单词 | 哑然失笑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 哑然失笑 —laugh involuntarilySee also:失笑—be unable to help laughing • laugh in spite of oneself • break into laughter
同行的人哑然失笑,说 :“我刚刚都是骗你的,这里是晋国啊。 chinesestoryonline.com | The companion [...] comforted him with laugh: "Sorry, my friend, I am joking. chinesestoryonline.com |
不過,無論如何,我認為 他這次可謂老馬失蹄,面對一點挫折 ⎯⎯ 雖然他在微笑。 legco.gov.hk | Anyhow, in the face of a small setback, [...] he can be compared to an old stumbling horse ― although he is smiling. legco.gov.hk |
油赋予木地板天然的哑光效果。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Oil gives a natural matt finish to a [...] wooden floor. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
然后与会者 开玩笑地扮演了失业者 、飞行员或残疾人的角⾊,再⾃ ⼰判断在哪个社会领域,虚构的人物会前来参与。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participants then slipped playfully into the role of the unemployed, pilots or people [...] with disabilities, and then judged [...]for themselves in which social areas the fictional person could come forward and participate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
當然,這並不是㆒個笑話, 而在這個不 是 笑 話 的 背後,卻隱藏 新界西北數十萬居 民的失望及不滿。 legco.gov.hk | Behind this non-joke is the story of several hundred thousand disappointed and frustrated residents of northwest New Territories. legco.gov.hk |
相信若干年後,我們再回望這段歷史,看到由搬動㆒張檯而引起的 軒 然 大 波 ,都會大禁 失聲大笑。 legco.gov.hk | I believe that many years from now when we look back at [...] this point of history in which the moving of a table would cause [...] a big disturbance, we cannot then help laughing aloud. legco.gov.hk |
梳好自己的头发 后,站 在 全 身 镜 前,我 的 嘴 唇 绽 开 了 浅 浅 的 微 笑 … 然 后立刻又恢复成之前严肃的样子以免 失 望。 enviefashion.com | I parted my hair and combed. When I arrived in front of [...] the full-length [...] mirror, my lips almost smiled tightly … and then immediately returned to their former seriousness to avoid disappointment. enviefashion.com |
21 岁的个人:智力 [...] 迟钝、听力和视力障碍、严重心理障碍、其他健康受损问题、学习障碍、 聋 哑或 多 种障碍,以及因为这些障碍需要特别服务的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children with disability includes individuals from birth through age 21 who are evaluated as having mental retardation, hearing and visual impairments, serious emotional [...] disturbance, other health impairments, learning [...] disabilities, deaf-blindness, or multiple impairments, [...]and who because of those impairments need special services. daccess-ods.un.org |
如经典拱廊视频游戏一般,恣意穿梭于 Prada 大宇宙的多层面世界,冒险之旅在浪漫结语 中 哑然 而 止。 prada.com | As befits the classic ‘arcade’ videogames, after travelling through multiple worlds in the Prada universe, the adventure ends in a romantic epilogue. prada.com |
遗憾的是,即便我们不得不面对永远 失 去 可 爱和无辜儿童的巨大悲痛,我们至今 仍怀念其中一些儿童的微笑,本协会 仍 然 每 天 向患病儿童提供必要支助,并同他 们一道继续与病魔斗争,以期让他们重拾笑容。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if we unfortunately have to [...] face with immense sadness the loss of adorable and innocent children for ever and we still miss the smiles of some of them to this day, the Association [...]continues every day to provide necessary [...]support to sick children and keeps up the struggle at their side in order to give them back their smiles. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2005-2008 年期间,泽纳布支 持妇女参与发展协会一直在帮助实现这一目标,所采取的行动包括:(a) 通过支 付报名费的方式赞助贫穷家庭的女童和男童上小学;(b) 改造 10 间教室;(c) 在 加达里夫州不同地方的小学分发小学教育材料;(d) 向 500 [...] 位学生分发校服、书 包和书本;(e) 在辍学率高的学校为 200 位学生提供校餐;(f) 完善学校基础设施, 为学校提供储水罐和水塔,修建卫生间和安装校门;(g) 为 10 [...] 