单词 | 不成文 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不成文 —unwritten (rule)Examples:不成文法—unwritten law See also:不成—unable to • won't do • (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? 成文—written • statutory 成文 n—statute n 成文 v—codify v
7.1 影子內閣的概念源遠流長,並公認為英 國 不成文 憲 法 的憲制 慣例之一。 legco.gov.hk | 7.1 The concept of Shadow Cabinet has developed over such a long period of time that it is accepted as one of the constitutional [...] conventions in the UK's unwritten constitution. legco.gov.hk |
香港與㆗國 之間並無任何有關引渡事宜的雙邊協議 或 不成文 協 定。 legco.gov.hk | There are no bilateral [...] agreements or any unwritten agreements governing [...]extradition between Hong Kong and China. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我特別藉此機會提出這一點,雖然這 是 不成 文規定,但亦希望各事務委員會主席可視乎情況行事,在顧及讓議員 [...] 有平等機會發言之餘,亦要預留充足時間,讓議員有充足時間就其觀 點,尤其是一些基本和節骨眼的觀點進行討論。 legco.gov.hk | Although this is an unwritten rule, I hope the [...] chairmen of panels can apply the same taking into account the relevant circumstances [...]so that while ensuring equal opportunities of Members in speaking, adequate time is also allowed for Members to discuss their views, especially the more fundamental and critical views. legco.gov.hk |
尽管本 国法律不承认诽谤宗教的概念,但有尊重宗教敏感 性的长期不成文的规 定,包括在媒体上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although domestic legislation did not recognize the [...] concept of defamation of religions, there [...] was a long-standing unwritten rule to respect [...]religious sensitivities, including in the media. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据国际法的理解, 土著人民对土地、领地和自然资源的权利源自于 其 不成文 的 法 律、价值观、使用 和习惯,因此应当先于并且独立于政府通过官方产权证予以承认。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the international normative consensus, the right of indigenous peoples to lands, territories and natural resources originates in their own customary law, values, habits and customs and, therefore, is prior to and independent of State recognition in the form of an official property title. daccess-ods.un.org |
在眾多民主自由的社會㆗,似乎尤其是在普通 法模式的社會裏,大多數都是將律政司作為刑事檢察最高的決定者,賦憲法的角色, 換言之,是用憲法(或者在英國的情況就 有 不成文 的 憲 法)將其納入在㆒個系統內, 使到如果有㆟要干擾這個獨立的檢控制度,無論是政治方面或者行政、立法方面,都 是無可能的,因為牴觸憲法。 legco.gov.hk | His role is provided in the constitution (in the United Kingdom, the role is provided in the unwritten constitution), in other words, his role is constitutionally incorporated into the system so as to preclude any possibility that someone would be able to interfere with this independent prosecution system, be it with political, administrative or legislative means, because that would breach the constitution. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 香港與㆗國大陸及台灣是否訂有任何引渡罪犯的公約、協議 或 不成文 協 定 ;若 然,所訂者為何 legco.gov.hk | (a) whether there are any existing conventions [...] or agreements or unwritten agreements on the [...]extradition of criminals between Hong [...]Kong and China and Taiwan; if so, what they are legco.gov.hk |
特别报告员正在研究或即将开始研究的其他课题包括法律多样性和土 著不 成文法, 处于自愿孤立状态的土著人民状况和生活在城市地区的土著社区和个人 的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the other themes that the Special Rapporteur is studying or plans to study are legal pluralism and indigenous customary law, the situation of voluntarily isolated indigenous peoples, and the situation of indigenous communities and individuals living in urban areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了通过宪法改革(包括成立新的最高法院和司法事务委员会)来加强司 法体系以外,马尔代夫还出台,并在许多情况下颁布了广泛的详细法案:成功地 将伊斯兰教法、不成文法和 国际人权法结合在一起的全新刑法;新的判刑法案; 新的刑事诉讼法;证据法案;国家安全法案;1 警方法案;2 拘留程序法案;假 释法案;法官法案和司法事务委员会法案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the strengthening of the judiciary through constitutional reform (including through the creation of the new Supreme Court and the Judicial Services Commission), Maldives has also tabled, and in many cases enacted, a wide range of detailed bills, including: a completely new Penal Code, which successfully combines sharia law, common law and international human rights law; a new sentencing bill; a new Criminal Procedures Code; an evidence bill; a national security bill;1 a police bill;2 a bill on detention procedures; a parole bill; a bill on the judicature and a Judicial Services Commission bill. