

单词 同业

同业 ()

same trade or business
person in the same trade or business



trade association


call loan
short term loan within banking

External sources (not reviewed)

根据访问 Port 的同业务逻 辑,客户机处理程序可能需要支持多线程执行。
Client handlers may need to support multi-threaded execution depending on the business logic which is accessing the Port.
为支助维和行动各实务部门的需求,信息和通信技术司 正在扩大目前协作应用程序的功能性和适用性,例如 同业 界 ” ,该程序使得同 一主题的专家能够分享信息和建立共同的知识存储库,以进行协作性内容创建、 政策和程序的制订,以及维和网络内容的自动化和核准。
In support of the requirements of the various substantive elements of peacekeeping operations, the Information and Communications Technology Division is extending the functionality and applicability of current collaboration applications, such as communities of practice, which allow subject matter experts to share information and build common repositories of knowledge and to undertake collaborative content creation, the formulation of policy and procedure as well as the automation and approval of peacekeeping web content.
我们的设计人员会采用多种语言创建不同尺寸和颜色的图像,用于 同业 务 字 段。
Our designers created images in several
[...] languages, of different sizes and colors, related to different fields of business.
开发教科文组织开放式教育资源平台是该领域的关键成 就,将提供选定的教科文组织出版物作为开放式教育资源,使包括教师、学习者 和教育专业人员在内同业者可以自由复制、改编和分享他们的资源。
A key achievement in this area is the development of the UNESCO OER Platform, which will offer selected UNESCO publications as OER and allow communities of practice including teachers, learners, and education professionals to freely copy, adapt, and share their resources.
我们根据同业务在 集团总体业务布局中的战略和财务地位来决定资源的配置。
The strategic and financial position of a business in our Group's portfolio determines the allocation of resources.
维和部和外勤部维护和支持现有软件和系统需要软件许可证费和收费 304 700 美元,包括网站监测费用(30 000 美元)、业务智能软件升级(40 000 美 元)、维和行动联络管理软件(社会电子计算) (80 000 美元)、安全数据传输升级 (30 000 美元)、维和行动任务监测工具(20 000 美元)、跟踪外地行动的活动 (40 000 美元)、同业群体 (30 000 美元)以及联合国驻非洲联盟办事处的用户许 可证(34 700 美元)。
The amount for software licences and fees ($304,700), which are required by DPKO and DFS to maintain and support existing software and systems, comprises fees for website monitoring ($30,000), business intelligence software upgrades ($40,000), the peacekeeping operations contact management software (social computing) ($80,000), secure data transfer upgrades ($30,000), the peacekeeping operations task monitoring tool ($20,000), the tracking of activities of field mission operations ($40,000), communities of practice ($30,000) and licences for users in the United Nations Office to the African Union ($34,700).
同业交流 会补充求助服务台的功能,后者的目的是处理国家和区域办事处以及总部各司 提出的评价问题。
The community of practice complements the help desk function, which is designed to address evaluation queries from country and regional offices and headquarter divisions.
推广服务并非总是广泛提供的,不 同业 公 会 、政府机构甚至私营公司,常常在 为种植者提供技术援助和最新信息方面发挥作用。
Extension services are not always widely available, however trade associations, government institutions and even private companies often play a role in providing technical assistance and updated information to growers.
教科文组织参与了联合国大会关于 2007 年“三年期全面政策审查(TCPR)”的第 62/208 号决议的后续工作,该审查是联合国系统发展方面的 同业 务 活 动的参考和共同框 架,旨在使国家优先事项更为一致,并增加联合国发展方面的业务活动在全系统的一致性。
UNESCO is engaged in the follow-up to the United Nations General Assembly resolution 62/208 on the 2007 triennial comprehensive policy review (TCPR), which constitutes a reference and common framework for joint operational activities for development of the United Nations system, aiming at greater alignment with national priorities and increased system-wide coherence of United Nations operational activities for development.
一名发言人强 调,虽然在机构间层面上拥有企业资源规划平台等兼容工具十分重要,但各机构 也有必要确保利用同业务做 法为共同的工作提供便利。
One speaker emphasized that while it was important to have compatible tools such as enterprise resource planning platforms at the inter-agency level, agencies needed to ensure that common work was facilitated through common business practices.
若有关转账、付款或汇款的指示涉及使用“结算所自动转账系统”的本 同业 拨 账汇款服务,而转账日 设於星期六者,交易指示将於下一个结算日完成。
If the funds transfer, payment or remittance involves inter-bank settlement through the Clearing House Automated Transfer System (CHATS) and has a transfer date that falls on Saturday; it will be processed on the next clearing day.
