

单词 垂死挣扎

See also:



垂垂 v

drop v

挣扎 pl

struggles pl

垂垂 adv

gradually adv

External sources (not reviewed)

香港的漁業(包括漁農業),現在可以說已經到 垂死 掙扎 的邊緣,我希望政府能夠痛定思痛。
The fisheries industry (together with the agricultural industry) can be described as on the verge of extinction.
这部小说讲述了一位作者在妻子死 和 家 乡Dark Score, Maine发生的超自然现象挣扎的故事。
The novel tells the story of a writer
[...] struggling with the death of his wife and the supernatural happenings in his hometown of Dark [...]
Score, Maine.
對人民不斷 的民主訴求,專制者只作出歇斯底里的抗拒 垂死 的 掙 扎。
In the face of the incessant aspirations for democracy of the people, the dictator can only make hysterical and desperate struggles.
4)安提阿学派的第四个世纪,直到学校里给阿里乌主义的时候,当伟大的亚历山大,他那修和Didymus,正 死 亡 线 上 挣扎 , 当 它刚刚进入复苏不仅正统,而是进入一个全盛期,其中最近的荣耀亚历山大甚至卡帕多西亚是被超越。
(4) The Antiochene school of the fourth century seemed given over to Arianism, until the time
when the great Alexandrians,
[...] Athanasius and Didymus, were dying, when it was just reviving [...]
not merely into orthodoxy, but
into an efflorescence by which the recent glory of Alexandria and even of Cappadocia was to be surpassed.
除非采取急剧行动,减少所有国 家、特别是主要的工业化国家和迅速增长的经济体的排放,否则马尔代夫在本世 纪末将为国家的生存挣扎。
Unless drastic action is taken to reduce emissions by all countries, but especially by the major industrialised nations and rapidly emerging economies, then by the end of the century, the Maldives will struggle to function as a viable State.
政 府其實應從 善 如 流 , 採取公平、公正的 態 度 ,制定公平競 爭 法,照顧 消 費 者,促 進各行各業 公平競 爭,並應阻 止 特 殊 的 大 家 族、大 財 團 壟 斷 市場, 箝 制 香港的經濟發展 , 以公平競 爭 法 來 挽垂 死 掙扎的 香港經濟。
In fact the Government should readily accept good advice and, with a fair and impartial attitude, enact a fair competition law to look after consumer interest and facilitate fair competition in all trades and professions.
在这个犯罪率、失业率和辍学率居高不下的城市中,为了更美好的未来而苦 挣扎。
He is struggling to provide himself a better future in a city blighted by high crime, unemployment and school dropout rates.
主席女士,由 於 我 已 預 備 了 講 稿 , 所 以 也 要 把它讀 出 , 而且剛才各位同 事 既然已 發 了 言 , 我 現當作一垂 死 掙扎, 希望繼續就公開行政 總 裁 薪酬的 部分發 言 。
Madam Chairman, as I have prepared a speech, I have to read it out; and since Members have already spoken, let me just put up a last-ditch struggle.
灼烧到达地球上的土地,在沙漠中找到了的7-Eleven便利商店,但错误的充气数字一 垂死 的 存 在。
Scorch arrives on Earth and lands in the desert and finds a 7-Eleven convenience store but mistakes an
[...] inflatable figure for a dying being.
在过渡联邦政府控制的地区,援助机构为适应由“看门人”制度主导、新的 援助方、中央机关普遍控制不力的复杂环境 挣扎。
In areas under the control of the Transitional Federal Government, aid agencies struggled to adapt to a complex environment dominated by a system of “gatekeepers”, new donors and a general lack of control on the part of the central authorities.
特别是由于它是波斯的影响力,这个世界之间的反差,在这种邪恶,死亡和罪恶盛行,和未来世界“,这是完全好”(Tamid立法会),是如此强烈地强调,和流行的观点认为从一个过渡到其他可以通过一个巨大的危机带来了约,仅仅是一 垂死 的 世界和生育的一个新的阵痛衰退的迹象将迎来成立。
It was particularly owing to Persian influence that the contrast between this world, in which evil, death, and sin prevail, and the future world, "which is altogether good" (Tamid lc), was so strongly emphasized, and the view prevailed that the transition from the one to the other could be brought
