是身体还是精神上的障碍,都不会阻挡人类精神的力量。 specialolympics.org | Eunice Kennedy Shriver] will be remembered ... as an extraordinary woman who, as much as anyone, taught our nation - and our world - that no physical or mental barrier can restrain the power of the human spirit. specialolympics.org |
450 種 Warped Effects 能為平凡的聲 音賦予非比尋常又天馬行空的氣質。 mammals.org | 450 Warped Effects give ordinary [...] sounds a bizarre, otherworldly quality. mammals.org |
还有许多其它具有国际规模的活动,如: 不 平凡 的 库 杜古之夜;文化周 (博博迪乌拉索);FITD (国际戏剧 发展节);FITMO (国际戏剧和瓦加杜古木偶节),以及 Récréatrales(泛非写作、创作和戏剧培训研究班)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the numerous other major international events are : Les Nuits Atypiques de Koudougou, the Week of Culture at Bobo-Dioulasso, the International Theatre Festival for Development (FITD), the International Festival of Success and Puppets of Ouagadougou (FITMO), and the Récréatrales (Pan-African Residential Workshops on Writing, Creativity and Drama Training). unesdoc.unesco.org |
AM-CCSM的国际负责人巴柝声牧师用使徒行传十一章分享他对我们机构的异象:"一 群 平凡 人 兴 起,对中国的所有生活领域发挥影响力:因为他们与耶稣同行,将祂的亮光带进每一个黑暗的地方;因为他们拥有耶稣对彼此和对中国百姓的爱;因为他们明白成功是复数;也因为他们相 信 平凡 人 也可以发挥影响力。 amccsm.org | AM-CCSM's international director Ross Paterson spoke from Acts 11 about his vision for the company "of [...] an army of ordinary [...] people raised up to make a difference in every area of China's life: because they walk with Jesus and bring His incarnational light into every dark place; because they have Jesus' love for one another and the people of China; because they understand that success is plural; and because they believe that ordinary people [...]can make a difference. amccsm.org |
他有他不平凡的迅 捷不幸的缺陷,他是非常不准确,他的历史报表需要严格控制。 mb-soft.com | He has the unfortunate defect of his extraordinary swiftness, that he is extremely inaccurate, and his historical statements need careful control. mb-soft.com |
我喜欢这个事实:神使用将自己让主使用 的 平凡 人。 amccsm.org | I love the fact that God uses ordinary people who just make themselves available to Him. amccsm.org |
我们鼓励学生在理论的基础上开展研究工作,为产业和个人职业做出 不 平凡 的 贡 献。 australiachina.com.au | Students are encouraged to undertake work that extends theory and brings about change in industry and the professions. australiachina.com.au |
2010年是不平凡的一年:从 2004年至 2008年艺术品价格的一路飙升和从2008 年10月至2009年夏季艺术品市场的严重 萎缩(数量和价格的下跌)之后,一场比拼 价格顶峰的竞争再度上演。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The year 2010 was rich in events: after the strong price inflation between 2004 and 2008 and the severe market contraction from October 2008 to the summer of 2009, a rapid recovery followed, taking the market to unprecedented highs. imgpublic.artprice.com |
确保每个驱动程序都能在第一时间更新绝对是一项艰巨的任务,因为,在科学技术飞速发展的今天,驱动更新实在是 太 平凡 了。 driverscanner.cn.uptodown.com | To be up-to-date about the new versions of the drivers on your computer can be a total nightmare because the tecnlogy is moving forward really fast and the update frenquently. driverscanner.en.uptodown.com |
我們之所以尊重諸如一如居士、甘烜文、周樂元、早期的葉仲三、丁二仲、自怡子、盛期的馬少宣等,是因為他們成功地給內畫工藝注入了美術的精神,他們沒有允許煙壺的限制使他們的藝術弄 成 平凡。 e-yaji.com | We revere the early masters, Yiru jushi, Gan Xuanwen, Zhou Leyuan, the early works of Ye Zhongsan, Ding Erzhong, Ma Shaoxuan at his best, and Ziyizi, because, regardless of their professional status, they were [...] able to infuse their works with the lofty spirit of Chinese painting without [...] allowing it to be trivialized by the medium. e-yaji.com |
这一年是1847年,威廉和约翰雅各布(William and Johan Jacob)发现这是一片不平凡的土地。 awbc.com.au | The year was 1847, and William and Johan Jacob knew this was no ordinary patch of dirt. awbc.com.au |
我们要用我们平凡的双手来 消除贫困、疾病、饥饿、文盲和冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have it in our mortal hands to abolish poverty, disease, hunger, illiteracy and conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
比如,关于前面刚提到的抽象/具体这一问题:(1)某些科学,包括数学递归理论与可计算性理论,如我们所看到的,把机制视为抽象的,诡异地独立于任何物理的系泊;(2)某些科学,包括物理、化学和物质性科学把它视为具体地物质性的,因此值得更为抽象地处理的问题(比如当进化发现碳为基础的分子这种特别有力的递归组合的可能性时,它是撞上了哪种类型的“架构”?)并没有得到足够的地位;(3)某些,包括软件方法第 34页或电路设计的工程实践,与惊人地未被重建 的 平凡 的 对世界的物质理解紧密相关,就好像导线这样的凡俗概念是科学上或自然主义地值得尊重的52。 ageofsignificance.org | With respect to the abstract/concrete issue just mentioned, for example: (i) some sciences, including mathematical recursion theory and computational computability theory, as we have seen, treat mechanism as abstract, eerily free of any physical moorings; (ii) some, including physics, chemistry, and material science, take it to be concretely material, so that issues that deserve more abstract treatment (such as what type of “architecture” evolution stumbled on, when it discovered the uniquely powerful recursively combinatoric possibilities of carbon-based molecules) fail to be given adequate prominence; and (iii) some, including such engineering practices as software methodology Page 38 or circuit design, are tied into remarkably unreconstructed mundane material understandings of the world, as if such lay notions as wire were scientifically or naturalistically respectable. ageofsignificance.org |
在精明领导人脑中有面向未来的成功战略,他的远见是超 越 平凡。 ski2.com | Future-oriented success strategies originate in the minds of people whose passion is to achieve [...] something which is above average. ski2.com |
尽管为保护境内流离失所者和维护他们的 安全环境做了不平凡的工 作,但联海稳定团现在必须 同海地政府和其他伙伴一道努力,找到更为永久的解 决办法,并采取更加注重社区的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although extraordinary work has been done to protect IDPs and to maintain a safe environment for them, MINUSTAH must now work with the Government of Haiti and its other partners to reach a more permanent solution and move towards a more community-based approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
不平凡的當 然還有裝潢,別具氣氛的意大利水晶吊燈、可以擺放過百瓶美酒的冷藏櫃,還有靜靜停放桌子上、雕花各異包括盛載了Olive Oil的「五味架」 — 每個500英磅的價錢,讓這個低調座落中環一角的「港島廳」隱隱透現氣派。 think-silly.com | Chandelier from Italy, special wine freezer for over hundred bottle storage, the interior of Island Tang is filled with subtle statement details — right down to the 500 pounds olive oil set on each table. think-silly.com |
清鸡汤可带出食物的天然味道,一般 平凡 的 菜式只要加入Pacific清鸡汤,便可烹制出美味无穷的菜肴。 sfgourmet.com | Pacific Chicken Broth can enhance the fresh taste of the nautral food, the Broth can be used for hot pot, noodle soup, sauces, dumpling, congee, etc. and used as a base for more hearty soups, stews, pasta, risotto, rice and more. sfgourmet.com |