单词 | 匹敌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 匹敌 —rivalless common: be equal to • be well-matched See also:匹—horsepower • one of a pair • mate • ordinary person 匹—classifier for piece of cloth of a certain size • classifier for horses, mules and camels 敌—resist • withstand 敌 n—enemy n
这种前所未有的连接水平在分秒必争的行业中带来了无 与 匹敌 的 响 应能力。 jabra.cn | This unprecedented level of connectivity enables an unparalleled level of responsiveness in a sector where each minute matters. jabra.com |
苏世民学者项目拥有世界一流的顾问委员会,其成员在国际政策和外交挑战领域拥有无 可 匹敌 的 见 解和经验。 china.blackstone.com | Schwarzman Scholars has a world-class Advisory Board whose members have unparalleled insight and experience in international policy and diplomatic challenges. blackstone.com |
它为未来领袖抽出一年时间亲自了解中国的情况提供了无 可 匹敌 的 机 会。 china.blackstone.com | It offers an unrivaled opportunity for future leaders to spend a year gaining first-hand exposure to China. blackstone.com |
根据本项战略目标,WIPO 将努力实现本组织这一无以匹敌地位 的潜力。 wipo.int | Under this strategic goal, WIPO would strive to realize the potential of that unique position. wipo.int |
该激光指示器配置在工业型X 射线中是独特的,具有无可匹敌的准 确性,能获得更高效率并缩短安装时间。 spellmanhv.cn | Unique in industrial x-ray, the laser pointer feature permits unmatched accuracy for greater efficiency and reduced set-up times. spellmanhv.kr |
据普遍公认,其中一些团伙的军事能力和资源基础现在堪与索 马里当局匹敌。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is widely acknowledged that [...] some of these groups now rival established Somali [...] authorities in terms of their [...]military capabilities and resource bases. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的中国财务咨询服务团队是德勤亚太网络的一部分,因此我们对于在本地层面就复杂的跨境项目提供建议方面拥有丰富的经验,能够为您提供广泛的子行业专长,这一点鲜 有 匹敌。 deloitte.com | Our China Financial Advisory team is part of Deloitte's Asia Pacific network and, as a result, we are experienced in advising on complex cross-border assignments at a local level and offer you a breadth of sector expertise that few can rival. deloitte.com |
另外,它们的导电性极高(能与铜和黄 金匹敌,但 所需导线少得多),导热率也很 高。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, they have very high electrical conductivity (rivaling copper and gold, but in a much smaller wire), as well as high thermal conductivity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在中国的人们拥有的智能手机的功能和技术可以与你能在美国找到的手机 所 匹敌 这 样 一个事实。 embassyusa.cn | The fact that people in China have smart phones that rival the features and technology that you would find in the United States. eng.embassyusa.cn |
但是 Turcon® M12的确无可匹敌,满足几乎所有液压应用,”他强调。 tss.trelleborg.com | But Turcon® M12 is truly unrivalled, fitting virtually all hydraulic applications,” he adds. tss.trelleborg.com |
通过与各大电影公司、广播公司、行业组织和无 可 匹敌 的 合 作伙伴系统保持密切关系,Verimatrix提供了解决不仅限于内容安全的数字电视业务问题的独特视角,帮助运营商寻求提供极具吸引力的新服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | Maintaining close relationships with major studios, broadcasters, industry organizations, and its unmatched partner ecosystem enables Verimatrix to provide a unique perspective on digital TV business issues beyond content security as operators seek to deliver compelling new services. tipschina.gov.cn |
末底改和里格比是打“锤子”,所谓 匹敌 的 最 终boss在其新的视频游戏,当荧屏。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai and Rigby are about to beat “The Hammer”, the supposedly unbeatable final boss in their new video game, when the TV breaks. seekcartoon.com |
通过锐高全新照明技术的帮助,整个小镇都安装了焕然一新的照明设备,在能源效率和成本节约方面达到了无 可 匹敌 的 效 果。 tridonic.cn | With the aid of innovative lighting technology from Tridonic the town installed a new lighting concept that is virtually unbeatable in terms of energy efficiency and cost savings. tridonic.com |
尽管中国长江三峡工程的总装机容量超过了伊泰普,但这个南美洲的发电站在年发电量方面仍是无 可 匹敌 的。 voith.com | Although the Chinese Three Gorges project on the Yangtze surpasses Itaipu in terms of total installed capacity, the South American power station remains unrivaled in its annual energy production. voith.com |
在拉美或欧洲,我们的拉美网络在商业界并拥有不 可 匹敌 的 专 业知识、声誉、 影响力,以及拥有为外国直接投资者提供法律建议项目经验的律师们,在目 [...] 的地法域提供无缝式执行能力。 uria.com | In Latin America and Europe, legal [...] professionals with unparalleled expertise, [...]influence, and track-records advising foreign [...]direct investors, provide seamless execution capabilities in the target jurisdiction. uria.com |
