单词 | 小狗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小狗 —puppypup小狗 noun —puppies pl狗狗 noun —dog n • dogs pl 小小 adjective —small adjSee also:狗 n—puppy n • dogs pl • dog n
伴随着流浪的小狗她名 字“Pooka”,她打开了在鱼赞成后,她的项链激励她去寻找她的家人在巴黎到圣彼得堡的工厂工作。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Accompanied by a stray puppy she names “Pooka”, [...] she turns down a job at a fish factory in favor of going to St. Petersburg [...]after her necklace inspires her to seek out her family in Paris. seekcartoon.com |
取得临床心理学学位之后,她曾遇见一个想要和她 的 小狗 一 起玩耍的小男孩。 clarinsusa.com | Having earned a degree in Clinical Psychology, one day she met a little [...] boy who wanted to play with her dog. clarinsusa.com |
尽管构思(小狗玩球 )相 同,但大家选择不同的颜色和形状来表达(绘制 ) 小狗 和 球。 wipo.int | Even though the idea (dog playing with a ball) is the same, all of you will choose different colors and shapes to express (draw) the dog and the ball. wipo.int |
當孩子與小狗玩耍時,與其說:「 不要這樣粗暴 對待小狗」, 毋寧說向他示範如何溫柔輕 拍 小狗。 yorkcas.org | Parents can show a child how to pat the puppy gently, rather than saying “don’t be so rough. yorkcas.org |
畢業熊仔最受歡迎的包括Guilliver白色淺咖啡色米色公仔穿上畢業袍畢業帽和證書,德國Nici各款畢業公仔有綿羊畢業公仔猩猩猴子長頸鹿斑馬公仔Nici白馬樹熊獅子老虎兔 子 小狗 花 貓 畢業公仔,我們也有獨家Nici與法拉利聯合推出的法拉利黑馬公仔,可以穿上畢業袍十分適合送給男性。 givegift.com.hk | Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German Nici graduation teddy bear series, sheep plush gorrillas monkey giraffe zebra [...] Nici teddy dolls white horse koala lion [...] tiger rabbit doggie kitten graduation dolls, [...]we also carry the exclusive Nici Ferrari [...]black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys. givegift.com.hk |
蔡素玉議員: 主席,據報,元朗馬田壆村在 2007 年 [...] 12 月底發生流浪狗 咬傷人事件,事後漁農自然護理署(“漁護署”)人員捕捉並扣留了附近 16 頭流浪狗,當中包括初生小狗。 legco.gov.hk | MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that following an incident in which a person was bitten by stray dogs in Ma Tin Pok Village of Yuen Long at the end of December 2007, staff of the Agriculture, [...] Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) caught and [...] detained 16 stray dogs including new-born puppies in the vicinity. legco.gov.hk |
花生系列漫画主角小狗史努 比的官方网站。 business-china.com | Peanut series cartoon lead puppy history vertical [...] stroke compared to official website. business-china.com |
然而,考慮到不少居民及關注團體就飼養寵物及狗隻的意見後, [...] 房委會通過實施“可暫准原則”,容許公屋租戶繼續飼養在2003年 8月 1日前已在公屋單位飼養的細小狗隻,直至狗隻終老。 legco.gov.hk | Taking into consideration views offered by tenants and interest groups on pet and dog keeping, the HA implemented the Temporary Permission Rule (TPR) [...] to allow PRH tenants [...] to continue to keep small dogs that had been kept [...]in PRH flats before 1 August 2003 until the death of such dogs. legco.gov.hk |
冬季凍結而選擇的服裝準備 poponok 為索契特別犬的小狗。 atele.g-sochi.ru | Small dogs in winter without freezing and choice of clothing ready [...] poponok for special dogs in Sochi. g-sochi.ru |
这并非读心术,因此不能确定研究对 象是想起一只黑色的猫还是一条白色的狗, 但其能够显示出一张可爱小狗的照 片激活了 观看者大脑的情感愉悦中心。 deloittetmt.com | This isn’t mind reading, so it cannot determine whether a subject [...] is thinking of a black [...] cat or white dog; however, it can show that a photo of an adorable puppy activates the [...]emotional pleasure centers of the viewer’s brain. deloittetmt.com |
运送前 24 小时给小狗服用蜂蜜或白葡萄糖浆,为其“补充糖分”(有助于在运送途中保持体内的葡萄糖含量)。 united.com | Use honey or light Karo syrup for "carbohydrate [...] loading" for the 24-hour period prior to [...]shipping to help maintain glucose levels [...]in the puppy while in transit. united.com |
