

单词 奉行

奉行 ()

pursue (a course, a policy)

See also:

wait upon
offer (tribute)
accept orders (from superior)
present respectfully (to superior, ancestor, deity etc)
believe in (a religion)

External sources (not reviewed)

包装法》奉行了生 产者负责的原则,也就是说,把商品带到爱沙尼亚 市场的公司有义务确保收集和按规定处理包装废物,并负担所有相关费用。
The Packaging Act also follows the
principle of producer’s responsibility, i.e.
[...] companies who bring goods to the market [...]
in Estonia are under the obligation to ensure
the collection and compliant handling of packaging waste and cover all related costs.
东帝奉行若干 种不同的宗教,其中天主教为最大的宗教,人们在容忍的气氛 奉行各 种宗教,宗教之间没有任何暴力。
A number of
[...] different religions are practiced in Timor-Leste, the largest of these being Catholicism, all being practised in an atmosphere of [...]
without inter-religious violence.
它相当于承认,即使在武装冲突时期 也必奉行最低程度的诚信。
It amounts to a recognition that a minimum of good faith must prevail even in times [...]
of armed conflict.
我们始奉行独立 自主的和平外交政策,致 力于同世界各国发展友好合作关系。
We have followed an independent foreign policy of peace and committed ourselves to building friendly and cooperative ties with all countries of the world.
以色列的政策蔑视所有具有国际合法性的相关决 议,特别是尤其是第
[...] 定,以色列侵占叙利亚戈兰的决定无效,没有法律效 力);作为这类同样政策的一部分,以色列正继续拒不 把被占领的叙利亚戈兰归还给它的祖国叙利亚,并正奉行其定居点政策、恐怖主义行动、种族歧视行为, 试图羞辱叙利亚公民,分割被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并 在戈兰 Majdal Shams [...]
As part of the same Israeli policy that flouts all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular resolution 497 (1981), which provides that the Israeli decision to annex the Syrian Golan is null and void and has no legal effect, Israel is continuing to refuse to return the occupied Syrian Golan
to its motherland,
[...] Syria, and is pursuing its settlement policies, terrorist actions, acts of racial discrimination, attempts to humiliate [...]
Syrian citizens, divide
the occupied Syrian Golan and build a separation wall in the Golan east of the village of Majdal Shams.
作 為一奉 行 自 由 市 場原則的國 際 金 融 中 心 , 香港也 將繼續在我國 的 改 革 開放過 程中,發揮 積 極 而 獨 特 的 作 用 。
And as an international financial centre that runs on free market principles, Hong Kong will continue to play an active and special role in the exciting process of our nation's continuing economic reform and liberalization.
它注意到,近年 来,非法移民的大规模流入马耳他,欢迎其在这方 奉行 的 政 策,尤其是保证对 移民的平等、公正和人道主义待遇和保护其人权的政策。
It noted that, in recent years, Malta had experienced a major influx of illegal immigrants and welcomed its policy in that respect, particularly in guaranteeing the equitable, just and humane treatment of migrants and the protection of their human rights.
深为关切以色列通过实行实际上等同于封锁的长期关闭做法和严厉的经济 和出入限制措施、强行关闭过境点、建立检查站及实行许可制度,继续在包括东 耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦被占领 奉行 关 闭 和严格限制人员和货物,包括医 护和人道主义人员和货物出入的政策,深为关切这样做对仍然是一场重大人道主 义危机的巴勒斯坦人民的社会经济状况,对旨在恢复和发展遭到破坏的巴勒斯坦 经济的努力,并对被占领土的毗连产生不利影响
Expressing deep concern about the continuing Israeli policy of closures and severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, via the imposition of prolonged closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount to a blockade, crossing closures, checkpoints and a permit regime throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, as well as on efforts aimed at rehabilitating and developing the damaged Palestinian economy and on the contiguity of the Territory
奉行 的原 則是,任何人士,不論其個案的性質為何,除非在非常特別的情 況下,例如現行《法律援助條例》第 5AA 條所述的情況,否則都應 有均等機會獲得法援,使有充分理據提出訴訟,並能通過經濟和案情 審查的人士,獲得訴訟資助。
The principle must always be to maintain equal access to legal aid regardless of the nature of the cases save in very exceptional circumstances as provided under the current section 5AA of the Legal Aid Ordinance so that only people with meritorious cases who pass the means and merits test will receive funding support.
泰国政府全奉行以人 为本的政策,信奉“自给 自足经济”理念。
His Government was fully committed to people-centred policies underpinned by the “sufficiency economy” philosophy.
知识产权保护机制如何支持《生物多样性公约》和《粮农植物基因资源国际条约》奉 行的享用权和利益共享原则?
