

单词 收票员

See also:

bank note
amateur performance of Chinese opera
person held for ransom

External sources (not reviewed)

17.5 两位票员收集所有选举组投票,并在主席监督下计 票。
17.5 The tellers shall collect from each delegation their ballot papers and [...]
shall proceed to count the votes, under the
supervision of the Chairperson.
这些“流失的”游客不会在与 旅游相关的服务上花费,如食宿和导游 员 , 因此 门 票收 益 将 被当地经济的损失抵消。
These ‘lost’ visitors would not spend on tourism-related
services such as accommodation and tour
[...] guides, so gains in entrance fees would be offset by losses [...]
for the local economy.
员会决定将票收入列 入第 2 段,列为《公约》此前未明确列举的收入例 子之一,并删除同段列举的养恤金。
It was decided to include lottery income in paragraph [...]
2 under the examples of income not expressly dealt with previously
in the Convention and to strike out the pension example in the same paragraph.
在所有票收齐之前, 请各位员不要离席。
Members are requested to remain seated until all ballots have been collected.
( 与公务旅行结合时才可) 而言,旅客支付票价 差额,因私旅行部分所得回扣用于支付代理成本,而非从工作 员收 取 的 机 票差 额中扣除。
Indeed, the Inspectors were advised that, in the case of personal travel (only permitted in conjunction with official travel), where the traveller pays the fare difference, rebates
earned on the personal segment are used to cover agency costs and not
[...] deducted from the airfare amount charged to the staff.
(乙) 按照大会第 377
[...] A(V)号决议而举行的紧急特别会议, 应在秘书长收到安全理事会依据任何九个理事国的赞成票提出召 开此种会议的请求,或收到联合国 员 国 过半数以其在临时员 会的赞成票或以 他种方式表示的请求,或在按照第九条规定得到会 员国过半数赞同开会的通知后二十四小时内召开。
(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security
Council, on the vote
[...] of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim [...]
Committee or otherwise,
or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.
由於這個 原因,我們不認為有需要降低六合彩 票收 益 的 博彩稅稅率。
For this reason, we do not consider it necessary to reduce the level of
[...] betting duty on the proceeds of the Mark Six Lottery.
据报告,在支付投票站工作员的津 贴方面有拖延现象,有些工作员因 此 拒绝交出 票 结 果和 投 票 材 料 直到他收 到整个投票时期的全部津贴。
There were reports of delays in the payment
[...] of polling staff, who in some cases have refused to hand over results and polling materials until they receive their full allowances for the entire polling period.
该工作员收到了 警告函,并被调到一个责任较少和监督更严的不同岗位。
The staff member was censured and [...]
transferred to a different position with less responsibility and closer supervision.
票员的职责应是监督投票程序、计算选票、决定任何 有疑问的选票是否有效,以及证明每次投票的结果。
The duties of
[...] the tellers shall be to supervise the balloting procedure, [...]
count the ballot papers, decide on the validity
of a ballot paper in any case of doubt, and certify the result of each ballot.
技术委员会每次会议的主席应以技术委员会出席并参加表决的 员 的 多数 票选出
The chair at each meeting of the Technical Committee shall be elected by the
[...] majority vote of those members of the Technical Committee present and voting.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长收集 的 国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六 员 会 的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested
the Secretary-General
[...] to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of [...]
a convention on responsibility
of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
总务委员会还提请大会注意,解释投票应以 10 分钟为限;如果某一主要委 员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释 票 一 次 ,或是在员会,或是在全体会议,但代表团在全体会议上的 票 与 其在 委 员 会 的 投 票有 所 不同时,不在此限;如果一天排定两次会议,这两次会议又都审议同一项目, 则各代表团应在该日会议结束时行使答辩权(第 34/401 [...]
号决定,第 6 至 8 段 (A/520/Rev.17,附件五))。
The General Committee also draws to the attention of the General Assembly that explanations of vote should be limited to 10 minutes; that, when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation
should, as far as
[...] possible, explain its vote only once, either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless that delegation’s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee; [...]
