单词 | 体格检查 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 体格检查 —physical examinationless common: health checkup • clinical examination See also:体格—physique • bodily health • one's physical state 体格 n—physiques pl • physical fitness n 体检 n—examination n • medical check-up n 检查 v—examine v • process v • probe v
也有人指出, [...] 联合国系统多数组织的行政首长在当选后并开始任职时都要接 受 体格检查 , 有些 组织甚至要求每年体检一次。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also stated that at most of the United Nations system [...] organizations, the executive head is [...] subjected to a medical examination after their election [...]and upon entry on duty, and, in some others even annually. daccess-ods.un.org |
基本法对剥夺自由和司法程序做了详细规定, 规定了一些旨在保护人的基本权利的条款:无罪推定、拘留期间调查 和 体格检查 时的法律援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitution places careful restrictions on deprivation of liberty and on judicial procedures through provisions aimed at upholding the fundamental rights inherent to human beings: the [...] presumption of innocence, legal [...] assistance during an investigation, and a medical examination in the case [...]of detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
体格 检查与第一次医疗, 紧急医疗勤务 会给您开药单, 开列病假证明与建 [...] 议医院留院. aslromad.it | After examination and first treatment,hecanprescribemedicines,issue [...] medical certificates and suggest hospital admission. aslromad.it |
(c) 在参与形式为奖学金的情况下,支付奖学金享受者的护照、签证 和体 格检查费,如果他们是受薪者,则还应支付他们在国外逗留期间的薪 [...] 金;帮助他们在回到原籍国时按照国内的规定找到合适的工作; (d) 凡由教科文组织提供的设备,从到达交付地点之时起,即应负责维 护,并承担一切保险 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) pay, where participation is accorded in the form of study grants, the [...] cost of the grantholders’ passports, [...] visas, medical examinations and salaries while [...]they are abroad, if they are in receipt [...]of a salary; help them to find suitable employment when they return to their countries of origin in accordance with national regulations unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外还向寻求庇护人 提供自愿的体格检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Asylum seekers are also offered voluntary physical check-ups. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 联合国医务主任或医务主任指定的医务干事还可以要求工作人员于执 行特派任务以前或以后,接受 体格检查 和 预 防接种。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) A staff member may also be required to undergo such medical examinations and receive such inoculations as may be required by the United Nations Medical Director or Medical Officer designated by the United Nations Medical Director before going on or after returning from mission service. daccess-ods.un.org |
自毕业从波士顿大学医学院, 1962年Meader博士是编制程序和目录 体格检查 信 息 工程学方法。 cn.diagnosispro.com | Ever since graduating from the Boston University School of Medicine in 1962, Dr. Meader has been engineering methods of coding and listing medical information. en.diagnosispro.com |
(g) 工作人员随时可被要求提交关于其情况的医疗报告,或接受联合国医务 处或由联合国医务主任指定的医务人员进行 的 体格检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) A staff member may be required at any time to submit a medical report as to his or her condition or to undergo a medical examination by the United Nations medical services or a medical practitioner designated by the United Nations Medical Director. daccess-ods.un.org |
将在体格检查时利 用其来确定宇 航员心血管系统的功能情况并监测功能试验。 oosa.unvienna.org | It will be used to determine the functional state of the cardiovascular system of astronauts during medical examinations and the monitoring of function tests. oosa.unvienna.org |
关 于甄选过程的各项建议提到诸如以下这样的问题:甄选过程的透明度;甄选的时 [...] 限;甄选过程中的地区轮任和两性平等;候选人 的 体格检查 ; 确 定内部候选人的 程序以及候选人及支持他们的政府在竞选期间的良好行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The recommendations addressing the selection process refer to issues such as: the transparency of the selection process; timelines for the selection; regional rotation and [...] gender equality in the selection [...] process; medical examinations of candidates; [...]the establishment of procedures for internal [...]candidates and good conduct during the election campaign by the candidates and their supporting Governments. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 联合国医务主任或医务主任指定的医务干事可以不时要求工作人员接 受体格检查,以 确定有关工作人员并无任何可能危及他人健康或安全的疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) A staff member may be required from time to time to satisfy the United Nations Medical Director or Medical Officer [...] designated by the United Nations Medical [...] Director, by medical examination, that he or she [...]is free from any ailment likely to impair [...]the health or safety of others. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据《原则》的原则24, 即“在被拘留人或被监禁人到达拘留或监禁处所 后,应尽快向其提供适当的体格检查 ” , 对大多数乘客进行 了 体格检查 , 尽 管很 马虎。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most passengers were offered a medical examination, albeit perfunctory, in accordance with Principle 24 of the Body of Rules, [...] which states that “a [...] proper medical examination shall be offered to a detained or imprisoned person as promptly as possible [...]after his admission to the place of detention or imprisonment”. daccess-ods.un.org |
诊断风湿热和风湿性心脏病包括采集既往病史 、 体格检查 、 血 液化验及心 电图、X线胸片、超声心动图等其他检查。 world-heart-federation.org | Diagnosing rheumatic fever or heart [...] disease involves [...] taking a history of the person’s past health, a physical examination, and blood and other tests, such as an electrocardiogram, [...]chest X-ray, and echocardiogram. world-heart-federation.org |
此外,怀孕期间的体格检查次数也增加了:例如,在怀孕 21 周 之前做羊水检查的次数,由 2001 年每 100 名妇女 3.4 次检查,增加到 2005 年的 6.4 次检查;怀孕 21 周之前的超声波检查在怀孕期间也达到了标准了。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the [...] number medical examinations during pregnancy as grown: for example, the number of amniotic fluid examinations [...]before the 21st week of [...]pregnancy has increased from 3.4 examinations per 100 women giving birth in 2001 to 6.4 examinations in 2005; ultrasound examinations before the 21st week of pregnancy have become standard during pregnancy. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 在参与形式为奖学金的情况下,支付奖学金享受者的护照、签证 和 体格检查 费 , 如 果他们是受薪者,则还应支付他们在国外逗留期间的薪金;帮助他们在根据国内的 [...] 规定回到原籍同时找到合适的工作 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) pay, where participation is accorded in the form of study grants, the [...] cost of the grantholders’ passports, [...] visas, medical examinations and salaries [...]while they are abroad, if they are in receipt [...]of a salary; help them find suitable employment when they return to their countries of origin in accordance with national regulations unesdoc.unesco.org |
1 次正常及定期之健康及体格检查,以 视乎其是否胜任(第 7/2008 号法律第26 条至第32条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At least once a year, minor workers are submitted to regular and periodic physical robustness and health examinations (arts. 26 to 32 of Law 7/2008). daccess-ods.un.org |
人口健康状况评估新的角度肯定俄国采用的系统体检疾病预防方法,以 及符合世界卫生组织大规模人口 体格检查 的 基 本建议。 neurolab.ru | The new aspect of estimation of people’s state of health is a development of pertaining to the prophylaxy approach to preventive health [...] care, adopted in this country, as well as papers of World Health Organization [...] regarding mass screening of the population. neurolab.ru |
外交部第11号体格检查表( 由国外注册医师填写,并由菲律宾大使馆/领事馆认 证),或者菲律宾休闲与退休署健康证明(A#002号RRSC表,由菲律宾国内注 [...] 册医师填写)。 philcongenxiamen.com | Department of Foreign Affairs [...] (DFA) Medical Examination Form #11 accomplished [...]by a licensed physician abroad duly authenticated [...]by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate or PLRA Medical Certificate (RRSC FormA#002) accomplished by a licensed physician in the Philippines. philcongenxiamen.com |
这可以通过在甄选进程开始前强制性要求候选人进 行 体格检查 的 办 法更好地 予以处理(见建议 5)。 daccess-ods.un.org | This could be better addressed through [...] mandatory medical examinations of candidates [...]before the start of the election process (see recommendation 5). daccess-ods.un.org |
请注意:由于体格检查信息 的准确性的重要性提供了,我们选择只最老练和最佳的训练的医生或药剂师毕业从有名望的医学院与可核实的证件。 cn.diagnosispro.com | Please note that because of the importance of the accuracy of medical information provided, we select only the most experienced and best trained medical doctors or pharmacists graduated from prestigious medical schools with verifiable credentials. en.diagnosispro.com |