位残疾学生分发轮 椅,为 12 名盲童和 10 位聋哑儿童提供教育工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over the period 2005-2008, ZWD contributed to this goal by: (a) sponsoring girls and boys from poor families to register for primary schools though payment of their registration fees; (b) renovated 10 classrooms; (c) distributed educational materials for primary schools at different localities in Gadarif State; (d) distributed uniforms, book bags and books to 500 students; (e) provided meals to 200 poor students at schools with a high drop-out rate; (f) improved school infrastructure by supplying schools with water pots and water tanks, building bathrooms, and installing [...] school gates; (g) distributed wheelchairs to 10 disabled students, and educational tools for [...] 12 blind and 10 deaf children. daccess-ods.un.org |
施政報告對三大挑戰的描畫方式也非常幼稚,令 人 失笑。 legco.gov.hk | The description of the three major challenges in the policy address is [...] also very naive and laughable. legco.gov.hk |
2012年5月26日,武装恐怖团体从瓦尚(Warshah)区向霍姆斯纳扎(Nazhah) 和哈达拉(Hadarah)区发射了六枚迫击炮弹,造 成 哑 巴 平民 Jeanette Mikha'il 身亡,在该袭击中还打伤了其他平民。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 26 May 2012, armed terrorist groups fired six mortar shells from the Warshah quarter into the Nazhah and Hadarah quarters of Homs, killing Jeanette Mikha'il, a civilian who was mute, and wounding other civilians in that attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
參照 過往的趨勢來判斷,在某㆒時間的失業㆟士當㆗,約有半數不會在兩月後 仍 然失 業, 這顯示他們毋需接受再培訓便可以找到工作。 legco.gov.hk | Judging from past trends, about half of [...] those who are unemployed at any point in time are unlikely to remain unemployed for more than [...]two months, indicating [...]that they can find work without the need for retraining. legco.gov.hk |
一些红衫成员心怀怨 愤,感到遭受不公正的待遇,而且认为和平手段已 然失败, 因此他们认为需要自己作出抉择,并且采 用暴力手段来宣泄不满。 crisisgroup.org | Driven by anger, a sense of injustice, and a feeling that peaceful options have failed, some Red Shirts have felt compelled to take matters into their own hands and resort to violence. crisisgroup.org |
政府既然有計 劃進行「滾石行動」,應該有全盤計劃來安置,但當議員於㆓月十五 日的立法局會議㆖口頭質詢政府有關㆝台木屋居民總體㆟數時,政府卻說不知道,這 種「不知為不知」的態度,令㆟失笑 之 餘 ,更替未來遭受清拆命運的㆝台木屋居民擔 心,似乎政府根本沒有整體的政策來解決因清拆所造成的問題。 legco.gov.hk | It seems the Administration in fact has no overall policy to solve problems arising from clearance of rooftop structures. legco.gov.hk |
由於鄭海泉議員希望兩局有更佳的聯繫,而我亦敬重他為㆒個 表現出色,但有點古怪的銀行家(眾 笑 ) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家暢所欲言,事後亦不會有投訴、誤解、歪曲事實或洩漏 消息的事情。 legco.gov.hk | Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly [...] closed-door meeting between all of the [...]Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon. legco.gov.hk |
我覺得這是不可以說笑的,既然我們說要尊重法 治,在法律面前便應是人人平等的,不是說要動用到《基本法》這原子彈才 [...] 能證明有些人是須遵守法律的。 legco.gov.hk | Since we say that we have to respect the rule [...] of law and everyone is equal before the law, I hope it will not be necessary [...]to fall back on this atomic bomb called the Basic Law to prove that some people have to abide by the law. legco.gov.hk |
電影的內容很簡單,雖然令我們發笑 , 但看下去真的笑中 有淚。 legco.gov.hk | The film, simple in [...] its content, really makes us laugh with tears. legco.gov.hk |
发言人认为以色列占领政权谴责对《联合国宪 章》的公然践踏是可笑的, 他们对巴勒斯坦人民的 暴行违背了联合国关于人权问题的所有规定,以及 国际人道主义法规定的所有义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was ironic to hear references to an “absolute disregard for the Charter of the United Nations” from the Israeli occupation regime, which had violated all the United Nations human rights provisions and all the obligations arising from international humanitarian law by inflicting atrocities on the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
