

单词 中流



tower of strength

流亡中 n

exile n


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

External sources (not reviewed)

按下配料阀 B
[...] 电磁阀上的手动 超控按钮并朝接地金属桶内扣动喷枪扳机,直至 喷中流出清洁的溶剂。
Press the manual override on the Dose Valve B solenoid valve and trigger the gun into a grounded metal pail
[...] until clean solvent flows from the gun.
国 际分类和标准是连接以不同体系和以不同语言开展工作的各知识产权局并使数据能够在共建平台和 数据中流动的重要工具和文书。
International classifications and standards are crucial tools and instruments to bridge
various IP offices working in different systems and languages, and
[...] to enable data to flow on a common platform [...]
and databases.
千兆流量整形—在千兆网络环中,流 量 整 形 功能的使用更为有效,您能够把管道设置到最 高速度。
Gigabit Traffic Shaping – the traffic shaping functionality is now more effectively utilized in Gigabit network environments, which enables you to configure your pipes at full speed.
Don’t try and swim against the rip and if you are confident, swim parallel to the beach.
他們肩負診治 奇難雜症及培育下一代醫生的重任,是維持香港醫療系統優勢中流砥柱
Charged with the important tasks of providing medical treatment for rare and complicated illnesses and training doctors of the next generation, they are the mainstay in maintaining the superiority of our health care system.
关于尊重已经遭受或正在遭受驱逐者的尊严的义务的第 9 条,一些委员重
[...] 申,他们认为,人的尊严是一个一般原则, 中流 出 的 是所有的人权,而不是具 体的人权。
With regard to draft article 9 on the obligation to respect the dignity of persons who had been or were being expelled, some members reiterated
their view that human dignity was a general principle from which
[...] all human rights flowed and not a specific [...]
human right.
而在“过电流”和“欠流”中,参数值则以设定的电流互感器额定电流或选定的电 流互感器接口为基准。
For "overcurrent" and "undercurrent", the values relate to set nominal current of the current transformer i.e. the selected current transformer connection.
歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處與法國教育中心(Campus France)、德意志學術流中心( DAAD)及歐洲各領事館聯手於2013年3月9至10日,假銅鑼灣香港中央圖書館舉辦「歐洲高等教育展覽2013」。
The Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao in cooperation with Campus France, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and European Consulates General will hold the European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2013 on 9th and 10th March 2013 at the Hong Kong Central Library in Causeway Bay.
展目标,包括在内陆发展中国家减少贫困和饥饿;(b)促进内陆发展 中国家的连通性,并在内陆发展中国家创建基本的过境运输基础设
[...] 施;(c)通过贸易便利化,加强内陆发展中国家在全球贸 流中 的份额;(d)加强发展合作,以促进内陆发展中国家的包容性和可持续发 展。
The meeting discussed four themes: (a) promoting Millennium Development Goals, including reducing poverty and hunger in the landlocked developing countries; (b) promoting connectivity and creating fundamental transit transport infrastructure in the landlocked developing countries; (c) enhancing the
share of the landlocked developing
[...] countries in global trade flows through trade facilitation; [...]
and (d) enhancing development
cooperation to support inclusive and sustainable development of the landlocked developing countries.
2008 年,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)在马来西亚成立了科学、 技术和创新领域南南合作国际中心;该中心创设了最佳做法 流中 心 , 为分享经 验提供方便。
In 2008, the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) established the International Centre for South-South Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, in Malaysia; it is creating a clearinghouse of best practices to facilitate the sharing of experience.
高级时尚与奢侈品管理课程还分别在上海、北京和深圳举办了多次 中法时尚管理沙龙活动,吸引了几百名国内外专家学者与时尚产业 的高级管理人才和专业人才,一起 流中 国 时 尚产业领军人才的培 训与发展,以及中国如何打造世界一流品牌等关键问题。