and that delegations should exercise
their right of reply at the end of the day whenever two meetings have been scheduled for that day and whenever such meetings are devoted to the consideration of the same item (decision 34/401, paras. 6-8 (A/520/Rev.17, annex V)).
此外,安全理事会第 1919(2010)号决议请联苏特派团做好 准备,在国际社会的努力中发挥主导作用,在接获要求时提供援助,支持 2011 年全民投票的筹备工作,包括与那些能够并愿意提供支助的 员 国 协 商,就全民票的安 全安排提供咨询,并敦促国际社会根据苏丹有关当局的要求,提供技术 和物质援助,包括全民票观察人员 , 以 支持全民 票 和 全 民协商。
In addition, the Security Council, through its resolution 1919 (2010), requested that UNMIS be prepared to play a lead role in international efforts to provide assistance, as requested, to support preparations for the referendums in 2011,
including in consultation
[...] with those Member States able and willing to provide support, an advisory role related to security arrangements for the referendums, and urged the international community to provide technical and material assistance, including referendum observation capacity, as requested by the relevant Sudanese authorities, to support [...]
the referendums and popular consultations.
根据特别报员收到的 报告,尽管政府在这些战斗之后控制了果敢地区, 但缅甸东北部的局势依然紧张。
Despite Government control of the Kokang territory following these battles, the situation in north-eastern Myanmar remains tense according to reports received by the Special Rapporteur.
至 於 亞 洲奧林
[...] 匹克理事會( 下稱“ 亞 奧 理事會”) 與 主辦城 市 之間就票收益 的 拆 帳 安排,以及 有關該類 收 益 以 往 的 拆 帳 [...]
安排的資料 , 申辦亞運專責小組 副 組 長 表示,政府當局已向分 別 為 1998年及2002年亞運會主辦
城 市的曼谷及 釜 山 當局作出查 詢,但 並未獲得明 確答 覆,因為拆 帳 安排在很 大 程 度 上是亞 奧 理事會與有關主 辦 城 市 之間敏 感 的 商 業 協 議 。
As regards
[...] the allocation of revenues from admission tickets between the Olympic [...]
Council of Asia (OCA) and the host city
and information on past allocations of such revenues, DH, AGBT advised that the Administration had made enquiries with the Bangkok and Pusan authorities, being the host city for the 1998 and 2002 Asian Games respectively, but no definitive reply had been obtained as the allocation of revenues was very much a commercially sensitive agreement between OCA and the host city concerned.
审计员收到了来自墨西哥政府的信件副本,表明其在 2007 年没有向 Quimobásicos [...]
The auditors received a copy of the letter [...]
from the Government of Mexico declaring that they had not issued any licence
to import CTC to Quimobásicos in 2007.
员收到一 个特定的任务,完成这些任务, 取得一个特定的结果,雇主有义务按照合同 [...]
Service contract – Based on the contract,
[...] the employee receives defined tasks [...]
and activities which must be realised by the employer.
現金及銀行存款、應收貨款、收票 據 、 其他應收款項、信託存款、應付貨款、應付票據、其他應付 款項、短期銀行借貸以及應收或應付子公司及天津百利集團結餘之公允價值被視為與其賬面值相若,原因 為該等資產及負債之到期日為短期。
The fair values of cash and bank deposits, trade receivables, notes receivable, other receivables, entrusted deposit, trade payables, notes payable, other payable, current bank borrowings and balances with subsidiaries and the Tianjin Benefo Group are considered to be approximate their carrying amount due to the short-term maturities of these assets and liabilities.
(d) 如某公司的某董事连同其任何联系人持有百分之五或以上该公司的任何 类别股本或该公司的员可有的投票 权 而 该公司在某宗交易内有重大利 益,则该董事也应被视为在该宗交易内有重大利益。
(d) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his Associates hold five per cent. or more of any class of the
equity share capital of such
[...] company or of the voting rights available to members of such company is [...]
materially interested in
a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
此外,管理评价股还将迅速评价中止执行工作人员离职行政决定的请求, 直至完成管理评价且该工作员收到 评 价结果通知。
In addition, the Unit will conduct a prompt evaluation of requests for the suspension of the implementation of an administrative decision to separate a staff
