

单词 国际见闻

See also:

国际 adj

international adj
global adj


what one sees and hears

闻见 v

hear v

External sources (not reviewed)

宪法 可以使国际法高于国内法,也可为法院提供程序,以便评估国内法是否符合国家 的国际义务,包括考虑有国际法院 的决 定 ( 见 附 件 )。
Constitutions can make national law subordinate to international law and may also provide procedures for courts to follow in assessing
the conformity of
[...] national law with international obligations of the State, including taking into account the decisions of relevant international courts (see annex).
谨提及国际刑事法院预审分庭于 2010 年 8
月 27 日作出的几项最新决定,其
[...] 中向安全理事会通报苏丹共和国奥马尔·哈桑·巴希尔总统对乍得共和国和肯尼 亚共和国的访问以及据称是安全理事会一些成员国对同一问题的声明,请见本函 所附非洲联盟谴国际刑事 法院最近行动的 闻 公 报 ( 见 附 件 )。
With reference to the latest decisions of Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court of 27 August 2010 informing the Security Council about the visits of His Excellency Mr. Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, President of the Republic of the Sudan, to the Republic of Chad and Republic of Kenya, and the statements attributed to some members of the Security Council on the same subject, please find attached the
press communiqué issued by the African Union
[...] condemning the latest move by the International Criminal Court (see annex).
书中介绍了国相关 法律的案文、对这些法律的评论、专家的评 估见以及新闻工作 者和出版商的看法。
The book presents texts of the relevant laws of different countries, comments on these laws, experts’ assessments and opinions of journalists and publishers.
该组织促请人权理事会成 员确保国政府 与公民社会协作,采取步骤结束基于族裔和性别的歧视,并促进 言论见解和新闻的自由。
It urged the members of the Council to
[...] ensure that the Government work with civil society, take steps to end ethnic and gender-based discrimination and promote freedom of expression, opinion and the press.
培训活动包括理论课程和在国家主要传媒结构中的实习,旨在将该地区传媒中的 国家国际新闻覆盖 面、法律和道德规章、管理和市场开拓以及印刷传媒的设计和版面编排 [...]
The training included theoretical courses as well as internships in the leading national
media structures, and aimed at
[...] combining national and international news coverage in the regional [...]
media, legal and ethical
regulations, management and marketing as well as design and layout of print media.
此 外,波兰的大城市有许多私立国际 学 校 (见 附件 2),这些私立学校为移居国外的孩子们 提供了足够的英语或其他语言的教育。
Also, there
[...] are many private international schools in major cities (see appendix 2), which [...]
provide adequate education in
English or other languages for the children of expats.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如 见 阿 塞 拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the
generally accepted
[...] norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, [...]
the most recent document
circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
审问者还询问他在记者联盟中工作的性质以及他 国际 新 闻 工 作 者联合会和阿 拉伯记者联合会的关系,并获取了他的电子邮件地址和密码。
The interrogators also asked about the nature of his work
in the Union of Journalists and his
[...] relations with the International Federation of Journalists [...]
and the Federation of Arab
Journalists and obtained his e-mail address and password.
国际生物伦理委员会(CIB)第八届会议(教科文组织总部,2001 年 9 月 12—14 日) 召集了来自世界各地 70 多个国家的约 350 名与会者,他们国际生物 伦理委员会的委员、见国的代 表、政府间组织和非政府组织的代表、科学院和各国的伦理学委员会的代表、各 类专家、青年代表和闻单位的代表。
The eighth session of the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) (UNESCO Headquarters, 12-14 September 2001) brought together some 350 participants from more than 70 countries in all regions of the world – members of IBC, representatives of Member States, representatives of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, academies of sciences and national ethics committees, experts and specialists, and representatives of youth groups and the press.
[...] 段都要发挥核证作用,发言人需要更多地处理与新闻媒体有关的各项活动,如新 闻发布会、与国家国际新闻媒体 的访谈,目的是解释瓦加杜古后的新环境和联 [...]
In view of the increasing requirements linked to the UNOCI mandate, with the certifying role of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of all stages of the electoral process, there is the added requirement for the spokesperson to deal with all media-related activities,
such as press briefings, interviews
[...] with national and international media, with the goal [...]
to explain the new post-Ouagadougou
environment and the accompanying role of UNOCI.
草案公布几天后,国务院闻办公室发布了中国首个《中国的能源状况与政策》白 皮书,与能源法草案不同的是,白皮书有英文版本,可国际读者阅读。
Days after the release of the draft, the Information Office of the State
Council released
[...] China’s first White Paper on “Energy Conditions and Policies”, which, unlike the draft energy law, is available in English and geared to an international audience, “White Paper”, op. cit.
例如,法院关于科索沃单方面宣布独立是否符 国际 法问 题的咨询意见认为,通过独立宣言没有违反一般国际法、安全理事会第 1244(1999)号决议或《宪法框架》,因此,没有违反任何适用 国际 法 规则 (见 A/64/881)。
