单词 | 收窄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 收窄 noun —narrow down nSee also:窄 adj—narrow adj • narrower adj 窄—narrow-minded • badly off
用流体控制阀 (8) 收窄扇形尺 寸以纠正喷型。 graco.com | Correct pattern by narrowing fan size with the [...] fluid control valve (8). graco.com |
他們建議收窄豁免 範圍,在條 文中訂明披露這些資料的人應相信,該披露可以減低或防止資 [...] 料當事人或任何其他人受到的嚴重損害。 legco.gov.hk | They suggest to narrow the scope of exemption [...] by specifying in the provision that the person disclosing such data should [...]believe that the disclosure would be able to mitigate or prevent serious harm to the data subject or any other person. legco.gov.hk |
為使三條隧道能為 公 司 帶 來 最 大的整體利益,採 用 較 為一致的收 費 架構及 收 窄 各條隧道之 間 的 收 費 差 距 , 或 者會有理想 的效果。 forum.gov.hk | In order to maximize the overall profit of the three crossings, it might be desirable to align the toll regimes and reduce the toll differentials. forum.gov.hk |
虽然 2009 [...] 年和 2010 年,特别是在欧盟新成员国赤字有所 收窄 , 但 是在东南欧及资源贫乏的独联 体国家,财政赤字仍有问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the deficits narrowed in 2009 and 2010, [...] especially in the new member States, the deficits remain problematic in [...]much of South-East Europe and the resource-poor CIS. daccess-ods.un.org |
石油及煤市場的波幅收窄及貨運環境持續疲弱,令套利機會少於二零一 一 年 上半 年。 glencore.com | Lower volatility across the oil and coal markets and the continued weak freight environment provided fewer arbitrage opportunities than H1 2011. glencore.com |
所以,這裏看到的數字可以反映到,由於特區政府向 [...] 低收入人士提供福利,以及在稅收方面重新分布財富,所以令我們看到堅尼 系數所顯示的收入差距是收窄了。 legco.gov.hk | So, this figure here reflects that as the SAR Government has provided welfare benefits to low income persons and the revenue from [...] tax has enabled wealth to be redistributed, we can [...] see that the income disparity as [...]reflected by the GC has been reduced. legco.gov.hk |
下跌之部分原因,乃受到存款息差 收窄 , 以 及存放于本地结算银行而收 益较低的人民币资金增加所产生之摊薄效应影响。 hangseng.com.cn | The figure was partly [...] affected by the narrowed deposit spread [...]and the dilutive effect of the increase in lower yielding [...]renminbi funds placed with the local clearing bank. hangseng.com.cn |
收入增長反映利率及信貸業務的收益 [...] 顯著上升,原因是政府和企業債券組合的信貸息 差收窄、流 動資金增加,以及投資者情緒改善。 hsbc.com.tw | Revenue growth reflected significantly higher Rates and Credit income, as credit [...] spreads on both government and corporate [...] bond portfolios tightened, liquidity increased, [...]and investor sentiment improved. hsbc.com.tw |
年內虧損收窄乃由 於年內其他開支大幅縮減約66,643,000港元所致。 equitynet.com.hk | The decrease in loss for the year was due [...] to a substantial decrease of approximately HK$66,643,000 in other expenses for the year. equitynet.com.hk |
至於飲食業,全職餐廳主管及酒樓經理等相關人員及技工師/操作員每月工資 範圍輕微擴闊;全職侍應生及廚師等相關服務人員和洗碗工及廚房雜工等相關非技術工 人每月工資範圍則輕微收窄。 labour.gov.hk | The monthly wages ranges of full-time waiters/waitresses, cooks and other related service workers, and dishwashers, kitchen general workers and other related elementary workers were slightly compressed. labour.gov.hk |
唐英年現時的民望淨值已經收窄至正 2個百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | His net approval rate has narrowed to positive 2 percentage points. hkupop.hku.hk |
9.4 在參與了 2010 年和 2011 年兩屆「美食博覽」並在 2011 年減少引進首次引入香港的預 先包裝食物的數目的受訪參展商當中,數量減少的主要原因包括「新產品未趕及推出/ 新產品減少/未有新產品」(29.3%)、「適應市場需求」(17.3%)、及「商業原因,如業 務縮小收窄、資源有限等」(16.0%)。 cfs.gov.hk | 9.4 For those who had participated in both 2010 and 2011 Food Expos and brought in fewer new-to-market products, the major reasons reported for such a decline were “new products not ready/ fewer new products/ no new products” (29.3%), “satisfying market demands” (17.3%) and “business reasons, such as business scale-down, restricted resources, etc.” (16.0%). cfs.gov.hk |
