单词 | 小球 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小球 —sports such as ping pong and badminton that use small balls小小 adjective —small adjExamples:肾小球—glomerulus (medicine) 小钢球—shrapnel • iron pellet
行业: 木制小球 , 木质或生物燃料的能源产品 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Federations - Industry associations , Energy production from wood or biofuels fordaq.com |
我关注了他们本赛季到目前为止的进 球 的 大 小球 情 况 ,共22次 大 球 , 11 次 小球。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I also look at their record in the over/under market so far this season and see 22 Overs and 11 Unders. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
當小球跳動 時,寶寶既能玩耍亦能幫忙媽媽清潔。 combi.com.hk | The ball will bounce when [...] push ion and rolling. combi.com.hk |
为了确定音乐和运动的关系如何,Thalia [...] Wheatley及其同事开发了一个计算机程序从而产生简单的钢琴旋律和一个动画跳 跃 小球 , 它们都是受一个统计模型的控制。 chinese.eurekalert.org | To determine how music and movement are related, Thalia Wheatley and colleagues developed a [...] computer program to generate simple piano melodies and [...] an animated bouncing ball, both controlled [...]by a statistical model. chinese.eurekalert.org |
我猜妳現在可能很難做決定了吧,另外還有壹點需要提醒的是本賽季維拉 的 小球 盤 口 要多于大球。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Now I’d guess you may be thinking well surely it can’t be that easy, well there is an air of caution in that Villa have had more ‘under’ games this season than over. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
他说,到目前为止,我们通常所生成的分子模拟就好像原子就是许多由弹簧连接 的 小球 一 样,即使我们从量子力学中得知我 们处理的更像是一团移动的质量与能量。 australiachina.com.au | Until now, he says, we have typically generated molecular [...] simulations as if atoms were balls bonded by springs, [...]even though we know from quantum mechanics [...]that what we are dealing with is more like a fuzz of moving mass and energy. australiachina.com.au |
在研究中,ABL800 睿智血气分析仪彰显出卓越的血浆肌酐测定效果,使用肌酐测定值计算 肾 小球 滤 过 率预估值时,与临床结果完全一致。 radiometer.cn | In this study ABL800 FLEX analyzer demonstrated the best correlation to plasma creatinine and the best clinical concordance when creatinine values were used to calculate eGFR. radiometer.nl |
然而, Christophe Claret [...] 卻圓滿將之實現!他是如何辦到的?腕錶結構的巧妙之處在於由兩個 精鋼小球組成的系統,兩顆小球彼此 分開,各自位於錶殼左右側的藍寶石水晶玻璃管 中,以由導線牽引的兩個微型磁鐵所產生之磁力支持其運作。 christopheclaret.com | And yet Christophe Claret has done just that [...] by creating a system where two small steel spheres – hollowed to [...]make them lighter – encased [...]within two sapphire tubes placed to the right and left of the caseband, are controlled by precision magnetic fields generated by two miniature magnets moved by cables. christopheclaret.com |
压扁小球擀成 圆饼,放上4茶匙肉馅(图15),对折捏起成鲜肉酥角柸。 maomaomom.com | Place 4 tsp filling on a half side (picture 15), fold over the other half over the filling and seal the edges (picture 22). maomaomom.com |
行业: 木制小球 , 木质或生物燃料的能源产品 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Energy production from [...] wood or biofuels fordaq.com |
趋势可以在最近的比赛中发现,也能在两队之前的交锋中发现,或者在最近比赛的 大 小球 中 也能发现。虽然我们不知道趋势什么时候会终止,但是如果你发现两个或以上趋势同时指向一个赛果方向的时候,还是非常靠谱的。 sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com | Trend can be found in recent matches, previous confrontation between two sides, recent matches in Over/Under, etc… Though we don’t know when the trend will end, if you can find more than two trends that points to the same direction, things will still be more certain. sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com |
标准规格的重荷重用万向球使用了轴承钢材质的 主 球 和 小球 , 受 皿使用了SCM钢。 isb-iguchi.com | Heavy load ball transfer, large and small balls are made of [...] bearing steel, bowl is made of chrome steel. isb-iguchi.com |