水平层流原理可确保不同材料间的精确过渡,在控制即使只有若干原子厚度的薄膜的沉积率方面,更是无 可 匹敌。 aixtron.com | The laminar flow principle ensures extremely [...] precise transitions between different [...] materials, and an unparalleled control over the [...]deposition rates for films that are only a few atoms thick. aixtron.com |
在全球受过专业训练的职员、革新的技术和无 可 匹敌 的 客 户服务,使 Oakwood成为近50年来临时住房解决方案领域的首选。 tipschina.gov.cn | Their staff of trained professionals throughout the world, innovative technologies and unparalleled customer service have made Oakwood the premier choice in temporary housing solutions for nearly 50 years. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些读码器在 DPM 应用方面具有无可匹敌的优 势,其性能、耐用性和读取棘手标记的能力尤为重要。 awd.com.cn | In the application of DPM ,it has perfect advantages ,especially its performance,durable and the capacity when read the difficult sign. awd.com.cn |
无缝的编辑体验可与Microsoft Excel本身相匹敌。 evget.com | The seamless editing experience rivals that of Microsoft Excel itself. evget.com |
开足音量说到音质方面,Solemate 可谓是无与匹敌。 jabra.cn | Pump up the volumeWhen it comes to sound quality, the Solemate starts where the competition stops. jabra.com |
加沙地带没有可与之匹敌的其 他活动; 其他主要的娱乐性夏令营都不举办如此多种多样的、无政治干扰的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no equivalent activity in the Gaza Strip; none of the other major summer recreational camps feature such diverse activities in a setting free from politics. daccess-ods.un.org |
该品牌凭借在自动表和航空精密计时器等方面无 可 匹敌 的 精 确度开拓创新,一个多世纪以来,它在制表业中遥遥领先,成功制造出一系列高品质手表。 hk.ashford.com | They broke new [...] ground with unmatched precision in [...]automatic watches, chronographs in space, and over a century of the best [...]series production movements in the watch making industry. ashford.com |
谈到兰伯特,我了解到他已经为圣徒在点球大战中踢进31球,这是一个不可思议的记录,我相信没有多少球员可 以 匹敌。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Talking of Lambert I read the other day he has [...] taken 31 penalty kicks for the Saints and scored everyone, that’s a fantastic record which I’m [...] sure not many can match. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
可以与之匹敌。然 而,到新千年开始之初,局势已经不同,有许多新的竞争对手 正在出现。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the start of the new millennium, however, the situation was different with many new, competing players emerging. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1915年 Audemars Piguet创造了一项世界纪录,迄今无人可 以 匹敌 : 设计出史上最小的五分问表机芯。 hautehorlogerie.org | 1915 Audemars Piguet sets a world record that remains unmatched to this day, by creating the smallest five-minute repeater movement of all time. hautehorlogerie.org |
这标志着业务关键型大容量打印机技术的首次面市,它将PostScript和PDF的灵活性及增强的图形性能与行矩阵打印机无 可 匹敌 的 可 靠性、超低打印成本以及独特的环保优势结合起来。 news.printronix.com | This marks the first time that a high volume, mission critical printer technology has been brought to market combining the flexibility and [...] enhanced graphic performance of PostScript and [...] PDF with the unmatched reliability, [...]the lowest cost of printing and unique environmental [...]advantages of line matrix printers. news.printronix.com |
Brocade® 415 和 425 4 Gbps 光纤通道主机总线适配器 (HBA) 及 Brocade 815 和 825 8 Gbps 光纤通道 HBA 是一种新型的服务器连接产品,具有无 可 匹敌 的 硬 件能力和独特的软件功能。 championsg.com | The Brocade® 415 and 425 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) and the Brocade 815 and 825 8 Gbps Fibre Channel HBAs are a new class of server connectivity products with unmatched hardware capabilities and unique software features. championsg.com |
该组件是基于底层开发出来的,并经过了优化过程来充分利用可视化控件库的组件架构;只需将该控件添加到你的工程中,就能展现出无 可 匹敌 的 能力以及为你的终端用户提供运行时的个性化功能,而不需要编写简单的一行代码。 evget.com | Written from the ground up, it is optimized to take full advantage of the VCL component architecture and once integrated into your projects, gives you the power to deliver unrivalled capabilities and runtime customization to your end-users without writing a single line of source code. evget.com |
SHARC处理器出众的内核性能、灵活的连接选项及集成的音频专用外设使Fujitsu [...] Ten公司可以克服汽车驾驶室颇具挑战性的声音方面的限制条件,提供传统的原厂汽车放大器无 法 匹敌 的 汽 车音响体验。 analog.com | SHARC's exceptional core performance, flexible connectivity options, and integrated audio application-specific peripherals have enabled Fujitsu Ten to overcome the challenging acoustical constraints of [...] automobile cabins, producing an automotive sound experience [...] that cannot be matched by traditional [...]'factory' car amplifiers. analog.com |