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照過往不 成文的傳 統 , “ 白 領 ” 行業跟隨銀行假 期而享 有 員工假 期 , 只 有 俗 稱 “ 藍 領 ” 行業才 會 放 取 勞工假 期。 legco.gov.hk | According to convention, "white-collar" employees are entitled to "bank holidays", and "blue-collar" workers are entitled to labour holidays only. legco.gov.hk |
1991 年以来,所有政府都保留了不成文的 规定,即内阁中至少达到 40%的性别比例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 1991, all Governments [...] have kept the unwritten rule of at least [...]40 per cent gender balance in the Cabinet. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一 政策在持续的军事攻击期间把平民百姓锁进了战区,剥夺他们寻求庇护的权利, 虽然在任何现行人权条约或公约中没有明文禁止,似乎显然不符合关于残忍、不 人道战术的不成文国际法的禁令的,并违背了以色列根据日内瓦第四公约应承担 的基本义务,即,为被占领人口提供保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | This policy of locking civilians into a combat zone during sustained military attacks, denying them the right to seek refuge, is not explicitly prohibited in any existing human rights treaty or covenant, but seems clearly inconsistent with the prohibition of customary international law on cruel and inhumane tactics, and appears to be at odds with the fundamental duty of Israel, under the Fourth Geneva Convention, to provide protection to an occupied population. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,各群体有公认的习惯法或行为 准则,既有成文的,也有不成文的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Communities may also have recognized customary laws or a code of [...] behaviour, and these may or may not be written. daccess-ods.un.org |
局長作為政制及內地事務局局長,可否協助訂立這些規矩,即使 是不 成文的也好,就是如果議員要約見的話,當局會盡力安排,盡快會面? legco.gov.hk | Will the Secretary, being the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, help draw up some rules, even though they may only take the form of convention, so that the authorities will strive to arrange to meet with Members as soon as possible upon Members' requests? legco.gov.hk |
在国内,它 是基于社会凝聚力和关于共同追求民主、人权、机会、 可持续发展和能力建设的不成文约定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Domestically, it is based on social cohesion and implicit agreement on collective adherence to democracy, human rights, opportunities, sustainable development and capacity-building. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一个特定专业领域工作多年的工 作人员常常有其他同事非正式征求其意见,以了解 “ 不成文 的 诀 窍”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Frequently, staff members that have worked in a given area of expertise for many years are informally consulted by other colleagues who want to learn about the “non-written know-how”. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,虽然 巴勒斯坦仍正式要求以色列撤出 1967 [...] 年占领的所有领土,但路线图和巴勒斯坦 方面的一个不成文的君 子条款是,以色列可以在任何和平计划中保留定居区,将 [...]大约 385 000 名非法定居者纳入 80 个定居点,并给予他们合法身份。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, it has been an implicit article of faith in the road map and on the Palestinian side as well, although the latter formally still demands [...] withdrawal from all territory occupied in [...] 1967, that Israel would retain the settlement [...]blocs in any peace plan, which would [...]incorporate and legitimize approximately 385,000 illegal settlers in 80 settlements. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤西比乌斯承认的权威几乎等于犹太圣经传统,并呼吁它ἅγρσΦοςπαράδοσις,即 “ 不成文 的 传 统”(“历史Ecclesiastica,”四22。 mb-soft.com | Eusebius recognizes Jewish tradition as an authority [...] almost equal to the Scriptures, and calls it ἅγρσΦος [...] παράδοσις; ie, "unwritten tradition" ("Historia [...]Ecclesiastica," iv. 22). mb-soft.com |
