

单词 土木





earth and wood framework (idiom); plain and undecorated body


civil engineering


carry out large scale construction

See also:





Tu (ethnic group)
surname Tu
crude opium



External sources (not reviewed)

中央处理中心 (「CPF」) 土木约 40%结束及施工现 场的综合工程约 [...]
Civil construction of the CPF is approximately [...]
40% finished, with facilities general engineering approximately 75% complete.
评价并与海地政府讨论地震后的恢复进程,包括整体人道主义状况、瓦砾清 除情况、住房重建和关键基础设施的重建情况;评价这些努力对安全、稳定和发
[...] 展的影响;并评估海地政府和私营部门在开 土木 和重建工作方面的能力, 包括就如何提高能力以使海地人在重建方面发挥更大的作用问题与海地政府进 [...]
Evaluate and discuss with the Government of Haiti progress in earthquake recovery, including the overall humanitarian situation, rubble removal, housing reconstruction and the rebuilding of critical infrastructure, and evaluate the
impact of these efforts on security, stability
[...] and development; and assess the capacity [...]
of the Government of Haiti and the private
sector to carry out civil engineering and reconstruction tasks, including consulting the Government of Haiti on how capacity can be increased so that Haitians can take on a wider role in reconstruction.
然而,为了继续 保持与特派团的伙伴关系,政府请联刚特派团完成他们认为是优先事项的下列具 体任务:㈠ 培训 20 个警察营和提供部署所需要的装备;㈡ 装备 3 个将接受刚 果培训员培训的宪兵营;㈢ 支持战时军事法庭,向它们提供运输和通信装备并 加强它们的管理能力;㈣ 加强公共行政能力,包括向它们提供运输方式;㈤ 继 续使用联刚特派团土木单位,在难以到达的东部地区,特别是在东方省铺 设道路,以支持国家权力的恢复。
However, in order to continue its partnership with the Mission, the Government requested that MONUC undertake the following specific tasks, which it characterized as priorities: (a) training 20 police battalions and providing the necessary equipment for their deployment; (b) equipping three military police battalions who will be trained by Congolese trainers; (c) supporting the operational military tribunals by providing them with transport and communications equipment, and reinforcing the capacity of their administration; (d) reinforcing the capacity of public administration, including by providing modes of transportation; and (e) continuing the use of the MONUC civil engineering units to support the restoration of State authority through the opening of roads in areas in the east that are difficult to reach, particularly in Orientale Province.
由於隧道工程、高架道路地基和临时填海工程的数量会视乎工地 的实际情况而变动,我们会以重新计算工程数量的标准合约,为拟议 工程招标,并为合约订定可调整价格的条文。不过,在中环填海计划 第 III 期工地范围内的隧道路段建造工程不包括在内,因为我们拟委土木拓展署把有关工程与现正进行的中环填海计划第 III 期工程5 一并推展,以更好地衔接两项工程。
We will tender the proposed works under standard remeasurement contracts with price adjustments because the quantities of the tunnel works, viaduct foundation and temporary reclamation are subject to variation due to actual ground conditions except for the construction of the tunnel section within the Central Reclamation Phase III (CRIII) area which is proposed to be entrusted to CEDD for implementation in conjunction with the on-going CRIII project5 for better interfacing.
以下专题小组成员发 了言:乌拉圭国家教育主任 Luis Garibaldi 介绍了信息和通信技术在教育领域 的应用、Ceibal 计划及相关公共政策和评价;美洲开发银行教育部高级专家 Eugenio Severín 讨论了教学过程是信通技术的移动目标;智利大学计算机科土木师、智利教育部技术和教育中心链接方案前主任 Didier De Saint Pierre 介绍了在实现 21 世纪优质教育方面的进展情况;拉加经委会社会发展司 社会事务干事 Daniela Trucco 以“利用信通技术促进拉丁美洲的教育:风险和 机遇”为题作了发言。
The panellists were: Luis Garibaldi, National Director of Education of Uruguay, who gave a presentation on the use of information and communications technology in education, the Ceibal plan and related public policies and evaluation; Eugenio Severín, Senior Specialist, Education Division of the Inter-American Development Bank, who discussed the teaching and learning process as a moving target towards ICTs; Didier De Saint Pierre, Civil Engineer in Computer Science at the University of Chile and former Director of the Links Programme at the Technology and Education Centre of the Ministry of Education of Chile, gave a presentation on progress towards a quality education for the 21st century; and Daniela Trucco, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, ECLAC, who gave a presentation on “ICTs for education in Latin America: risks and opportunities”.