For example, the Court’s advisory
opinion on the question
[...] of accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo found that the adoption of that declaration did not violate general international law, Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) or the constitutional framework and that, consequently, it did not violate any applicable rule of international law (see A/64/881).
主席团还注意到下列人士的发言:(a)水教育研究所所长,他强调必须将科学 与政策联系起来;(b)国际水文科学协会代表,他鼓励国际水文计划适应联合国系统
[...] [...] 内外与水有关的计划的不断变化;(c)国际水文地质学家协会代表,他强调有必要以 综合方法应对主席团讨论的那些挑战 见第 42 段);(e)国际水文计划非洲地区水 文学家,他向主席团介绍了在最近举行的国际水文计划全国委员会地区会议上讨论的 [...]
The Bureau also took note of the interventions of; (a) the Rector of UNESCO-IHE, who emphasized the need to link science and policy, (b) the representative of IAHS, who encouraged IHP to adapt to the changing panorama of water-related programmes within and outside the UN, (c) the representative of IAH, who highlighted the need to address the
[...] [...] challenges discussed by the Bureau (see paragraph 42) in an integrated [...]
manner, and (e) the IHP Regional Hydrologist for Africa,
who presented to the Bureau the regional priorities of Africa as discussed in the recently-held regional meeting of IHP National Committees.
在目前的执行阶段,可以见的是, 国际 生 物 伦理委 员会将能够在本双年度里完成至少一份报告。
At this stage of the implementation, it is foreseeable that IBC will be able to finalize at least one report during the biennium.
Furthermore, the right
[...] to be heard at the international level would further [...]
enhance the promotion and protection of the
rights enshrined in the Convention.
但与 2010 年利比里亚国家报告相反的是,标识和追查程序不符合《使各 国能够及时和可靠地识别和追查非法小武器和轻武器的国际文书》对以下问题的 要求:在每一件进口小武器或轻武器上打上简单标识,以便识别进口国和在可能
[...] 标识并记录在案;以及为所有带有标识的小武器和轻武器建立准确和详细的记 录,并保存记录,以便国内主管当局能够及时和可靠地追查非法小武器和轻武器 (见《国际追查文书》16 第 8、9 和 11 段)。
However, contrary to the 2010 Liberia national report, the marking and tracing procedure does not comply with the requirements of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons for the following: the simple marking on each imported small arm or light weapon that permits identification of the country of import and, where possible, the year of import; the unique marking and recording of all illicit small arms and light weapons that are found in its territory; and the establishment of an accurate and comprehensive record for all marked small arms and light weapons, which is then maintained to enable the competent national authorities to trace illicit small arms
and light weapons in a timely and
[...] reliable manner (see paragraphs 8, 9 and 11 of the International Tracing Instrument16 ).
奉我国政府指示,并继 2010 年 12 月 23 日土耳其常驻联合国代表给秘书长 的信,以此土耳其外交部 2010 年 12 月 21 日发布的新闻稿作为联国的文 件 (A/65/674-S/2010/674)分发后,谨随函转递塞浦路斯共 国 外 交 部作为回应于 2010 年 12 月 22 日发布的闻稿(见附件)。
Upon instructions from my Government and further to the letter dated 23 December 2010 from the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, by which a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey on 21 December 2010 was circulated as a document of the United
[...] (A/65/674-S/2010/674), I have the honour to transmit herewith a press release issued in response by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus on 22 December 2010 (see annex).
来源:《儿童权利公约》;《儿童权利与媒体》;《新闻工作者的指导原则》 国际 新 闻 工 作 者联合会;《媒体和需要特别保护的儿童》(内部文件),联合国儿童基金会媒体处;《关于艾滋病毒和人权问题的第二次国际磋商会议》,联合国秘书长。
Sources: The Convention on the Rights of the Child; Child Rights and the Media (Guidelines
[...] for Journalists), International Federation of Journalists; [...]
Media and Children
in Need of Special Protection, (internal document), UNICEF's Division of Communication; Second International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights, United Nations Secretary-General.
关于记者,叙利亚政府通过信函通知我,已向 21 个国际新闻组织的记者发 放签证。
With respect to journalists, the Syrian Government
has sent me a letter, informing me of the attribution of visas to
[...] journalists from 21 international news organizations.
在国际淡水年之际,并在第三次京都世界水论坛之前举行的这次谈话,共邀请了四 国际闻 名的 专家与会:埃及水资源和灌溉部部长、世界水理事会主席 [...]
Mahmoud Abu - Zeid 先生; 法国科学院院士、国民教育、研究和技术部前部长 Claude
Allegre 先生;国际水事筹资小组 主席、国际货币基金组织前总干事 Michel Camdessus 先生和科学家、未来展望学家 Charles Vorosmarty。
This Talk, held on the occasion of the International Year of Freshwater and in the run-up to the Third
World Water Forum in Kyoto, brought
[...] together four leading international experts: Mr Mahmoud [...]
Abu-Zeid, Egyptian Minister of Water
