

单词 不才



spare the rod and spoil the child [idiom.]


not living up one's abilities
cherish one's unrecognized talents (idiom); to have talent but no opportunity

See also:

only then
a moment ago
a capable individual
(followed by a numerical clause) only
sb. of a certain type
(preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until

External sources (not reviewed)

最终,正是我们遍布世界各地的专业技术 才不 懈 努 力,才使我们的业务有可能取得成功。
In the end, it is the
[...] efforts of our talented and skilled [...]
people all over the world that make the success of our business possible.
[...] 告和搜索:社交、视频和实时竞价均需要新的 才 , 不 远 的 将来将 会大量需要这些有能力的人才。
In the future, online advertising will go far beyond display ads
[...] and search: new talent will be needed for [...]
social, video, and real-time bidding
– and these competencies are likely to be in high demand for the immediate future.
这样提供的 人道主义服才不会恶化人们的状况 或不经意间将 他们置于危险中;这样才能更好地服务于目标人群并 获得最大程度的积极影响。
Increasingly, however, the humanitarian community is recognizing the need to know more about what men and boys face in crisis situations.
只 有在男女雙方要同時負擔家庭責任時,婦 才不 會 因 此而單方面受到歧視。
Only when both man and woman share the family responsibility will women be able to avoid becoming the unilateral victim of discrimination.
申辦奧運的每個故事、每個願景、每個動機都不同,但唯有主辦城市自一開始就明定發展方向,也對預期效益懷抱合理期望,才能真正成功, 才不 會 在奧運落幕之後,出現種種意外。
Each story, each vision, and each motivation for wanting to host the Olympic Games is different, but the real victors are the host cities that decide on the legacy they want from the outset, and are reasonable in their expectations of the benefits the event could bring.
环境规划署还进一步提出需要足够的时间才能很好地讨论和分析此种筹资的 备选办法和机制,从才不会影响网络会议的效果。
UNEP further raised the issue of the amount of time needed to soundly discuss and analyse options and mechanisms of such financing, without compromising the networking meetings.
只有在“过剩 产量”确实是在燃料部门消费,而且实行了严格的监督与核查,保证没有私下转作 受控用途的风险的情况下,才不成 为 一个问题。
It is not an issue only if the “over-production” is indeed consumed in the feedstock sector and if strict monitoring and verification ensures that there is no risk of leakage to controlled uses.
為了顯示新班子的專業服務形象,民建 聯促請特區政府加快研究將現時《電訊條例》第 7M 條規管電訊商具誤導性
[...] 或欺騙性的行為擴大至涵蓋收費電視,並引入合約冷靜期、合約確認程序及 標準合約條款等,以防止電訊及廣播服務 不 良 推 銷活動走向泛濫的困局,才能有效保障消費者的權益。
To demonstrate the "professional service" image of the new governing team, the DAB urges the SAR Government to expeditiously study the extension of section 7M of the Telecommunications Ordinance, which regulates misleading or deceptive practices by telecommunications service operators, to cover pay television and introduce a cooling-off period, a procedure for contract verification and standard terms in contract, with a view to preventing the proliferation of unscrupulous sales activities
in the
[...] telecommunications and broadcasting industries, and only in this way can consumer interests be [...]
effectively protected.
必须将集成式调速开关设置到最大位置 (顺 时针),这才不会影响外部速度调节 (电路图 参见 页码 15)。
The on-board potentiometer should be set to maximum (CW) so it will not affect the external speed setting (for the wiring diagrams, see page 15).
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事的个人专 才 干 如 何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验不 足 以 取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
[...] 择性十分重要,这样法院的工作和安全理事会的任才不会被视为受政治偏见污染。
Allow me here to underscore once again the importance of avoiding selectivity
so that the Court’s work and the mandates of the
[...] Security Council are not perceived as tainted [...]
with any political bias.
赞比亚:国家工作队讨论是否等国家规划文件出台 才 编 制新的联发援框架,以确保 联发援框架与第六个国家发展计划(SNDP)保持一致,但考虑到尽管努力使联合国文件符 合国家计划,但两者周期很难保持一致,而且赞比亚的情 不 可 能 在短期内有所变化,因此 决定开始编制工作。
Zambia: After discussing whether to wait for the national planning document to be ready in order to ensure the UNDAF’s alignment to the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP), the UNCT decided to go ahead with the preparation of the new UNDAF, considering that despite efforts to align United Nations documents to national plans, the cycles are hardly the same and that the situation in Zambia is unlikely to change in the short term.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民不瞭解 廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public