成人教育主要通过下列形 式实现:全日制学习、夜校学习、半工半读、远程学习等;或与不同公办或私立 教育机构签订合同独立教学;开放式大学 同业 会 所 、艺术学校、俱乐部、结伴 学习、预科课程、在职进修课程等。
Education for the adults is implemented through: full-time day studies, evening studies, part-time studies, distance learning, etc; independently, or on the basis of a contract signed with various state, or private institutions; open universities, guild halls, art schools, clubs, associations, foundations, in-service refresher courses.
就人才管理 制度而言,正在协同实地和人力资源管理厅内重要的 利益攸关方,实施一项新的信息技术工具,以支持各 项改革倡议,以便把工作人员队伍规 同业 绩 管 理联 系起来并精简业务流程。
With regard to the talent management system, a new information technology tool was being implemented in support of the reform initiatives, in collaboration with the main stakeholders in the field and within the Office of Human Resources Management, in order to link workforce planning with performance management and to streamline business processes.
我们的BPO呼叫中心解决方案是多租户环境的理想选择,涵盖从具有复杂业务逻辑的大型租户到具有 同业 务 需求的众多中小型租户的广泛范围。
Independently developed in-house, our BPO Call Center solution is ideal for multi-tenant environments ranging
from a large tenant with complex business logic to many small and mid-size
[...] tenants with distinct business requirements.
经过调整,毒品和犯罪问题办公室将能把规范和法律工 同业 务 工作更好 地结合起来,加强各国的机构能力,以便有效地实施各项关于毒品和犯罪问题 的公约、国际反恐文书以及预防犯罪和刑事司法方面的现有标准和规范。
As a result of the realignment, UNODC will be better equipped to link up normative and legal work with operational activities to strengthen the institutional capacity of States to effectively implement the drug and crime conventions, the international instruments on terrorism and existing standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice.
倘 因 下 列 情 形 而 引 致 之 任 何 损 失 , 包 括 : 遗 漏 或 延 误 寄 发 是 次 汇 款 之 讯 息 丶 付 款 或 通 知 付 款 ; 讯 息 丶 讯 号 丶 书 函 丶 电 报 或 其 他 文 件 在 寄
发 或 传 送 途 中 所 发 生 之 错 误 丶 残 缺 丶 遗 漏 丶
[...] 中 断 或 延 误 ; 其同 业 机 构 丶 分 销 代 理 人 [...]
丶 其 他 代 理 人 或 其 他 人 士 , 包 括 〔 Clearing House Automated
Transfer System 〕 之 疏 忽 行 为 ; 战 争 丶 检 查 丶 封 锁 丶 叛 变 或 骚 乱 ; 本 地 或 外 地 政 府 或 其 行 政 机 构 所 施 行 之 一 切 法 律 丶 规 令 丶 条 例 丶 管 制 或 任 何 电 脑 丶 机 械 或 电 子 仪 器 之 损 毁 或 故 障 及 其 他 难 以 控 制 之 事 故 , 本 行 概 不 负 责 。
The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to omission or delay in sending any message relating to any transfer or in payment or in giving advice of payment; loss of items or any message or signals in transit or transmission or otherwise, mutilation, error, omission, interruption or delay in transmission or
delivery of any item, message, signals,
[...] letter, telegram or cable, or the actions [...]
of omission of our correspondents, sub-agent,
other agency or any other party involved in The Clearing House Automated Transfer System (if applicable), or declared or undeclared war; censor-ship; blockade; insurrection; civil commotion; or any law, decree, regulation, control, restriction or other act of a domestic or of foreign government or other group or groups exercising governmental powers, whether de jure or de facto, or breakdown or mal-function in or of any computer, mechanical or electronic instruments, apparatus or device, or any act or event beyond our control.
现已成立一个全球评同业交流 会,世界各地的近 400 名儿基会专业人员参加了 交流会,他们通过交流各种良好做法和经验以及讨论监测和评价方面的新专题和 新趋势,增进了自身的职业发展。
A Global Evaluation Community of Practice has been established with the participation of nearly 400 UNICEF professionals worldwide, who enhance their professional growth through the sharing of good practices and lessons learned, and discussion of emerging topics and trends in monitoring and evaluation.
[...] 了总部、区域和国家层面的各种 同业 务 单 位、职能和活动,包括来自全球抗击 [...]
To achieve the goal of providing assurance on governance, risk management and
control systems, OAI audits cover an
[...] appropriate mix of business units, functions [...]
and activities at Headquarters, regional
and country levels, including grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) and directly implemented (DIM) projects.
虽然对方案的解读 各不相同,事实上开发署区域“方案”包括:(a) 向国家办事处提供咨询和培训 服务;(b) 设计和实施“区域”项目;(c) 知识服务和利用知识网络(同业界)促 进知识交流;(d) 开发署在该区域的定位/营销/建立关系网络。