How could the intellectual property system contribute to the principles of access and benefit sharing enshrined in the CBD and the ITPGRFA?
教科文组织大会于 1960 年通过的《反对教育歧视公约》(《公约》)和《反对教育歧 视建议书》(《建议书》),表达了教科文组织《组织法 奉行 的 教 育机会的非歧视和平等 的基本原则。
The Convention against Discrimination in Education (“the Convention”) and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education (“the Recommendation”), adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference in 1960, express the fundamental principles of non-discrimination and equality of educational opportunities enshrined in UNESCO’s Constitution.
知识产权体系如何遵守《生物差异公约》 (C B D ) 奉行 的 使 用权与利益共享原则?
How could the IP system contribute to the principles of access and benefit sharing enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
古巴将继续 反对以恢复人权为借口控制别国的行为,将继奉 行其在 人权领域的合作政策,合作应当建立在互相 尊重和国际法的基础之上。
Cuba would continue to oppose any attempt to use human rights for purposes of domination, and it would continue its policy of cooperation in the area of human rights on the basis of mutual respect and international law.
只有很少数的国家坚奉行多 语 种政策以推广母语教育,然而这往往是创造无文盲环境的一个关键所在,对土著和/或少 数民族语言来说尤其如此。
Few countries have consistent multilingual policies promoting mother tongues, yet this is often crucial for creating a literate environment, especially for indigenous and/or minority languages.
所以,77 国集团和中国期待着看到一个建设性和积极的筹备进程,这一进 程将创造必要的条件,使结果文件能够明确提及确立新的发展范式和方针的需 要。这种范式和方针把调动政治意愿和和所需资金以便采用新的、恢复平衡的全 球发展途径的必要性,以及改革全球经济治理的问题置于中心位置;同时向发展 中国家提奉行本国 掌控、符合国情的发展政策以便最大限度地为人人带来繁荣 和福利所需的恰当的政策空间;并且加强发展中国家的生产能力,以便充分、切 实地参与全球经济体系。
The Group of 77 and China therefore looks forward to a constructive and positive preparatory process which builds the comfort level necessary for the outcome document to have an explicit reference to the need for new development paradigm and approach which, among others, places at its heart the need to mobilize political will and attending financial resources for a renewed and rebalanced global approach to development, as well as the issue of the reform of the global economic governance; affording developing countries the adequate policy space necessary to pursue nationally-owned and specifically tailored development policies to maximize prosperity and welfare for all; and strengthening the productive capacities of developing countries to fully and meaningfully engage in the global economic system.
对于没有任何证据证明需要进一步调查的指控,必 奉行 无 罪推定原则,该 原则也适用于安全部队的被指控成员”。
The presumption of innocence, which applies to the accused members of the security forces, must prevail over an accusation for which there is not the slightest evidence to justify any further investigation of the allegations.
联合国土著人民权利宣言》,特别是第 11、12 和 13 条,要求尊重和保护 土著人民的权利;土著人民有奉行 和 振 兴其文化传统与习俗;土著人民有权展 示奉行、发 展和传授其传统与习俗;各国应采取有效措施,确保这些权利得到 保护。
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in particular articles 11, 12 and 13, requires that the rights of indigenous peoples shall be respected and protected, that indigenous peoples shall have the right to practise and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs and to manifest, practise, develop and teach their traditions and customs, and that States shall take effective measures to ensure that these rights are protected.
奉行了劳 动力市场措施理念的原则。
The Act follows the principles of the labour market measures concept.
然而,国际刑院的工作量增加了,但它的实际预 算却有缩减,许多重要成员国执 奉行 不 加 区别的零 增长政策,而不对国际刑院的内部运作或它面临的外 部挑战给予应有考虑。
However, as its workload has increased, its budget has shrunk in real terms, and a number of important member States have insisted on the implementation of indiscriminate zero-growth policies that do not duly take into account the internal workings of the Court or the external challenges that it faces.
各国应继奉行健全 的宏观经济政策,酌情进行结构改革,同时还应加强本国的金融制度和 经济体制。
Countries should continue to pursue sound macroeconomic policies and, as appropriate, structural reform while also strengthening their financial systems and economic institutions.
必须提醒国际社会注意其间显示的挑衅性 和令人担忧的倾向。这种行动再次表明,以色列执 奉行 针 对 巴勒斯坦人民的非 法政策和做法,公然逍遥法外,不容忍任何反对其非法和压迫行动的抗议或示威, 包括非暴力抵抗。