Opinion Programme
[...] of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the [...]
public awareness
of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
湯家驊議員建議將下述議題付諸表 決:在議員所投票數多於規定數目的情況下, 只有多出的票才不獲計 算,還是該議員所投 的全部票數均不獲計算。
Mr Ronny TONG suggested putting to vote the question of whether only the vote(s) which a Member had cast in excess of the required number should be disregarded or whether all the votes cast by the Member should be disregarded.
[...] 该登记损害一人在取消登记以前随意处理登记所述资产的能力范围内 才不 利于 在登记中被指明为设保人的人。
This is prejudicial to the person identified in the registration
[...] as the grantor only insofar as it [...]
may impede that person’s ability to deal freely
with the assets described in the registration until the registration is cancelled.
因此,我们认为参加政府间谈判的所有小国应该 都会赞同这项建议,这才不会继 续被边缘化或遭到 忽视,并能有更好的机会以其应有的权利为安全理事 [...]
We therefore feel that that proposal should be endorsed by all small States
participating in the intergovernmental
[...] negotiations so as not to continue being [...]
marginalized or ignored, as well as to secure
better opportunities in their legitimate right to serve on the Security Council, irrespective of their geographic location or their level of development.
我们希望,秘书长今后的报告能够做到客观,这才不会忘 记拯救我们的孩子免受战争祸患这一崇 高宗旨。
We hope that the future reports of the SecretaryGeneral will be objective, so as not to lose sight of the noble objective of saving our children from the scourge of war.
[...] 德国却表示,只有在一些反对的情况下, 才不 排 除 条约在德国和保留国之间生效;它没有 [...]
It is interesting to note, however, that even though Germany considers all the reservations in question to be “incompatible with the letter and spirit of the
Convention”, the German Government stated for only some
[...] objections that they did not preclude the entry [...]
into force of the treaty as
between Germany and the reserving States; it did not take a position on the other cases.
業內的技術才不足, 加上巴西就業市場的競爭激烈,影響Balmoral在當地的選址。
The skills shortage in the industry and the fiercely competitive employment market in Brazil have influenced Balmoral's location there.
我是建議最好是把他們打開然後分散放,因為這 才不 會 礙 位子。
My suggestion is open up the white coffee packet, and then scatter them in your baggage.
[...] 在生成PDF文件的时候, 开始页面必须是1, 这才不至于造成编码混乱。
This is more important in the generation of PDF files, the beginning of the page
[...] must be 1, so as not to cause confusion coding.
面对国内众多的软件高职院校培养模式,我们认为对 于国家示范性软件学院培养的才不 仅 是 技能型的,而且应该掌握扎实的基础理论和具 备创新能力。
Facing plenty of training modes in Chinese
software vocational
[...] colleges, we think that talents trained in software colleges should not only be specialized [...]
in skill, but
also have strong theoretical foundation and the innovation ability.
这些是会变的,以后 Akonadi 会用于 email,像是已读/未读这些信息的存储(除非是 IMAP 那样的后才不需要这样)。
This will change when Akonadi is being used for email, since state information like read/unread is also stored there (unless the backend is also capable of doing this, e.g. IMAP).
在其他领域,也许根本就没有什么 才 , 不 管 是 在联合国内, 还是在联合国外。
In others,
[...] there simply may not be capacity available, [...]
within the United Nations or beyond.
因此,工作小组的某些成员认为,专题辩论--尤其是比目前更深入的辩论--最好还是安 排在执行局届会以外的时间进行,这 才不 会 占 用执行局审议其议程的时间。
Some members of the working group therefore felt that the thematic debates – and notably if they were to be more thorough than at present – were better scheduled beyond the formal sessions of the Board, so as not to take time from the Board’s deliberations on the issues on its agenda.
2.10.1 香港以至其他地方的慣例是,促成政策決定的政府 內部討論必須受到一定程度的保障,這 才不 會 因 過度的公 眾監察而妨礙坦率的討論。
2.10.1 It is a well established convention, both in Hong Kong and elsewhere, that internal government discussion leading to policy decision must be afforded a degree of protection if the frankness and candour of that discussion is not to be inhibited by it being subjected to excessive public scrutiny.
在这方面,如果这种限制在工作类型或性质基础上证明是有道理的、是基于 在实施时可以考虑的所有必要和合法的条件的,相称的限 才不 意 味 着违反平等 待遇的要求。
In this regard, proportionate discrimination does not mean the infringement of the requirement of equal treatment if it is justified on basis of the type or nature of the work and it is based on all essential and lawful conditions that can be taken into account upon the application.




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