The China-France Fashion & Luxury Salon attracts several hundred domestic and foreign experts, as well as senior managers and professionals in the fashion and luxury industry, to exchange views on key issues such as the training and development of the leading figures of Chinese fashion and luxury industry, and how Chinese enterprises can build world-class brands.
新体制中地区一级的主要责任确认如下,并将优先于各地区办事处/咨询机构开展的所 有其它活动:(I) 向多国办事处和国别办事处提供专业知识和内部工作人员的能力培训(与 总部和各研究机构协调进行);(II)对地区形势进行分析、制订战略和做出综述报告; (III)网络、信息流中心、 文献中心和数据库(比如关于该地区现有专业人员的资料); (IV)协助各地区为多国办事处和国别办事处的项目/活动筹措资金;以及(V)根据本组织 的优先事项设计涵盖各地区的计划以便适应多国/国家一级的需要并加以实施。
The main responsibilities of the regional tier of the new system have now been identified as the following, and will henceforth take priority over all other activities previously carried out by regional bureaux/advisers: (i) provision of expertise and internal staff capacity-building (in coordination with Headquarters and institutes) to cluster and national offices; (ii) development of regional situation analyses, strategies and syntheses; (iii) networks, clearing houses, documentation centres and databases (e.g. on expertise available in the region); (iv) assistance in fund-raising at the regional level for projects/activities of cluster and national offices; and (v) designing programmes with regional coverage on areas of priority to the Organization for adaptation and implementation at cluster/national level.
建议的主要优先事项包括:教科文组织在促进文献 中心相互建立网络联系方面的信息 流中 心 的职能,侧重全世界的媒体活动、媒体政策和媒 体研究;促进信息和知识的普遍利用,特别是加大对全民信息计划(IFAP)的支持; 支持处于 冲突和过渡期地区的媒体;加强媒体管理和媒体/信息扫盲;支持图书馆和档案馆计划;鼓 励私营部门和机构伙伴扩大使用信息与传播技术。
Proposals for principal priorities included: a clearing-house function for UNESCO to promote networking of documentation centres focusing on media activities, media policies and media research all over the world; promotion of universal access to information and knowledge, in particular through greater support to the Information for All Programme (IFAP); support to the media in conflict and transition areas; the strengthening of media governance and media/information literacy; support to programmes for libraries and archives; and encouragement of the private sector and institutional partnerships to advance the use of information and communication technologies.
联科行动与联合国人口基金、开发署、联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署 和统一指挥中心合作,继续执行提高 290 名前战斗人员对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的认
[...] 识的联合项目,将艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题纳入解除武装、复员和重返社会进程流中。
In partnership with the United Nations Population Fund, UNDP, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the Integrated Command Centre, UNOCI continued to implement its joint project to
sensitize 290 ex-combatants on HIV/AIDS issues
[...] in order to mainstream those issues [...]
into the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes.
(b) 决定装机容量低的国家应将项目活动集中于举办有关利益方讲习班,培训,制定 进口管制/禁令和提高认识等方面,并考虑建立一个区域资料 流中 心 以 提供关于 再循环哈龙来源和关于替代品的信息。
(b) Decide that countries with low volumes of installed halon capacities should concentrate project activities on stakeholders workshops, training, development of import controls/bans and awareness-raising, and consider the creation of a regional clearing house providing information on sources for recycled halons and on alternatives.
在这方面,工作组似应注意,欧洲消费者中 心网络根据欧洲联盟法律选择网上解决机构,eConsumer.gov 网站则根据消费者 国际与电子社会问题全球商务对话之间达成的《非诉讼争议解决准则协议》 (“电子社会问题全球商务对话与消费者国际之间的协议”)进行选择,而根据 美洲国家组织/网上解决建议,网上解决机构从某个 流中 心 保 持的网上解决机 构名单中选出(美洲国家组织/网上解决建议第 5 条)。
