

单词 同一段

See also:

同一 adj

same adj



一段 n

length n
flight n

一同 adv

together adv
along adv

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长同一段中还 说明,法律专家 组组长将在秘书长特别代表办公室内办公,监管专家组的工作。
The Secretary-General also
[...] indicates in the same paragraph that the leader of [...]
the team of experts will be co-located in
the Office of the Special Representative, who will supervise the work of the expert group.
(2) 若一些责任领域列在本《自治法》所附《安排表》 同一段 落 或 同 一排 序下,则这些领域需同时移交给格陵兰自治当局,但请看第(3)小节。
(2) To the extent that several fields of responsibility are
[...] listed under the same paragraph or number in the [...]
Schedule to this Act, the fields of responsibility
concerned shall be transferred to the Greenland Self-Government authorities at the same time, but see subsection (3).
據 資 料 摘同一段 所 述 , 政府當局的目 標是在2006年內提 交修訂條例草案, 以 [...]
求 兩條條例達到一 致 。
According to the same paragraph, it is the Administration’s [...]
target to introduce an amendment Bill within 2006 to achieve consistency.
第二项,同一段(P1-1 )第二句所述,涉及被剥夺财物的情况, 但这种情况须符合特定条件。
The second rule, in the second
[...] sentence of the same paragraph (P1-1), covers [...]
the deprivation of possessions and subjects it to certain conditions.
總統 辯論委員會在分發門票時,會確保參與辯論的候選人的支持者 不會集中坐同一段位置
CPD allocated tickets in such a manner as to ensure that supporters of the two participating candidates would not sit in a block.
同一段中,行预咨委会还希望,任何关于提供选举支 助所需追加经费的请求均会及时提出,以供大会按既定程序进行审议。
In the same paragraph, the Advisory Committee [...]
also stated its expectation that any request for additional resources for
electoral support would be submitted in a timely manner for consideration by the Assembly in accordance with the established procedures.
第三节 A 第 61 段也有改动,涉及对被占领
[...] 土实行有效控制的当局在阻止为受影响民众提供人 道主义援助方面的作用同一段落关于格鲁吉亚被占 领土法修正的脚注也有改动。
A, paragraph 61, concerning the role of the authorities in effective control of the occupied territories in blocking humanitarian access to the affected
population, and in the
[...] footnote to the same paragraph regarding the amendments [...]
to the Georgian law on the occupied territories.
塞尔维亚同意报告同一段落中的结论, 即“任何其他方式都有可能导致更严重的不稳定,加 深族群间的分裂”。
Serbia concurs with the report’s conclusion in the same paragraph that “any other approach [...]
risks increasing instability
and furthering the divide between communities”.
决议草案应做以下编辑性修改:“高速公路” 应该写成两个词语;序言部分第五段的“秘书处” 一词应改为“联合国”;同一段落 , “巴库”后 应加一逗号,之后加“阿塞拜疆”一词,同阿塞拜 疆代表团以前提交的版本一样。
The following editorial changes would be made to the draft resolution: “Super Highway” would be
written as two words; in
[...] preambular paragraph 5, the word “Secretariat” would be changed to read “United Nations”; and in the same paragraph, “Baku” would [...]
be followed by a comma
and the word “Azerbaijan,” as in the version previously submitted by his delegation.
同 一段亦清 楚表明,議員即使已登記個人利益,亦不代表他們無需再作 申報,他們有一項額外的附加責任,須在每一次會議上作出申報。
It is also stated
[...] clearly in the same paragraph that the fact that [...]
a Member has registered his interest does not obviate
his obligation to declare again.
同 一段中, 秘书长还表示,驻地和人道主义协调员及在达尔富尔的副协调员将继续 作为达尔富尔混合行动与联合国国家工作队之间的主要联系,并率领广大人道主 [...]
义界和支助达尔富尔救济、恢复与发展工作的联合国会员国,共同处理救济、恢 复与发展问题。
In the same paragraph, the Secretary-General [...]
also indicates that the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and his Deputy
in Darfur will continue to serve as the principal interface between UNAMID and the United Nations country team, and will lead on issues of relief, recovery and development with the wider humanitarian community and United Nations Member States supporting relief, recovery and development work in Darfur.
局長在主體答覆的第三段中表示,現時美國加州的柴油私家車廢氣排放 標準與歐盟 IV 期相若,但她同一段中又 表示“現時仍然沒有柴油私家車 能符合美國加州的柴油私家車標準”,這便是第三段中互相矛盾的地方。