記得唐司長當天公布這個驚人的盈餘數目時,本會議廳裏的議員包括我 在內均報以轟然笑聲,但想深一層,這並不是一件值得一笑的事情。 legco.gov.hk | I can remember that when the Financial Secretary [...] announced this astounding amount of surplus, all Members in the Chamber, including [...] me, immediately burst into laughter. legco.gov.hk |
我希望 在第三屆特區政府的管治下,不會再出現“屍疊屍”,“調錯棺材”、“拜 錯山”這些管理失誤的大笑話。 legco.gov.hk | I hope under the governance of the third-term SAR Government, laughing stocks caused by mismanagement, such as "corpses overlapping each other", "mix-up of coffins" and "mix-up of tombs", will not happen again. legco.gov.hk |
(眾笑)特首固然更為 安心, 不過,特首,我們不能期望情況永遠是這樣的。 legco.gov.hk | (Laughter) The Chief Executive is [...] no doubt more at ease but I can tell him that we cannot expect the situation to go on forever. legco.gov.hk |
不過,最近多次給我的印象是,“嫻姐”亦很不開心了, 雖 然 她 仍 有 笑 容, 但笑罷之後,工聯會在會議廳外所發起的運動卻是一次比一次激烈。 legco.gov.hk | But on many occasions recently, I have the impression that "Miss CHAN" was [...] most unhappy, although she still wore a smile on her face. legco.gov.hk |
李鳳英議員詢問為活家禽業而設的自願退還計劃所 取得的成果,例如活家禽農場/活家禽運輸業的本地工 [...] 人申請一筆過補助金的宗數、獲批/被拒的申請宗數、 參加勞工處提供的再培訓計劃並找到別的工作的工人數 目,以及仍然失業並需依靠綜合社會保障援助的工人數 目。 legco.gov.hk | Ms LI Fung-ying enquired about the outcome of VSS for live poultry trade, for instance, the number of applications for one-off grants from local workers of live poultry farming/transport industry, the number of applications which had been approved/rejected, the number of workers who had joined the retraining programmes offered by the Labour Department (LD) and were able to secure [...] alternative employment, and the number [...] of workers who remained unemployed and had to rely on [...]Comprehensive Social Security Allowance. legco.gov.hk |
据提交人,大学不再雇用 [...] 他担任教师,因为他依良心拒服兵役;国防部已经阻止他在支付“社会保障”的 单位任职,他仍然失业, 并由于诉讼而压力重重。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the author, the university will no longer employ him as a teacher due to his conscientious objection to serving in the military; the Ministry of National Defence has prevented him from being employed [...] at a place that ―pays social [...] security‖ and he remains unemployed and under pressure due [...]to the lawsuits that have been launched against him. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果,在批准之时还具有可行性 的项目突然失去了 可行性,核准资金也在危机中被闲置起来,有的最终变得不再充足,因 [...] 为一些项目的采购必须重新开始。 multilateralfund.org | Thus projects that were viable at [...] time of approval suddenly lost their viability [...]and approved funds became idle in the midst [...]of the economic crises and eventually sometimes becoming inadequate as procurement of some items had to restart. multilateralfund.org |
工作组指出,即使由能力极强的新工作人员接替 经验丰富的离任工作人员,法庭仍 然失 去 了 机构知识,留下的有经验的工作人员 必须担负其额外的责任,培训新到人员,这分散了他们的精力,不能全力从事分 庭的主要工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group noted that, even if departing experienced staff members are replaced with highly [...] competent recruits, [...] the Tribunal still loses institutional knowledge, and the experienced staff who remain must take on [...]the extra responsibility [...]of training the newly arrived staff, which diverts their attention from the primary work of the Chamber. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些認 為我或許會再進㆒步、㆒於擺出老虎霸氣的議員,我希望不會令他 們 失 望 ! 使㆟感到啼 笑皆非的是,數年前我披㆖老虎的外衣是為了證明香港政府並非跛腳鴨,相信大家可能 都明白這些譬喻。 legco.gov.hk | I hope I have not disappointed those who thought I might go a step further and become downright tigerish! The irony is that I donned my Tiger suit a few years ago to demonstrate that the Hong Kong Government was not a lame duck, if you follow the mixture of metaphors. legco.gov.hk |