拥有皮特的小狗(中 脱离出来,从红宝石矛“ 的 小狗 1 9 7 8特 殊的,谁想要一个男孩的基础上同一个名字的书)和他的朋友短跑,多莉,杜克大学,和幸运的冒险。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Featuring the adventures [...] of Petey the Puppy (which was spun off from Ruby-Spears' 1978 special,The Puppy Who Wanted [...]A Boy based on the book [...]of the same name) and his friends Dash, Dolly, Duke, and Lucky. seekcartoon.com |
然而,除了让加菲猫亲自上阵抵抗敌人,你还应该让加菲猫的朋友们(例如 , 小狗 欧 弟)给加菲猫帮帮忙,用他们的特殊技能进行攻击。 garfield-s-defe...cn.uptodown.com | However, the best you can do to make a difference is to allow your friends (such as Oddie) help you with the attacks using their special skills. garfield-s-defe...en.uptodown.com |
看到学生们认真地协助小狗小猫,甚至不惧接触营养不良及身染皮肤病的小动物们确实令人倍感窝心。 systematic.edu.my | It was heart-warming to see them [...] indiscriminately helping the dogs and cats even though [...]some of the animals are malnourished [...]and infected with skin disease. systematic.edu.my |
几个月前,Pedigree已经试图通过在线广告宣传“Pedigree狗狗”和“狗狗护理指南”来强 化 小狗 与 主 人的亲密关系,从而提高顾客信任度。 labbrand.com | Pedigree already attempted to improve customer trust a few months ago, with [...] their Pedigree Puppy Internet campaign, and the Puppy Care guide, aiming at building [...] strong relationships with puppy owners. labbrand.com |
乘坐美国境内的大多数航班可以携带训练有素的猫 、 小狗 、 兔 子和鸟同行,但要遵守一些限制性规定。 united.com | Domesticated cats, small dogs, rabbits and birds [...] may travel accompanied in the aircraft cabin on most flights within the U.S. Some restrictions apply. united.com |
Bark & SPLASH落水狗狂歡日』的構思是希望聚集愛狗人士,一同度過好玩愉快的一天,在分享一個愛護動物的氣氛之餘,還可更了解今天被遺棄犬隻 及 小狗 眾 多 的情況,及明白牠們迫切需要愛心人士領養的呼籲。 ipress.com.hk | It’s a great way to bring people together to enjoy a pet-loving atmosphere, while also sharing tips on [...] pet education and driving home awareness about the number [...] of abandoned dogs and puppies desperately [...]in need of adoption. ipress.com.hk |
她有辆Prius,然而仅仅在周末开,她有一 只 小狗 , 每 周她遛两次。 uigarden.net | She drives a Prius but only on the weekends [...] and she has a puppy that she takes [...]walking twice a day. uigarden.net |
将负极放在对侧半球腹外侧的小狗的 鼻 子。 jove.com | Place the negative electrode on the contralateral hemisphere ventral lateral to the pup's snout. jove.com |
保持你少惯用手的拇指和食指之间的 小狗 的 头。 jove.com | Hold the head of the pup between your thumb and index finger of your less dominant hand. jove.com |
來 自天津的全國大獎裡的小狗“王 小飛”是主人王先生收養回來的狗 狗,“小飛”此前因遭受虐待而后 半身殘疾,現在王先生的悉心照顧 下健康快樂地成長,王先生還特 意為“小飛”訂造了一輛小車,方 便“小飛”行走。 animalsasia.org | This little dog, “Wang Xiaofei”, was adopted by Mr Wang and is now living a happy, adventurous life, [...] with a wheelchair especially customised by Mr Wang. animalsasia.org |
Happy雖然被主人棄養,但仍然很乖、不搗蛋、不吠,還能跟中心所有 大 小狗 相 處 ,是一隻非常難得的雪撬犬,牠由進入領養中心的一刻開始,每逢見到工作人員,只要您叫牠的名字,牠便會笑著來到您身邊,坐下來輕輕的依傍著您。 hk-aac.com | Even though, Happy was abandoned by his owner but we've found her very friendly with people, don't mess around or bark for nothing and mixed well with other dogs in the centre & trust our volunteers – just called her name, she always come to you with a smile and sat along side with you. hk-aac.com |
目前迷你幼仔和WowWee Alive小考拉、小愛斯基摩狗、小海豹 和小美洲豹在全美主要零售商都可以買到,包括Toys“R”Us、Target、沃爾瑪和WowWee網上商店。 tipschina.gov.cn | The WowWee [...] Alive Koala Joey, Husky Puppy, Seal Pup, and [...]Leopard Cub are currently available at major retailers nationwide [...]including Toys"R"Us, Target, Wal-Mart, and the WowWee Online Store for the approximate retail price of $59.99 and include four "AA" batteries. tipschina.gov.cn |
贊助狗狗小食給我們的慧倫集團有限公司及到我們的攤位給我們打氣的一眾愛護動物的市民,你們的支持是我們要做得更好的推動力。 hk-aac.com | Special thanks go to Waylun Holdings Limited and those who came to our booth and gave us loads of support. hk-aac.com |