其一,過往有不成文的規 矩,規定政府的花費不 會超過20%;其二,政府過往沒有如此偏聽,何以今次竟以建制派議 [...] 員作為布景板,支持財政司司長作出修改? legco.gov.hk | There are two reasons. First, there is an inexplicit [...] rule which requires the Government not to spend more than 20% of the GDP. legco.gov.hk |
遗憾的是,这些让人高度关注的案例在工作人员 中众所周知,似乎起着杀鸡儆猴的作用 , 不成文 地 告 诫员工如果真的举报不法行 为会落到何等下场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately these high profile cases are well known by the staff members and seem to be serving as a bad example and implicit warning of what will happen if a staff member does report misconduct. daccess-ods.un.org |
划或任何其他可能会影响竞争的协协。 擅自制定价格或分配市场 的协议均属非法,不论是不成文协协 、口头或书面协协。 flintink.com | An unspoken agreement to fix prices or allocate markets is just as illegal as a spoken or written agreement. flintink.com |
(3) 整個社會已形成㆒個不成文的入 讀幼稚園制度,許多小學都會假設大部份學生 曾經接受過幼稚園教育,家長會擔心其子女若沒有經過幼稚園教育,其學習基 礎會跟其他兒童略有差距,較難應付小㆒課程,以及阻礙其進入較好小學讀書 的機會。 legco.gov.hk | Many primary schools are assuming that most students have received kindergarten education and parents are feeling anxious that without kindergarten education their children may have a weaker foundation as far as their learning capacity is concerned, and will therefore find it more difficult to cope with Primary I curriculum and stand no chance of being admitted into better primary schools. legco.gov.hk |
代表团关切地获悉,科托努和阿波美监狱内部由囚犯管理的自治系统似乎 包括由主管囚犯对被视为违背监狱社 会 不成文 规 则的囚犯实施处罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation was concerned to learn that the self-governing system operated by prisoners inside the prisons of Cotonou and Abomey appeared to include punishments [...] by the prisoners in charge imposed on prisoners deemed to [...] have transgressed the unwritten rules of the prison [...]community. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,行政會議有兩項不成文的規 定,第一是集體負責制,第 二是保密制。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, there are two conventions: The first is the collective responsibility system and the second is the confidentiality system. legco.gov.hk |
回歸前,香港是 一個不成文的憲法傳統,因此,我們看到他整個討論其實是圍繞附屬 法例之間的規定而進行爭辯。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, Members may notice that his whole discussion evolves around the provisions in subsidiary legislation, and the argument is developed on this point. legco.gov.hk |
眾 所 周 知 [...] ,現時 在 內 地 營 商 存 在 不 少 不 成文或 成文的關 卡 , 再 加 上 官 僚 主義與 [...]貪 污 盛 行 , 營 商 環 境 未 見 完 善。 legco.gov.hk | As we all know, the business environment in the Mainland is still [...] marked by many barriers, both written and unwritten. legco.gov.hk |
現 時,入 境事務處 對 旅遊的通行證 一般是 發 出 14 天 簽 證 ,而探親的 簽 證 是 3 個 月;而一項不成文的 規 定 是 ,1 年內 在港逗 留 時間不超過半年,我 希望日後內地如 果 發 出多次 通行證 ,香 港入境事務處 亦以 1年內 不超過半年 為原則 , 處 理 這類多 次 進 出 香 港的內地居 民。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that if multiple permits are issued by the mainland authorities in future, the ImmD will observe the principle of confining the length of stay to no more than six months within one year when handling these mainland residents who travel to Hong Kong frequently. legco.gov.hk |
她建议各公司在履行尽责义务时,应当多花与土著人协商,了解他们 及其成文和不成文的习 俗,尊重他们的祖传领地,确保透明度,并以当地语言履 [...] 行自由、事先、知情同意的程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | She recommended that companies, exercising their due diligence, should take more time to consult with and [...] understand indigenous peoples and their [...] customs, written and unwritten; respect their ancestral [...]domains; ensure transparency; [...]and conduct the FPIC processes in local languages. daccess-ods.un.org |
何俊仁議員: 主席,據我所知,在殖民地時代有一 個 不成文 的 規矩, 即所謂“protocol”,是當時港督都很清楚的,就是如果有立法局議員 想與他會面,他是會接見的。 legco.gov.hk | MR ALBERT HO (in Cantonese): President, as far as I know, there was a so-called "protocol" during the colonial era which the Governors back then knew very well. legco.gov.hk |