我的中国同行们经常告诉我,如果美国能放松出口管制,其赤字将大 幅 收窄。 embassyusa.cn | My Chinese counterparts often tell me that the US [...] deficit would be narrowed substantially if [...]only the US would relax export controls. eng.embassyusa.cn |
面對息差持續收窄及激烈競爭之挑戰,本行將會善用雄厚之財務實力、 優 質之對客服務以及擴展理財服務,為股東及客戶增值。 hangseng.com.cn | In the face of the challenges of sustained margin pressure and intense competition we will build on our financial strength, quality customer service and growing wealth management capabilities to deliver value to our shareholders and customers. hangseng.com.cn |
根據參與了 2010 年和 2011 年兩屆「美食博覽」並在 2011 年減少引進首次引入香港的 預先包裝食物的數目的受訪參展商,其數目下降的原因大多與市場推廣策略和企業目標 上的改變(如:推銷策略上的改變或新產品未趕及推出)有關,最常提及的原因包括「新 產品未趕及推出/新產品減少/未有新產品」(29.3%)、「適應市場需求」(17.3%)、「商 業原因,如業務縮小收窄、資 源有限等」(16.0%)、及「市場策略改變」(13.3%)。 cfs.gov.hk | According to those enumerated exhibitors who participated in both Food Expos 2010 and 2011 and reported a drop in the number of new-to-market prepackaged food products sold/ promoted in Food Expo 2011, the major reasons cited for such a decline were “new products not ready/ fewer new products/ no new products” (29.3%), “satisfying market demands” (17.3%), “business reasons, such as business scale-down, restricted resources, etc.” (16.0%) and "change in promotion strategy” (13.3%), which were in general, related to changes in marketing strategies and business objective (e.g. change in promotion strategy or new product not ready). cfs.gov.hk |
首先,巿民對預算案的不滿比率,由預算案發表當日的35%,大幅上升至第二輪調查的53%,再回落至第三輪調查的45%,而滿意比率就回升至即時調查的水平,滿意淨 值 收窄 至 負 16個百分比,但仍然差過即時調查的負8個百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | First, dissatisfaction rate soars from 35% in our instant survey to 53% in our second survey, then drops to 45% in this third survey, while satisfaction rate goes back to the [...] level registered in our instant survey. [...] Net satisfaction narrows to negative 16 percentage [...]points, but is still poorer than [...]the negative 8 percentage points registered in the instant survey. hkupop.hku.hk |
由於原料成本不斷上漲及 價格面對競爭壓力,使利潤收窄。 swirepacific.com | Margins were squeezed by rising raw material costs and competitive pressure on prices. swirepacific.com |
自 香港借調強大管理團隊,密切監督並支援新加坡發展,於二零零八年首兩個月, 已 收窄銷 售跌幅。 giordano.com.hk | The close monitoring and support from a strong management team brought in from Hong Kong has reduced the sales decline in the first two months of 2008. giordano.com.hk |
原料及燃料成本大 幅上升,使利潤收窄。 swirepacific.com | Significant increases in raw material and fuel costs squeezed margins. swirepacific.com |
委员会指出,如果 将名义增长率幅度收窄为世 界平均增长率 2 倍以上或世界平均增长率 0.5 倍以下, [...] 市面汇率估价指数大于世界平均值 1.4 倍或小于世界平均值 0.6 倍,名单上就只 剩下 2 个会员国。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee noted that tightening to a nominal growth [...] rate more than twice the world average growth or less than 0.5 times [...]of the world average growth, and an MVI greater than 1.4 times the world average or less than 0.6 times the world average, would result in a list of only two Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
下 列 各 段 研 究 以 不 可 能 性 作 為 辯 護 理 由 及 有 條 件 的 意 圖 這 概 念 兩 者 的 演 變 , 以 及 司 法 界 為 收 窄 該 等 範 圍 而 作 的 努 力 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The following paragraphs examine the evolution of the defence of impossibility and the concept of conditional intention and the judicial attempts to limit their scope. hkreform.gov.hk |