In this regard, the Working Group may wish to note that European Consumer Centres’ Network (ECC-Net) selects its ODR providers in accordance with European Union law and eConsumer.gov does so in accordance with Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidelines Agreement reached between Consumers International and the Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce (“GDBe-Consumers International Agreement”) whereas under the OAS/ODR proposal, the selection of provider is from a list of ODR providers maintained by a central clearing house (Article 5 of OAS/ODR proposal).
DFID 中国高级环境顾问(John Warburton)、水利部国际经济与技术 流中 心 主 任(于兴军,项目管理委员会成员)代表水 利部致词,并对甘肃省开展的各项活动给予了肯定。
The DFID China Senior Environment Advisor (John Warburton) and Director of MWR International Economic & Technology Exchange Center (Mr Yu Xingjun, Project Steering Committee Member) delivered speech on behalf of their own organisations and made positive comments on the activities conducted in Gansu.
启用该功能后,打印机每次收到 回车代码时,都会向数流中插入 一个额外的换行代码(十六进制 [...]
If this feature is enabled, each time the printer receives a carriage return, it inserts an additional Line Feed
[...] code (hex 0A) into the data stream.
收购Firma Mecke Klima GmbH公司(奥地利);拓展APC业务:在丹麦成立APC欧洲公司,在马来西亚成立APC亚洲公司;在德国南部埃尔旺根市设立新的销售和 流中 心 ; 发布空气过滤行业首个可持续性报告;发布节能型过滤器Hi-Flo XL系列;在瑞典特鲁萨设立新的北欧区现代配送和 流中 心 ;进一步整合生产基地,以提高生产效率:关闭瑞典阿林萨斯工厂,整体搬迁至特鲁萨;关闭美国俄克拉荷马州的铁路机车产品线,整体搬迁至华盛顿生产基地。
Acquisition of Firma Mecke Klima GmbH (Austria); APC expands: APC Europe established, operating from Denmark, and APC
Asia, based in
[...] Malaysia; new sales and logistic center opened in Ellwangen in south of Germany; Publication of filtration industry’s first sustainability report; Launch of Hi-Flo XL series of low-energy filters; New modern distribution and logistics centre opened in [...]
Trosa (Sweden) for Nordic
region; Further consolidation of manufacturing base for efficiency gains: in Sweden, Alingsås plant closed and production moved to Trosa; in U.S., production of railroad products closed in Oklahoma and transferred to Washington facility.
作为 美洲金枪鱼委成员的秘鲁表示,从数据和信息 流中 获 得了益处,有助于在技术 和年度会议上就渔业养护和管理措施作出决策。
As a member of IATTC, Peru noted benefits from the exchange of data and information to facilitate decision-making on fisheries conservation and management measures at technical and annual meetings.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名中存 在 的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员 流 动 机 会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
提议编列 94 300 美元差旅费,用于参加下列讨论会/会议/讲习班:将在 布鲁塞尔举行的欧洲联盟指导委员会会议和北约工作人员会谈,“教育日”,在堪 萨斯和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿举行的美国军队经验汲取和演习,全球维持和平能力 建设流中心年度会议,维持和平智库和学术界举办的年度维持和平政策讲习 班,维持和平中儿童保护讲习班,旨在制定新的战略框架和协议,或加强现有业 务和战略关系。
The amount of $94,300 is proposed for travel in connection with the following seminars/conferences/workshops: a European Union steering committee meeting and NATO staff talks, both to be held in Brussels; an “education day”; United States Army lessons-learned exercises to be held in Kansas and in Washington, D.C.; an annual meeting of the Global Clearinghouse for Peacekeeping Capacity-Building; an annual peacekeeping policy workshop; annual workshops with various peacekeeping think tanks and academic communities; and a workshop on child protection in peacekeeping, aimed at the conclusion of new strategic frameworks and agreements and the strengthening of existing operational and strategic relationships.