Although there are different interpretations of the programme, the de facto UNDP regional “programme” includes: (a) advisory and training services provided to the country offices; (b) design and implementation of "regional" projects; (c) knowledge services and facilitation of the exchange of knowledge through knowledge networks (communities of practice); and (d) UNDP positioning/marketing/networking in the region.
如今,除了上述两大支柱产业 之外,该区域最重要的产业有:能 源、食品加工和饮料业,同时还 有医疗设备和制药产业等。
Now, alongside these two mainstays, the most important industries in the region are energy, food processing and beverages, as well as the production of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.
以 前的三个主要经济权力中心是军事政权的 业同伴 (裙带商人),军队本身,以及执政党 USDP。
In the past, the three main economic power centres were the business associates of the military regime (the cronies), the military itself and the ruling party, the USDP.
90% 的新加坡人拥有自己的住房,不仅使他们安居 业 ,同 时住 房作为一种资产,其价值也与新加坡的经济一同增长。
More than 90% of Singaporeans own their homes, giving them a secure roof over their heads, as well as an asset whose value grows with Singapore’s economy.
伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的主要目标是在十年期结束时让更多最不发达国家业,同时向 新毕业的国家提供支持,避免它们跌回最不发达国家行列。
The main objective of the Istanbul Programme of Action is to bring a much more significant number of least developed countries to graduation by the end of the decade, while also providing for support to newly graduated countries so that they do not fall back into the category.
如今,技术创新已成为行业发展和进步的重要工具,整个行业正努力向价值链上游发展,在这样的大背景下,Emerson Cup 已成为与业同仁分 享业内最佳实践和最新动态的重要平台。
As the industry strives to move up the value chain using technological innovation as a key tool for advancement,
the Emerson Cup also has become a crucial platform to share best practices and latest
[...] information among industry peers.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭; 同 提 案 国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的业能力
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
他们支持促进农业部门的充分和体面的 业 , 同 时 辅之以价值链内平衡的定 价机制,以确保非洲农民获得公平的市场份额,包括确保他们的产品获得合理的 [...]
定价,并呼吁非洲国家及其发展伙伴向非洲开发银行交存必要的承诺书,以便非 洲肥料机制迅速投入运行。
They supported the
[...] promotion of full and decent employment in the agricultural [...]
sector coupled with balanced pricing mechanisms
within value chains to ensure that African farmers would get a fair share of the market, including fair prices for their products, and called upon African countries and their development partners to deposit the necessary instruments of commitment with the African Development Bank for a speedy operationalization of the Africa Fertilizer Mechanism.
在这种情况下,由寻求庇护者提交一份个人就业证明文件,然后在寻求庇 护者临时身份证件中注明该个人有权获得 业 , 同 时 注 明雇主。
In this case the persons present a document which certifies that the person is employed; subsequently in the temporary identity document of the asylum seeker it is mentioned that the person holds the right to employment and the employer is also mentioned.
宪法》第45(1) 条规定:“国家应保障有特殊需要者享有本《宪法》规定
[...] 的所有权利和自由,尤其是在人的尊严方面,并获得适当教育和 业 , 同 时 保障 他们充分参与社会。
Article 45 (1) of the Constitution provides that: “The State shall guarantee to persons with special needs the enjoyment of all the rights and freedoms provided for in this Constitution, in particular respect
for their human dignity, access to suitable education
[...] and employment, and the guarantee of [...]
full participation in society.
2002 年,化学业同其他 利益攸关方和各国政府一道,在南非约翰内斯堡召 开的可持续发展问题世界首脑会议上确立了一个目标,到 2020 年底以前,将化 学品的使用和生产方式对人类健康和环境产生的重大不良影响减至最低限度。
In 2002, the chemical industry joined with other stakeholders and Governments at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, in establishing a goal that, by the year 2020, chemicals will be used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.
在农业 部门,援助应针对基础设施( 运输、能源、水利、灌溉) 、金融机构( 农业银行和开 发银行等
[...] ) 、技术( 研究和推广) ,还应加强业同其他 经济部门之间的联系。
In the specific case of agriculture, aid should target infrastructure (transport, energy, water, irrigation), financial institutions (e.g. rural banks, development
banks), technology (research, extension), and should also strengthen linkages
[...] between agriculture and the rest of the [...]




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