In the third paragraph of her main reply, the Secretary said that the Californian emission standards for diesel private cars are similar to [...]
the Euro IV emission standards.
正如我剛才所說 , 尤 其在舊 區 , 很 可 能 因為整段水 管 已 經 老化, 所 以 在 某段水 管爆裂 後
[...] ,附近另一 段 水 管 也 隨後爆裂 , 而並非同一段 水 管 再 次爆裂 。
As I said earlier, for many water pipes, particularly those in the old areas, a rather large section of their entire length has become aged. For
this reason, after a certain section has
[...] burst, while the same section will not [...]
burst again, another section nearby would burst soon afterwards.
同一段期間,有關行為失當及公司董事沒 有履行其職責的刑事及民事檢控個案數目亦顯著 [...]
During the same period, the number [...]
of criminal and civil prosecution cases relating to misconduct and company directors
failing to perform their duties had also increased significantly.
根据第 1929(2010)决议第 29 段,安理会设立了
[...] 一个专家组,初步任期一年,在委员会领导下执行决同一段中具体规定的某些任务。
By paragraph 29 of resolution 1929 (2010), the Council established, for an initial period of one year and
under the direction of the Committee, a Panel of Experts to carry out certain tasks,
[...] as specified in that same paragraph.
安理会同一段中确 认,监 察员必须遵守提供资料的会员国对该资料规定的任何保密限制,这应有益于推动 [...]
In that same paragraph, the Council confirmed [...]
that the Ombudsperson must comply with any confidentiality restrictions placed
on such information by the Member States providing it, which should be useful in advancing the negotiation of agreements and arrangements for the disclosure of classified or confidential information.
同一段時間內,專員亦就懷疑違反第 4 原則的個案,主動進行 了 69 次循規查察。
The Commissioner also conducted 69 self-initiated compliance checks on suspected breach of DPP4 during the same period.
(b) 加拿大 、澳洲及 新加坡分別向清貧長者發放 的 高 齡 保障養 老金、 高 齡養老金及公共援助 是否 涵蓋長者的醫療需要 ;若否,當地 長者的醫療 需 要 如 何 解決; (c) 由 1993年至2003年期間 ,在新加坡領取公共援 助的長者數 目 為 何,以 及該等 人 數佔當 地 長者 人 口 總 數 的 百分比為何 ;同一段期 間 , 新加 坡 長者在退休後倚靠中 央公積金 維 生及倚靠子 女 供養的人數分別 為 何,以 及該兩類長者佔 當 地 長者人口 總 數 的 百分比分別 為 何 ; 及
(c) what were the number and percentage of elderly persons receiving PA in Singapore against the total elderly population from 1993 to 2003; and what were the numbers and percentage of elderly persons in Singapore, against the total elderly population, relying on Central Provident Fund and on their children respectively in their retirement years during the same period; and
2 由於同一段的頻譜內,數碼聲 頻廣播可提供的服務/節目較模擬傳送可提供的為多,因此數碼聲頻 [...]
Indeed, a multiplex is able to carry several stereo and/or mono
[...] radio channels, as well as data and multimedia [...]
services.2 In this connection, DAB
improves spectrum efficiency by allowing more services/programmes to be broadcast over a given amount of spectrum than analogue transmission.
此外,委员会收到了某 会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 15
[...] 段发出的通知, 以及有关另一个会员国先前根 同一段 落 发 出的一 般性通知的额外具体信息,内容与接收和解冻资金, [...]
以支付在两个实体被列入名单之前签订合同的应偿 付款项有关。
In addition, the Committee received one notification from a Member State pursuant to paragraph 15
of resolution 1737 (2006), as well as additional specific information on a prior general notification that had been submitted previously by another Member State
[...] pursuant to the same paragraph in connection with [...]
the receipt and unfreezing
of funds, respectively, in order to make payments due under contracts entered into prior to the listing of two entities.
[...] 在通过对它结论性意见后四年内提交下一份定期报告,并 同一段 中 注 明应提交 下一份定期报告的时间。
At its forty-first session, the Committee decided to invite States parties, in the last paragraph of the concluding observations, to submit their next periodic reports within a four-year period
from the adoption of the concluding observations, and to indicate the due date of
[...] the next report in the same paragraph.