在“有關服 務的拓 展 策 略 , 包括”之後加 上 “以開放 態 度 鼓勵更多以 香港為基地的經營 者,積極開 闢 新 航 ,充分使 用 新 機場,”;在“開 放 第 五 航 權 ”之前加 上 “ 適 當”;在“為消費者 提 供 ”之後刪 除“更 多 和 ”;在“以促 進 旅遊業和 貨 運 業 的發展 ;”之後加 上 “並推 動 香 港作為國 際 物 資流 中 心 , 確 立 香港亞太 區 航 空 貨 運 中 心 的地位 , 以 支 持 香港發 展 高科技及高增值工 業 的政策 ;”;及 在“檢討新 機場” 之後刪 除“的財務協 議 和 機場”。
To add ", in an open manner, encourage more Hong Kong-based operators to actively open new routes, fully utilize the new airport," after "the Government should"; to insert "suitably" before "open up the "fifth freedom" rights"; to delete "more and" after "provide consumers with"; to add "and promote Hong Kong as the hub of international commodity exchange and secure Hong Kong's status as the Asia-Pacific air freight forwarding centre, so as to support the policy of developing hightechnology and high value-added industries in Hong Kong;" after "the tourism and freight forwarding industries;"; and to delete "the financial arrangements for the new airport and" after "review".
依照经安全理事会核准的工作组建议,并遵循和依照适用的国际法和包括安 全理事会第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议在内的安全理事会有关决议, 作为工作组主席,我受权敦促你按照先前在同哥伦比亚政府的 流中 达 成 的协 议,就为保护儿童的目的同你关于儿童与武装冲突的年度报告(A/64/742-S/2010 /181)的附件中所列的哥伦比亚武装冲突各当事方展开对话,包括推动各当事方 制定行动计划一事,继续同哥伦比亚政府进行沟通;我还敦促你重申有必要保护 情报,以便确保证人在监察和报告机制的框架内得到充分保护,并向联合国国家 一级监察和报告工作队转达工作组对 2009 年 10 月 6 日发生的涉及到与监察和报 告机制有关的情报的刑事事件的深深关切。
I also urge you to reiterate the need to safeguard information in order to secure adequate protection for witnesses in the framework of the monitoring and reporting mechanism, and to convey to the United Nations countrylevel task force on monitoring and reporting the deep concern of the Working Group regarding the criminal incident of 6 October 2009 involving information related to the monitoring and reporting mechanism.
一些发言者表示认 为,毒品和犯罪问题办公室应成为各种犯罪相关威胁的有关信息的主要收集和流中心, 并认为关于犯罪和刑事司法的规模和趋势的中央信息库的益处怎样 强调都不为过。
Some speakers expressed the view that UNODC should become the main centre for the collection and exchange of information on all kinds of crime-related threats and that the usefulness of a central repository of information on the magnitude of and trends in crime and criminal justice could not be overstated.
[...] 保护儿童不受暴力侵害纳入到各国政策议程的 流中 , 有助于避免采取零碎的、 被稀释的或单纯反应性的解决办法,从而通过良好做法和吸取的教训影响各国的 [...]
International human rights standards also provide a sound
[...] framework for mainstreaming the protection [...]
of children from violence in the national
policy agenda, helping to avoid fragmented, diluted or simply reactive solutions and influencing lasting change through national implementation informed by good practices and lessons learned.
(ix) 武 漢 國 際集裝 箱 轉 運 有 限 公 司 尚 未 取 得 兩 個 面 積 為
[...] 2,427 平 方 米 之三層 高流 中 心 檢 查 區 、 一 幢 面 積 [...]
為 1,980 平 方 米 之三層 綜 合 樓 宇 及 一 座 面 積 為 3,570
平 方 米 之 單 層 倉 庫 之 房 屋 所 有 權 證 。
(ix) Wuhan International Container Transshipment Company Limited has not
obtained Building Ownership Certificate
[...] for two 3-storey Logistics Centres Inspection [...]
Area of 2,427 sq.m., a 3-storey composite
building of 1,980 sq.m. and a single storey warehouse of 3,570 sq.m. It is advisable to complete the related procedures.
参加协商的人从信息流中获益 匪浅,并听取了业界代表对以下方面的介绍: 筹备活动的范围、处于管制原因同全部次级行业打交道的必要性,以及为限制消费量从早 [...]
Those in attendance had benefited from an exchange of information [...]
and had heard presentations by industry representatives
on the scope of preparation activities, the need to deal with entire subsectors for regulatory reasons, and the need to address subsectors at an early stage in the HPMP in order to limit consumption.




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