Resources and Irrigation and President of the World Water Council (WWC), Mr Claude Allègre, member of the French Academy of Sciences and former French Minister of Education, Research and Technology, Mr Michel Camdessus, Chairman of the World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure and former Managing Director of the IMF, and scientist and futurologist Charles Vörösmarty.
迄今对危机的反应清楚地 表明,发展国家在决策中是默默 闻 的 边 际 化 群 体。
The responses to the crisis to date had shown clearly that developing countries were a low-profile, marginal group in decision-making.
自我们上次开会见S/PV.6737)以来 国际 原子 能机构(原子能机构)总干事再次报告,伊朗 违反安理会的多项决议,继续扩大和加快其被禁的 铀浓缩活动和与重水有关的工作。
Since we last met (see S/PV.6737), the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency [...]
(IAEA) has reported, yet
again, that Iran has continued to expand and accelerate its prohibited uranium enrichment activities and heavy water-related work, in contravention of the Council’s multiple resolutions.
除了与联合国内部相关部门、办事处、基金和方案协商 外,秘书处还征求了下列组织机构的 见 : 国际 海 事组织(海事组织)、国际刑事 警察组织(国际刑警组织)、安全理事会第 1811(2008)号决议所设索马里问题监察 [...]
In addition to consultations carried out within the United Nations with the relevant departments, offices, funds and programmes,
the Secretariat
[...] consulted with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Criminal [...]
Police Organization (INTERPOL),
the Monitoring Group on Somalia pursuant to Security Council resolution 1811 (2008) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).
关于以色列修建安全隔离墙问题的咨询意见已 发表五周年,下面几点令人关注:尽 国际 法 院 发表见,隔离墙修建工作已完成三分之二;以色列藐视 [...]
国际法院裁决,违反了作为联合国会员和主权国家应 承担的义务;联合国无力推动执行国际法院裁决,再 次表明巴勒斯坦人的权利未获尊重,以色列享有事实
上的有罪不罚;以色列安全部队粗暴镇压巴勒斯坦人 的和平示威。
The fifth anniversary of the advisory opinion on the construction of a security wall by Israel called
attention to several points: despite the
[...] opinion rendered by the International Court of Justice, construction [...]
of the wall was
two thirds complete; Israel’s defiance of the Court’s ruling was a violation of its obligations as a Member of the United Nations and as a sovereign State; the failure of the United Nations system to implement the Court’s decision was another indication that Palestinians’ rights were not respected and that Israel enjoyed de facto impunity; and Israeli security forces had brutally repressed non-violent Palestinian demonstrations.
正如 2008 年 7 月 15 日我在国柏林讲演时所述(见新闻稿 SG /SM/11701),这句话的措辞表明, 在这种情况下,需要及早灵活地作出反应,而这种反应须既适合特定情况,也须 [...]
As I noted in a speech delivered in
[...] Berlin, Germany, on 15 July 2008 (see press release SG/SM/11701), [...]
the wording of this
sentence suggests the need for an early and flexible response in such cases, one both tailored to the circumstances of the situation and fully in accord with the provisions of the Charter.
小组委员会见国际电信 联盟(国际电联)无线电通信局 2011 年年度报告 (www.itu.int/itu-R/space/snl/report)就地球静止卫星轨道及其他轨道使用情况提 [...]
供的资料以及会议室文件 A/AC.105/C.1/2012/CRP.17 提到的其他文件所提供的 资料。
The Subcommittee welcomed the information provided in the annual report for 2011 of the
[...] Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication [...]
Union (ITU) on the use
of the geostationary satellite orbit and other orbits (www.itu.int/itu-R/space/snl/report), as well as other documents referred to in conference room paper A/AC.105/C.1/2012/CRP.17.
我在伊拉克的多见闻,令人有理 由感到审慎的乐观,国内要 有坚定的领导,并且区 域中存在着更为坚定的同伊拉克合作的精神。
In most of what I have witnessed in Iraq there is ground for cautious optimism, provided that determined leadership within the country and a stronger spirit of cooperation in the region with Iraq prevail.
公报反映出非洲联盟委员会对国际刑事法院决定深为不安,强调了非洲联盟 成员国由于《非洲联盟组织法》而承担的义务,回顾非洲联盟一再呼吁安全理事 会推迟国际刑事法院关于苏丹的诉讼——安全理事会对此完全 闻 不 问 ,谴国 际刑事 法院企图把安全理事会卷入以向非洲联盟国家施压,从而支持国际刑事法 院,而不顾当地局势的复杂和变化——当地的局势需要和平与正义的平衡,并明 确声明非洲联盟反对任何胁迫非洲国家从而破坏非洲对这一问题共同立场的企 图。
The communiqué reflected the deep concern expressed by the African Union Commission about the decisions of the International Criminal Court, highlighted the obligations of the African Union Member States arising from the constitutive act of the African Union, recalled the repeated appeals of the African Union to the Security Council
to defer the
[...] proceedings of the International Criminal Court concerning the Sudan, which are being totally ignored by the Security Council, denounced the attempts of the International Criminal Court [...]
to involve the Security
Council in pressuring the African Union Member States to support the International Criminal Court, irrespective of the complex dynamics on the ground which require balance between peace and justice, and clearly stated the opposition of the African Union to any attempt to coerce African countries to undermine the common African position in this regard.




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