在被拘留人或被监禁人到达拘留或监禁处所后,应尽快向其提供适当 的 体格 检查,随 后应在需要时向其提供医疗和治疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | A proper medical examination shall be offered to a detained or [...] imprisoned person as promptly as possible after [...]his admission to the place of detention [...]or imprisonment, and thereafter medical care and treatment shall be provided whenever necessary. daccess-ods.un.org |
医师和其他医疗保健专家有重要需要赶上停留最新 的 体格检查 信 息 和发展 -- 并且他们面对做它时间的慢性短缺。 cn.diagnosispro.com | Physicians and other health care professionals have a critical need to stay abreast of the latest medical information and developments -- and they face a chronic shortage of time in which to do it. en.diagnosispro.com |
员国或其他会员国和教科文组织带来的好处提供详细的评估报告; c) 以奖学金的形式参与活动时,应支付其享受者的护照、签证 、 体格检查 费以 及在国外逗留期间的薪金(如果他们是受薪者的话);帮助他们在回国后根 据国内的规定找到合适的工作; d) 凡由教科文组织提供的设备,从到达交付地点之日起,即应负责维修,并承 担一切保险; e) 保证教科文组织免于承担因开展本决议规定的活动而产生的任何赔偿要求或 责任,除非教科文组织和有关会员国全国委员会一致认为这种赔偿要求或责 任是由重大疏忽或故意渎职引起的; f) 对参与计划项下招聘的人员,应按《专门机构特权和豁免公约》第VI和第VII 条以及上述《公约》附件IV第3段的规定给予各种特权和豁免权。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) pay, where participation is accorded in the form of study grants, the cost of the grantholders’ passports, visas, medical examinations and salaries while they are abroad, if they are in receipt of a salary; help them find suitable employment when they return to their country of origin in accordance with national rules unesdoc.unesco.org |
对乳房进行体格检查很重 要,但这种检查手段并非十全十美。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | A physical examination of the breast is [...] important but not perfect. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
然而,得强制囚犯接受体格检查、治 疗或膳食,必须同时符合以下条件: (一) 囚犯有生命危险或其健康有严重危险;(二) 所要求采取之措施,对囚犯之 生命或健康不具有危险;(三) 医生命令及在医生指示下接受 体格检查 、 治 疗或 膳食,但不影响在医生未及时到达之情况下,提供急救;及 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, prisoners may be compelled to [...] undergo medical examinations, treatments or forced feeding, provided, cumulatively, that: (a) the prisoner is in a situation which threatens his/her life or seriously endangers his/her health; (b) the measures do not pose a serious danger to his/her life or health; (c) the measures are decided upon and performed under medical supervision, without prejudice to [...]the possibility of rendering [...]first aid care whenever a doctor cannot be immediately reached; and (d) all reasonable efforts have been exhausted in order to obtain the prisoner’s consent (art. 45 (2) of Decree-Law 40/94/M). daccess-ods.un.org |
诊断:包括既往病史,体格检查和化验找出心衰原因和确定心脏损伤程 度。 world-heart-federation.org | Diagnosis: This includes [...] taking a history of your past health, a physical examination, and tests to [...]find the cause of the heart [...]failure and the extent of the damage done to the heart. world-heart-federation.org |
当武力或武器的使用被视为符合法律的规定时,应即通知监狱长,而监狱 长应立即命令进行必须对囚犯进行 体格检查 , 及 对使用火器之情况作专案调查报 告书,说明上指的武力或武器的使用是否合法 daccess-ods.un.org | When the use of physical force or of firearms is deemed warranted, the Director of the facility is immediately informed [...] and must order, without delay, the [...] necessary medical examinations of the prisoner(s) [...]in question, in order to produce a [...]written report regarding the circumstances that may or may not have legitimized the use of such measures (art. 73 of Decree-Law 40/94/M). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管临床医 生可以通过体格检查发现严重的人工瓣膜功能不全,但是通 常仍需要辅助检查加以明确人工瓣膜的功能情况。 asecho.org | Although physical examination can alert clinicians to the presence of significant prosthetic valve dysfunction, [...] diagnostic [...]methods are often needed to assess the function of the prosthesis. asecho.org |
(b) 承诺在提交上述(a)分段规定的财务报告时,自觉地就资助活动的结果 及 其给该会员国或其他会员国和教科文组织带来的好处提供详细的评估报告; (c) 在参与形式为奖学金的情况下,支付奖学金享受者的护照、签证 和 体格检查 费,如果他们是受薪者,则还应支付他们在国外逗留期间的薪金;帮助他们 在根据国内的规定回到原籍同时找到合适的工作 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) undertake to provide on a compulsory basis, together with the financial report mentioned in subparagraph (a) above, a detailed evaluation report on the results of the activities financed and their usefulness for the Member State or States and UNESCO unesdoc.unesco.org |