member until the management evaluation has been completed and
[...] the staff member has received notification [...]
of its outcome.
联合国的一些活动领域几乎完全通过实践发展起来,最明显是维持和平行动 的建立和进行,以及本组织主要和附属机构的议事程序(如主席团 员 的 选 举、票程序等)。
A number of areas of activities of the United Nations have developed almost entirely through practice, most notably the establishment and conduct of peacekeeping operations and the conduct of
business of principal and subsidiary bodies of the Organization (i.e.,
[...] election of office holders, voting procedures, etc.).
以代表团名义参加投票的代 表,一旦经票员核实 确属该代表团,将被认定代表该代表 团,不言而喻,每个代表团只允许投一票,每一代表团之投票 由一名票员在上 述名单上该会员国国名旁空白处签字或划押 认定。
A delegate who
[...] comes forward to vote on behalf of his or her delegation will be presumed to represent that delegation, once the tellers have checked that he or she belongs to that delegation, it being understood that only one vote per delegation [...]
is allowed.
[...] Bank of New York 之美國存託票收據計 劃,並撤銷在紐約證券交易所的上市地位。
On 28 January 2008, the Company terminated its
[...] American Depositary Receipts program with Bank [...]
of New York and delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.
因此, 倘若赌台管员收到大 量以奖金形式提供的金额,而这些款项并不是赠款而是属 于社会目的的捐款,因此如果只因这是奖金而减免赌台管理员的税务负担,但不 [...]
Therefore, although croupiers receive considerable amounts [...]
in the form of gratuities, these gratuities are not donations
but customary gifts, and it makes no sense to relieve croupiers of taxes on such gratuities if the tax burden on other people at work is not alleviated.
此方法應用於現金及約當現金、 收票 據及 帳款、應付票據及帳款。
The method is applied to cash and cash
[...] equivalents, receivables and payables.
1998 年 6 月的《国际刑事法庭罗马规
约》第 8(2)(b)(九)和第 8(2)(e) (四)条规定其对国际和非国际武装冲突中发 生的、对“专用于宗教、教育、艺术、科学或
[...] 慈善事业的建筑物、历史纪念物、医院和伤病员收容所 ”的蓄意攻击具有管辖权,“除非 这些地方是军事目标”。
The June 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court establishes in Articles 8(2)(b)(ix) and 8(2)(e)(iv) its jurisdiction over intentional attack “against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic
monuments, hospitals and places where the
[...] sick and wounded are collected, provided they are [...]
not military objectives”, occurring
both in international and non-international armed conflicts.
此外,在因重新安置工作人员受挫 (其职位取消或该工作人员拒绝接受重新安置方案)之后发生解雇的情况时,可考虑由具体人事问 题咨询委员会出面干预,例如可在相关工作 员收 到 取 消职位通知之日起的 12 个月内采用这一程 序,以便审查所实行之程序的有效性,重新安置的建议等。
Furthermore, in the case of dismissal as a result of failure to reassign a staff member whose post has been abolished or as a result of the staff member’s refusal to accept the proposed transfer, the procedure might provide for the intervention of the Advisory Board on Individual Personnel Matters (PAB), for example, within 12 months of notification of the staff member concerned of the abolition of the post, in order to examine the validity of the procedure followed, the proposed offers of reassignment and so forth.
[...] 共宣传、联络和关系基金(PILRF)中还有一部分共同行动计划资金,它们是该计划 1950 年成立以来售出但还没有兑现的教科文组织货币单位 票收 入 , 共计 506,000 美元。
In addition, $506,000 is held under the Public
Information Relations and Liaison Fund
[...] (PILRF), stemming from UNUM cheques sold since the inception [...]
of the Co-Action Programme in 1950,
but not claimed for reimbursement.
於初始確認後,貸款及 應收款項(包括應收貨款及其他應收款項、 收票 據 、 應 收 子 公 司款項、應收天津百利集團款 項、信託存款、受限制銀行存款以及現金及現金等價物)按實際利率法計算之攤銷成本減任何 識別之減值虧損列賬。
Subsequent to initial recognition, loans and receivables (including trade and other receivables, notes receivable, amounts due from subsidiaries, amounts due from the Tianjin Benefo Group, entrusted deposit, restricted bank balances and cash and cash equivalents) are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less any identified impairment losses.




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