机电设备成本是指那些只与所增设机组有关的机电构件成本,包括实地安装 构件的成本,但地盘平整土木造工程、超过一个机组共用的厂房装备 和服务、工程管理和融资成本,均不包括在内。
It excludes the costs of site formation, civil engineering and construction works, plant and services that are common to more than one unit, project management costs and financing costs.
(c)土木拓展署已采取措施,推广电子化公共參与和开放各大型发展计划 [...]
的资讯,例如启德发展计划、新界新发展区,作为推展工程的一部分,以 及开放斜坡资讯系统的资讯。
(c) CEDDhasbeen taking [...]
measures to promote e-engagement and opening up of information on various major development projects
such as Kai Tak Development, new development areas in the New Territories as part of the project implementation and also on the Slope Information System.
(u) 经营建造商及建筑承办商、海事土木、打桩及地基承办商及各种 各类建筑材料贸易商及供应商的业务。
(u) To carry on the business of builders and building contractors, marine, civil engineering, piling and foundation contractors and dealers in and suppliers of building materials of all descriptions and kinds.
土木拓展署正在不同地区进行土地平整工程,例如大埔的工程项目第 7730CL 号 (大埔发展计划-大埔第 [...]
39 区南部前期工地平整和基础设施工程),涉及平整 7.1 公顷土地,以及观塘的工程项目第 B566CL 号 (安达臣道发展-地盘平整及相关基础
设施工程),涉及平整 20 公顷土地,供房屋发展。
The Civil Engineering and Development Department is
[...] carrying outvariousland formationprojects in [...]
different districts such as Project 7730CL
(Tai Po Development – advance site formation and engineering infrastructure works at southern portion of Tai Po Area 39) in Tai Po, which involves formation of 7.1 hectares of land, and Project B566CL (Development at Anderson Road – site formation and associated infrastructure works) in Kwun Tong which involves formation of 20 hectares of land for housing development.
Kfar Falous的Hariri 加拿大大学攻土木学,他打算到沙特 阿拉伯担任工程师,以取得一些工作经验。
After having studied civil engineering at the Hariri Canadian University in Kfar Falous, southern Lebanon, he was to gain some work experience as an engineer in Saudi Arabia.
(12) 拆除、建造、建立、执行、改善、改变、维修、维护、装饰、开发、工作、管
[...] 理、进行、控制及以其他方式处理(无论是作为建设者 土木或总承包商 或搭棚、挖掘、打桩、水喉管道、电气、电子或任何种类之指定承包商)工程 [...]
报、电话、建筑物、桥梁、水库、水道、填海工程、排污、排水、疏浚和水利 工程、工厂、水、蒸汽、煤气、石油及电力工程,一般的公共设施及所有其他 工程或结构以及所有类型及形形色色的公共及私营部门的便利设施)及作出贡 献、补贴,或以其他方式协助或参与有关建设、改善、维护、发展、工作、管 理、规划、开展或控制
(12) To demolish, construct, build, execute, improve, alter, repair, maintain, decorate, develop, work, manage, carry out, control and otherwise deal with, whether as
builders, civil engineering or general
[...] contractorsor asscaffolders,excavators, [...]
piling, plumbing, electrical, electronic
or special contractors of whatever kind, engineering and construction works, and conveniences of all kinds, including harbour works, airports, roads, permanent ways, telegraphs, telephones, buildings, bridges, reservoirs, water-courses, reclamations, sewage, draining, dredging and conservancy works, factories, water, steam, gas, oil and electric power works, in general public utilities and all other works or structures and conveniences of every kind and description both public and private and to contribute to, subsidise, or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, development, working, management, planning, carrying out, or control thereof
台湾1998年市场需求量约90,000公吨/年,主要为电绝缘材(铜箔基板、电子电机组件)、涂料 土木、复合材料(网球拍王国代工厂) …等,其占有率(如下图)。
The 1998 domestic market demand of Taiwan is 90,000 MT, which is mainly applied for insulation (CCL and electronic encapsulation), coating, civil engineering, CFRP (tennis rocket), and etc….
因此拟裁撤 12 个职位,其中包括:规划和业 务股 1 个P-3土木 师员额;3 个外勤事务员额(电工、发电机技师和设施管 理助理);5 个本国一般事务员额(1 个电工、2 个设施管理助理、1 个材料和资 产助理和 1 个供暖、通风和空调系统技师);以及 3 个联合国志愿人员组织职位 (1 个设计和项目管理股工程师、1 个设施管理助理和 1 个供暖、通风和空调系 统技师)。