about only through a great crisis, the signs
[...] of decay of a dying world and the [...]
birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence.
尼森先生说:“今时今日,在世界上每天仍然有2.2万儿童,因为缺乏洁净饮用水、没有安全的栖身之地、生病时没有药和其他最基本的东西,而 死 亡 线 上 挣扎。
It is shocking to me that in this day and age, 22,000 children are still dying every day for want of the most basic things, like clean water to drink, a safe place to live or access to medicines when they are sick.
女人的尖声喊 叫垂死者的 痛苦呻吟,使整个可怕情景几乎难 以想象。
The shrieks of the women, and
[...] the groans of the dying, rendered the whole [...]
a scene of horror almost inconceivable.
有关为所有人公平提供优质教育和有效学习机会的全民教育目标(目标 6)显然是偏离
[...] 了轨道,因为许多国家仍然在教育程度低和不平等的质量以及无效学习中苦 挣扎。
The EFA goal pertaining to equitable provision of quality education and effective learning opportunities for all
(Goal 6) is clearly off-track, as many
[...] countries are still struggling with low education [...]
and inequitable quality as well as ineffective learning.
它将改善许多为生存挣扎的人 的经济未 来。
It will improve the economic future of many who struggle to survive.
7 2011 年新政府上台时,缅甸挣扎于深度的经济不 景气中,主要特点有正规经济中的工业化水平和就 业率低下,财政部门功能失调,以及严重的扭曲和 效率低下。
Its external economic and political relations became skewed towards China and other countries in the region.7 At the time the new government took over in 2011, Myanmar was suffering from deep economic malaise, characterised by low levels of industrialisation and employment in the formal economy, a dysfunctional financial sector and gross distortions and inefficiencies.
金融市场仍在恐惧和动荡的状态 挣扎 , 缺 乏只有积极主动的协 调政策才能提供的支撑点。
Financial markets remain paralysed between bouts of fear and volatility, lacking the anchor that only a proactive and coordinated policy action can provide.
我希望政府能正視另一方面,便是一些 垂死 掙 扎 的 小 本經營者, 他們面對財團,實在難以生存。
At a time when the concept of social enterprises has been raised in the Budget this year and as the Commission on Poverty has also done a lot work in this respect, I hope the Government can really face up to the other side of the matter, that is, the plight of the small businesses which are finding it very hard to survive in competition with the consortia.
他演示了如何飞行控制的方式,与的索伦和G yl f i e 挣扎 获 得 控制。
He demonstrates how to fly in a controlled fashion, with
[...] Soren and Gylfie struggling to gain control.
然而,改革进 程面临几项挑战,包括缺乏技术能力和机构能力来 制定政策和实施决策;挽垂死的经 济,满足人民 群众日益增长的切实提高生活水平的要求;以及巩 固民族地区的和平。
However, the reform process faces several challenges, including a lack of technical and institutional capacity to formulate policy and implement decisions; rebuilding a moribund economy and meeting rising expectations for tangible improvements in living standards; and consolidating peace in ethnic areas.
接獲報告後,漁護署人員立即檢查該 雞場,發現附近一個禽舍(9 號禽舍)的兩批雞隻中,有部分 哨兵雞及少量疫苗雞亦已死亡或處 垂死 狀 態 (死亡雞隻的分 布情況見圖 1),而有關雞隻的主要徵狀為精神萎靡、呼吸困 難、雞冠和肉垂紅腫,以及有黃色濃稠的鼻分泌物。
In response to the report, a team of AFCD staff immediately conducted an inspection at the farm and found other sentinel chickens from two batches in a nearby chicken shed (shed no. 9) were also dead or dying along with smaller numbers of vaccinated poultry (see distribution of dead chickens in Figure 1).
基督就各各他的十字架脱落的血,从而挽救从精神死亡的力量在 垂死 的 人的地方为赎罪。