4.42 我要求流通量提供者收窄其已 符合有關回應報價的最低服務水平的買賣差價,該流通量提供者 是否有責任收窄差價? markets.rbs.com.hk | 4.42 I asked a liquidity provider to reduce its bid-ask spread which has already met minimum service levels for quote requests. markets.rbs.com.hk |
(b) 這 個 方 案 產 生 ‚ 荒 謬 的 情 況 ‛,舉 例 來 [...] [...] 說,諸 多 麻 煩 的 不 可 能 性 辯 護 理 由 在 串 謀 及 未 遂 罪 方 面 已 予 撤 銷,但 在 煽 惑 罪 方 面 則 仍 然 保 留 ; 及 (c) 雖 然 , 1 9 7 7 年 法 令 已 將 串 謀 罪 的 潛 在 範 圍 收 窄 , 但 仍 存 的 普 通 法 罪 項 極 度 空 泛 , 串 謀 敗 壞 公 共 道 德 便 是 一 個 例 子 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (c) though the potential width of crimes of conspiracy is cut back in the 1977 Act, the common law offences that remain, such as conspiracy to corrupt public morals, are dangerously vague. hkreform.gov.hk |
由於存款結餘減少(部分原因是我們出售 日本的業務),加上利率下調導致瑞士的負債息 差收窄,淨利息收益因而下降。 hsbc.com.tw | Net interest income fell due to lower deposit balances, [...] in part due to the sale of our [...] operations in Japan, and narrower liability spreads [...]in Switzerland reflecting lower interest rates. hsbc.com.tw |
跨国公司研究中心注意到一个广泛的双边投资条约网,表示荷兰应该制定 [...] 一种框架,促进荷兰公司在第三国进行负责任的投资。19 该研究中心建议荷兰 在双边投资条约里列入可实施的人权条款;严格评估和调整有助于荷兰海外业务 [...] 的贸易和投资促进政策,包括双边投资条约在内,并将双边条约中目前使用的 “投资者”和“投资”过分宽泛的定 义 收窄。 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting an extensive network of bilateral investment treaties (BIT), the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) stated that the Netherlands should develop a framework that stimulates responsible investments by Dutch companies in third countries.19 SOMO recommended that the Netherlands include enforceable human rights clauses in BITs; critically assess and adapt the trade and investment promotion [...] policies that support Dutch business abroad, [...] including BITs and narrow the overly broad definitions [...]of “investor” and “investment” currently used in BITs.20 daccess-ods.un.org |
財務支出減少加上減省成本措施進一步紓緩現代貨箱碼頭的盈利壓力,其純利相比上年的減幅 收窄至僅 4%。 wheelockcompany.com | Favourable finance costs further mitigated Modern Terminals’ [...] bottom line and narrowed the rate of net [...]profit decrease to 4% only from a year earlier. wheelockcompany.com |
以零售業來說,全職店舖經理/主任等相關人員及技工師/操作員每月工資範 [...] 圍輕微擴闊;全職售貨員等相關服務人員及非技術工人每月工資範圍則輕 微 收窄。 labour.gov.hk | The monthly wages [...] ranges of full-time sales and other [...]related service workers, and elementary workers were slightly compressed. labour.gov.hk |
其中,Jackson承保的定額年金及穩定價值產品使保誠面對息差因利率轉變(客戶的抵補利率並無完全反映利率 變化)而收窄的風險。 prudential.co.uk | In particular, fixed annuities and stable value products written by Jackson expose Prudential to the risk that changes in interest rates, which are not fully reflected in the interest rates credited to customers, will reduce spread. prudential.co.uk |
扣除該項目,相關增長反映獨立賬戶業務手續費收入 持續增長,被定額年金盈利減少(與年內公司息 差 收窄 一 致 )所抵銷。 prudential.co.uk | Excluding this item the underlying increase reflects the continued growth in fee income on the separate account business offset by lower earnings from fixed annuities in line with the compression in corporate spreads experienced in the course of the year. prudential.co.uk |
多倫多--國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund, 簡稱IMF)週三稱﹐加拿大明年的國內生產總值(GDP)增速將稍低於2%﹐2014年增速將加快至2.25%左右﹐這一步伐符合該國產出缺口逐 步 收窄 、 失 業率緩慢下降的情況。 htisec.com | By Don Curren TORONTO--Canada's gross domestic product will grow at a rate slightly below 2% next year and accelerate to about 2.25% in 2014, [...] a pace consistent with [...] a gradual closing of the output gap and a slow decline in the unemployment [...]rate, the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday. htisec.com |