Accordingly, it is proposed to abolish 12 positions, consisting of one P-3 post of Civil Engineer located in the Plans and Operations Unit, three Field Service posts (an Electrical Technician, a Generator Mechanic and a Facilities Management Assistant), five national General Service posts (one Electrical Technician, two Facilities Management Assistants, one Material and Assets Assistant and one Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technician) and three United Nations Volunteer positions (one Engineering Technician located in the Design and Project Management Unit, one Facilities Management Assistant and one HVAC Technician).
除了中国水电建设集团负责科卡卡多-新克雷水利电力项目以外,我宣布中国公司中国水利电力对外公司(简称CWE)已于2010年12月24日起负责Toachi Pilatón公司的建筑项目(242MW);其他中国公司也表示了他们对索布拉水电项目(487MW)、圣佛朗西斯科煤矿(270MW)及Delsitanisagua(115MW)等项目的兴趣;中国中铁集团(中国中铁四 土木集团有限公司)已开始负责乔内多功能项目的建筑工程,其他公司也计划在阿瓜多尔进行数千万的投资。
In addition to the Sinohydro Corporation, in charge of the Sinclair Hydroelectric Project Coca-Coda, I announce that China International Water and Electrical Corporation (CWE) is, from December 24, 2010, in charge of the construction project (242 MW) of Toachi Pilatón; other Chinese companies are also interested in the Sopladora Hydroelectric Project (487 MW), San Francisco Coal Mine (270 MW), Delsitanisagua (115 MW), etc. The China Railway Group (China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd.) is now in charge of the construction of Chone Multi-functional Project and other companies aim to make huge investment of millions in Ecuador.
Mr. Kobayakawa received his Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Kyoto University.
第二届海峡两岸地震工程青年学者研讨会於 2012 年 8 月 9 日至 10 日在中国黑龙江省哈尔滨是哈尔滨工业大 土木学 院举行,如图一所示,本次会议土木学会、中国工程院、 中土木学会防震减灾工程技术推广委员会、哈尔滨工业大 学、中国地震局工程力学研究所主办,哈尔滨工业大 土木 学院、寒区低碳建筑开发利用国家地方联合工程研究中心、中国 地震局工程力学研究所共同承办。
The Second Cross-Strait Young Scholars Seminar on Earthquake Engineering was held over August 9–10, 2012, at the Harbin Institute of Technology’s School ofCivil Engineering, in Heilongjiang Province, China. This conference was jointly organized by the Society of Civil Engineers, the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the Promotion Committee for Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering Technology of the China Civil Engineering Society, the Harbin Institute of Technology, the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, the China Earthquake Administration, and cold regions of low-carbon building development and utilization of national local joint engineering research center.
大会第 65/176 号决议重申了执行局第 2009/25号决定所载项目厅的任务, 即“项目厅向联合国系统各机构、基金和方案、国际和区域金融机构、政府间组 织、捐助国和受援国政府以及非政府组织提供服务……项目厅是联合国系统在采 购与合同管理以土木和有形基础设施发展,包括相关能力建设活动方面的 核心资源。
The General Assembly in its resolution 65/176 reaffirmed UNOPS mandate as contained in Executive Board decision 2009/25, which states, inter alia, “UNOPS acts as a service provider to United Nations system agencies, funds and programmes, international and regional financial institutions, intergovernmental organizations, donor and recipient Governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations and private sector organizations… UNOPS is a central resource for the United Nations system in procurement and contracts management as well as in civil works and physical infrastructure development, including the related capacity development activities.
土木筑结构物的设计相关的基准,截至目前58的结构物由EURO CODE制作,几乎所有的主要建设材料(混 刚才石材、铝合金等)的使用相关的设计基准、结构物相关操作的规则,规定了结构物设计规则。
Up to date the 58 Structural Eurocode parts cover in a comprehensive manner the basis of
[...] actions on structures, the principal construction materials, such as concrete, steel,timber,masonry, and aluminum, all major field of structural engineering and a wide range of types [...]
of structures and products.