Such actions are yet another manifestation of Israel’s intransigence with regard to pursuit of its illegal policies and practices against the Palestinian people, its arrogant impunity, and its intolerance of any protest or demonstrations, including such non-violent resistance, against its illegal and oppressive actions.
此外,全球经济体系改革还应该提供必要的政策空间,使发展中 国家能奉行自主 、综合的发展政策,这种政策反过来将会促成更有效的全球发 展伙伴关系。
Moreover, the reform of the global economic system should also provide the policy space necessary for developing countries to pursue nationally owned and integrated development policies that will, in turn, lead to a more effective global partnership for development.
这种深度和广 度的扩大会使调整成本上升,并且限 奉行 积 极主动的发展政策的政策和规章灵 活性。
The extended scope and depth increases the costs of adjustment, and limits policy and regulatory flexibility to undertake proactive developmental policies.
委员会深切关切武装冲突对儿童的影响,其中包括儿童处于公开冲突的地 区被击中的危险、冲突地区人道主义服务受阻、儿童被杀伤人员地雷和未爆炸弹 药杀害或致残、他们流离失所生活在贫困的经济和社会情况下、以及在军方多年奉行其“ 四管齐下”政策对整个村庄进行系统摧毁期间学校受到攻击。
The Committee is deeply concerned about the impact of the armed conflict on children, including that children remain at risk of being shot in open conflict areas; access to humanitarian services is obstructed in conflict-affected areas; children are killed and maimed by anti-personnel landmines and unexploded ordinance; they are displaced and live in poor economic and social situation; and schools were attacked during the many years of systematic destruction of entire villages by the military carrying out its “four cuts” policy.
最不发达国家尤其奉行环境 可持续的劳动密集型公平增长战略,向广大民 众特别是大量男女青年提供体面工作以及获取新技能和改善生计的机会。
In particular, LDCs should pursue an environmentally sustainable and equitable growth strategy that is labour intensive, which provides decent work opportunities to a wider range of people, especially the large numbers of young women and men, coupled with opportunities to gain new skills and improve their livelihoods.
无论一国是否积奉行脱钩策略,本国自然资源基础可持续性问题都应在其 宏观经济增长政策中得到明确考虑,并应成为资源开采行业外国直接投资政策的 内在要素。
Whether or not a country actively pursues a decoupling strategy, the sustainability of its natural resource base should nonetheless be explicitly considered in its macroeconomic growth policies and should inform policies regarding foreign direct investment in resource extraction industries.
审议大会还欣见一些核武器国家宣布降低核武器在其安全理论 中的作用以及一些核武器国家发表关于加强消极安全保证措施的声明,并注意 到,中奉行基于 不首先使用核武器的声明政策。
The Conference also welcomes the reductions announced by some nuclear-weapon States in the role of nuclear weapons in their security doctrines, as well as statements by some nuclear-weapon States regarding measures related to strengthening negative security assurances, and notes that China maintains a declaratory policy based on no first use of nuclear weapons.
美盛的投資經理均 以獨立的方式運作,這意味著他們各 奉行 獨 特 的投資理念和程序,保持自我文化,憑 藉其專注焦點和投資專才,馳騁環球市場,包括股票、固定收益和另類投資。
Our investment managers operate independently – this means each manager pursues a distinct philosophy and process and maintains its own culture, providing the focus and expertise required to invest across global markets, spanning equities, fixed income and alternative investments.
协定各方还同意制定 具有基准、时限和遵约机制的路线图,以便执行结束过渡的优先任务,其中包括
[...] 改善摩加迪沙和索马里南部其他地区的安全;最后确定和实施国家安全与稳定计 划奉行民族 和解和外联政策;最后确定和通过宪法草案;实施过渡联邦机构的 [...]
机构改革;在 2012 年 8 月 20 日之前组织总统、议长和副议长的选举。
The parties to the Accord also agreed to establish a road map with benchmarks, timelines and compliance mechanisms, for the implementation of the priority tasks to end the transition, including improving security in Mogadishu and other areas in southern Somalia; finalizing and
adopting the National Security and
[...] Stabilization Plan; pursuing national reconciliation [...]
and outreach; finalizing and adopting
the draft Constitution; implementing institutional reforms in the Transitional Federal Institutions; and organizing elections of the President, Speaker and Deputy Speakers prior to 20 August 2012.




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