我和張國柱議員的修正案均無獨有偶地刪去 同一段 , 便 是“大大 減輕政府在社會服務、醫院及教育等方面的開支”。
Coincidentally, my amendment and Mr
CHEUNG Kwok-che's amendment too propose the
[...] deletion of the same clause, "substantially [...]
reducing the Government's expenditure
in areas such as social services, medical care and education".
同一段中的 “在现有资源范围内”一词,他 提请委员会注意大会 1990 年 12 月 21 日第 45/248 B 号决议第四部分的规定及各项后续决议,其中最新决 议是 [...]
2009 年 12 月 24 日第 64/243 号决议。
As for the words “within existing resources” in the same paragraph, he drew attention [...]
to the provisions of section IV of
General Assembly resolution 45/248 B of 21 December 1990 and subsequent resolutions, the most recent of which was resolution 64/243 of 24 December 2009.
同一段第六行,“以及世界各地…… 人权受到侵犯”应删除。
In the sixth line of the same paragraph, “as well as violations [...]
of their human rights in all parts of the world” should be deleted.
代理主席,在關於固體廢物處理 同一段 中 ,特首說“我們會加 快擬備法例,擴大推行塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃至全港所有零售店, [...]
Deputy President, in the same paragraph on solid waste management, [...]
the Chief Executive said, "We will expedite legislation
for the early extension of the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags to all retail shops, and for the introduction of a new Producer Responsibility Scheme for waste electrical and electronic equipment.
委员会同一段中提请缔约国注意《公民及政治权利国 际公约》第 20 条,其中明确提及宗教仇恨。
In the same paragraph, the Committee drew [...]
the attention of States parties to article 20 of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, which explicitly refers to religious hatred.
世界各国领导人还同一段中宣称:“如果和平手段不足以解决问题,而且 有关国家当局显然无法保护其人民免遭种族灭绝、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类 [...]
罪之害,我们随时准备根据《宪章》,包括第七章,通过安全理事会逐案处理, 并酌情与相关区域组织合作,及时、果断地采取集体行动。
In the same paragraph, the world leaders [...]
declared that: “we are prepared to take collective action, in a timely and decisive
manner, through the Security Council, in accordance with the Charter, including Chapter VII, on a case-by-case basis and in cooperation with relevant regional organizations as appropriate, should peaceful means be inadequate and national authorities are manifestly failing to protect their populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity”.
我剛才引述過今天《明報》的一則報道,表示政府考慮讓食肆設立吸煙 房,而同一段報道 內,有飲食界的朋友表示,政府如果推行無煙食肆,卻 又要再研究設立吸煙房,最少也要兩年才成事,那麼,為何又要走回頭路呢?
In the same report, some friends in the catering industry said that if the Government, while promoting smoke-free restaurants, considered the setting up of smoking rooms, it would take at least two years to accomplish it and queried why the Government had to back-pedal.
IAOC主席提及《内部审计章程》第4段,指出尽管IAOC建议删除“(……)但他/她应可自由地采取属 于其任务规定范围之内的任何行动”一句,但 同一段 中 还 提议新增一句:“他/她有权启动、采取 和通报他/她认为系履行其任务规定所必需的任何行动。
The Chair of the IAOC, referring to paragraph 4 of the Internal Audit Charter, stated that while the IAOC had proposed deletion of the phrase “(…) but he/she should be free to carry out any
action within the purview of his mandate”
[...] it had, in the same paragraph, proposed a new sentence: [...]
“He/she has the authority to
initiate, carry out and report on any action, which he/she considers necessary to fulfill his/her mandate.
在第 8 段第 3
[...] 行“义务”之后加上“鼓励国际劳工组 织成员国也执行”,同一段第 3 行删除“满足”;在 第 10 段最后一行,“包括……工人”之后的逗号应予 [...]
In the second line of paragraph 8, the words “and the International Labour Organization Member States to implement” should be added
after “consider implementing”; in
[...] the third line of the same paragraph, the words “to [...]
meet” should be deleted; and in the
last line of paragraph 10, the comma after the words “including workers” should be deleted.




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