本集团共分为四项主要业务,分别为樓宇建造 土木、机电安装工程、物业发展及租赁及其他业务 (主要为联号)。
The Group is organised into four major business segments, being building construction and civil engineering, electrical and mechanical installation, property development and rental and other operations (mainly associated companies).
土木 、澳门建造及室内装修等部门的增长尤为强劲,而集团最大业务 部门 – 香港建造进一步巩固市场位置,接获工程合约等部门持续增加,因此亦将於未 来继续录得增长。
Particularly strong and solid growth was achieved in civil engineering, Macau building and interiors fit-out, whereas the Hong Kong building business, being the largest business unit, further strengthened its market position and built up its order books so it too will show growth during the coming periods.
利用高线性和低移动部件质量,这些型号的产品非常适合应用 土木、机械、化学和生产工程领域。
With high linearity and low mass of moving parts, these are ideally suited to applications in civil, mechanical, chemical and production engineering.
在联合国教科文组织召开的国际水文计划第十六届政府间理事会(2004 年 9 月 20--24
[...] 日)会议上讨论了是否有必要对水及其所涉及的法律和政策与自然科学(地理学、生命科学土木学)的相互作用开展研究,以促进目前水资源管理系统的可持续性。
The 16th session of the Intergovernmental Council of IHP held at
UNESCO, Paris (20-24 September 2004),
[...] discussed the need forresearch on waterthat interfaces [...]
water law and policy with natural
sciences (geography, life sciences, civil engineering) to promote the sustainability of contemporary water resource management systems.
总部外办事处 十个地区办事处是:非洲(达喀尔),亚洲及太平洋(达卡、新德里、曼
[...] 谷),阿拉伯国家(贝鲁特、开罗、 土木拉丁美洲及加勒比(圣地亚 哥、利马、哈瓦那)。
Field offices Ten Field Office locations covering Africa (Dakar), Asia and the Pacific
(Dhaka, New Delhi, Bangkok), Arab States
[...] (Beirut, Cairo, Khartoum),Latin America [...]
and the Caribbean (Santiago, Lima, Havana).
这使得专业人士在建筑设计,产品开发,工程设计,工厂设计 土木,建筑和基础设施的规划以及娱乐产业实现更多的创新,在各自的领域。
This allows professionals in building design, product development, engineering, plant design, civil engineering, construction and infrastructure planning as well as the entertainment industry realize more innovations in their field.
小组成员包括:毛里求斯大土木境工程系教 授 Toolseeram Ramjeawon;巴布亚新几内亚大学自然和物理科学学院执行院长 Frank Griffin;特立尼达和多巴哥制造商协会董事会成员兼特立尼达料产品有 限公司总裁 Trevor Townsend。
The panellists were Toolseeram Ramjeawon, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Mauritius; Frank Griffin, Executive Dean of the School of Natural and Physical Science at the University of Papua New Guinea; and Trevor Townsend, member of the Board of Directors of Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association and Chief Executive Officer of Trinidad Aggregate Products Limited.
Oiles公司总部设在日本,其多样化的业务种类还包括体系结构土木的设计和运行,如桥梁和建筑的地震隔离和振动控制、房地产租 赁和管理以及损失赔偿保险的代理业务。
Headquartered in Japan, Oiles’ diverse business lines also include the design and execution of architectural and civil engineering works – such as seismic isolation and vibration control for bridges and buildings, real estate lease and management, and agency services for indemnity insurance.
发布会主要讲述Autodesk了解到相关行业包括建筑,工程和建造 土木、教育、互动媒体和娱乐、天然资源、产品设计与制造等所需求的各个软件,组 [...]
The announcement basically mentioned [...]
how Autodesk understand the relevant industries’ need of the software solutions, which
covers AEC, MEP, Education, iMedia & Entertainment, Natural Resources and Product Design & Production, etc. The software solutions are packed together into Suites, and integrated with live map capturing and Cloud sharing technology to satisfy users’ need.
在公墓里进一步大土木了对 基本人权的侵犯,其中包括表明宗教信仰的权利、享受家庭和文化的权利以及不 受歧视的自由,正如《消除一切形式种族歧视公约》所规定的那样。
Further building in the cemetery constitutes a violation of basic human rights, including the right to manifest religious beliefs, the right to family and culture, and the right to freedom from discrimination, as set forth in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.




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