鑑於本地對優質腎科醫療服務需求日增,本院腎臟內科中心現於李樹培院十樓投入服務,提供一系列針對慢性腎病、急性腎衰竭、 腎 小球 炎 、糖尿病腎病等病症的治療,以及洗腎及腎臟移植。 hksh.com | The Nephrology Centre offers specialized treatment for renal diseases, including chronic kidney disease, acute renal failure, glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, dialysis and kidney transplantation. hksh.com |
維他命D對增加小腸壁對磷的吸收、增加 腎 小球 對 磷 酸鹽的再次吸收、保持血液中檸檬酸鹽的正常的水平,以及避免氨基酸從腎而流失均有幫助。 vitagreen.com | It increases calcium [...] absorption from the small intestine; promotes [...]growth and mineralisation of bones and strong teeth; [...]increases absorption of phosphorus through the intestinal wall and increases resorption of phosphates from the kidney tubules; maintains normal level of citrate in the blood; and protects against the loss of amino acids through the kidneys. vitagreen.com |
但是,如果材料磨得过细会产生比粗粉颗粒更难溶解 的 小球 或 颗粒,因为粗粉颗粒在浸入水中时会更快地分离。 malvern.com.cn | However, material, which is milled too finely, will produce pellets or granules that are difficult to dissolve compared with pellets made from coarser powders, which fall apart more quickly when immersed in water. malvern.com |
请问小球从开 始滚落到掉进瓶子里共有多少条不同的路线? taimc2012.org | How many different paths [...] are there for the small ball to fall from the [...]top of the highest block to a bottle? taimc2012.org |
雄花簇生到小球,很 少沿着轴的单生;花萼在芽中关闭; 萼片3或4,镊合状; 花瓣无;花盘无; 雄蕊25-80(-100); 花丝离生 花药背着,4分室,药隔短生产;无退化雌蕊。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers fascicled to glomerulose, rarely solitary along axis; calyx closed in bud; sepals 3 or 4, valvate; petals absent; disk absent; stamens 25-80(-100); filaments free; anthers dorsifixed, 4-locellate, connective shortly produced; pistillode absent. flora.ac.cn |
他 們 的 母 親 也 [...] 同 樣 全 情 投 入 , 為 那 些 小 球 員提供各種支 援 。 legco.gov.hk | Their mothers were equally involved by providing all [...] sorts of support to the little players. legco.gov.hk |
小球經過 鏤空處理,以 減輕重量。詳細而言,這條超彈性導線是由數百條極為堅韌的 Dyneema [...] 奈米纖維以聚 乙烯凝膠黏合而成,可承受一公斤的拉力,厚度較髮絲還要細(直徑僅其百分之 四)。 christopheclaret.com | The cables are incredibly flexible, made from [...] hundreds of Dyneema nanofibres all contained [...]within an ultra-high-strength polyethylene [...]gel, capable of withstanding tensile forces of up to a kilo. christopheclaret.com |
通过对本文描述的绿色钟虫-小球藻 绿钟虫的研究,发现对绿色钟虫的描述与归属问题仍存在一些混淆。 actazool.org | Through the study of characteristics of the green Vorticella species, we found there still existed some confusions and believed it was wrong to identify V. chlorellata with Vorticella chlorostigma in many descriptions. actazool.org |
提供足球小将和 真实足球员同人资料、同人创作及原作资料。 business-china.com | Provides soccer young general and real soccer player with person material, with person creation and original work material. business-china.com |
2009 年,派遣一名全球两性平等问题待命能力顾问,与日内瓦的 全 球小 组 的 牵头 组织一道工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2009, a Gender Standby Capacity Adviser was deployed [...] to work with global cluster leads [...]in Geneva. daccess-ods.un.org |
取得的成果:教科文组织统计研究所(i)扩大了调查的覆盖面,现已从 81%的国家获得了关于小学教育的可公布的数据(覆盖了 全 球小 学 学 龄人口的 93%),从 75%的国家获得了关于中学教育的可公布的数据(覆盖了全球中学学龄人口的 87%); [...] (ii)2003 年教育数据从开始收集到最终公布的时间缩短至 [...] 18 个月;(iii)2003 年 8 月出 版了阿拉伯国家和南亚及东亚地区的教育报告,以及 UIS 第一本综合性全球教育统计刊物 《全球教育文摘》;(iv)举办了 24 次地区讲习班,几乎所有会员国都有教育统计人员参 加;(v)为 2002 年和 2003/4 年《全球全民教育监测报告》,以及为《联合国千年发展目 标》的数据库提供了分析资料和统计附件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some Results Obtained: the UIS (i) improved the coverage of its surveys and now obtains publishable [...] data from 81% of [...] countries on primary schooling (covering 93% of the primary school-age population in the world) and from 75% [...]on secondary schooling [...](87% of the secondary school-age population); (ii) reduced the time between initiation of the education data collection to publication to 18 months in 2003; (iii) published regional reports on education in the Arab States and South and East Asia and the first comprehensive UIS global publication of education statistics, the Global Education Digest in August 2003; (iv) conducted 24 regional workshops attended by education statisticians from nearly every Member State; and (v) provided analyses and statistical annexes for the Global EFA Monitoring Reports of 2002 and 2003/4, as well as for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals database. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1994 年,在巴巴多斯举行的首届全球小岛 屿 发展中国家可持续发展会议上,国际社会 承认小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)由于国家小、地处偏远、资源基础狭窄、面临全球环境挑 战和无力抵御外部(需方和供应)冲击,而面临着日益严峻的经济、环境、社会和发展挑 战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 1994, [...] during the first Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island States held [...]in Barbados, the international [...]community acknowledged that Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face growing economic, environmental, social and developmental vulnerabilities linked to their small size, remoteness, narrow resource base, exposure to global environment challenges and vulnerability to external (demand and supply-side) shocks. unesdoc.unesco.org |
迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔基金会的小额信贷项目主任Geeta [...] Goel指出:“将社会绩效数据与财务及运营数据整合在一起,突显了MIX的承诺与努力:为 全 球小 额 贷款机构的社会绩效与负责任实务建立更高层次的透明度与责任感。 tipschina.gov.cn | The integration of social performance data with financial and operational data highlights MIX's commitment and efforts to institute a higher level of transparency and accountability into the social performance [...] and responsible practices of [...] microfinance institutions globally," stated Geeta Goel, Microfinance Program Director [...]at the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. tipschina.gov.cn |
小武器问题协调行动不仅涵盖《行动纲领》及其《国际追查文书》,还涵盖 其他全球小武器 相关协定,包括《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法 [...] 制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书》(《火器问题议定书》)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The CASA mechanism covers not only the Programme of Action and [...] its International Tracing [...] Instrument, but also other global small arms-related agreements, [...]including the Protocol against [...]the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition (Firearms Protocol) supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
裁研所和蒙特里国际研究学院正在为国际小武器管制标准下的每一模块建 立具体指标,以便通过全面但易于使用的软件工具,协助实施 全 球小 武 器 和轻武 器管制承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNIDIR and the Monterey Institute of International Studies are establishing concrete indicators for each module under the International Small Arms Control [...] Standards to assist with the [...] implementation of global commitments to control small arms and light weapons [...]through a comprehensive, [...]yet easy to use software tool. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中一部分功劳 [...] 应属于小额引导基金,即资发基金数额为 2 600 万美元的旗舰性全球小额金 融方 案,该方案大大提升了目标金融服务提供者的储蓄组合价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was in part because of MicroLead, the UNCDF $26 [...] million flagship global microfinance programme [...]that has significantly boosted the [...]value of the savings portfolio of target financial service providers. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人說我們樓盤 [...] 的創意非常高,其實我不大同意,因為大家在廣告中看到的,不是外籍 人士,便是環球小姐拿 着一塊被吹起的圍巾( 這樣也可成為樓盤廣告 [...]的 ),又或播放一首歌曲。 legco.gov.hk | Some have said that our properties display high creativity, I actually do not quite agree because we can [...] see in the advertisements a few things: [...] foreigners, Miss Universe holding a shawl [...]blown off by the wind (I wonder why this [...]is a property advertisement) or a song being played. legco.gov.hk |