Christ made atonement for sin on Calvary's cross by shedding his blood, thereby redeeming man from the power of
[...] spiritual death by dying in his place.
由于许多发展中国家将在未来几年 挣扎 着 执 行《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》,因此必 须为它们必要的制度改革和能力构筑提供更多的资金。
More finance for the necessary institutional reforms and capacity building in developing countries needs to be provided as many developing countries struggle to implement the TRIPS Agreement over the next few years.
这些工作人员承受的压力不仅来自艰苦的物质条件,而最重要的是 来自下述情形:他们目睹该组织负责帮助的人民 挣扎 和 痛 苦,他们感到始终做 得不够。
The stress imposed on such staff was due not only to difficult material conditions, but above all, to the fact that they had to witness the struggle and suffering of those whom the organization was tasked to help and the feeling that they were never able to do enough.
另一方面,我们又不得 不因一连三个双年度预算缩减而苦 挣扎 。 我 们裁减了一部分工作人员,总部秘书处和总部外单位又急需进行 合理化改组,因此在新的秩序尚未建立之前,不可避免地会出现一些混乱。
Staff were laid off, and the sorely needed rationalization and restructuring of the Secretariat, at Headquarters and in the field, inevitably led to disorganization before the new order could emerge.
我认为在美国的人们会惊呆的,得知有多少百万人正在使用智能手机和技术,以及技术如何使中国跃进并绕开一些其他发达国家达到今天的发展而不得不经历的发 挣扎 和 疼 痛。
I think that people in the United States would be dumbfounded to know how many millions of people are using smart phones and technology, and how technology is enabling China to leapfrog and bypass
some of the development struggles and pains that other
[...] developed countries had to go through [...]
to get to where they are now.
政府當局指出,雖然疫點農場內因感染H5N1病毒死亡的雞隻 包括已注苗雞隻和哨兵雞,但約200隻 死 亡 / 垂死 的 雞 隻中,大部 分為哨兵雞,這情況促使漁護署迅速採取行動,屠宰及銷毀疫點 農場及疫點農場3公里半徑範圍內另一農場的所有活家禽,以防病 毒可能蔓延。
The Administration pointed out that although both vaccinated chickens and sentinel chickens in the index farm died from being infected with H5N1 virus, the fact that the majority of the about 200 chickens found dead/dying were sentinel chickens had enabled AFCD to take prompt action to cull and destroy all live poultry in the index farm and another farm within three-kilometre radius of the index farm to prevent the possible spread of the virus.
香 港 在 2003 年經過 爆 發 SARS 的 一 役 之後, 面 對 經濟困 境,當 時 中 央 政
府 提 出 推 行 CEPA, 確 實 給 香 港 注 射 了一支 強 心針, 但這支
[...] 強 心針只好像 醫 生垂 死 的 病 人 注 射 腎 上 腺 [...]
素 般 , 作 用並不是 把 病 人 救 活 , 只 不過讓其心 臟 多 跳 一 段
時 間 , 讓 心 電 圖好看一 點 , 讓 病 人 可以好好交 代 其身後事 而已。
The proposal of the Central Authorities to launch CEPA at that time was indeed like giving Hong Kong a booster. However, the
booster, like a shot of adrenalin administered by
[...] a doctor to a dying patient, is not [...]
intended to save the latter, but help his
heart beat a little longer, make his electrocardiogram look more presentable, and give him sufficient time to discuss what actions should be taken after his death.
假如能做 好 準 備
[...] 工 夫 和得到 適 當 的 協 助垂 死 的 病 人 與 他們的 家人之 間 [...]
的關係 , 可以藉 更 深 刻 的 瞭 解、分擔和愛 護 , 變得更為緊 密 。
If properly prepared
[...] and helped, both the dying patient and his [...]
or her family members may find a closer bond between them,
sealed by greater understanding, sharing and love.




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